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File: 125 KB, 900x900, Gtaustralian+wizards+there+is+bound+to+be+real+_a5775037283c8421c19d5be93a3c8d84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11610783 No.11610783 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is their secret for such a strong economy for so long? is it as simple as having the government back the fuck off the people? or the hot Australian bitches?

>recession-free for 25 years

>GDP of 1.323 trillion USD

>5.4% unemployment

>> No.11610803


>is it as simple as having the government back the fuck off the people?

you’re still talking about Australia, right? anyway the secret is natural resources and selling the country to China.

>> No.11610807

Five eyes

>> No.11610808

Australians have the highest per capita ownership of LINK

>> No.11610817

The secret is Kevin Rudd giving away money so most people could buy a big TV, also what the anon said about China.

>> No.11610819

how are austries so into Link?

>> No.11610822


We're going to pay for it in the next 5 - 10 years when our economy collapses and China swoops in

>> No.11610838
File: 20 KB, 1017x351, Screenshot_2018-11-02 Gold Geoscience Australia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11610841
File: 507 KB, 2024x1286, Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 4.27.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so fucked if interest rates rise.

We rode the mining boom. We rode low interest rates and property surge from overseas investors.

Interest Only loans are beginning to end and people have to pay back their principal on the loan. Inflation and stagnant wages mean people don't have much left to spend.

We will be in a recession in 3 years.

>> No.11610845
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>> No.11610847

what makes you think theyll be a recession in the next 5-10 years anon?

>> No.11610851
File: 7 KB, 250x249, 22237396_10210475279735386_1639210739_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent the last 5 months in a regional town of 100k pop. The consumer culture here is so different to what I am used to. Keno papers on every restaraunt table (even the fancy ones) and people actually play keno. People donating money left right and center despite living wage to wage. This consumer confidence is one aspect. The other aspect as mentioned before is that we are literally selling off our land and housing to China, important skilled immigrants to do our bidding, and we fucking hate asymlum seeking cunts. Also we have a lot of coal, iron, diamonds, opals, and gold. Coal is doing well for us at the moment with our government selling it off to the filthy pajeets.

>> No.11610856


>> No.11610865

aud/usd 2.0 2022

>> No.11610877

>100k pop

>> No.11610881

It is catching up with us OP
Property market is biggest market in australia, when it crashes the domino effect will be catastrophic

>> No.11610883


well that’s pretty impressive. I guess they have far and away the most gold per capita then

>> No.11610892

you think itll be something similar to the last US recession with the house market crash? if so, ill go all in shorting the market and become the next DR. Michael Burry

>> No.11610894

ding ding ding

but china's coming for us, no doubt

>> No.11610906
File: 9 KB, 259x194, austrlian millenium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian world government 2100

>> No.11610926

This is true. Rudd saved us from a recession yet Labor is blamed for our economy going into debt.

Both major parties are shit but fuck these lying Liberal cunts. Country has doubled the debt since being in power. I hope we collapse in a big way. Country is fucked.
Following the rest of the first world in letter third world scum flood our country to keep the bubble inflated.

>> No.11610945

Possibly heavier as we've been pushing back the 2008 recession for a decade now

>> No.11610989

I laugh when US media uses Australia as an example of a great economy. We pull things out of the ground to sell to China, and we build houses. One of those things is currently in the process of crashing with no survivors, the other is likely to die if the US-China trade-war doesn't end. We are so fucked.

>> No.11610992

Smartest comment in the thread.

>> No.11611136

small population size with ocean walls. Tight immigration policy. Even socialism and non-innovative rent seeking doesn't fail when the population is small enough. Also there are no economic blockades like other poor countries.

The place is a wagey's paradise. I've encouraged many to come here and take their 6 figure jobs. Not everyone can come and get a permanent visa.

>> No.11611146
File: 47 KB, 750x750, 30124743_10211630623657172_7662157368993513472_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese money is the only thing keeping Australia afloat. That place is fucked.

>> No.11611199

No idea. 31k holder from brisbane here. I dont understand why there are so many of us.

>> No.11611244

Raised on propaganda, susceptible to meme power. CL relies on gaining institutional adoption, institutions don't want decentralised oracles, they have APIs by trusted central parties to fulfill this function. I'm honestly going to feel for you all when it doesn't turn out.

>> No.11611257
File: 7 KB, 161x162, 64968846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cubes man

>> No.11611293

> Raised on propaganda, susceptible to meme power.
Oh yeah, we're so much worse than europe and the JewSA when it comes to this
> CL relies on gaining institutional adoption, institutions don't want decentralised oracles, they have APIs by trusted central parties to fulfill this function.
Wow yeah you're totally right. You might want to write to swift or fidelity or ari juels or the large list of others working on this / with this and tell them that the time they have invested looking at this particular aspect of blockchain tech thus far is a waste of time because (sources: dude trust me) said so.
> I'm honestly going to feel for you all when it doesn't turn out.
Lol I don't care what you will or you won't feel. If it fails it was still a good bet given what we know, but you're just another dumb dog barking at things it will never understand.

>> No.11611304

Why is it when Oz link marines sound off its majority Brisbane.

Also from Brisbane, we have to over throw palaszczuk and declare LINKTOPIA

>> No.11611309

You've had a fucking year astro you dumb balding gremlin fuck

>> No.11611325

Yeah I noticed a lot of Brisbanites myself... and fuck Pala. Such a retard. That being said - mosr of our politicians are retards. We need to do something about the politics in this country one hundred percent.

>> No.11611364
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>> No.11611408

>mah swift partnership
Not confirmed by Swift, CL not talked about in any way at their event just passed. When they talk about DLT, they preface it by saying its half a dozen years off. This partnership is as real as every other crypto project alluding to a partnership to keep bagholders.
> fidelity and long list of others working on this
Fidelity took part in a proof of concept, thats it.. Smart contract bonds will be a thing, decentralised oracles will not be trusted, cost effective or wanted over current oracle solutions.
>Lol I don't care what you will or you won't feel. If it fails it was still a good bet given what we know, but you're just another dumb dog barking at things it will never understand.
I understand this space quite well, its why i've stayed the fuck away from Chainlink. If you manage to make it with this, its because you swing trade and sell on each wave. Long term holders are going to get rekt.

>> No.11611454

Yawn. 0 arguments of substance as per usual.
> t-they don't want decentralized oracles! They just run pocs and have them speak at sibos for years running as a prank!
> the old way is better! A new decentralized way will never be trusted regardless of the benefits!
Maybe just stay away from discussing link when you see it come up? You're clearly out of your depth and you don't even know how to use a filter. You're either larping as a retard, or we should all be applauding you for managing to type without choking to death on your own tongue.

>> No.11611527

another Brisfag reporting in

>> No.11611531

soft cock queenslanders get the fuck out

>> No.11611543

>recession free
>being this naive

>> No.11611587

Rudd did no such thing. He is a complete fuck up and did absolutely nothing for the country, unless you call token his apology to ozniggers "something". Idiot.

>> No.11611593

Australia has a strong local manufacturing economy and a very future and education orientated political leadership and population. Understanding that the resource boom was a temporary windfall that would need to be leveraged for future prosperity, we made huge investments in education, science and technology so that the next generation would be at the forefront of the world when it came to high tech research, manufacturing and exports.
Our extremely competent environmental management has also ensured that our natural beauty will continue to be a huge tourist draw, and our decisive and intelligent action to save our Great Barrier Reef has not only guaranteed future billions in tourist dollars, but also demonstrated to the world how intelligent, organised and well executed environmental management should be handled.
Derisively dubbed "the lucky country" in decades past, we have leveraged that luck intelligently, with foresight and great organisational skill, to guarantee that, in the future, we won't need luck. We'll make our own.

I wish I could write that. Why can't I write that you fucking incompetent, hopeless, malingering, dumbfuck, redneck, backwards, stupid, fuckheaded pieces of political shit.

>> No.11611665

Fuck you gave me the slightest glimmer of hope and savagely ripped it away

>> No.11611680

Cos you're a bunch of loud redneck bogans who can't resist squawking 'yeah brisvegas bro!' everytime Australia is mentioned.

>> No.11611683

We prop up our economy by having rich Chinese buy all of our properties as a store of value so they can get their money out of China and charge them a lot on stamp duty.

>> No.11611687

im starting a telegram for the brisbane crew, this cant be a coincidence. All Ausfags welcome. Lets get organized.


>> No.11611689

If Australia was a farm and the government was the farmer

The farmer just sold most of fields for a lump sum but now it has little income, we just sell our rescources to other countries when we should be using it

Idk enough about politics

>> No.11611693

Aus towns aren't like northern hemisphere towns. If it's less than 100k it's a fly-blown dump with decaying buildings and abos squatting in the middle of the street. Small towns don't really exist.

>> No.11611706

Not everywhere. All the boomers are escaping to the country and there's a bourgeois "cafe farmer" culture in heaps of places.

>> No.11611711

it raised my eyebrow there for a second

>> No.11611719

Far north coast was full of small towns when I went there

>> No.11611724


>unironically believing the Reef is dying

you’ll be saying the same shit 50 years from now.


there are some nice small towns but yes some of them are diabolical as you said. a general rule to follow seems to be that the drier it is, the shittier it is.

>> No.11611732

Our governments the best show on tv in Australia
I wish tony abbot would come back

>> No.11611746

do you live in sa or the nt? all of the most beautiful and clean places I've seen in australia are small towns with less than 40k pop

>> No.11611749

Join the telegram. We need scepticism

>> No.11611778
File: 111 KB, 1000x615, bunbury main street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a 30k town in the south west (Bunbury).

In summer, sure.

Suburbs are rough, but that's true in the city as well. Town is actually nice if slightly boring.

>Decaying buildings
Ok, a lot of the buildings in the CBD are pretty old, but that's the charm. New stuff goes up all the time.

>Squatting "Abos"
No, there aren't. You're thinking of some remote aboriginal community or some shit.

Pic related.

Overall I'd say visiting here is nice in summer, but living here is boring. There's little (but not none) work or education.

I lived in Perth for 9 months and became suicidal, so I don't know, I guess it's just about what you're used to.

>> No.11611784

Yep so that's what I'm going by. However as >>11611719 said far north qld has some very nice sugar cane towns. Once you're in the dry interior it's very hard to make a living so everything is shit.

>> No.11611808

Canberra fag reporting in.
I swear im the only one here kek

>> No.11611864

Get off this board Andy it will rot your brain

>> No.11611870

Brislinkie reporting in

>> No.11611873

I hope you didn't take my above comment seriously. I was 100% larping

>> No.11611875

Canberra fag here too
I hope kambah burns again lol

>> No.11611895

We literally just have all the rocks in the ground other countries want. And we still got so much land we havent even begin to explore for natural resources

I live in WA and the mining boom was the best period ever

>> No.11611907

One of the reason why Australia has strong economy is because of a use of our aussie dollar being float. Its also the reason why our currency is always weak against the US and Euro.
This was according to my professor who worked in public policy.

>> No.11611981

35k Brislinkie here, I just want make it enough buy my own apartment near the city.

>> No.11611986

>What the fuck is their secret for such a strong economy for so long?

Pure luck. We are a banana republic economy. We have no manufacturing. We produce nothing. We just mine rocks out the ground and sell them raw, we were lucky fhina really needed them and it saved us. We also farm and sell wheat, sheep and other banana republic tier exports.

>is it as simple as having the government back the fuck off the people?

Nope, this country is a nanny state. The government is constantly all over you. Taxes are high, freedom is very low.

>or the hot Australian bitches?

A hot aussie girl is about as rare as a thin girl in a McDonalds. Most chicks here are uggo's.

>5.4% unemployment

It's faked with fudged numbers. Neets are everywhere here.


Sydney anon here. I have a top 900 wallet. I invested in Link so I can escape this shithole country though.

>> No.11612013


I used to work in a bar, and had to put those fucking Keno papers out on the tables. Manager wanted multiple papers and pencils on every fucking table in the establishment which was over 100.

We actually had shit tons of people come up and pay for Keno tickets too and would play the game all fucking day. Once saw some dad teaching his kid how to play.