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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11609772 No.11609772 [Reply] [Original]

tfw you'll never have purpose, a wife, children, or friends
crypto is the only thing that makes life worth living

>> No.11609932
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>> No.11609954

Don’t poison yourself before realizing your gains

>> No.11610032

I'm afraid to realize gains riding the waves is all I have left
I've considered cashing some out to seek mental help and possibly professional investment advice
then a prominent business figure talks shit on crypto and I want to prove them wrong

>> No.11610042
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if you're that enthusiastic about crypto you might enjoy merv.tech

otherwise, perhaps the rest will change when you make it

>> No.11610063

that's a cool site I'll save it to check every once in a while

>> No.11610177
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IKTF , I am that feel

>> No.11610210
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thanks frens
we will find peace someday

>> No.11610230

>riding the waves is all I have left

surfs up dude

>> No.11610231
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no matter what i do i just cant seem to be happy

>> No.11610268
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>> No.11610367
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It's not poisoning. I'm just easing the wait time.

>> No.11610375
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im tired

>> No.11610458
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tfw already made it late 2017 early 2018 but didnt stop drinking. now just easing the wait time between 7 figures and 8 in my portfolio instead of from 0 to a mil

>> No.11610492
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Do you spend more money now, or have any big plans?

I've only bought a new truck, bought back in to replace what I sold, and live a boring life
Everyday consists of drinking, gym, and watching sports

>> No.11610501

>business and finance

>> No.11610512
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>holding crypto has been the best financial advice in the past decade
if only it wasn't so hard

>> No.11610518


>> No.11610535

i bought a house and quit my job. the rest is invested with a wealth management group. I spend probably the same amount as i did before, maybe actually less on day to day stuff. i lost my license to DUI, otherwise i would have maybe got a new car. life has not improved overall i would say. now i just dont have a job. Hoping to keep stacking up more money via some moonshot investments, thats basically my goal right now. I need to get on that gym program for sure though

>> No.11610601

>invested with a wealth management group
I have trouble trusting people but should go this route
>i lost my license to DUI
lol I'm on probation for drug possession so I drink alone at home every night
probably would have OD'd if I didn't get arrested before the big bull run
>life has not improved overall i would say
I kind of agree and I can't talk about it without sounding like a douche
>I need to get on that gym program for sure though
find a health club with good comforts like a sauna, pool, massage parlor, trainers, juice bar, etc. that's pricey and not too busy
that way it becomes something fun to do during the day vs some small busy dirty gym

>> No.11610655
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if you're that enthusiastic about merv.tech you might enjoy merv.tech

>> No.11610669

yeah the wealth management thing seems kind of stupid but i was talked into it by some family friends and they may not know shit about the crypto market but if youre young like me, theyve got good longterm strategies and really safe places to put your money so that you can not be sweating fucking bullets every night. i feel like getting caught being a shit degenerate by the law is a good thing overall probably. i spent a little bit in jail lmao. high end health club seems nice. id be good just to probably get to planet fitness though like once a week. i literally live on my fucking couch

>> No.11610673

wine, weed, internet , cryptos i love life

>> No.11610727

right on, thanks for some advice and I can relate about the jail thing too even though it still pisses me off
we're going to be alright just need to find a path to happiness

>> No.11610821

That's the spirit