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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11621212 No.11621212 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11621266

Does this shit stink?

>> No.11621339

probably wouldn't be a bad idea. I have a feeling it's day will come, I just don't see it happening soon. I'm riding other moon missions but am keeping it on my radar.

>> No.11621346

it just mooned lol

>> No.11621352

kek. you're right.
wtf guys....we buying this shit now?

>> No.11621369

no. wait a few days for a 10-20% retracement.

>> No.11621381

What's going on? Is this shit for real?

>> No.11621430

have to be retarded pajeets to be worried about retracement.. this shit can't do less than 15x from here.

>> No.11621438

yeah, that's the news. someday this is going to get a rvn pump.

>> No.11621472

Sheeet, I missed out on the raven pump.. don't make me fomo

>> No.11621504

Too late idiot.

>> No.11622278


If you aren't buying the next Ravencoin, you're an idiot.

Dig anons.

Also it's still dipped right now, buy before it's back up

>> No.11622591

This isn't news.
GTFO with your pnd