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11603166 No.11603166 [Reply] [Original]

How much money do I need to get a basic thot to be my gf when I'm an ugly spic manlet loser with zero self esteem and nothing to offer except the money wagecucking for 11hrs a day provides.

>> No.11603187


>> No.11603193

who's that roastie

>> No.11603246
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You're pathetic

>> No.11603299
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Yeah being completely unwanted by everyone for 28 years will do that to a person

>> No.11603388

stop eating sugar and vegetable oil. lift weights. suddenly you're not an ugly loser, just a manlet. invest in (more) LINK. Suddenly 4/5 of your problems are solved.

>> No.11603403


>> No.11603657

I already eat clean, and lifting doesn't fix ugliness or being loser.

>> No.11603681

your issue is self esteem and confidence...not ugliness. even ugly people get laid anon...

>> No.11603687

then do something about it faggot

If you're ugly, fix it. Work out, get buff and if you have an ugly face then get some plastic surgery. or you could just keep bitching about it online I guess

>> No.11603718

no, we dont

>> No.11603723

how can i be confident when i am ugly
the only ugly people who get laid are the ones who are rich or funny, and i am neither

im trying to bypass fixing it by just becoming rich
i know lots of beta guys do this, im just asking what my goal should be

>> No.11603735

you can't speak for ugly people....just your sad self.

>> No.11603747

Fuck off with your thinly veiled /R9K/ shit you disgusting incel. Nobody cares about your girl problems.

>> No.11603758

Just buy whores. Less emotional investment, dont get jealous, slash your tires, destroy your shit, or betray your trust. 99% of modern women are a net negative investment.

>> No.11603773

I’m a spic manlet (5’8 king of manlets) and I’ve slept with over a dozen women, 10 of them gringas. They love sucking dick and are very easy. Just work on your personality and confidence. If you’re looking for a gf, you don’t want to start with impressing them with money.

>> No.11603777

Your goal should be fixing the root of your problem you dumb nigger

"I'm running away from my problem and I know this, but just tell me what to do!"

>> No.11603817

Does anybody find it unattractive when women put their fingers in their mouths like that? I don’t get turned on, it just looks stupid.

>> No.11603831

i think it was hot as fuck
her cute little pink tongue looks soft. I want it on my dick

>> No.11603835

we really don't

>> No.11603858

>wanting a thot to be your gf
I don't understand some of you "people".

>> No.11603912

>not having multiple gfs at once in case one of the thots goes bad

i seriously hope..

>> No.11603926

OP, I’m 33 years old, built like a Greek god and make 90K a year and still haven’t been on a date or touched a boob. I would like at your pornography use and mind set if you really want some companionship. I can appreciate the frustration and loneliness though; women can be scary in a lot of ways and if you don’t take time to learn about interacting with them, you can develop a weird complex that guarantees your celibacy for years to come. My last intimate contact was over 15 years ago and I decided to push everyone away until I’m happy with myself; thing is that I can’t get my lower abs detailed enough and I don’t have enough money to live like I want just yet. It’s monk mode until then.

>> No.11604012


>> No.11604033

I could see you get run over by a train and feel 0 emotion

>> No.11604043
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>it's everyone elses fault not mine

Stop blaming others for your shortcomings, loser.

>> No.11604062
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>be you
>gives other people advice

>> No.11604120

Even I know to try and avoid porn and eat better, anon; that advice transcends the drive for women.

>> No.11604154

Sauce before the thread gets JANNIE'D

>> No.11604251


>> No.11604452
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5'10 and 227lb obese manlet spic here that's had sex with 9 women and actually had a gf


>> No.11604505

Is it true that lower IQ, stupid people have an easier time getting laid because they don’t overthink things?

>> No.11604542

No I know plenty of Chads with high IQ's who have great careers and assets that were knee deep in pussy before even obtaining their degrees and while working minimum wage

>> No.11604617

nothing wrong with sugar or oil

>> No.11604622

Any ideas for improving self esteem and confidence besides generic “bee yourself” memes? I’m decently handsome with a nice physique, good job, etc, but also a bad internet porn habit, severe adhd, etc... I hate myself too much to even try with women at all, even when blatant opportunities are thrown at me..

>> No.11604818

Do trivial shit like wear good comfortable clothes or get a nice haircut that makes you feel. Ultimately it's all a numbers game.

>> No.11604842

so juts approach as many thots as possible?

>> No.11604852

Confidence comes from competence. Get some fucking adderall for your adhd, and get get some grey market sildenafil to combat the noodle dick (also good for preventing stage fright flaccidness). Get good at something. Doesn't matter what it is, so pick something you actually enjoy, not something you're doing just to fuck thots. Woodworking, hunting, kayaking, yo-yoing, doesn't matter. Just have a hobby of some sort that you put time into that isn't browsing /biz/ for advice.

>> No.11604857

Already visit the tailor for fittings and rock the natural guido curls, my man. It’s really not a physical appearance thing.

>> No.11604904

Meds already on board and I have hobbies like gym, vidya, making music, cooking, etc.

I have this thing where people generally annoy the piss out of my irl and I don’t seem to get the rewards out of social interaction that everyone else does. I just want to make big money, work, lift and play vidya without fomo over being a class-3 wizard archmage and being lonely. Are relationships really worth the effort?

>> No.11604906

It's not supposed to be a physical thing. If you feel more comfortable and laidback wearing jeans and bowling shirts then do so. It's all a matter of how you feel when approaching something or someone.

>> No.11604956

I don’t approach people unless it’s for work or a spot on the barbell. This thread sucks and so do you.

>> No.11605174

Nigger calm your autism

>> No.11605188

Pretty much. It's harrowing how many women have ghosted or straight out rejected me but ive aklso had sex with attractive women

>> No.11605192

No, u.

>> No.11605207


>> No.11605210

What do you say when you approach? Hi, I’m spic anon, you seem cool, want to go for happy hour at Applebee’s?

>> No.11605220

Look broski you're either Elliot Rodgers levels of autism or trolling right now but if I was you I'd just buy it if you're that horny

>> No.11605266

it's time to end it and go quietly into the night
I bet you live in the US to
absolutely repugnant, kys and MAGA

>> No.11605291
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>I’m 33 years old, built like a Greek god and make 90K a year and still haven’t been on a date or touched a boob

>> No.11605300


>> No.11605338

Don’t be so hard on yourself you sound like a really great guy.

>> No.11605344

200 dollars an hour, or even more if you get married.

>> No.11605347

I'm 35, fat, bald, short, making average but I know how to make thots laugh and feel comfy. I fucked so much and girls way above my league without spending money.

>> No.11605368

Kek. You can actually be in really good shape and still hate yourself too much to even try.

I don’t get why anons have some much trouble wrapping their heads around the idea.

Fat guys that actually feel good about themselves and their station in life have better odds than I do. They probably have arousal that supersedes their perceived shortcomings in life; my experience with women can’t happen until I have the perfect body and more money than I know what to do with.

>> No.11605370

Tell me how to learn to be you. Did you approached random women on the street and got shot down until you wriggled into your skillset? Have you practiced on a younger sister?

>> No.11605396

What kind of stuff do you say when you first meet and how does it lead to sex? Sort of that tinder and generic Netflix date type shit?

>> No.11605600

also short guy here,
all i do is seperat the women from the freinds, make advancements in private with no one arorund.

get the girl alone is all it takes for me

one girl told me i was so short but so hot it didnt matter,

i fuck any girl if she gets alone with me.

just find what works for u

>> No.11605640

Not being purposely obtuse, but what do you say when you first approach to get them interested and make your intentions known? I’m too ashamed of my sexual wants to approach any ladies, even for small talk so much of the natural courting process to Greek to me...

>> No.11605758

i dont even let my intentions known usually i dont flirt with them either, i usually ignore them.

i have heard some say i was stuck up.

but once im in private i get close ask them questions

take them for a walk,

grab their hand,

watch a movie

feel her back. then dont do anything else.

get her alone a second time

kiss her

get her alone a third time, pound that pussy for as long as i want. she is clay in my hands,

but then again i am kind of cute. so that works for me might not you, i am horrible at flirting, awkward and weird, i just divide and conquer

>> No.11605848

To OP and the other anon.

I can help you both, no bluepill, no bullshit.

Create a protonmail, its the safest option, just use some random name because I dont want to get any personal info of you both.

First things first
You are doing things wrong for decades, you have to understand its a slow process and that takes some time.

We will
1- Make you understand how people/humans/society/woman think and their principles
2- Make you start improving yourself so you will get better and achieve more "social value"
3- Start making you experience social interations with different persons

You cant skip to 3 without proper knowledge and self esteem, thats why we will improve you first. I'm bored as fuck to write, get an fake GSM so you can add me on whatsapp or telegram, just use a random name, audios are faster and I cant waste a lot of time sadly.

Its about "sexual market value"
We consider as higher value: fertile age, good shape, submisse behavior, submissive traits (in a female)
And traits considered as higher value in a man: dominance, fertile age, good shape, dominant behavior and dominant traits

A thin and in shape woman have more value than a chubby one, thats why chubby lower their standards.

Anyway, you will learn everything, but you need read those books first:
Read the books (that are free again) "48 laws of power", Sun Tzu "Art of War", Maquiavel "The Prince", Dale Carnegie "How to make friends and interest people" and "Eclesiastes" from the Bible (Roman Catholic Version). This are basic human knowledge of social interations and human behavior with atemporal truths, this will help to you understand at a primal basic level why some people fail and why others cant even compete.

>> No.11605890

>was so short but so hot it didnt matter
Ahh, your secret is being ridiculously attractive. Why didn't I think of doing this.
>Normalshit advice

>> No.11606122

Dear god I’ve never posted and I’m posting twice I need that Alfredo sauce

>> No.11606216

Once link moons and I become a neet where do I actually meet thots like in the OP?

I'm not super tall but I don't have a bad face and I'm nice to talk to and I can devote some more time to working out.

>> No.11606502

invest in genetic engineering stocks so you will be able to afford to change your DNA

>> No.11606637

or, you know, just talk to girls.

I would not want to have a wife that I met by using some pickup artist bullshit.

>> No.11606986

Yeah see I don't have trouble talking to girls I just have trouble finding thots.

>> No.11606994

They’re too scary and I don’t want to come off like a pervert or anything by approaching.