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11623285 No.11623285 [Reply] [Original]

>He's not peeing in his sink to save money on water to buy more chainlink
What funds do you see normies wasting that you direct into your Link fueled financial freedom?

>> No.11623291 [DELETED] 
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Disgusting fucking LINK shills are everywhere with their heavy ASS BAGS. I guess that's what happens when you buy up an ICO
Did you know that BAT ico had only 120 participants. Imagine how fucking big their smiles are as they dump that shit all over coinbase! LOL! BAT raised $30million in 6 seconds. It's now trading at 400million.Lmao pajeets 15x'ed those rich guys money

Oh,and by the way, If you think that the next bull run will pump your alt coins like XRP, TRON, BAT,ZRX, ADA that are sitting in the hundreds of millions or billions in market capitalizations, prepare to be FUBAR'd

There are a ton of blockchains with high potential that are sitting under 10M in market cap because of the recent bitcoin bear run. Those will be the ones who will replace most of the shit you see in the top 200
And with that...I present you pajeets with the one and only Angelina FLOlie

Did you guys see the violent + epic rise of RVN from 30 million to over $150 million market valuation in the last weeks???
I'm here to tell you that FLO is the sister of RVN. FLO is only $5 million marketcap.
The rise of RVN was due to Overstock and Tzero using RVN for their platform.Well...they're also using FLO! It's on the down low. Nobody knows. But now you do!

Binance listed RVN because it was fairly launched and had NO ICO and NO premine. Guess what?So was Flo.
tZERO bought 5 Million $FLO

Take a look:

Then take a look at the transaction data:

"Inventory Posted: SOI(239) STI(246) Broker(1313) Account() Time(08/14/2018 08:00:01.846) Side(Sell) Symbol(GPRO.DLR) Qty(8400) Price(0.00600) OrderType(Limit) TimeInForce(DAY)"

These are coming from tZERO DLR records that are stored on top of the FLO blockchain

Check out a more informative post here:

Thank me later.

>> No.11623299

Peeing in the sink is great, especially at night. Doesn't make any noise and you won't "miss" so need to turn on a light.

>> No.11623313

I still use the toilet but I don’t flush so that I save money on water to buy Link

>> No.11623320
File: 15 KB, 381x387, images-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not respect the opinions of toilet users , much like their lives, they are trapped by the restrictions of the bowl instead of gently resting their genitals on the cool porcelain and going about their sink related activities like brushing their teeth . Saving not only money but time. Your bowl trapped mind cannot comprehend Link in it's entirety.

>> No.11624401

Why not just go outside?

>> No.11624414

i don't live in a third world country so water is pretty much free

>> No.11625002

OK Arjun....