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11607502 No.11607502 [Reply] [Original]

I just permenatley lost about 6k worth of crypto, how the fuck do I cope and live with myself now

>> No.11607517

I lost 1M worth. You'll be ok, 6k is an amount you could make back fairly easily.

>> No.11607526

money isnt everything anon

get a waifu

>> No.11607546

I was hacked for 10k anon, sucks. Sorry for your losses. How did you lose it?

>> No.11607548
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how have you not suicided

>> No.11607605

>lost private key to an ETH wallet with 16 ETH in it
You’ll be fine anon

>> No.11607619

Private key and wallet data were lost/destroyed
It wasn't just unrealized loss though everything I had is gone now

>> No.11607632

i lost 700k worth, i admit i got high for 2 weeks straight to cope, but a bunch of money is nothing to suicide about

>> No.11607643

16 ETH is $3k you dumb fuck

>> No.11607646

lmao OP im down $330k from ath

>> No.11607650

Fuuuck man I'm ruined, thankfully I have about 20k left in other assets but as a wage cuck this was a huge set back

>> No.11607666

What was your initial investment though? I was already down a bit on the 6k I lost

>> No.11607676

write your private key down and put it somewhere safe

>> No.11607681

I learned my lesson to say the least and not just about securing a private key

>> No.11607689
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>not being paranoid and making multiple backups

>> No.11607727
File: 186 KB, 500x635, 1523306347037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent 3.5k in a casino

>> No.11607739

Lost 1k sending to a token address rather than Binance wallet , rip

>> No.11607751

way to take it like a man, live and learn man good lukc youll make it.

>> No.11607875

Fuck that sucks were you pretty upset?

>> No.11607952

> He dont have $20 for a pedrive.

>> No.11608185

My uncle works in emergency data recovery workshop on SSDs and HDDs. You can definitely recover it if you sent it to a shop.

>> No.11608195

By realizing that literally not a single crypto project is viable yet, and so everyone is just speculating and losing money.

Stop. Fucking. Investing. If you have no objective facts about why it will make you money.

>> No.11608202

Sad to see you go out like that, ghost

>> No.11608253

>he didn't "lose" his crypto by spending it

I bought a quarter of weed for ~30 BTC on the original silk road, and a handful of years later lost ~2.5 BTC playing dice on YoBit. At least it was a conscious decision, but I still feel like a brainlet for spending because I knew that $10,000 would eventually happen. Thankfully I did keep some holdings on a paper wallet for future suicide insurance.

>> No.11608407

Yes I thought ssd can't be recovered? An os was wrote to the drive. What kind of shop just regular computer shop?

>> No.11608493

My Uncle works in Canada, he works on this full-time all his life.
Here is his website.
If youd rather work with someone in your state just look for emergency data recovery services.



email: tunstall@datarecoveryservices.com

Just tell him what happened to your computer what state is it in like if it boots or not and then he will tell you what he can offer in terms of diagnostics.

>> No.11608814


I lost about that as well. Early casual BTC and LTC mining onto a drive that failed & I tossed without thinking about it. Luckily I had a few LTC on another drive, but basically dust compared to what I originally had. Fml. OP, you'll get over it. Let it be a lesson in not being a careless retard with this shit.

>> No.11608884

I'll look into it, thanks.

>> No.11608906

Don't worry about it bro.
Like I said its really not that hard to recover data from harddrives people have this issue happen all the time. If you take it to the right place chances are the drive is recoverable.

>> No.11608917

not during the bullrun brainlet

>> No.11608926

Did your backups self destruct too or are you just a complete and total fucking idiot?