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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1160788 No.1160788 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 27
>only 3k in the bank

God fucking damnit

>> No.1160798


maybe you should spend less time diddling yourself to images of little cartoon girls.

>> No.1160837

>been out of work for a month
>only 1G left in my savings from what i was paid out when i quit my job

>diddling yourself to images of little cartoon girls

do you know where you are?

>> No.1160977

He's quite aware.

Just as I am, however I don't care for the cartoons / anime that much. /k/biz/pol/diy/ mainly.

>> No.1161013

>$400 a month job
>$500 in bank, probably $4k worth of stuff ICE
>literally no debts

Its weird knowing that my net worth is substantially higher than everyone I personally know.

>> No.1161025
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>$2000 in bank
>make no unplanned purchases and never blow my money

I just hate being around people so I avoid working

>> No.1161036

>9000 bank
>13000 old 401k
>paid car
>no debts

I still have about 9000 left in unemployment too. step it up sempai

although desu you goys probably have a bachelors. i don't, i'm just about to finish a 2 year trade at school which is probs as far as I'll go.

>> No.1161054

>150k euro net worth
I dont even have a degree thats probably why I am poor :(

>> No.1161144

>12k in the bank
>never spend anything

>> No.1161160

>5k in bank
>spend as little as possible
>waiting for the summer so my B&B can start making the cash flow

>> No.1161175

>45K in the bank
>5k in cryptos
>2k in shares
>no debt
>earn enough to never worry about spending close to more than I save each week.

It's like playing life on easy mode

>> No.1161194

If you had channeled your hatred of social interaction into finding a job where you are left alone you could have 50k by now. At least.

>> No.1161205


Do u have gf tho

>> No.1161220

> 27
> 32 an hour
> company is talking about making lay offs

>> No.1161226

Yeah, of six years.

>> No.1161239


Well fuck you then

>> No.1161260


>> No.1161291


>> No.1161308
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>> No.1161699

>$60k in bank
>shit job but good tips
>BS in Biology/Physics
>still trying to figure out what to do with my life
What do I do?

>> No.1161714

I tried, I've worked several jobs. The work-from-home gigs only go to normals that are buddies with the higher ups.

>> No.1161722

>applied math degree
>only making 2k a month

I only have myself to blame

>> No.1161726

>50 Eur in Bank
>80 Eur in Wallet
>Work under table at 8,50 Eur/Hr
>Student loan supposed to kick in next week

Feels bad man

>> No.1161737

toss in a little r9k

>tfw no g/f

and you are literally me.

>> No.1161740

>45k in the bank
>in the bank
>sitting there collecting very little interest

>5k in crypto
>2k in stocks
>2k in stocks with 45k in the bank
>only reinvesting 4% of savings into stockmarket
>more money in shitcoins than stocks

Why are cryptotards so damn bad with money?

>> No.1161746

sitting on a bunch of cash right now isn't the worst plan, given strong dollar / low inflation / meh markets.

but not over 80% of your net worth. that's ridiculous.

>> No.1161748

/r9k/ is toxic as fuck desu it'll only make you depressed and complacent

>> No.1161751
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>have no job
>have no money
>spent years in a uni for a title that has given me nothing (graphic design)
>english is not even my mother tongue but I can't find any decent jobs because my country is A SHIT
>people with better opportunities bitch and moan at even the slightest economic troubles

I regret so much going to school, I should've dedicated my life to art if it was going to be this fucking terrible anyways

>> No.1161753

>$30k in the bank

I should maybe do something with this.

>> No.1161757

Buying property in the next six months. No point risking that money right now. Stocks and cryptos ore more for fun right now, I'm just learning at this point. Still young.
But for reference, I only started with 1k in cryptos, and rew it to 5k

>> No.1161765


>~$20k reclaimable in physical assets
>$400/week job
>Less than $1000 in the bank
>Maybe $3,500 in an orphaned 401k

So, at least I have a positive net worth. Outside of that, not doing too swift.

>> No.1161796

>5k cash in the bank
>25k in stock value (from 18k cash)
>Make $1500 bi weekly at my job

Guess I'm doing alright.

>> No.1161842

>26, software dev
>78k income
>55k in savings
>55k in retirements (roth IRA/401k)
>130k in taxable investments
>no debts, save/invest a significant portion of income
Why don't you guys just have your parents pay for college and your grandparents invest in the early 1990's for you like I did? It worked pretty well for me.

>> No.1161858

>"raised" by single mother
>nobody in my family had ever received a college degree
>nobody in my family had ever done anything of value period, most are just factory workers and cashiers
>they don't do anything productive with their money
>they actually buy shit from rent-to-own stores
>as if this wasn't bad enough they're all fat and ugly

Who else was doomed from the start and spawned from human garbage?

>> No.1161869

>24 years old, software engineer
>20k in bank
>20k in stocks
>owe 20k to sister

could be better, could be worse. Starting out on my journey towards financial independence.

>> No.1161873


That just means it falls on you to break the cycle. The fact that you're here, and thinking about it, already means you're better than they are as long as you don't ever use them as an excuse for your failures.

My parents did alright for me growing up, but they squandered all their wealth and every opportunity they ever had. There was never any chance of me getting college paid for. I was out on my own at 17. They would still be dirt poor living in a rented property if my father hadn't gotten into the oil industry a few years ago.

My mothers family was a sitcom worthy 1960's nuclear household. A father who never worked a real hard day is his life because he came from old New York money and he pissed everything he got from his parents away playing the stock market. A mother who was locked into being a nurse and home maker. They'd be scraping by on social security and help from their kids right now if they hadn't won a medical malpractice suit. Three daughters and a son. Only the son went on to do anything worthwhile.

My fathers parents weren't much better. The father was a fast and loose traveling salesman that viewed himself as an international playboy. Spent his middle years making really good income and wasting it completely. He's now on the starting fringes of dementia and living in my parents basement. The mother was stuck at home, dreaming of a college education, but working a clerical job to raise two boys. The step father was successful in his time, but again squandered his wealth on poor investing.

I look back at my lineage and see nothing but wasted potential. 100, 200 years ago we were European admiralty and nobility, manors and status. Interwar family schism and immigration to America, poorly managed wealth, failed businesses. Each subsequent generation falling farther behind.

And now the responsibility is mine.

>> No.1161874
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>> No.1161875

>€5500 in bank ($6k-ish)
>1 year experience, half-decent data analysis skillset

Need more cash money tho.

Considering dat der finance to make some €€€

>> No.1161901

>tfw 30k in bank, 120k in cryptos and no stocks
suck it nocoiner

>> No.1161926

you sound like the type of dumbass that would marry a nigress.

>> No.1161967

>some people are this retarded
This board never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.1161968

Maybe you should stop reading comics and get your shit together?

>> No.1161986


>Married to pure white qt3.14 whose salary is 3x mine.
>I still control the finances completely.

You jelly?

>> No.1161989


thats embarrassing

no better than a nigger who brags about his welfare check

>> No.1161990

How is your relationship with your sister? Does she know you have 2x the amount you owe her in investments and savings? Why not just pay her back?

Genuinely curious about the family/friend loan dynamic, and not trolling btw.

>> No.1161997

>had 28k in bank
>wrote a check out for a stupid car
>now 3k


>> No.1162005


You're 22, had 28k in the bank, and you spent 25 of it on a car?

Dumb as fuck.

>> No.1162010

Hold off paying on it until they "forget"
If they get mad at you let your mom sort it out