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File: 293 KB, 1671x674, We already went parabolic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11623440 No.11623440 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone saying Link has the potential to go parabolic soon
>look up parabolic patterns to see if it's true

Jesus fucking christ. We already went parabolic. No fucking way am I gonna provide the liquidity for some whale to dump his bags on me. Buying now is a suicide mission.

I think as far as it is up right now is the best we an hope for in this bear market guys. Best to wait for a correction and buy then and wait for next time.

>> No.11623451


Maybe parabolic for boomer stocks, which is what your chart is referring to.

Parabolic for crypto? Not even close.

>> No.11623457


You are taking huge risks buying now anon. Parabolic trends always end with massive sells offs at the end. If you didn't get in right at the begnning, it was too late.

Also crypto is behaving more and more like boomer stocks this year anyways. The crypto moves fast meme dead last year.

>> No.11623474

And it'll be revived. Not soon tho

>> No.11623486
File: 65 KB, 637x467, parabolic curve on Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It will be, but not soon, and not for Link anytime soon.


Look at this fucking curve. There are multiple layers of uptrends here. It's a curving uptrend. If you are trying to pretend this isn't a parabolic curve and that we haven't gone parabolic yet, you are literally being dishonest to try to fool people into getting dumped on.

>> No.11623504

Anyone who buys Chainlink up to $10USD is going to make a fuckton of money, so I don't give a fuck about your charts because you could have bought every single top in the last year, and if you hold you'll be rich as fuck.

>> No.11623520


>HODL for what could be another year at a loss because you were impatient and bought the top costing you a huge opportunity cost in the meantime

No thanks. Buying now is for the brainless even if it does go to 100k. Anyone with a brain in their head will wait for the correction.

>> No.11623593

0/5 shit bait m8

>> No.11623603

this thread >>11623272 will change your mind

>> No.11623614

>hold a guaranteed winning ticket
>OR ride shitcoin waves until implosion
First option is comfier.

>> No.11623620

I love this latest fud, it might even convince some people to sell on the run-up to the bullrun.

>> No.11623634 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 1244x859, flolie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINk shills everywhere.cucks
Disgusting fucking shills are everywhere with their heavy ASS BAGS. I guess that's what happens when you buy up an ICO
Did you know that BAT ico had only 120 participants. Imagine how fucking big their smiles are as they dump that shit all over coinbase! LOL! BAT raised $30million in 6 seconds. It's now trading at 400million.Lmao pajeets 15x'ed those rich guys money

Oh,and by the way, If you think that the next bull run will pump your alt coins like XRP, TRON, BAT,ZRX, ADA that are sitting in the hundreds of millions or billions in market capitalizations, prepare to be FUBAR'd

There are a ton of blockchains with high potential that are sitting under 10M in market cap because of the recent bitcoin bear run. Those will be the ones who will replace most of the shit you see in the top 200
And with that...I present you pajeets with the one and only Angelina FLOlie

Did you guys see the violent + epic rise of RVN from 30 million to over $150 million market valuation in the last weeks???
I'm here to tell you that FLO is the sister of RVN. FLO is only $5 million marketcap.
The rise of RVN was due to Overstock and Tzero using RVN for their platform.Well...they're also using FLO! It's on the down low. Nobody knows. But now you do!

Binance listed RVN because it was fairly launched and had NO ICO and NO premine. Guess what?So was Flo.
tZERO bought 5 Million $FLO

Take a look:

Then take a look at the transaction data:

"Inventory Posted: SOI(239) STI(246) Broker(1313) Account() Time(08/14/2018 08:00:01.846) Side(Sell) Symbol(GPRO.DLR) Qty(8400) Price(0.00600) OrderType(Limit) TimeInForce(DAY)"

These are coming from tZERO DLR records that are stored on top of the FLO blockchain

Check out a more informative post here:

Thank me later.

>> No.11623637


Alright I'm fucking convinced, that this board is beyond deluded.

I remember another community that thought their coin would just continue going up and up and up. They got burned very badly when the trend reversed. They had charts, memes, patterns, actual tech, partnerships, a working network, uses cases. It all said they were going to 100k. They actually went parabolic. They didn't even get 20% of the way before they crashed.

The unfortunate truth is the same will happen with Link. Now if Mainnet was out right now, I might reconsider and consider buying right now. But as it is, pre mainnet pumps are dangerous. We are very likely in a bubble right now in Link. Buying Link right now could very well be one of the dumbest decisions of your life, something you will look back on and regret for the rest of your days.


You could buy 10k Link right now and hold it at a loss for 6 months, then make a million dollars in 2 years. Or you could wait like a week or two and buy 25k Link for the same amount of fiat, stay in the green the entire next 6 months and retire young a multi millionaire in 2 years.

Buying now will be the biggest regret of most anons lives.

>> No.11623648

Can someone post that meme of immense sergey looking over a city. Thnx anons

>> No.11623652

good thing I bought link really low so Im good either way. But unlike you if it pumps I wont miss out. also give the name of the coin or it's a larp.

>> No.11623681


I did too, and I have a very large stack. I've never sold I'm not a swinglinky. But I have a job and fiat income every two weeks. The thought of buying now is crazy. It's like there is an IQ cap on purchasing right now. If you have an IQ of over 80, it's like you are physically unable to purchase Link right now because your brain just wont let you. Your subconscious is extremely aware it's in a bubble and about to crash, and just wont send that signal to your fingers to hit the buy button. Honestly the thing that surprises me the most about this pump is the amount of people on this board with sub 80 IQ's that can actually still physically buy Link at this price.

I wonder if we could somehow go back in time, and bring the people who are currently buying Link back to December 2017 and showed them Bitcoin. Would they buy. My guess is they would salivate at the chart and sink their entire paycheck in and tell everyone about how Bitcoin was just about to go parabolic.

>> No.11623699

You're saying Link is gonna crash back to 20c? Because if you can buy 10k Link now, it will cost you approx. $5k. To buy 25k Link with $5k the price needs to be 20c per Link. Assuming BTC doesn't change in value, Link would have to crash all the way back to around 3000sats. Is that what you're saying will happen in a week or two?

>> No.11623714

yes he's a brainlet

>> No.11623721


They were example numbers moron.

It's likely going back to mid 5k sat range. I'm waiting to buy then. I never succumb to FOMO and refuse to buy at these prices. It's just absurd for Link to be priced this high before mainnet. Regardless of news or partnerships. Link doesn't do anything right now and should be priced that way.

Anyways I hope you cans can weather out No News November well. I will be pretty happy waiting and buying an extra 20k at the end of the month for 5k sats.

>> No.11623761

>Link doesn't do anything right now and should be priced that way.
do you know where we are

>> No.11623779

If Link is going so much lower you should just sell your stack now and rebuy back in. You're so certain it's gonna crash back to 5ksats, you could increase your stack by 60% without even putting any more money in.

>> No.11623804

he said he's against swinging which means he thinks he could be wrong. if he was 100% confident like he says he would swing

>> No.11623810

>I think as far as it is up right now is the best we an hope for in this bear market guys.

fuck right off

>> No.11623840

Honestly you are all brainlets. You all are assuming that there has to be one moment in time where you 'buy'.
Never buy all at once. Have a target and then split up your buys over months. In this way you basically split the difference between getting a good price and buying before it moons.

>> No.11623841

This, buncha 4 China men are more qualified than

>> No.11623844

who says we havent been doing this

>> No.11623849 [DELETED] 

link is find a very high support. if you dont think it will leg up considerably in a short time-frame, you don't deserve to be trading anything.

>> No.11623857

link is finding a very high support. if you dont think it will leg up considerably in a short time-frame, you don't deserve to be trading anything.

>> No.11623871

its gonna happen deal with it. But its gonna take a few months. Bottom will be around 25c which could be 2k sats if btc is 12k

>> No.11623875

He could swing part of his stack though right. I mean, he does sound pretty confident so surely he would want to back up his words with actions to support them.

>> No.11623908

yep. so the only real motivation I can think of for making these posts is so he can buy more at 50c and not higher