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11595248 No.11595248 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw depression is back again

>> No.11595251

you didn't buy link did you
sucks to be you anon

>> No.11595254

have you tried medication

>> No.11595362



>> No.11595391

listen to lil peeps music

>> No.11595471

>tfw business and finance
kys or leave faggot

>> No.11595493



fuck you asshole

>> No.11595508


>> No.11595538

It's the existential pain anon. It's a feature and not a bug in the code. Embrace it and change whatever you need to change in your life
> Diagnosed faggot with BPD

>> No.11595547

don't let it

>> No.11595557

Do not do any meds, you will just suffer more.
Try LSD. Not kidding.

>> No.11595583

dont do this. LSD is a no no if youre in a bad state of mind and already suicidal

>> No.11595597



>> No.11595600

because he'll trip the fuck out and do something stupid

>> No.11595604

that's fucking horse shit. I took LSD, 2cb, mushrooms, DMT and Mescaline in my worse times and they were actually quite helpful to cope with life

>> No.11595621

Don't take acid. I was always around it and never did it. Just smoke a little weed if you're depressed. Medication never helped me only weed did although it did make my anxiety worse long term. Read religious texts, I recommend the Dhammapada, it makes you realize we are all going to die and taking things for granted is most of the reason why we suffer.

>> No.11595637

good for you, not everyone reacts the same to drugs

>> No.11595666

>Read religious texts
yeah sure, religion is the answer

>> No.11595675

You've never done it and tell people not to do it? nice logic you fucking retard lmao

>> No.11595685

> I was always around it and never did it.
Giving advice not to do something when you never done it yourself. OK buddy.

>only weed did although it did make my anxiety worse long term
Do not do weed it is a waste of time. I've done it for over 10 years. LSD is the only drug I will ever recommend to anyone stuck in a rut or just want to see things in a different perspective.

>> No.11595694

"""LSD""" is a fucking meme. 95 percent of the drug taking population is not consuming LSD. Research chemicals are being passed off as LSD since most people have not experienced real LSD they don't know how they are supposed to feel when they take a tab. LSD has no flavor, but most tabs have a taste.

>> No.11595715

I don't agree. Have ordered 250 BTC LSD from silkroad 1.0 and they were the best highs of my life, still not having any regrets of spending that amount of BTC in drugs :)

>> No.11595719

Yeah, getting real LSD is key. I usually go for the gel tabs. I never had blotter papers before. With the gel tabs I can cut the desired dosage I want. ex. I usually take my half tabs of 100μg. You don't necessarily have to trip balls.

>> No.11595733

Highest I went was 1.6 mg or LSD and I could really see music and taste colors. One of the most intense feelings I had except smoking 100x extract of Salvia Divinorum and DMT. Must live experiences IMHO ^^

>> No.11595765

This makes me feel better after losing .4 btc in a few hours gambling today.

I'm a bipolar. Depression sucks yada yada. Wait till you start hearing shit that isnt there if you wait on treating it, OP

>> No.11595826

That's my life with weed and amphetamines anon. I can hear my relatives talking about me and judging my life and my choices. It became a feature now :) My theory is life is a ancestor simulation (Nick Bostrom) and they (probably including me) are watching it and making comments about it. It's all about the cope ^^
PS: I have borderline personality disorder, diagnosed with bipolar before. I came to the realization that there is nothing worse in life than trying to stick to another role that is more "normal" or enforced by psychiatrists. Since then I stopped meds and feeling much better about myself with my acceptance of who I am

>> No.11595846
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>depression is back again
it never went away

>> No.11595847
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>Tfw life has no meaning

>> No.11595933

those trips

>> No.11596281

Salvia was pretty neat. Only did 25x.

Gave some DMT I've been sitting on to use. Also have bouts of depression. Been hitting the gym these two weeks seems to have helped.

Weed can be helpful, but it's so easy to use it and deciding to say "fuck it, I'm gonna chill."

>T. Diagnosed with ADHD inattentive, depression and anxiety.

>> No.11596300

I learned I can unironically cheer myself up by smiling for 10 seconds as if someone had just told me a funny joke.

Not even kidding, it gives me enough of a boost to stop thinking whatever depressing thoughts I was buried in 10 seconds ago.

t. formerly depressed person

>> No.11596302

salvia was the first drug i ever tried when i was 13yo.. fuck me. i was in my freinds home gym and all the gym equipment was laughing at me with little animated faces on them.

then for three weeks after i had "soft" suicidal thoughts in the back of my mind. not because of depression but because the world didnt seem real and so neither did death. the only way to find out... was well by killing myself.

>> No.11596357

Salvia is not a pleasure inducing drug. The only people who like salvia are freaks who like any altered state. My parents caught me with salvia as a teenager and forced me to flush it, I flushed that shit with a smile on my face, total garbage psychadelic. If a drugs only pro is it's legal don't take it.

>> No.11596380

Have you tried being yourself?

>> No.11596466
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I think this post may have changed my life. Depression is a fire alarm going off. It is a signal that you need to fucking move, change, get out of your current situation.

Nobody wants to accept this because it means they have to actually do something. Anon would rather just take a magic pill or smoke a magic joint and hide the alarm. He wants to pull the batteries out of the smoke detector while the house burns down.

>> No.11596512
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tfw in never left.

checked and good analogy.

>> No.11596537

>t. 15 year old

>> No.11596583


It's definitely very power drug. I was moving around and following a light physcially while in my mind I was a log in a biodome filed with trees that was being moved along a conveyer belt.

Two other friends had ok experiences when I tried it the first time.

Other friends I tried it with had vastly different experiences. One friend decided to walk off into an apartment parking lot while super filled with rage.

Another, who happened to be athiest, saw and went to hell. Said he felt like he was there for a long time. His fiance was giggling and finding it fun. He made her promise never to try it again as a result.

That day, I was a train at a train station and was full of laughter.

Depression is indeed a sign something is wrong. One interesting take is that it's a friend, who is saying, "something isn't right and you need to fix it."

>> No.11596669

tomorrow is a big day for me.
i have severe depression, sleep for 18 hours a day when not in my minimum wage job for 3 days a week, often dont eat anything, unironically might have the worst life of all the healthy people on biz (im sure theres probably wheelchair users or blind people about), quite a few things coming together and its a real coin flip if ill pull through.

im already on the breadline and stuff could be going down in work, somehow ive ended up with debt, my apartment is the cheapest in the whole city and i wont be able to afford anything but sharing if the rent goes up (find out tomorrow), family problem coming to a head too. ive been homeless in the past and will kill myself if im faced with it again.
links mini bump tonight hasnt made the slightest impact on my outlook

>> No.11596706

ive got the albert hofman originals nigga

>> No.11596737

As far as depression, having a roommate can help with that. Gives one more face to face interaction which can help a lot.

Good luck, Anon!

>> No.11596796
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iktf anon

and it was going so well...

>> No.11597078

he probably did thats why he is depressed

>> No.11597226

Also depressed. I barely make £13k per year, typical failure.

Was thinking of suicide because I don't think I will ever make more but then decided to just stick it out, maybe one day I somehow get promoted in this shitty factory job.

>> No.11597290


Meant 14ish per year.

>> No.11597343

dude, learn a trade.

>> No.11597374


Can only do that through apprenticeship I think. Might do that or get citizenship and become a police officer.

>> No.11597390

oh, you're a filthy immigrant? never mind, you're good where you are.

>> No.11597404

I took night classes at a college and learned to weld decently in about 6 months. Hard on your body but way better than minimum wage shit.

>> No.11597433


"Filthy immigrant"? Nah, had good grades was supposed to go Uni but 2 years in a row they cancelled my student finance for no reason at all without telling me what the problem was.

I gave up and now just work a factory job. Sure might be an immigrant, but not a filthy one with no language, and a rat like most that come here from Poland, India, etc with exceptions of course.


Something I'll look into, thanks a lot.

>> No.11597471

are you niggers trying to tell me that your depression actually leaves?

>> No.11597506

If I were you i'd just go back to university while you're still young.
Worked in the trades for 2 years and going back as a freshman in college at 22.

>> No.11597510

mine does, i think it might be a slight advantage of being manic depressive rather than just plain ol depressive. every 3 months or so, i get into a superhuman groove where i can literally charm anyone and accomplish 2x normal productivity at work (in between believing i am a genius and alpha male, which i am neither)

i want to get off mr. life's wild ride

>> No.11597567


I'm turning 20 in 2019 so yeah I suppose I'm still young and should go. It's just that I done a shitty college (high school) course which I thought would actually be quite nice to do since I was interested in it, but once I started it was pretty much useless and only useful if I do social sciences, criminology most importantly, so I'm kind of stuck.

I'm interested in other subjects now but I either don't have the sufficient grades to apply for that course or I'm not confident in taking that subject. But might learn it in free time so I'm a bit more confident you know.

>> No.11597680

You just have low self esteem cause you're young and don't have life exp. You can do well in school if you apply yourself. Don't condemn your self to a lifetime a hard labour surrounded by racist red necks 50 hours a week because of lack of confidence in your teenage years.
I've been there, man. My 2 cents. Good luck fellow anon.

>> No.11597716


Thanks bud, I'll try. You are right though, I'm very low on confidence.

>> No.11597765

Depression is stagnation
Tale as old as time lad

>> No.11597778

do some shrooms if you can
or smoke a fuck ton of weed

>> No.11597953

>Don't take acid. I was always around it and never did it. Just smoke a little weed if you're depressed.
Fucking retard. Weed is trash, absolutely fucks up your motivation in your brain for a very long time and will give you anxiety, as you noticed.
Lsd is god-tier
There is a lot of legit acid out there. Buy an Ehrlich's reagent test kit for like $10 and you can test to see if it's real. Buy off reputable sellers on DNM, test it and also when consuming it spit it out if it's bitter or numbs the tongue.

>> No.11598904

Weed in moderation is alright, but can be hard to do.

Overuse recreationally can have negative effects.

>> No.11598958


Just realize that you know of this tech as a true early adopter and take advantage of that.

Or just pout an whine and kys.

Its youre coice.

>> No.11599009

CBD Oil, 5HTP, hiking and shrooms in nature. Your welcome

>> No.11599032

>implying it ever left

>> No.11599050

>does the same meaningless shit everyday
>eats shit food
>sits on the computer 2+ hours a day
>barely exercises
>anti-social tendencies

Fix this shit first then bitch about muh depression.

>> No.11599067

stop listening to the drug addicts ITT, working on your shitty habits does way more for your depression than tripping balls.

>> No.11599084


There is no depression

you are unhappy with your life situation

go do shit that will improve your life situation

congratulations you are now happy

>> No.11599713

Go home shitskin.

>> No.11599980

Same, anon. The cure is available:

> no forums
> no chats
> no daily chart-staring

this shit directly hurts your emotions and brain, getting away from it and getting our minds and life back is worth more than any amount of money (which, incidentally, we are not even gaining currently, kek)

I have been cured twice now and fell back in (due to lack of restrictions, support maybe, etc) but have been seriously genuinely suicidal and fucked in the low times.

You have to get out.

>> No.11599993

It might be because of fall, if you live in north

>> No.11599998

OP probably a NoLinker... First signs of NoLink syndrome right there. $1000 eoy

>> No.11600045

>tfw feel like I'm a NPC

>> No.11600055

I really relate to this. I always get bamboozled into thinking that this is thw atart of me beinf happy or managing my depression, but each time it comes back you just sink even deeper. It literally always comes back. Yesterday was one of those days for me.

>> No.11600062

Go walk around in the forest you fucking turd. Honestly it's that simple. Drugs and shit can make it more fun but it's fine just being there anyway.

>> No.11600071
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>> No.11600091

I found in the past when I had a bad state of mind it helped me identify the issue and also made me think about how to man up and deal with it.
Alternatively get a poop transplant

>> No.11600096

Where dis?

>> No.11600108


someone's waifu

>> No.11600118
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Maybe Alps but maybe also somewhere near Italian coast. In that general area though. This one is Pakistan not alps.

>> No.11600137

Get an MAO inhibitor and take it orally, oral DMT (Ayahuasca) was one of the best trips i've ever had. Best trip i had was AL-LADS at a 2x tab dose. Research chem with insane visuals and no headfuck.

>> No.11600158


man up

>> No.11600197

By the way, where the hell do you get real LSD these days? I haven't seen real stuff in over 10 years, last 5 trips i bought have turned me completely off the stuff.. i'd rather go pick mushrooms than have that stomach cramping filth.

>> No.11600211

>tfw my last fap was to a video explicitly categorized as 'bizzare'

>> No.11600227
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You don't get stomach cramping from shrooms? I made shroom tea a few times to experiment but maybe I didn't steep it long enough or maybe the water was too hot I think I lost potency. I think from here on out it's just eating them manually unless someone else makes tea. Just drink lots of orange juice to help. As for real LSD you can get online and buy a kit for $10 to test it, I got to an annual hippiefest at an abandoned old western themes town and everyone does acid and shit then at night time everyone goes to the saloon and fucking jams. They also build these big statues everytime then we burn it. Pretty groovy.

>> No.11600257

Never done them with tea desu. Most of the time i eat them dried with a salty dish. Last trip we started at a bar and mixed them in a bowl of hot fries and they were delicious (not really but went down ok). No stomach cramps on shrooms here, a ltitle bit of unease though. The 'LSD' in Australia gives me intense stomach cramps that turns any trip shitty, not like the real stuff i was getting way back. Thanks for the advice, won't ask you for a link to online but will do some research. I miss good trips but dealers here are all dodgy bastards ordering cheap research chems and selling it as MDMA or LSD.

>> No.11600280

I never get any drugs online other than weedlmao because the canadian government closed down all the "illegal" dispensaries so now we don't have a choice. Now it's more of a pain in the ass to get when it's legal. Personally I wouldn't even test my shit just go right at it but I also like to be ennnn......surprised.

>> No.11600287

please just try and
a little hard, just for me

>> No.11600307

Man i wish we had the choice of legal weed. I've heard people here grow it themselves in spacebuckets. (Yeah i'm posting from a vpn).

>> No.11600385

Hmm that's pretty cool I've never heard of space buckets before pretty neat. Might be a little restrictive though on size but you can bud it earlier so it's stalkier but healthy. It honestly kills me to know how many people have had their lives ruined for having a joint on them and have gone on to be unemployable, go to jail for years and just the worst shit for literally a nothingburger. Well honestly I don't really care but the fact that it happens it atrocious in-and-of-itself (is that the correct usage of the phrase). I think I'd get more fucked up if I smoked a whole cigarette. What country are you in legit?

>> No.11600404

you r a fucking retard.

> yeah smok weed when you are depressed.

>> No.11600420

LSD is what you think weed will be before you ever smoke weed

>> No.11600422

Yes, but depressant doesn't mean "makes you depressed". It depresses chemical signals.

>> No.11601125

Nice bait.

I'm well put together though. I havent missed a day of work in three years and depression hasnt made my quality of work decline at all. I keep my apartment clean for the most part and I have no debt. I still deal with life, but that sinking feeling still comes and goes. Sometimes i cant sleep at all, so ill pull an all nighter but i still function. Matter of fact, living on the brink of insanity is a nice shot of adrenaline and its very much a positive, though i wish i could relax more.

>> No.11601286

I'm Caucasian you autistic cunt.

>> No.11601311

>absolute npc pseudointellectual just parroting things other absolute npc pseudointellectuals said to him

>> No.11601423


Weed helps with my ADD but makes me lazy as fuck.

>> No.11601920
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Salvia is fun. Its not fun to take, but I enjoy reflecting on the experience of it.

On one occasion I woke up from life and I was just my consciousness floating in a realm between life and death.

On another trip I became a tree for a short while.

>> No.11602155

>Nobody wants to accept this because it means they have to actually do something.

Things are easier to do when you're not depressed though. I've only recently started to come out of a long depression and I couldn't even start to fix my life until I started to feel better. When you spend all your time in bed wanting to hang yourself its hard to find a reason or motivation to do anything because you just don't give a fuck.

>> No.11602424

Exactly this.
Never forget to ride the pump

>> No.11602499

Depression cause a lack of motivation do to anything. Not only nothing to get better, but also showering, eating, stuff that will worsen the situation. What you're doing is asking a guy with two broken legs to walk up the stairs to the hospital.

Note that I'm talking about actual depression. Being a lazy ass and using a medical term as an excuse is not depression.

Also the point of antidepressant is to be able to get your ass out of the situation that got you depressed and stopping the treatment relatively quickly after that.

>> No.11602531

Do it faggot