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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11619658 No.11619658 [Reply] [Original]

>destroy the products that made you insanely rich and keep ignoring the costumers

what is this strategy called?

>> No.11619676

It's called good business sense, cosplay fags are cancer

>> No.11619677 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11619683

I heard they're releasing a "Warcraft 3 Reforged"

what does that mean exactly? Sounds like something I might buy.

>> No.11619687

Stop being autistic. Blizz rox

>> No.11619697

it's called maximize profits. ignore the small pool of overgrown manchildren who still do baal runs in their 30s in favor of a much wider audience that doesn't have nostalgia goggles

>> No.11619703

It means they estimate that the casuals and asians are worth more money than the hardcore fanbase they alienate

>> No.11619725

They no longer care to cater to the fans, they just want more money for their stockholders. Bringing out a mobile game is pretty much free money for them.

>> No.11619726

its called
"the swirly "
or "the shut up nerd , you'll take it and like it. "
"the first taste is a free trial"

>> No.11619769

buy diablo mobile goy

>> No.11619779





>> No.11619786

they have a new cash cow called overwatch, they're one of the most successful businesses being able to go from WOW->Hearthstone->Overwatch all being immensely popular unlike a one trick company like Riot GameS

>> No.11619795

too big to fail

>> No.11619812

Activision. The good days of gaming are over guys. Rdr2 was the nail in the coffin for me. There's not a single title anymore that could interest me. And I've been gaming for 25 years. Time to grow up fellas. The feminazis and the sjws literally killed gaming, tv, movies, toys, comics. There is nothing else for them to kill, they won.

>> No.11619823

isn't this the same as nazis killing niggers?

>> No.11619825

They realized that if the first video game a person plays is one of Blizzard's, they can get away with shit that people who have actually played games before would find outrageous.
It's all about reeling in the ultra-casual mobile gaming audience, my man.

>> No.11619842

hearthstone is the most profitable game they have, of course they will make more mobile shit

>> No.11619875

Diablo 3 on mobile.

In other news, people still play D3 lol

>> No.11619882


>> No.11619886

Don't look it up, it looks worse then the original no joke.

>> No.11619925

Yeah. There's always dwarf fortress, though.

>> No.11619931
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A Wild Activision appeared
>its super effective

>> No.11619956


>> No.11619960

Its a brand new game, still sounds shitty though

>> No.11619962

You're a fucking faggot

>> No.11620039

nothing beats a well balanced game of Arathi Basin imo

>> No.11620076

Dwarf fortress is sexist though

>> No.11620093

IQ of this board is too low to get this post, but good job anon

>> No.11620208

Getting GOOKED

>> No.11621269 [DELETED] 

it's called JEWED

that irvine office is filled with nerdy jews

and now i can only imagine what kind of gross hires they make

>> No.11621296

Im top 10 mba and this is what mbas do. Soulless analytics moneysucking dry everything in sight with zero inspiration or regard for the future/soul

>> No.11621433

gonna give doom eternal as a last chance and maybe cyberpunk 77

>> No.11621465
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Blizzard north use to be all white men.

Now it's Cheng nigger coming out to talk Diablo.

From Erich Schaefer to Wyatt Cheng in one generation.

Downfall of blizzard is perfectly correlated and the perfect metaphor for the browning of America.

>> No.11621488

Doom eternal looks okay. Same shit different toilet though. I hope cyberpunk is good but I got a bad feeling about it, but that's just my opinion. Anthem looks sick, but being EA, we know it'll suck. The last truly good game I can remember enjoying with my buddies was borderlands 2.

>> No.11621919

It's called Shareholder Value.

>> No.11621954


>> No.11621968

Yes. I remember staying up til 4am with my buds playing footmen frenzy other party and all that other shit. Getting into bed to get 3 hours of sleep for school and it was always worth it. It’s happening.

>> No.11622061

Crusader Kings 2 Anon....

>> No.11622199

Its called the corporate life cycle. When your project cannot attract new users, you squeeze your existing users while trying to retain them in any way possible. Nostolgia is a common method, while slowly squeezing them more and more (realm, race transfers, frequent expansions, increased playtime due to super RNG loot system, etc..). Then you take all that cash, and invest it into new projects/games.

>> No.11622257


blizz gonna release it in january. im gonna buy it because nostalgia.

fuck the rest

i re-bought starcraft original too

i just miss my party chats in those games and all the custom maps

favorite custom maps in WC3 was obviously Dota original, then battle tanks, and the ship wars, orc gladiator, and the spell caster map when you get elements and build up to specific spell casting ability trying to pass the lanes.

then there is tower def. love the custom maps

>> No.11622296

>what is this strategy called?
Ah yes, following in the same footsteps as the fabled "Electronic Arts just fuck my shareholders in the ass until it bleeds forever" strategy.

>> No.11622315

Azeroth wars and
dark ages of warcraft for me,
battle tanks and FFrenzy were fun too

>> No.11622320

theyre gonna release warcraft 3 with better graphics and wow classic, two things that people really wanted, how are they doing what you stated op

>> No.11622330

fallout's alright, isn't it? i haven't smelled a whiff of sjw nonsense in that franchise yet. you can literally kill marcy long

>> No.11622335

It's called making money from the Chinese. They're doing nothing wrong, except maybe wasting time at blizzcon. If you don't like capitalism, North Korea will pay you if you defect with military equipment.

>> No.11622354

Don't bother. Given it the current political climate and the state of Blizz, "Reforged" means "Pozzed".

>> No.11622402

wtf is that shit i want my warcraft 4, where is my motherfucking warcraft 4 ?! fucking wow killed the series

>> No.11622428

we dont want fucking remakes we want innovation, like they innovated with WC3, do you realize what that game felt in 2003? it was a fucking game changer

>> No.11622522

this is kind of why i don't care if they ever make a 4.
It'd be a miracle if they made something nearly as good as 3 again.
and in their current pozzed state it makes chances even worse.

>> No.11622532

The best warcraft 4 is a remastered 3 with more content.

>> No.11622545

yeah it seems all talent in the industry died in the mid 00's somehow. Everything after is pure shit with almost no excpetion. All good companies like Westwood just disappeared or got bought and turned to shit

>> No.11622553
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check this guy out

>> No.11622554

Would you have liked wc3 being a remastered wc2? hell fucking no. We need new ideas or its over and consoles will 100% take over with shit titles, its already happening

>> No.11622575 [DELETED] 

i dont know if its only kikes, i mean classics like half life launched with a kike leading and its one of the best. Its more like originality and passion is punished instead of rewarded these days. Nobody wants to risk stepping out of line to create really unique games in case retarded zoomers find it weird or something and its a failure

>> No.11622585
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Genius plan

>> No.11622609
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so this is why they are they are releasing wow classic HAHAHAAHAHAHAH

>> No.11622615 [DELETED] 

fucking nigger

>> No.11622627

I think serral is taking it this year.

So much for the "weakest opponent" right anon?

>> No.11622636

They'll probably figure out a way to fuck it up by catering it to casuals. I've heard rumours that they've completely removed the original honor system.

>> No.11622692

こんにちは。white pig です。

I am average white male. I enjoy shitty game like Warcraft and Overwatch.

>> No.11622706

everybody only wanted diablo 2 remaster

>> No.11622722

Blizzard posts earnings on Thursday, I don't play video games, are they gonna miss?

>> No.11622850

A game that was just released was the nail? Lol cuck

>> No.11622857

>due to super RNG loot system
The fuck. Original Wow was much more RNG than expansion..?

>> No.11622864

kek no it wasn't.

>> No.11622868


>> No.11622908

>company makes a product so successful that it stops making the products that led them to that success, so that when the successful product finally loses steam after 14 fucking years they have lost all the competence they need to create anything new
What's this strategy called?

>> No.11622962

>Blizzard Entertainment
>Warcraft 1 in 1994 - great dos 3.1 game
>Warcraft 2 in 1995 - groundbreaking rts game
>Diablo 1 in 1996 - battle.net service was revolutionary
>Starcraft 1 in 1998 - still one of the best RTS games of all time
>Diablo 2 in 2000 - practically invented the modern hack n slash genre, many great spiritual successors to follow by other devs
>Warcraft 3 in 2002 - really brings the warcraft universe to life with it's impressive campaign and unique RTS gameplay, incredibly solid map editor spawns dota and many other custom games that'd later become their own standalone games
>World of Warcraft in 2005 - took everything other MMORPGs were doing, and did it better. the last truly great game blizzard made.
>Burning Crusade in 2007 - decent attempt at an expansion which would be better off as just a free patch for all users. kinda jew to charge $15 a month and make people buy expansions too.
>Starcraft 2 in 2010 - a serviceable attempt at making an RTS that was more accessible for casuals, but ultimately a flop with really terrible expansion packs to follow
>Diablo 3 in 2012 - lmfao
>Hearthstone in 2014 - marks the year that blizzard had officially given up on making anything decent ever again
>Heroes of the Storm in 2015 - salty that they missed out on the DotA IP, they join the MOBA bandwagon with their most pathetic title yet
>Overwatch in 2016 - massively successful due to godlike market analysis, but ultimately a shitty game due to it's excruciating lack of depth and variety

>> No.11622984

Those with power no longer need to demonstrate the initiative and drive it took to obtain it.
Many such cases.

>> No.11623296

RTS are a dead genre just like arena shooters and isometric RPG, Wc4 would have been trash anyway, most of the people who developed the original have left Blizzard since at least 10 years.

>> No.11623301

its pretty comfy on switch desu

>> No.11623308

>getting it backwards
>not trying save your outdated product/service by making difficult decisions

>> No.11623338

true if big

>> No.11623396

This too, Blizzard is just pozzed by non-whites like almost every single american tech and entertainment company.
All their games post Wow feel soulless and sanitized, best example is Diablo III which has the most boring uninspiring style I have ever seen in a video game, it felt so chinky at every level while Diablo 2 in comparaison had an incredible atmosphere.

>> No.11623415



>> No.11623423


>> No.11623441
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a wild cuck appears

>he pays for games
>he plays any games at all from the past 15 years

If you donate to twitch female streamers your cuckomorphosis will be complete.

>> No.11623443

It is relevant anon, not in a racist way but you can't ignore cultural divides when targeting a specific market. Just because i wouldn't try to sell a dude a bra doesn' t make me sexist.

>> No.11623466

Go back

>> No.11623471

>the feminazis and the sjws literally killed gaming, tv, movies, toys, comics. There is nothing else for them to kill, they won.

my niggah

>> No.11623482

then hire them again for fucks sake, pay them millions if you have to. They are dead genres precisely because all the talented people left to enjoy life or whatever. Anyone can be put back to work if you pay them enough.
Maybe everyone just ran out of ideas and not even a god tier team can pull off something like a wc3 today.
Its not only the videogame industry, it happened with cinema and music too thats why there are so many fucking remakes

>> No.11623493
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lol, how does it feel to have your franchise literally ruined by sjws?

>> No.11623500

>what is this strategy called?
The sjw maneuver

>> No.11623544

>le current year meme

The wacraft and diablo series are heavily inspired by european folklore, history and literature, overall IT IS european culture.
Culture is a byproduct of race which irradiates in what you create.
Did you ever read manga written by westerners? Well I did and it's absolutely dogshit, it's just bad imitation all along, the codes are copied but it sounds wrong because the author obviously isn't able to feel what is right and coherent in the genre.

>> No.11623554

funny thing is that diablo for mobile will make millions of a dead ip. Negative feedback comes from the oldfags that still want diablo 2 remastered or d4.

>> No.11623566

this person seems legitimately retarded

>toxic masculinity
>traditionally associated with female audience
what? i just hate mobile games because they fucking suck and are typically exploitative cash grabs
>mobile is viable platform for resource intensive games
this will never be true
kill yourself
>success they've had with Hearthstone on mobile
huge difference between a point-and-drag digital card game and a fucking hack-and-slash action RPG, its like saying "well you can play online poker on your phone so Diablo is exactly the same thing!"

>> No.11623607

The problem is that the "oldfags" (basically millenials) remain their core audience since they pretty much failed to capture markets in the new generation as they once did (Overwatch was a successful game but nowhere near a phenomena like Warcraft 3, Diablo 2 and Wow were 15 years ago).

Zoomers have now their own favorite IPs and studios, Blizzard isn't one of them.

>> No.11623797

nice warcraft 3 was the absolute best but the graphics were already blocky when it came out.

>> No.11623811

>still playing video games
wtf, OP
this is how you lose testosterone and become a gammaboi

>> No.11623823

>destroy the products that made you insanely rich and keep ignoring the costumers
what are you talking about? Blizzard still contribute to cash-pools for SC2 tournaments, they constantly adjust the units attributes to make the game more balanced between the three races.

>> No.11623833

Obviously never raided in vanilla then.

I'm not arguing that BC was better than vanilla, or as good. Purely the rng aspect which they were trying to dial back even in vanilla dungeons over the course of it's life.

>> No.11623852
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>it's a treasure goblin episode

>> No.11623872

Imagine getting btfoed at a QA


>> No.11623903


It's a smart move by blizzard. The game costs them basically nothing to develop as it's just a generic arpg netease already had a template for. It will make loooots of money, especially in asia.

>> No.11623975

They will lock the map creator down probably, so the best pat will be shit.

>> No.11624012
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anonz please don't be dense like this
>caring if any company doesn't make the exact thing that I want cause I'm a edgy snowflake and everyone else is a npc
release yourself from this mind prison that binds you to think the world owns you anything
also as a /biz/ move, mobile is extremely profitable if done right
t.poorfag phoneposter that plays everything on a phone

>> No.11624020

Barbarians, paladins, sorcerers, axes, armor, exploring, fighting evil is all white culture

>> No.11624042
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>blizzard used to make games for gamers
>then they were bought by activision and only cared about profits

How /v/ do you have to be to believe this? Blizzard ALWAYS was a company that looked for the most profitable sectors and went after it hard. It started with console targeting the small market for games, then they realized the could make more money off hardcore gamers so moved to the PC, then WoW was unexpectedly popular with normies so they moved to casuals.

>Warcraft 1/2 was a blatant business decision to make a clone of an emerging genre/market based of stolen IP with the PC identified as a large growth area since most developers (including Blizzard) were focusing on consoles
>battle.net service was Blizzard's business attempt to control the online space long-term (i.e. their Gamespy/Steam)
>D2/WC3 expanding their IP and battle.net base while milking their existing customer base for more revenue
>WoW was a business plan to get revenue from a subscription base that they expected to be hardcores but to their great fortune was popular with casuals too (they planned WoW to last 10 years)
>SC2 literally a cash grab to solidify their esport penetration
>D3 an actually good game that was designed for constant revenue via in game real money auction house (later abandoned because of gamer autism)
>HS is another obvious business decision by finding a niche ripe for exploitation (selling virtual assets) and copying an existing game to get that market
>HotS is another esports grab
>Overwatch is another virtual goods strategy this time via lotteries for goods

Stop romanticising Blizzard as a company that put games and gamers first before it was taken over by corporate interests. Gamers like their old games because their *market* at the time was gamers. And now it isn't. But they never had any real loyalty or care for gamers beyond them being a source of revenue. Blizzard has ALWAYS been 100% about making assloads of money. They're a great *company*.

>> No.11624045

Basically Warcraft 3, but with NEW AND IMPROVED GRAFIX XD

Literal edgelord shit, just play the original

>> No.11624089
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They did this with Heroes III, and the difference was hardly noticeable.
It's litterally the cash-grab of a desperate corporation.
reminds me of Nokia relaunching 3310, same exact model, but with updated hardware. they did it last year..

>> No.11624094

The big suits are almost all taking companies the way of EA.

The only thing that can save this is proper crowdfunding that is well regulated where crowdfunders are given tokenized royalty shares that gives them a right to the profits.

Studios relying on rich publishers (the fucking suits) that give exploitative contracts, or just outright own the studios, is why we're seeing the homogenization of games.

If video games were funded like venture capitalism funds technology startups (high risk high reward), innovation and game diversity can prosper again.

Kickstarter is a joke.

>> No.11624100

times like this they usually add a new campaign.

>> No.11624102

>Ignores all Diablo releases before 2005
Hello dumb fucking zoomer

>> No.11624105

Milking loyal retards for all they're worth. Apple employs this strategy and it works wonders.

>> No.11624108

Prety sure they are making bank form HS what is left from wow and overwatch .
They will release vanilla wow and all 'hardcore' fans will come back blessing bassed blizzard

>> No.11624118

Its called being bought by Activision

>> No.11624127
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>looks basically the same once zoomed out (like RTS games are played)

What's the point in high res models

>> No.11624134

>World of Warcraft in 2005 - took everything other MMORPGs were doing, and did it better. the last truly great game blizzard made.
No lol. There were non themepark pvp centric player economy centric MMORPGs that were so wildly different that WOW might as well be a different genre.
What WOW did was build a great themepark (for its time) with hardcore pve raiding and a casual leaning balance of pvp permissibleness and importance vs no-pvp considering the audience of the time.

>> No.11624138


we can still hide in boomer games that no women play

>> No.11624143

its the only thing their new "diverse" and highly female workforce is capable of doing. reskinning old shit and making a mobile game

>> No.11624144
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Original (with rain effects that NU Blizzard forgot to add)

>> No.11624146


nintendo has been releasing the same games over and over since 1998

>> No.11624154
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>not watching anime and playing japanese games exclusively

>> No.11624156


The problem is that game industry has truly become an industry and the approach when making games has changed.

Old teams that made all those great games consisted of better then average devs who willingly worked for less money then they could in other industries because they actually wanted to make games. They were real gamers and were driven by the childlike desire to create games they actually would really love to play. The money was never a main goal. Desire to prove the idea and create something cool overshadowed fear of risk.

Today, the huge companies have modern and nice working conditions. A lot of devs that work there now are mostly non gamers or just casuals who never really invest themselves in the games they play. Instead of creating something aimed at satisfying their fantasy, design principles and market analysis are the main director. Talented people who have innovative ideas and passion are constrained by the process and their passion slowly culled. Mitigating risk is the main underlying design goal.

Hopefully, the indie industry will continue to grow and not turn into the same thing as the main industry just in different form.

>> No.11624162

>so this is why they are they are releasing wow classic HAHAHAAHAHAHAH
There was unofficial server with WoW Classic and that server got closed because Blizz got butthurt about them having more active players

>> No.11624877

cant you just equate it to you growing up? What you may have found interesting when you were younger, youre not going to find interesting as you get older.

All video games today are nothing more than a recreation of what it was in new updated costumes. Youve aged and understand the magic. When you discover how the magic is performed, youre not going to care anymore.

The future of gaming will be in VR. Youll be back in the next 5 years. Give it time.

>> No.11624976

whats so sjw about rdr2?

>> No.11624984

kys waste of air

>> No.11624986


It also takes 100 people to make a AAA title when original Doom was made by 2 people. It is the main reason modern games feel like corporate cancer because that is the only way to coordinate that many people.

>> No.11624989

I haven't played the game but knowing these autists, they were probably triggered after seeing a random female robber or some shit.

>> No.11624996

The tranny conducting the Hearthstone presentation is an indication of the future of Blizzard.

>> No.11625026

>grows up and no longer likes video games like he used to
>blames women and liberals


>> No.11625037

It's a literal reskin of Chinese Blizzard's already existing game. This is so fucking sad lmao

>> No.11625041

thank god i shorted at cataclysm, waiting for the bottom then maybe going long for the next cycle

>> No.11625068

just play factorio

>> No.11625110

As a pretty hardcore gamer, i played pretty much everything decent, i totally agree blizzard went to shit, but so did valve and many others. Everything is just catering to casuals, it's the nickleback and justin bieber of games.

>buy the game
>now buy skins, we have new skins all the time
>now buy the expansion
>now we will give you "loot" chests and you buy the keys
>more skins
>now we have emojis which you can buy
>pls buy

it's fucking retarded, someone needs to come up with a way to short this bullshit

right now only bethesda is somewhat decent even tho its already dumbed down and repetative
also a shoutout to divinity: original sin 2, very good considering how retarded the industry is atm

tl;dr still waiting for half life 3

>> No.11625154


>> No.11625156

>bethesda is decent
>still using 15yo engine in their games where your running speed is tied to fps
>if you have 100+ fps you run at a speed of light in multiplayer game, basically legal speedhack

>> No.11625410

i prefer the original look

>> No.11625655

as far as i care they can use morrowind's engine, also graphics are a meme beyond 2014

>> No.11625760

There’s some women’s right shit mission you have to do, but new fags don’t realize that rockstar has always made fun of both sides of the political spectrum for a long time. First mission of the game there’s a racial slur used against a couple niggers in the game

>> No.11625772

>"it's not rape, it's the future you chose"

>> No.11625801

he makes some valid points which is why Im asking him

>> No.11625826

If you think that Diablo Immortal won't make more money than all their other games combined, you're deluded

>> No.11625854


You can't relive your fond memories anon. You'll be disappointed.

>> No.11625875
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>a fucking mobile game making more money than wow
if you're unaware of how much money wow made you were either a toddler or not born yet when it was rleased. must suck to grow up playing league of legends and fortnite

>> No.11625898

>best example is Diablo III


How the fuck could they hire such absolute shit voice actors and story writers. It was pure cringe from start to end with nigger Tyrael becoming "le ebin nigger mortal" and butterfly magic killing the best character in the IP.

Like holy shit, did they even have any auditions for the female voice actors or did they just pick the most annoying out of the bunch?

>> No.11625933
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diablo 1 and hellfire were the beast of games. Diablo 1 is stil the best hack n slash. After that it's been a downhill.

>> No.11625958

>Not shorting at wotlk
Fucking pleb

>> No.11625971

Only Paladins are unique to white culture.

>> No.11626040

WoW has also cost Blizzard hundreds of millions if not billions, while an outsourced mobile game will cost a fraction of that.
King, part of the activision blizzard, makes about as much money as blizzard itself.

>In 2017, 50% of ActiBlizz's $7.16 billion revenue came from microtransactions.
>The company’s mobile division, King – best known as the Candy Crush people – accounted for $2 billion of that total

>> No.11626061

Ask Magic the gathering, the true masters of this strat.

>> No.11626453


I love Bethesda’s games but their tech is shit. The entire physics engine is tied to FPS. If you disable vsync without using something like rivatuner to cap frame rate at 60 then mouse sensitivity goes crazy and your bow becomes a rail gun.

>> No.11626464


its a feature

>> No.11626621
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Kek, that's a lot of bullshit.

Blizzard basically invented HnS and modern RTS with Wc1 et Wc2 (just like Half Life did it with modern solo FPS) then they brought the MMORPG in the mainstream with Wow.
Every single sector they attacked was a niche before they released their title (which meant highly risky development) and ONLY AFTER it expanded (see the number of RTS, HnS and so-called "Wow killers" we got in the 00s.

They used to be TRENDMAKERS, now they merely follow them, the only exception being probably Hearthstone (ironically that's the game where 90% of the sound effects and art are coming from WoW and Wc3) but it's a skinner box P2W trash that barely passes as a game.

>> No.11627028

RDR2 is sjw bullshit. If you bump into a person, you're immediately wanted and cannot complete missions til the bounty is cleared. The game punishes you at every turn if you don't do the "right" thing. It's a fucking western made by rockstar. If I tell a random fuckin dog to piss off, or kill a chicken, the whole damn town chases me off. As far as being SJW look no further than the guilt laden main character.