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11613496 No.11613496 [Reply] [Original]

we are ending the FUD right here and right now.

>muh browser plugin token
brave is the first dapp for BAT, but BAT will be added into other apps (podcasts and gaming are two most commonly mentioned use cases I've seen the Brave team mention). The Brave team has also introduced the idea of Brave mail to compete with Gmail, which would obviously incorporate BAT into its platform for email newsletters, targeted ads in newsletters, etc.

>capped at $1
go ahead and ctrl + F for $1, let me know if you find it...

>no one uses brave
it's approaching 5M MAUs and growing at a rapid pace. meanwhile Google and Facebook are imploding with ad fraud and sexual harassment drama. Brave is controversy-free and built on a pure ideology with a fantastic team.

>BAT was a fundraising token for the Brave browser
sure, but the browser also needs a token to work. the primary purpose of BAT is to become a unit of account for attention. We are witnessing attention being commoditized. In 10 years from now, you might see the price of Attention (BAT) displayed on CNBC tickers like you would see a stock or precious metals price. This concept is so much more ambitious than other shitcoins who only exist to be a payment network.

>Brave and BAT have many better competitors
lmao, PRL and TRON are complete jokes. Goodbye

>> No.11613528

nice, unironically just bought a 1000.
Let's go BATboys

>> No.11613611

You are forgetting about the BAT VPN

There is more FUD than what you listed btw, but i will just let the retards come in and try.

Only PRL niggers spread FUD about BAT intentionally. Everyone else is either ignorant or low iq. BAT is good for everyone in crypto. If people want retail investors to buy xmr,link, or whatever they are holding, they need to understand that BAT will be the first crypto anyone will ever use, and it will likely be a gateway into other cryptos because of its legitimacy.

Basically its irresponsible to not own BAT or support it.

>> No.11613636
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To infinity and beyond!

>> No.11613701

BAT is a stablecoin like Tether except it's a ceilingcoin and can't go above a dollar. How you can read the whole white paper and miss this is beyond me

>> No.11613721

50k BAT enough to make it batbro?

>> No.11613768

All Iread from whitepaper is:
>What is the price of BAT?
>BAT will be a fixed ratio to ETH. This may vary slightly with ETH volatility as we get
closer to the contract deployment date. The exchange rate will be 6400 BAT per ETH

>> No.11613900

That’s talking only about the ICO

>> No.11613904

What is Brave's scaling solution?

>> No.11615017

I'm genuinely curious where you guys are coming from? These have to be actual bots at this point.

>> No.11615039

>muh browser plugin token

>> No.11615046
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>I posted it again

>> No.11615077

Nice. Just bought 6k

>> No.11615095

BAT is shit. Nothing pushes the price up. Adoption won't. Adoption would require it to be easily converted to fiat. No one will hold this shit.

>> No.11615122

And for the record link is shit too.
>Muh collateral
Yeah that is literally never going to work.

>> No.11615142

The Brave browser is OK on my phone but I prefer Firefox because I can put ublock on it. Brave does a half ass job of ad blocking.

>> No.11615167

Coinbase/BAT hype isnt about a listing, its having an easy access broker built right into the Brave wallet.

>> No.11615210

Where the fuck did I talk about hype or a listing? Why would anyone hold it? As in to drive the price up? If it gets adopted, content creators will just convert to fiat to get paid. No one holds. No price increase. Use your brains people.

>> No.11615301

You wanted easy conversion to fiat and I told you what it was, asshat.

>> No.11615319


>> No.11615349
File: 190 KB, 1062x1500, 1522682324443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brave is a chromium fork without extension support that per-default forces an embedded version of adblock plus down your throat
tell me why i should use brave instead of ungoogled chromium with umatrix, i'll wait

>> No.11615380

It actually will support all extensions in the next few update, it already supports most extensions now faggot.

>> No.11615421


Volume is the biggest it's ever been.
Weekly chart shows BAT is one of a handful of tokens that haven't suffered the crash.

Everyone wants to hold bat moron.

>> No.11615435

i doubt it, does it allow you to replace their shitty adblocker with umatrix or ublock origin? i dont think it does

>> No.11615444

1,500 BAT marine reporting in. Feeling bullish.

>> No.11615452

Inside guy here, one of the employees are in a relationship with another man, Brendan doesn't know.. I as well as other employees are under the clear impression that once he find out, he will deliberately destroy the entire project and "salt the earth".

Get out now!

>> No.11615454
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>> No.11615511

Everyone is a speculating retarded internet money trader and are fucking clueless about tech. No one buying wants to use bat. Think dude

>> No.11615525

Isn't it the point of a cryptocurrency to be traded against fiat / other cryptos ?

>> No.11615568


If I own say $2000 in Bat of course I'll use it and give $20months to my favourite websites / content creators.

I can then buy back via coinbase once implemented if I want to.

Fiat has value too yet you agree to spend it. Spending BAT doesn't make it worthless.

>> No.11615880

Why would you replace Braves high quality custom built in ad blockers with low quality chink shit like umatrix and ublock? Brainlet confirmed.

>> No.11616083

I forgot I'm in the crypto currency subreddit. My bad. We're all here for the tech. Yay I can't wait to use my bat tokens. This will be so neat.

>> No.11616802

You're wrong. Bat will be used all over the internet and be safer than putting your card information all over the board