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11597304 No.11597304 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11597323
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>> No.11597333
File: 362 KB, 1106x1012, 1521819594963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonald's is...
While they might seem cheap with attractive dollar-menu prices, the cost to buy the ingredients and make the food yourself is a mere fraction of what you get charged at McDonalds.

>low quality
Not only is the food overpriced: it's shit quality too. Their food is plagued by hormones, cheap preservatives, highly-processed artificial ingredients, onions products, high fructose corn syrup, and toxic "factory farm" meat.

Is it any surprise that cheap, low-quality food is extremely bad for your health? Most people know this, but they eat here anyways. Obesity is the leading cause of health problems and deaths in America, and in many other countries too. Eating at McDonald's regularly can be considered a dangerous addiction, not unlike drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes.

>tastes like shit
Tasting good is not a requirement for addictive junk food. No matter how greasy, disgusting, and artificial the food tastes: people will continue to consume it like mindless animals. They are hopelessly addicted to the flavor of shitty, heavily-processed food.

>inconvenient too
But here's the real kicker: it's not even convenient. Assuming you have the ingredients on hand, making a meal at home is much easier, especially if you cook multiple meals worth and refrigerate the leftovers. It can take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes to make a delicious meal with a dozen or more servings. That means each serving of food only takes a few minutes to prepare. Compare that to McDonald's: get dressed, get in your car, drive to McDonald's, wait in line, drive home, get undressed. This can take 15+ minutes and probably cost a couple of dollars in gas money too. How exactly is this "fast" food, again?

>primarily eaten by poor people, especially niggers
So next time you're biting into a "juicy" burger from your favorite fast food restaurant, ask yourself: Am I really as dumb as a nigger? The answer is yes. So keep on eating there, and please die from heart failure.

>> No.11597334


>> No.11597353


>> No.11597369

>onions products

>> No.11597378
File: 158 KB, 548x599, 1540935286621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All true but I bought a big mac tonight to celebrate the pump. It was delicious.

>> No.11597386


t. mcdonalds shareholder

>> No.11597389

>imagine being this new and reddit

>> No.11597402

>they make you cry, so they make you girly
my biggest concern is that meme magic might make it true

please consider the consequences of your precious lulz

>> No.11597413

stop posting burgers man it gets me hungry

>> No.11597420

I agree OP. Sticking your dick in a burger feels much better than sex.

>> No.11597423

2 for $5