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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11622269 No.11622269 [Reply] [Original]

>have to compete with women
>have to compete with south/central american peasant illegals
>illegals fck you over by working for less
>women fuck you over by taking up all the lower skill entry level jobs
>illegals don't even speak english
>women don't even want to associate w/ you because you're not a trust fund baby or a CEO

i've done manual labor all my life, the kinds of jobs that women wouldn't dare go near, and all i've seen are men getting fucked over by corporations with being overworked and underpaid AND they hire fucking cental american peasants to do it for less. it's bullshit

if they put all of us to back-breaking work for at least a respectable wage, i would not complain. but no, when you're at the bottom of the ladder you're not even human, especially to women. man fuck this country

>> No.11622282

fag lol

>> No.11622309

up your game faggot

>> No.11622312

This is late 2000s liberal levels of strawman

>> No.11622321
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>done manual labor whole life
>never refined a skill
>never went into a leadership position
>never reported illegal workers
you're just a nigger, blaming everyone else for problems caused by your own laziness

>> No.11622343


fuck you nigger stains i'm going into plumbing and joining the union, but you don't realize how bad it is for american men out there, come back when you work real man jobs

>> No.11622346

>by your own laziness

bullshit i busted my ass

>> No.11622372
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>The national average salary for a Plumber is $50,000 in United States
top kek mate, you're just a lazy alcoholic who's shit at his job.
If you were a smart plumber you'd have your own business and your own crew after a 'lifetime' of work. Guessing you're still on your first year of apprenticeship though.

>> No.11622374

>you don't realize how bad it is for american men
hahaha wtf do you americans know about pain, you have the highest living standards on earth, even your poors have it good. Stfu and man up faggot

>> No.11622384

your shit country will remain irrelevant

>> No.11622393

>reading comprehension

at least i can distinguish between tenses, loliloving fuck

>> No.11622400

youre a retard
t. white 25 year old programmer making 95k a year

>> No.11622405

dont push this guy's buttons, he seems unhinged
inb4 we see OP on the news after a mass shooting

>> No.11622410

>real man
enjoy playing in my shit while im comfy, retard

>> No.11622419

OP, how would you have it ideally?

>> No.11622468

>anti competition
>immigrants and women are taking the jobs
If women and immigrants can do your job then you are not valuable and you will be paid accordingly.

You are exhibiting a low locus of control. This means your life depends on external factors too much. If you become independent , ie plumbing business with a good track record, I guarantee you will be happier

>> No.11622472

When did these /pol faggots start utterly shitting up our board?

So many goddam problems with this guys outlook I can’t even help

>> No.11622503

>bwaa bwaa my country exploits its men, we have it real bad
>still best country in the world
yeah now we know why you'll always be cattle

>> No.11622525

Don’t blame immigrants or women, blame yourself for not picking yourself up by the boot straps and learning another skill be it blue or white collar.

>> No.11622560

We can't all be NEETS. Someone has to pay for the basement the NEET lives in and the food that he eats. Therefore a NEET is nothing more than a leech, equivalent to a welfare nigger.

>Study Aristotle

Kek more like study anime traps

>> No.11622587

Plumbing is comfy if youre white

>> No.11622610

t. literal baby boomer

>> No.11622723

Fuck off newfag

>> No.11622800

>>anti competition

quotas are not competition
corporate undercuts are not competition
these are subversion to remedy a problem that was never there
stop outsourcing labor
stop importing labor
integrate all parts of the existing citizenry into the workforce as is appropriate, drop political bullshit, and there would not be any need to for these cheap tricks

you dumbfucks forget that its people who work with their hands that uphold the literal, physical, base infrastructure. just like how women forget that its men who fight wars. you'll be surprised to find out when tradesmen become the millionaires of the future, of which there is already a shortage

>> No.11622816

why should I pay you more than anyone else willing to do the same job cheaper?

>> No.11622837

Nah bruh, it's not Disney Channel shit, working class in America sucks dick. You will be a poor faggot working your ass off 1 paycheck away from homelessness.

>> No.11622841

>why should I pay you more than anyone else willing to do the same job cheaper?

its not that you should pay me more, its that you should not hire foreigner slaves who'll do it for less, because in laying the foundation, the rich can become truly wealthy, without having to resort to the importation of labor in the first place --- you would be adding to the country's economy instead of exploiting the country itself

>> No.11622844

Not everyone has the same opportunities or gifts in life. You're not better than OP. You unironically need to check your priviledge, lel.

>> No.11622861

dude dont bother explaining that a retard like him he's either a mutt or jew.

this faggots are quick to think of america as a nation and country when it comes to bashing americas gun laws and economies but are perplexed that you would want to stronger labor laws to protect american workers

>> No.11622865

you're the bigger retard

> every1 shud lern to kodee

t. 29 year old software engineer 110k

>> No.11622869

This. I worked construction a couple years ago before I made it in crypto so I sympathize with OP.

Illegals undercut blue collar salaries of US citizens. END OF DISCUSSION. It's unfair to have citizens compete against people who shouldn't even be in the country in the first place. And yes, even if all illegals are working in the fields or in construction, it has a detrimental cascading effect on all blue collar wages by increasing the pool of labor and diluting wages. That's fucking bullshit, especially considering construction workers and the like are doing a very hard and demanding job that deserves respect.

>> No.11622872

fuck whats with all the small brain dumbfucks on biz

i am not op but sensible law would be

> women out of the workforce
> drastically reduce all immigration
> no h1b1 visas except in exceptional cases
> deport illegals and have heavy fines for companies that employ them

>> No.11622874
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>unironically starts his thread with an I AM SILLY tier comic
>is a blatantly-racist, misogynistic, close-minded child
>redneck "they took our jobs" mentality
>7 posts by this ID which means he's not even trolling or baiting, he's literally a blogging faggot

>> No.11622876

>Implying NEETs read Niezstche and paint
Most of NEETs just masturbate, watch anime or play video games all day long, basically drowning themselves into consumerist escapism because they are miserable, it's even more pathetic than wagies.

Also if you're into manual labor and don't spend your free time studying something to enhance your condition you just deserve it, especially today with internet where you can virtually find a course about anything, there are even fucking visceral surgery courses online these days kek.

>> No.11622877

> reddit tier pepe
> unironically using the word racist and misogynistic
so you can this an argument?

>> No.11622881

Good luck travelling, buying cool shit, being able to support yourself with good quality food, etc. Dumbass meme.

As for your bitching about finding rewarding work, it's probably your fault and you should just try harder

>> No.11622883

> Also if you're into manual labor and don't spend your free time studying something to enhance your condition you just deserve it,
You must be either very retarded (and are being supported by your parents) or autistically detached from the world. you do realize you need people to do the heavy lifting and hard work you cosmopolitan faggot

>> No.11622885

>sensible law
>says to cut women from the workforce
the state of you

>> No.11622893

instead of giving me an automated npc response why not respond meaningfully

>> No.11622895

Holy fuck dude, not everything is in the individuals "locus of control".

Yes, you choices matter, but sometimes those choices are governed by a system which prevents you from self actualizing. It's completely asinine to blame everything on the individual, especially in the zero sum game of capitalism. Also, it's intellectually lazy, why can't people seek changes to the system? What's wrong with that?

>> No.11622921

> Muh you can learn anything on the internet Boomer meme

Bro, first of all, the actual actionable knowledge on the net it practically speaking, limited. It would be extremely difficult to practically learn the equivalent on a Bachelor's in many fields by self teaching online, but there are exceptions.

However, this is irrelevant anyway, because the college degree as fetish, still takes precedence. Maybe you know more than a PhD about Medievil History from reading Wikipedia? Who knows? The degree at least hints you know something. So I would say, even with the abundance of information on the internet, it actually doesn't do you much good without a degree, with few exceptions like maybe programming standing out.

>> No.11622933

because people who can't fend for themselves can go fuck off, idc who they are or what demographic they're a part of

>> No.11622939

> t. jew

>> No.11622950

how is that jew. it's called growing some fucking balls and stop blaming others

>> No.11622954

K, enjoy getting fucked in life when your luck runs out

>> No.11622959

you're either a jew or mutt

because how else can someone explain

> who can't fend for themselves can go fuck off

this utter lack of empathy is only seen in people with no loyalty whatsoever either because their an alien (jew) or so deracinated their a unique mix of every kind of ethnicity (mutt) and have no kinsmen to empathize with or express loyalty to

>> No.11622966

yeah OP I work shit minimum wage manual labor as well and life is tough, but I try nt to hate on the world and everyone because tehres literally no point in getting mad

try to save up and learn something or at least do something cool

>> No.11622970

I mean in these circumstances, with the amount of social safety nets that are provided to us by the government, it's very hard to get fucked just by luck

>> No.11622982

I don't need shit, you aren't special, moving heavy things to live is bottom tier, it's something even the dumbest nigger in Somalia could do, advanced societies rely on people who can practice modern medecine, teach very complicated fields or engineer complex machines, basically rare specialists, it's thank to them we live in such comfortable material conditions, not the plethora of dumb grunts doing 85 IQ job like you.

Besides life is a competition, it's carved in biology itself, if you have no desire to improve and you are content to be at this bottom of the ladder then shut the fuck up and stop complaining, people who expect more from doing the exact same shit are fucking idiot with not a single clue about how the world works.

>> No.11622983

yea i'm not talking about anarchy. i'm saying we already support each other more than enough through taxes and if you can't figure your shit out by the time you're 30 for reasons aside from medical/mental, you should be deported, PERIOD.

>> No.11622988

because it's completely unfeasible
you didn't even explain why it would be good

>> No.11623006

"deracinated" LMAO

>> No.11623018

Okay, what you just said has a completely different tone than what you said about "people fending for themselves"...which just made you sound like an apathetic jerk

>> No.11623020

> I don't need shit, you aren't special, moving heavy things to live is bottom tier, it's something even the dumbest nigger in Somalia could do, advanced societies rely on people who can practice modern medecine, teach very complicated fields or engineer complex machines, basically rare specialists, it's thank to them we live in such comfortable material conditions, not the plethora of dumb grunts doing 85 IQ job like you.
retard i am a software engineer making good money but unlike you i dont have a retarded outlook on politics and the world

yes construction and warehouse jobs are simple but they have to be done and the people who do them need to be able to survive and support a family. Id rather my own people do it than some stranger.

Dont you think for a second that your job couldnt be done by someone in china, russia, india or the phillipines

its pretty much only public sectors job that will remain. even most doctors at the local clinic are imported from india where I live

> Besides life is a competition, it's carved in biology itself, if you have no desire to improve and you are content to be at this bottom of the ladder then shut the fuck up and stop complaining, people who expect more from doing the exact same shit are fucking idiot with not a single clue about how the world works.
keep working and earning 10k a year as you have to compete with millions of people across the globe. enjoy the race to the bottom while the rich enjoy exploiting you.

>> No.11623035


>> No.11623045

I was exaggerating but women should be discouraged greatly from working for the reason that

1. it forces women (over 50%) who would rather stay at home to work
2. drives wage done
3. hampers productivity
4. women add another dimension to the work environment such as sexism, feminism and the issue surrounding sexual harassment
5. most bullshit jobs are done by women like hr

>> No.11623055

This. The race to the bottom is real. We have to take a stand at some point or we're all fucked.

>t. CS Major. whose going to lower your wage and take your job before the singularity

>> No.11623063
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>As for your bitching about finding rewarding work, it's probably your fault and you should just try harder


>> No.11623084

everyone can think of a utopia with great ideas but you know yourself that it is not feasible to send all women home, I don't see why you are even trying to argue this

>> No.11623125

1. Not more forced then men are, no difference here.
2. If it weren't women, immigrants or people willing to work for less would take the job. You obviously don't understand how economy works.
3. proof?
4. probably true, at least in the us
5. So thats good right, if you think they are bullshit jobs, you don't have desire to do them anyway, so what gives

>> No.11623128

fucking chad tier meme

>> No.11623162
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I learnt russian by myself with Anki/Duolinguo/books/russian series and passed the TRKI 2 while I took evening classes for a licence in civil engineering (+ I passed a certification in english but it was piss easy because I was already C1), right now I work for Total and the HR basically told to me they would have hired me just because I'm under 30 with a good level in russian and english without the engineering degree because they have not enough candidates to fill their needs, especially since they are involved with Novatek now. Moving for 6 months in the Arctic next summer for a super comfy pay and basically no spending btw.

Before that I worked in a warehouse after dropping out from college, it was such a degrading experience that after 2 months I was already in evening classes (which are half online now btw). While all the trash there was spending all their money and free time on dumbshit like cigs/tuning/video games/clubbing and complaining like the faggot OP that life is unfair.

>> No.11623222

1. men are supposed are work. we are stronger and more intelligent. it how god made us. women have historically always worked and i am not for absolutely forbiding women for working but you are being retarded if you think forcing men to work is a rebuttal. men are supposed to work

2. i dont understand your point here.

3. based on anecdotal evidence but i wouldnt count on pozzed academia to published anything that would suggest that women hamper productivity

5. bs jobs are just companies diverting money away from investments in capital. also jobs in the public sector that are useless that are being staffed by women like diversity counselors

I agree with you contrary to that anon

online education/moocs are great tools you just have to be a bit more motivated than your average college student

>> No.11623233

>11 posts by this ID
nothing better to do?

>> No.11623240

lmao you redditors oust yourselves so easily

>> No.11623266

>it how god made us
Hmmmmmmmm good point...

>> No.11623274


>> No.11623288
File: 335 KB, 1019x1159, 1492205189090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are one of biggest sneaky parasites on planet.
We really need to take their rights away, they convinced society that we need to create artificial shit office jobs that nobody needs but are required for state and then most of women occupy them and get paied more then some manual workers

We need to demolish bureaucracy and office jobs they are compulsory job forced by state so women could have it easy. I am not goona work for some dumb slut.

I never ever pay women dinner or buy anything they have it too good in this world

>> No.11623309


did you just make that meme right now?

>> No.11623334

Jesuschrist speaking of cringe

>> No.11623529

yes but homes would be cheaper and more people could afford homes
if I pay you more then I have to charge other people more, so that would be a net loss

>> No.11624049

>have no kinsmen to empathize with or express loyalty to
I'm not gonna pay for your fucktarded ass that can't even capitalize a fucking letter, let alone an opportunity, to exist just because you're the same color as me. If you're useless, lazy, retarded trash, you need to fuck off and die. Period.

t. white male

>> No.11624125
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>> No.11624348

>start manual labouring on construction sites in my late teens instead of going to uni
>get my carpenters license and then builders license
>run my own little construction company by mid 20s
>property developer by late 20s
>girls love it because working a real mans job and have decent muscle mass from gyming and working physical work
>only hire other white men for my company because i hate thots and niggers

basically just dont be a huge retarded faggot op

>> No.11624534

typical euromutt conflating race with ethnicity. god you guys are genetic abominations.

I am not even american.


>> No.11624682

>if you don't thrive when the odds are stacked against you in a rigged system you need to fuck off and die
The amount of stupid in this thread is astounding. The human condition is more complex than just mastering the art of being a slave. God damn.
Of course you you won't touch the easy jobs and affirmative action the others get while yiure expected to just work harder.
For you it's survival of the fittest.
For everyone else it's equality and privilege checking so they get a helping boost.

>> No.11625164
