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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 932x1080, Whensthelasttimekatewasinaustralia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11618393 No.11618393 [Reply] [Original]

>previous threads:
>Thread 1: https://i.warosu.org/biz/thread/S11528030#p11528030
>Thread 2: https://i.warosu.org/biz/thread/S11534745#p11536544

Hey all, these last two threads weve had on ASX/DAH/ChainLink have been really fantastic, thanks for the help in keeping them going.
I have slightly more info from some digging. So in a previous thread(>>/biz/thread/S11589877#p11591564)) I posted a link to this video:

Nobody really bit on it.

The video is good, its Blythe with the CEO of ASX discussing the rollout of the new DLT system for ASX that will replace CHESS.
Im pretty sure this is during SIBOS (Swift) in Sydney. Definitely a convenient location.

>> No.11618414


They get into questions around the 40 minutes mark and at 43 minutes a guy named "Ian Bessarabia" asks a question. I just figured he had a goofy name so I looked into him.

>> No.11618436
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So, Ian Bessarabia
Heres a bio of him from one conference:

> https://blockchainafrica.co/speaker/ian-bessarabia/

"In addition, Ian has held senior positions in various industry initiatives, including holding the position of chairperson of SUSA (SWIFT Users of South Africa), as well as the South African representative on the Maintenance Working group for Trade Initiation and Confirmation messages. Ian, currently represents Thomson Reuters on the South African Financial Blockchain Consortium (SAFBC), a consortium aimed at educating and bringing the benefits of blockchain technology to the industry for the benefit of the entire country"

Well that explains why hes at Sibos.

>> No.11618472

>Heres another bio from another conference:


"Ian Bessarabia: ConsenSys Ian Bessarabia, holds a Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management and Economics from the University of South Africa and a Diploma in Strategic Business Management from the University of Cape Town. Working collaboratively with financial market players, central banks and regional bodies across Sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on improving business processes, and his passion for community upliftment through technology is what drives him to educate the broader market of the benefits to come. He thrives on mentoring start-ups and early-stage initiatives looking at deploying technology for social good. As an ethical protagonist, he is also a participant of the Ethics and Governance Think Tank, run by The University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIB’s), under the stewardship of Rabbi Gideon Pogrund. Having held senior positions in various industry initiatives throughout his career, he is now tasked to support the implementation of enterprise Blockchain solution as Head of South African Operations at ConsenSys a New York based company"

Head of South African Operations at ConsenSys a New York based company

Cool yeah?

So I figure whats this guy up to I wonder if he knows about oracles or cares

>> No.11618528


Is breadcrumbs the next evolution of autism?

>> No.11618553
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Apparently hes definitely into oracles, so much so that his whole talk for Blockchain Africa Conference 2018 is on them


> "Ian Bessarabia - What’s a Blockchain Oracle and Why Do They Matter?"

ITS solely on the importance of orcales

A minor side note. This video he uploaded himself, but the WHOLE THING IS 20 MINUTES LONG BUT IS NOT AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE DUE TO VIOLATING NBC’S COPYWRIGHT. Wtf?

So every other talk for 4 years of conferences is on this conferences youtube channel, but not this guys? And he then uploads a partial version of it? Would like to hear the other half so maybe this viilation is not active in europe or something. Give it a shot guys and lemme know.

I wonder also did he actually violate NBC's copywright? Maybe some example he gave? Who knows.

>> No.11618602


truthfully I know nothing about blockchain in south africa or in africa in general, but at the same conference the head of Microsoft Azure gives a good talk and mentions oracles and off chain computing a bit


>> No.11618644


Other potentially related things:


"At the time of writing, Barclays Africa is the only South African bank to sign up with the international R3 consortium investigating blockchain use cases. The consortium is working on a distributed ledger platform called Corda, specifically designed for financial services. Baker says a couple of his developers are in London working on the Corda syndicated loan platform."

This is all pretty specious even for me I know, but I figure if you all do some autismoing we can find more.

>> No.11618668
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>> No.11618684

Was there a Kira systems connections to CL or am I just imagining it? I have trouble keeping track

>> No.11618728


>> No.11618745


Oh right I remeber now



>> No.11618921


>> No.11618957

Heres the "smart oracle" hes talking about


This article mentions just about every oracle provider besides chainlink. Not sure if thats hilarious or not.

"Thomson Reuters is not alone in its aim to provide reliable data to the executors of smart contracts.

Startups like Augur and Gnosis use prediction markets to generate reliable data. Further, firms like Oraclize are building hardware-based solutions for accessing reliable data. And last month Cornell University released its own oracle called 'Town Crier', which uses software guard extensions to help ensure the reliability of the data."

In all fairness this is from summer 2017

>> No.11618987


"BlockOne IQ is only compatible with Corda, Ethereum & Quorum based networks. Other technology platforms will follow based on demand.

BlockOne IQ is currently in beta and is available for Proof-of-Concepts only. It's an experiment and we really want feedback so let us know what you think."

whats the over under on how successful this project is?

>> No.11619031


Heres ian again. I onlt found this by searching for "crypto edgewalkers" bc he constantly refers to himself as that and its such a ridiculous term but uniqure

>> No.11619053

Theres a link to his blog here:

Here he is talking oracles again.

>> No.11619117
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Based af, anon, top tier digging. ilu

>> No.11619133

and in that blog post he is talking about the importance of oracles etc etc etc and then he talks about

"recent establishment of the ISO TC 307 Blockchain and electronic distributed ledger technologies working group."

and he links to this:


And whos the chairman?

Its Westpac's Craig Dunn.
Andddddddd were back in australia, back at ISO, back at ASX


>> No.11619198


Ok great so its help me time:

one of the big facotrs in the singularity is this standardization angle
so help he look through these names:


Secretary: Ms Emily Dawson
Chairperson (until end 2019): Mr Craig Dunn
ISO Technical Programme Manager : Mr Ben Carson
ISO Editorial Programme Manager : Mrs Yvonne Chen
M Julien Bringer
Mr Takeo Nishikata
Roman Klaus Beck
Eric E Cohen
Ing Volker Skwarek

ISO/TC 307 - Secretariat
SA Australia
Standards Australia
Level 10, The Exchange Centre 20 Bridge Street
Sydney 2000 NSW
Tel: +61 2 9237 6000
Fax: +61 2 9237 6010
Email: intsect@standards.org.au
Web: http://www.standards.org.au/
Secretariat direct:
Ms Emily Dawson
Email: Emily.Dawson@standards.org.au

Heres all their drafts for standardization progress:

You need ISO portal credentials to access the working area:

>> No.11619220


its this ben carson, not the good doctor, obviously

>> No.11619317

idk if this is Yvonne Chen kinda creepy if so


>> No.11619389


Heres is the ISO committee's strategic business plan for block chain and dlt standardization

Some exceprts

"The scope of ISO/TC 307 reads: “standardisation of blockchain technologies and distributed ledger
As of 2018-03-13, the standardization work of ISO/TC 307 has been divided into six groups:
● WG 1 Foundations;
● WG 2 Security, privacy and identity;
● WG 3 Smart contracts and their applications;
● SG 2 Use cases;
● SG 6 Governance;
● SG 7 Interoperability.
Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies is a rapidly evolving and expanding area. The need
for collaboration and cooperation has been identified and ISO/TC 307 is liaising with the relevant
ISO and IEC committees, as well as external organizations, to minimize any overlap. "

>> No.11619395


Excerpts, continuted:

"Three bodies are responsible for the planning, development and adoption of International
Standards: ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is responsible for all sectors
excluding Electrotechnical, which is the responsibility of IEC (International Electrotechnical
Committee), and most of the Telecommunications Technologies, which are largely the
responsibility of ITU (International Telecommunication Union).
ISO is a legal association, the members of which are the National Standards Bodies (NSBs) of
some 164 countries (organizations representing social and economic interests at the international
level), supported by a Central Secretariat based in Geneva, Switzerland.
The principal deliverable of ISO is the International Standard.
An International Standard embodies the essential principles of global openness and transparency,
consensus and technical coherence. These are safeguarded through its development in an ISO
Technical Committee (ISO/TC), representative of all interested parties, supported by a public
comment phase (the ISO Technical Enquiry). ISO and its Technical Committees are also able to
offer the ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS), the ISO Public Available Specification (ISO/PAS)
and the ISO Technical Report (ISO/TR) as solutions to market needs. These ISO products
represent lower levels of consensus and have therefore not the same status as an International
ISO offers also the International Workshop Agreement (IWA) as a deliverable which aims to bridge
the gap between the activities of consortia and the formal process of standardization represented
by ISO and its national members. "

>> No.11619410

Excerpts, Continued

Though no ISO standards currently exist for blockchain and DLT, a number of related standards
have been identified that the group will need to be conscious of in development of standards for
blockchain and DLT. These include, at a minimum:
● ISO 20022 series Financial Services – Universal Financial Industry Message Scheme;
● ISO/IEC 17788 Information Technology – Cloud Computing – Overview and Vocabulary;
● ISO/IEC 17789 Information Technology – Cloud Computing – Reference Architecture;
● ISO/IEC 18384 series Information Technology – Reference Architecture for Service
Oriented Architecture;
● ISO/IEC 19086 Information Technology – Cloud Computing – Service Level Agreement
(SLA) Framework;
● ISO/IEC 27000 series Information Technology – Security Techniques, with profile
standards for many industries;
● ISO 29000 series on identity management and privacy;
● ISO 31000 series Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines;
● ISO 10962 series Securities and Related Financial Instruments;
● ISO 6166 series Securities and Related Financial Instruments;
● ISO/IEC 38500 series Information Technology – Governance of IT for the Organization;
● ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 17 standards on identity related documents, including passports and
driving licences.
ITU-T has Recommendations that are relevant to ISO/TC 307, particularly on the structured and
operation of networks, and on cybersecurity and cyber incident management.
IETF, OASIS and W3C also have standards that are relevant to ISO/TC 307

>> No.11619430


Heres the Aussie Phillipa Ryan who we were talking about in the earlier threads. You search ISO/TC 307 on youtube and this is the first hit

>> No.11619451

great fucking finds OP. diggin

>> No.11619452

What's this mean?

>> No.11619522

Im basically looking into the intersection of:

ISO the international standards Organization, they are standardizing blockchain terminology and best practice, if decentrlaized oracles became their proposed standard for ensuring safe, compliant, smart contracts, that would be huge as fuck, singularity huge

The panel is full of aussies that are associated with ASX and Digital Assets Group

ASX is the first stock market to implement dlt based settlements, replacing their current system called Chess

The Panels has one member \in South Africa who is either Ian Bessarabia or knows him. Ian intersects with oracles, SWIFT, ISO, Blythe Masters, ASX, the works.

Just vague patterns right now but biz has "guessed" alot of chainlink news, im just trying to make a good guess.

>> No.11619562


and one of you autists just sort of showed up in an old thread of mine and fucking called this:


creept get by the way

>> No.11619612


any relevance OP

>> No.11619617

Heres Julien Bringer


With a company called Ledger

>> No.11619654

Im taking a break. Back in a few hours idk

>> No.11619740

good work anon

>> No.11620372
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>> No.11620679

Thank you for your hard work Kate

>> No.11620746

Ive never seen this info-graphic before so thank you! Seems like every other Artificial Lawyer article is about Kira. Did you make this infograph? I suck at graphic design shit so its always nice if people help out there in that regard.



>> No.11620770


Also if you guys haven't noticed this
thread is more or less moving parallel to what were discusing in here and in the old threads I made.

Alot of this speculation gets more real if we can figure what is white labeled. and if we can figure out what signs we can find that generally indicate a company is using cl in a white labeled fashion

>> No.11620881


Here is the source of that screenshot form the OP of that thread.

Lots of good info in here, dates of upcoming events involving implementation etc

>> No.11620907

can always email them: CHESSReplacement@asx.com.au

>> No.11620913

Protip anons, AB wasn't wrong, she just didn't account for the SEC subpoena. Every US based cryptocurrency recieved one, being smartcontracts side based in SF.

Not sure it's been cleared, but it delayed the singularity

>> No.11620935

These are fucking legendary threads, anon. For all the shit on biz, this is the fucking gold that makes it all worth while. Here’s a few more nuggets as well

Hong Kong stock exchange just announced that they are ALSO working with Digital Asset to build a system similar to the one that ASX is building.

>> No.11620975
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checking in from the conference thread

>> No.11620977


This thread is fucking lazy and old. OP made it to wow the newfags so he can try to continue this pump.

We knew AX was getting rid of chess and looking into DLT fucking last year. I remember shilling Chainlink to my dad early December last year and telling him ASX was going to use Chainlink. Because what else would they be using, fucking Bitcoin, Ripple, Mobius. Don't be a dumbass and pretend it's new news. I fucking hate you breadcrumbs shits. When Link takes off I want to use part of my funds to hunt down you hyping little shits and kill you all for denying us low prices. It doesn't matter if you know these details or not, Link will take off anyways. Calm your autism with a fucking video game in the meantime and stop hyping up anons with these fucking shitty annoying breadcrumbs you unbelievable faggot and let the price tank so we can continue buying low.

>> No.11620991

waste of dubs ah well

>> No.11621003

This is great fucking find, anon. I found out about ISO 200022 from an earlier one of these threads and I think this shit is HUGE.

I SUSPECT, don’t know that a huge part of driving adoption here is going to be the adoption of these standards, with chainlink being the only oracle that satisfies the standard. Watching their competitors, and I don’t see any evidence that they are thinking about these standards.

>> No.11621024

I think you’re on the right fucking track here, anon. As I said in one of the earlier threads, I speculate that SWIFT was aware of the need for these standards and made arrangements to spin off chainlink (actually the company smart contract LLC) to create a system that would work with the upcoming standard. Not sure, all speculation at this point but that’s how it looks to me.

>> No.11621057

What does any of this have to do with link?

>> No.11621084


>> No.11621127

I say this will all due respect, which in your case is none. Seriously go fuck yourself you stupid fuckhead. You didn’t build link you didn’t build smart contracts and you are a fucking cunt to think you can keep it to yourself. You have no right to try to keep it to yourself and go fuck yourself with your fucking fud.

BTW, this is about way more than chainlink, it’s also about smart contracts and how they are going to transform things and make the world better. I said earlier in the thread that this is the kind of thread that makes up for all the fucking bullshit on biz. YOU are the type who is responsible for making biz a shitty place by constantly spewing bullshit. If you don’t like it, fuck off to reddit or some other thread and spew your fucked up shit there. Fuck off and get out of this thread. The adults are talking.

>> No.11621166

yea this is very much related to the SWIFT institute report assblaster brought up back in the day. if you haven't read that and are interested in this stuff, that is very relevant and reveals their thinking about PDS2 and these sorts of open projects and the benefits and risks of community development/

>> No.11621185

Yes, as I said in earlier thread, folks in finance world I think are well aware they need to set this up as an independent entity. Contrast shipping world. Maersk has tried to set up a DLT for shipping world but no one else wants to join because they don’t want to be part of something run by their competitor. Seems like finance world, operating through Swift (I guess) realized early on that they needed to take a different path. I think result is chainlink.

>> No.11621189

This was me Anon. I’m also the one that suggested Phillipa Ryan. You’ve gone far beyond where I was up to with my digging, well done.
I work in banking/fintech and I don’t know anything beyond what you have laid out here.

>> No.11621259
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Why don’t these threads get attention I hate it. Just shows how everyone here chases the hype without understanding the underlying standards / protocols needed to make it work in the first place.

>> No.11621272



When Link takes off I am seriously considering hiring a blockchain forensics expert and a private investigator and tracking you fags down. Fuck you. You are costing me million with your rumors. Kill yourself.

>> No.11621285

This was a a great fucking call on Phillipa Ryan, anon. As I said in earlier thread, I saw her speak at Stanford Codex future of law conference last year and she is definitely one to follow. Since you mentioned that I've been digging into more of ISO 20022 developments too.

Question for you about recent news re: Hong Kong. Looks like Hong Kong has been watching ASX since last march, and probably earlier. To me anyway it was BIG news that Digital Asset announced that they are also build a project for Hong Kong. DA does NOT put out lots of announcements but just last week they announced this.

Not sure how much you can say but any sense of how the news about Hong Kong was received in Australia.

I know I'm getting caught up in all this but I seriously look at the DLT project for ASX and I think it is one of the most important IT projects in the world right now. If smart contracts take off at ASX then I think this is going to be HUGE for driving adoption in all kinds of industries. Seems like everyone in Sydney for SIBOS was very pumped about the ASX project but I'm on the other side of the world so curious to get info from someone who is more up close.

>> No.11621301

It’s somewhat because most of us here know that Chainlink is a sure thing. We’re past the point of assessing chainlink’s potential as a project, so the need to follow up on breadcrumbs is limited. Most former chainlink researchers are just awaiting singularity now.

>> No.11621304

i'll go halfsies with you on the pinkertons

>> No.11621311

Hounds of Love is fucking awesome

>> No.11621312

>When Link takes off I am seriously considering hiring a blockchain forensics expert and a private investigator and tracking you fags down. Fuck you. You are costing me million with your rumors. Kill yourself

Assuming you are not just a troll, you are seriously a reprehensible piece of shit. Lot of great things about smart contracts and projects like link, but one thing that takes away from it is the knowledge that absolute scum like you are going to make money from it.

Link threads are one of the few that have actual positivity on this board, and then unfortunately disgusting subhumans like you have to be part of it too. Makes me truly sick.

>> No.11621344


>> No.11621355


My dudes

>> No.11621363


I have so much Link that when it takes off I will have multimillions at my disposal for my quest of revenge to hunt down those responsible for denying me billions.

With or without your breadcrumps Chainlink will moon. It will take off from network usage alone. Your rumors serve only to agitate and disadvantage your fellow Linkies who believe in the project much more than you do, and are exited about it's potential on a level much higher than yours. While you stopped accumulating because you refuse to buy without absolute confirmation of the latest breadcrumb, other people out there didn't stop buying and wont stop till mainnet. They believe in this project so much that there is no end goal to accumulation. And you breadcrumbs fags are increasingly making yourselves the enemies of those dedicated true believer Linkies. I don't need your fucking breadcrumb to buy Link. How about you shut the fuck up, stop alerting the retards and redditors to whats going on and stop costing me fucking millions in gains. Every cent Link goes up from here is a loss of over 40x in gains percentage.

>> No.11621406
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>> No.11621451


>> No.11621495

It’s me but no WiFi, so different ID.

I don’t think HK changes anyone’s feelings about what the ASX is doing, but the CHESS replacement being DLT-based definitely put blockchain on the map for a lot of people in the industry.

The ASX thing has allowed DLT to be discussed in earnest as opposed to not at all. For example, I’ve been in some discussions about replacing equifax / illion with a DLT-based service. A major issue in credit originations and management is when the credit bureaus either are offline when someone applies for credit or return the wrong file, so imagine a system which uses consesnsus to return the right credit file and is always on line. These discussions have been very very exploratory and basic, but 5% of all consumer credit applications are affected by this so the opportunity is large.

I think the ASX project will be the first of many for DLT in Australian fintech. Also, XRP is dead in this country but that’s a discussion for a different time.

>> No.11621580

Correct on the last point

T. Big 4 bank fag

>> No.11621835
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>asshole retard only finds chainlink thanks to based breadcrumb posters
>now doesn‘t want to share Link with anyone and threatens based breadcrumb posters

If everyone had your faggot attitude then you wouldn‘t even know about chainlink you ungrateful piece of living dog shit.

I‘m gonna make sure that we will increase the breadcrumbs and shilling this month by 100% to deny you the cheap Link that you seek.

>> No.11621843


I never found out about Link because of your breadcrumbs shits though.

>> No.11621849

yes you did, if nobody ever posted about Link, its 100% you wouldn‘t know about it.

>> No.11621865


They had a fucking presentation at SIBOS 2017 in the main hall that was hyped for a month in advance you blithering fucking idiot.

SIBOS announcements are not breadcrumbs, that is actual marketing from the team and other financial institutions.

>> No.11621876

Nobody buying your lies here you retard, you only found out because /biz/ was talking about it.
You don‘t deserve chainlink.

>> No.11621879

the irony is each time your ego lashes out you bump my thread

>> No.11621904
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Keep up the good work fren

>> No.11621910

let him be. we need to find more clues and uncover the truth.

>> No.11621915

absolute fucking chad.

>> No.11621952

>Nobody buying your lies here you retard, you only found out because /biz/ was talking about it.
>You don‘t deserve chainlink.
Totally agree with this that this anon

Is a complete piece of fucking dogshit. Fuckface you learned about link from /biz, and now you are talking about hunting down other anons who are trying to share info about this cool project. Not sure what it is about link threads on biz. 99% of anons I feel like are good people trying to share knowledge. Then there are like 1% who are like "hur dur I found out by attending sibos." No you fucking didn't you absolutely piece of dogshit. Why would you even go on biz if this were the case. You are just trying to prevent other people from learning about a project that YOU had nothing to do with. You didn't help develop chainlink. You didn't come up with the idea. You are just a complete greedy fuck. The whole fucking point of this board is to share information your absolute sack of shit. Seriously go fuck yourself. "SIBOS announcements are not breadcrumbs." Seriously you stupid fucking idiot get off this board and go fuck yourself.

>> No.11621970

desu i wouldnt even come to biz in the first place if it werent for LINK and the memes. it has such potential and has a good storyline. it literally will legitimize the industry and turn into from ponzi dapps to actually billion dollar enterprises using it and then you have those assholes who are so poor that they cant afford to even deep dive with us and would rather prevent people from learning about the project and FUD worse than a street shitter named Sundeep

>> No.11621982


A thread about SIBOS and Link going there last year and the Link ICO shill threads are not breadcrumbs shit you fucking moronic imbeciles. Breadcrumbs is you autistic faggots digging around to find possible partnership rumors for the purpose of causing hype pumps.

If someone had been browsing this board and still doesn't know about chainlink at this point, he doesn't deserve it. Everyone else is already bought in and you don't need to keep digging up hype material to cause FOMO in swingtraders causing price pumps you fucking retards.

You are the bad guys here. You are the enemies of accumulating Linkies. You are the cause of pre mainnet fomo and unnecessarily pumped up prices. You inform absolutely no one about Link who deserves to know. You only inform latecomers, bullrun normies still hanging around because they are bagholding and fucking newfags. Fuck you for informing those type of people.

>> No.11621984

>The ASX thing has allowed DLT to be discussed in earnest as opposed to not at all.
yeah, I think this is the thing. This is why I think this project is so huge. In one of the earlier threads someone posted a report about the ASX thing where someone, I think maybe the CFO of ASX was saying "look this is not a big deal, this is just a way for everyone to save money." Headline said something like, "enthusiasm cools at ASX for DLT project" I was like, no you retards, don't you see. THIS is what mainstream adoption looks like. It's when CFO types say "look, I could give a shit about whiz bang technologies, or some grand vision, I just want to save money.' THAT is when this shit goes absolutely parabolic. So, ok, that's about what I thought -- that HK adding this is good, but mostly confirms what people were already thinking. Thanks for your perspective, anon. As we talked about in prior thread, I think there are some interesting reasons why Australia is the testing ground for this new stuff. I can't remember the exact phrase you used but I think you said something like the banking network or finance network was "live" due to smart investments in the 70s. I confess I don't have enough background to totally get that, but I thought it was interesting. Means that Australia is DEFINITELY a place to watch and you, anon, are on the ground there so your perspective is definitely valuable for your fellow anons and much appreciated.

>> No.11622008

>Link who deserves to know.
You don't decide who "deserves to know" you absolute sack of dogshit. You had nothing to do with this project. You did nothing to advance it. You are a greedy fuck who comes to a board that is all about sharing knowledge and are attacking others for sharing knowledge. Who the fuck are you to decide that "latecomers" aren't entitled to it. Seriously fuck off.

>> No.11622022
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Anon you make this board what it truly is, a board of frenship.

Thanks for the work.

>> No.11622046
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disgusting fucking shills are everywhere with their heavy ASS BAGS. I guess that's what happens when you buy up an ICO
Did you know that BAT ico had only 120 participants. Imagine how fucking big their smiles are as they dump that shit all over coinbase! LOL! BAT raised $30million in 6 seconds. It's now trading at 400million.Lmao pajeets 15x'ed those rich guys money

Oh,and by the way, If you think that the next bull run will pump your alt coins like XRP, TRON, BAT,ZRX, ADA that are sitting in the hundreds of millions or billions in market capitalizations, prepare to be FUBAR'd

There are a ton of blockchains with high potential that are sitting under 10M in market cap because of the recent bitcoin bear run. Those will be the ones who will replace most of the shit you see in the top 200
And with that...I present you pajeets with the one and only Angelina FLOlie

Did you guys see the violent + epic rise of RVN from 30 million to over $150 million market valuation in the last weeks???
I'm here to tell you that FLO is the sister of RVN. FLO is only $5 million marketcap.
The rise of RVN was due to Overstock and Tzero using RVN for their platform.Well...they're also using FLO! It's on the down low. Nobody knows. But now you do!

Binance listed RVN because it was fairly launched and had NO ICO and NO premine. Guess what?So was Flo.
tZERO bought 5 Million $FLO

Take a look:

Then take a look at the transaction data:

"Inventory Posted: SOI(239) STI(246) Broker(1313) Account() Time(08/14/2018 08:00:01.846) Side(Sell) Symbol(GPRO.DLR) Qty(8400) Price(0.00600) OrderType(Limit) TimeInForce(DAY)"

These are coming from tZERO DLR records that are stored on top of the FLO blockchain

Check out a more informative post here:

Thank me later.

>> No.11622049
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Posted this before but this is from cio summit

>> No.11622053
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>> No.11622142


Disgusting newfag. All original Linkies from 2017 fudded the shit out of Link to make sure it stayed out of the hands of the unworthy. All true Link oldfags will continue to FUD the shit out of this coin until mainnet as well.

You can shill after Mainnets out and this is already way over a dollar.

>> No.11622171


t. Original Linkie from 2017

>> No.11622236

Go fuck yourself. Seriously, go fuck yourself. You don’t decide who is “unworthy” you stupid fuck. You are an unworthy piece of dog shit who should do the world a favor by offing yourself. I’ve been here longer than you have you fuck. You don’t speak for anyone else fuckhead. This board is about sharing information you utter piece of shit. Seriously go fuck off to pol or whatever fucking shitfhole you come from.

>> No.11622271


Wow so fucking angry. Are you maybe, perhaps a latecomer to Link yourself, who only got in through breadcrumbs or that assblaster asshole? Did you buy high anon and the thought of Link tanking makes you want to kill yourself? It would certainly explain the need to keep manufacturing FOMO with these fucking threads. Either that or you are worthless neet who can't buy more anyways, would explain your free time to dig around all these fucking connections in the first place.


Either a liar or the boards worst Linkie by far. All OG linkies fudded the shit out of the coin, or purposefully shitpost shilled it to make it look like a scam or a meme like bazingacoin or some shit. If you think you are browsing among friends here anon, you are wrong. We are your competitors. Get fucked commie.

>> No.11622333

I wanted to so thank you. This is great thread, keep it up. I love you and good luck

>> No.11622350

thanks, nice digits

>> No.11622359

thanks, also nice digits

>> No.11622392

drunkanon once said."Australians love chainlink. thats all im gonna say"

>> No.11622404
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Checked, we are gonna make it frens.

>> No.11622411


This is great find, anon. Your threads are what introduced me to ISO20022. I’m working as fast as possible to understand it. Looks absolutely huge.

>> No.11622431


Christ, you're so fucking new it hurts. This is why you were offended when I said unworthy newfags, because your one of them.


Fuck drunk anon. Hope he gets alcohol poisoning.

>> No.11622441
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>dat subhuman meltdown

>> No.11622449

and I hope you croak before mainnet you unworthy human garbage.

>> No.11622454

Tonight i will post 7 storys of people losing jobs who know 200 people who lost jobs due to a smartcontract style of process IS020022 compliant protocalls being implimented

>125,000 EOY

>> No.11622465


He just admitted he didn't know about ISO20022 until faggot OP made his threads. We knew about this since last year for fucks sake.

I am so sick of Nulinkers. I fucking hate nulinkers so much.

>> No.11622497

Thats some fucking hive mind shit. I didnt even read the thread just replied to OP

>> No.11622556
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and he will educate himself and others and buy up more chainlink.
every LINK thats not ending up in your wallet is a good LINK.

>> No.11622567

Literally not a single thing to do with chainlink.
Delusional baghodlers.

>> No.11622581

Anyone who has traveled to this shit hole and continues to dig is worthy you selfish fuck. This is exactly who you want holding the line with you.

>> No.11622739

Yeh you’re bang on. The comments from the ASX were huge. In that one quote, he simultaneously legitimized DLT in the Australian financial system and signaled to the rest of the network that they should be looking in to it. None of the things people at that level say are accidental or careless, every word is picked carefully.

All these guys care about is cost savings. My bank (nab) cucked itself hard by overspending on a massive core banking system upgrade, so there’s no appetite or money left for tech investment right now. CBA will lead the charge in DLT, maybe with ANZ close behind. They’ll be small, closed pilots at first but these guys have been thinking about DLT for a while so it won’t take long to implement. The challenge in this country is the regulators.

I can’t believe you retained what I said about Australia’s banking system but you are spot on. “Live” in this context is counterintuitive, our banking system was ahead of its time in the 70s but never kept pace with the rest of the world. In short, our banks (until now anyway) haven’t been connected in the same way they are in the US or EU, meaning the risk of fucking things up here is much lower. So our interbank payment network is much slower and safer for trialing new tech in a real world environment. Apple Pay was first trialed here, so was Square’s point of sale system, among others.

Godspeed anon and you’ll see my posts if I come across anything new. May your linkies stay stinky.

>> No.11622743

Kill yourself, unironically. The enemy is no-linkers.

>> No.11622751



Nolinkers are the best, they sometimes FUD for me, and they also don't pump my bags when I am accumulating.

I love nolinkers. I wish this board had more nolinkers. Nolinkers are fucking based. Do you know how fucking based it is to not buy any chainlink so others can accumulate it low. What a sacrifice for your fellow /biz/bros. Nolinkers are the absolute champions of this board.

>> No.11622784

You make some solid points. Anyways, you should be nicer to fellow marines.

>> No.11622787

Anon, your contributions are much appreciated. I know we are just two random fucking people on opposite sides of the world, but I just want to say that your perspective is much appreciated.

Appreciate your perspective. I think we are on to a seriously fucking transformative thing right now. I can’t fucking believe this is actually happening.

Best of luck to you too, anon.

>> No.11622805
File: 236 KB, 504x375, qqewrwerf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone give me a quick gestalt???

buying rumors??

>> No.11622807


I'm nice to my fellow accumulators and fudders. I just hate breadcrumb chasing retards trying to cause hype and FOMO.

Link does not need hype to go up anyways. All attempts to create hype are you shooting yourself in the foot. Linkies need to learn to shut up and accumulate and we will take off on mainnet regardless of if it's shilled. Link isn't like other shitcoins here. Going parabolic pre mainnet relies solely on speculation and shilling and hype and makes Link look like another scam bullrun moonboy shit project. It looks bad. Link will go parabolic on it's own without anyone's help purely due to mainnet usage.

>> No.11622831
File: 42 KB, 1024x673, wsfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the point of buying a coin that you cant short??

>> No.11622847

wtf are these threads

>> No.11623078

Flush yourself down the toilet.