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1161784 No.1161784 [Reply] [Original]

What do /biz/.
Used to heavily play Counter Strike, but deleted it and focused on /biz/ and /fit/ things. Doing great and all, but now I have urge to play again.
Should I let myself indulge a little, or try to resist? If I resist - will it get easier to resist with time until it's gone?

>> No.1161941

Do you have friends or anyone else that you regularly play with on csgo?

>> No.1161943


>> No.1161945

go back and play. you'll see it isn't as good as you used to think it was, and youll have closure.

>> No.1161946

Yeah I've resisted after not playing for half a year or more bro. Needless to say I played 80 hours for two weeks straight.

>> No.1161955

All about moderation.
When Peter Griffin tried quitting drinking but it sucked, but, he couldn't go on drinking 6 beers a day. So, for every 2 beers he buys he has to put 1 in the bin.

>> No.1161956

I'm a veteran
you need to reach the point where you don't even get the urge to play again
for that you need to change yourself
if you don't change you will continue to live a depressed shit life doing nothing but wasting your time and life

>> No.1161960

wups wrong person (=
was saying that to op
btw 80 hours was nothing to me lol
I used to play 2 days non stop sometimes
that wasn't even the only game I game I used to play ofcourse
I don't play multi-player games anymore btw

I still do very rarely because I have nothing else to do, but not cs go

>> No.1161963

Bro I literally fucked my whole life up with videogames(although I had other problems I was escaping from).

I was just saying that it's best to quit forever, playing for "a little bit" quickly turns to a lot.

Anyways I don't play anymore after being addicted to every game possible. WoW arenas and LoL being the biggest ones. - I'm still a loser though. I think that my lack of sleep, nutrition and too much videogames during my developmental years fucked my brain's reward mechanisms permanently.

>> No.1162025

No. I like to queue for competetive with random strangers just for fun. Now that I think about it, it's the fact that I get to talk to people on voice chat that is fun to me. Without that I don't see any appeal to the game anymore.

I know it isn't as good already. It's more like an "ex-addiction"(although today I was close). Thing is, when you've done everything productive you wanted to do for the day and still there's tons of time left - you begin to crave that stuff. I would continue doing more productive stuff, but I get burned out for the day "being clean". Is this something you'll get used to and then be able to spend entire days learning and doing productive things, or do you need some sort of stimulant to keep going?

Damn man. Be careful please.

I guess so. It's just that now I have nothing else but /biz/ and /fit/ stuff to do which doesn't take up my time that much.

Yeah, WoW was something alright. Fuck LoL though. The only game that managed to keep me playing up till early morning once or three times. Now that I look back - it makes me cringe I played something like that.

Anyways I didn't play it today and am glad I didn't - was a close one. Just watched some /biz/-related videos and went for a run instead and just came back to /biz/. Good thing I uninstalled Steam and the game. I guess because of the entire hurdle of reinstalling everything stopped me. Maybe I should also install GNU/Linux instead of Windows to completely seal the deal. Feels good.

>> No.1162032

Yeah I did this.

Debian master race here. Windows is shit for everything except gaymes

>> No.1162080

Well it does have Office, Adobe or pretty much any solid other aplications for productivity.

>> No.1162083

Libreoffice is actually better in nearly every aspect. I've had no trouble using it except for learning how things are laid out on it(which is a bit awkward).

Also from what I found in comparisons to m$ office it's actually better in most aspects aside from proprietary shit.

>> No.1162084

enjoy a game where the player base is 50% hackers and almost the entirety of the 'pros' are hackers or ex-hackers

>> No.1162232

I stopped playing wow after 8 years around a year ago

it's kinda strange really

>> No.1162265
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I moved to a hip city from bumfuck nowhere last month. Haven't left the house, been playing mgsv all day and applying to jobs sometimes.

>> No.1162412

As a former gaming addict I'd recommend that you just stay away. Throughout my life I've had long periods of time where I played obsessively, and long periods of time where I did not play at all.

And from what I've learned is that it's much easier to just say no, at this point, than to say no when you' re in the strong habit of playing a lot.

Of course you should enjoy your life, but there are plenty of activities which are relaxing but much less addicting. Hang out with friends, go to the movies, read a book, watch a documentary, or whatever.

I feel like most of the people saying "just play a little" either never been addicted, or are in denial about the fact that they have started on a slippery slope again towards being addicted again.

>> No.1162442

I quit this year, after coming back to Sydney after a holiday in the US I spent a solid week playing and realised it stopped me from doing all the things i'd promised myself I'd do when I was traveling.

I fucking miss it so bad though, I want to go and use an ak in that game so bad.

The thing is I haven't really done that much more with out it.

I probably use 10% of that time actively doing shit, 50% of that time doing passive learning shit, like watching doco's or spending time here on /biz/ lazily learning econ shit, and 40% doing pointless time wasting shit like browsing facebook or youtube or whatever.