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11624495 No.11624495 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ what should I do?

>work at an accounting firm which has grown a lot with new hires
>I started 7 months ago, was ok at first
>new hires come in 3 months ago roughly, are qualified but shit at their jobs
>stayed back 9pm last night with another bro fixing their work - the most BASIC shit is wrong, and they sent this shit out to client who came back and complained and now I'm under pressure cause they are my clients technically
>my bro was submitting pension statements for a client and realised it has our firms pension statement in the login
>he opened it and you can see all of the salaries of staff in the firm
>new shit hires are on £6k+ more than us
>pressure on us to work harder and harder but new hires brown nose and suck dick so their incompetence goes unnoticed

Shit is going to come out in the wash sooner or later. I took a pay cut to come to this company cause I thought it would give good experience, which it has. But things are totally fucked. One dude quit last week after being passed for promotion despite being awesome at his job.

Is this the usual life cycle of a firm?
>early adopters work hard build firm
>diversity hires start to filter in and fuck shit up
>hard workers get blamed and quit
>firm left with shit staff and disgrunted clients
>reputation gets shot and firm goes under

Should I leave this sinking shit or start throwing cunts under the bus?

>> No.11624593


Get out while you can OP

>> No.11624616

Get out. Being this shit at accounting other people's money attracts big lawsuits eventually. Dont try to be a savior for a shit corp

>> No.11624622

I'm in your situation with the added bonus of the US government is throwing tons of money at my flaming shitpile of a company.
I've been with my company exactly 3 months, pay is shit and the people I train make 5% more while my mongoloid bosses make 2x-7x what I do for setting fire to the money clients give us.
It seems to be everyone running business like this...
Other coworkers who have been longer at my department have tried EVERYTHING to make changes but the idiots at the top of the fuckpile will never feel the flames.

After reading your post, I'm just going to stay with my company, under perform and collect paychecks. No point in stressing if there's nothing that can be done until I have enough saved to run my own firm (but I'll never have enough, thanks government).
Enjoy your Saturday, OP. Fuck this gay earth and have a beer for breakfast

>> No.11624623

Find your balls and state your expectations.

People won't meet your expectations until you communicate your expectations with them.

>> No.11624639

>Is this the usual life cycle of a firm?

The usual cycle of 99% of firms is to extract as much as they can for you paying you the bare minimum not to quit. Its up to you to bring it up that you're worth more or find a job that values you more.

>> No.11624655


Mate to give you an idea, one of the new hires came in billed as a "corporation tax expert". She asked the guy who quit what a CT600 was (the fucking corporation tax return form).

He is the one who quit.

The dude whose work I was correcting last night is on £6k more than me, he fucked up EVERYTHING. Claimed tax back on shit which has no tax, balance sheet looks like a fucking MESS - sent it to client showing £26k in current assets in a fucking cash register. The client came back last week when I was off and gave bad feedback saying we are shit, when he was the one who was dealing with them when I was off.

Then bosses came down hard on me during my review but now I know the real story I am trying to fight back.

I might just turn ruthless as fuck and start destroying these people. Without quality, your firm is fucking worthless.

>> No.11624809

For a few weeks document their fuckups, person-by-person, how dumb the fuckup us, and how much money it cost (clientside or your hourly rate * hours lost).

Then say that you'll quit unless they're fired, you get veto power over new hires, and a chance to talk with them during their interview. Be willing to bargain down to them just being given their last warning instead of being fired, but definitely have veto power.

>> No.11624853


Wise advice tho. express your expectations, if not meet start looking somewhere else

>> No.11624892

Grow some balls and ask the reasons behind the diversity hires
>inb4 because of diversity duuh xD
It may be the reason, after all. But the point is the confrontation. Do something, for God's sake

>> No.11624916

You should go together with your bro to the boss and lay this situation out to him. Say he either fixes this mess and gives you a huge raise and disciplines the new hires or you and your bro go work for his competitor. Be sure to lay out how you've helped the firm grow and build itself and how shafted you feel.

Be a man. Lay this shit out don't be a pussy.

>> No.11624919


What expectations?

That they shouldn't hire people who got their qualifications from a box of cornflakes? These fags have the wishy washy brown nosing shit on lockdown, but all of the team resents them when it is obvious how shit their actual work is.

There is no feedback mechanism really upwards. I don't want to come across as a bitter cunt talking shit about them to my bosses but something needs to be said.

I've sent an email to my boss today:

>"Hey x. Me and x ended up working till 9pm last night fixing other people's work. [X job] was a disaster.

>[X]'s feedback came on a day where their stuff was sent without being reviewed and ended up being wrong. Which I corrected and talked to her and she is fine about. [X]'s management accounts were a mess.

>I don't want to throw people under the bus but if this is coming back on my head then I need to make it known. Quality needs sorting big time or more stuff will come out in the wash eventually.

>> No.11624964


grow balls and stand up to them or remain a weak cunt forever

>> No.11625351


>> No.11625366



>> No.11625377

bring this shit up to the top management
not your boss (unless you work for the top dog)

As a business owner, I guarantee you they'll appreciate it and consider giving you a raise + promotion

>> No.11625396

>I don't want to come across as a bitter cunt talking shit about them to my bosses but something needs to be said.

desu, fuck them.
if they're shit at their job, and you have to cover for them it's not your fault when you talk to others about it.

ofc, you could go and do the whole good guy act and try to get them to clean up their acts
but considering you have a lower salary and that things are going south really fast

I recommend >>11625377

>> No.11625468


That is the problem, I am not sure the owners are as rational as you. There is a clique at the upper level which is isolated from the shit falling around them.

We have competitors opening shop offering the same niche thing we do all over the place now. Trying to sell ourselves with that niche wont work much longer, and the quality of working being put out deteriorating fast - highlighting this to them they will probably take it as a personal insult or some shit.

Starting a tech business in Spring with one of my bros so might have an escape pod available.