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11594516 No.11594516 [Reply] [Original]

>by age 5 mozart had composed his first symphony
>by age 7 he had already toured europe

at what point did you realise that you are nothing. you are never destined to be written in history alongside the greats of humanity. Genghis Khan, Neil Armstrong, Ceaser, Plato, Newton, Richard the Lionheart, Da Vinci....

you are literally NOTHING. even if you became the richest man in the world, you will more than likely be forgotten in 300 years. Do you really think people will even remember Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos? Hardly.

reminder that money is just the first step. you probably need at least $20 million to even have a fleeting chance of a legacy. Yet 99.9% of the population wont even get that far.

>> No.11594544

The length of that post is inversely proportional to how great your life will be

>> No.11594556
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>> No.11594578

I realized that free will doesn't exist and that no Mozart is worth more than me. He is not special, just lucky.

At the same time I realized that even a Mozart bleeds to death. Soon I realized that my destiny was not to become a Mozart but to become a Napoleon.

I dont give a shit if you are a Mozart. If you are in my way or if I want something from you I will stab you to death.

I am a Napoleon, Mozart is just another Raskolnikov.

>> No.11594592


>> No.11594601
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Well, like the great Stephen Hawking predicts, Gattaca will eventually come true. The wealthy will engineer their children to become genetically smarter, stronger, and the rest of us will be left behind...
Why do you care Anon, I suggest you visit camp kill yourself

>> No.11594610


Who gives a fuck bro?

>> No.11594614


>limiting your sense of self to a small subset of energy that has no autonomy whatsoever

>> No.11594641

This actually helped me alot. Thanks.

>> No.11594668
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>dude some people are better than you doesn't that make you wanna just KILL YOURSELF?? the insignificance, the nihilism..whoa dude....

You need to be 18 years old to post here

>> No.11594728

>you will die and be forgotten in less than ten years
>ultimate measure of success in life is how long your legacy will last

>> No.11594780

other times.. someone with a stroke of genius made great impact. Nowadays there's too many people even someone as generally superior as those you mentioned fail to significantly affect their enviroment. The system's been set up specifically to make these people pursuit vanity so that they dont threat the status quo

>> No.11594781

You do realize in a few hundred years people wont be dying anymore right. Its like those suffering from Polio 60 years ago. We laugh about that now. How does it feel that you will have to die at all while the mongoloids of the future will literally get to live forever.

>> No.11594804

there is beauty in death

>> No.11594921
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Do you care that a cow died for your last burger or even thought about it? Do you care about a slave living the most pitiful live only to build a castle that is now gone?

300 years from now on the eternally living elite will look at you like you view cattle, being born age and die for absolutely no purpose having influenced nothing. there is no beauty in smashing a fly you coping fag

>> No.11594936
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>I need to be validated by the human race in order to feel special

>> No.11595094

i guarantee the people getting the recognition they deserve had experiences and feelings your autist ass will never, ever know. Just like an artist making some masterpiece, he will want to share it and get recognition its human nature and there's nothing wrong with it. Kys no one will care anyway

>> No.11595131
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>Vincent van Gogh got the recognition he deserved

It's okay, maybe you'll get it one day

>> No.11595163


All you need is talent man. Talent gets you the money, that's why so many "greats" were rich. They weren't great because they had money, they had money because they were great.

>> No.11595176

Oh also

>Mozart died penniless
>Diogenes NEVER had any money/wealth whatsoever

It's not about money, it's about skill and what you do with that skill in your lifetime, whatever that may be. Getting money for your skill helps you focus more time on your skill, but if you are unskilled you will die unremembered no matter how much money you have except maybe if you're so exorbitantly rich you make it on some list of the richest men in history.

>> No.11595233

so? he got the recognition after he died, but it would probably had made him happier if he got it during his life, just like any other human. Pretending you are immune to the opinion others have of you is delusion, stop deluding yourself

>> No.11595259

having being born into wealth and having a good upbringing had a LOT to do with them ending up being great, ie being educated. Plato would've never written a single word if he had been born as a pleb; even if he did formulate his philosophy and transmitted it orally no one would know about him today

>> No.11595272
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Yes but if you would play mozard nowadays at symphony orchestra, (without being famous medieval musical composer) you would get laughed off the stage it's so bad and basic level stuff symphonies he wrote

>> No.11595303

And in 100000 years all humanity will be dead and those people will be forgotten too.

Literally none of us matter, retard.

>> No.11595314

I created the framework for AI that can manipulate the opinions and ideology of people via social media at age 14
Sold it to church of scientology for an amount I will not disclose

>> No.11595352

what a strange larp

>> No.11595426

How do you cope with the fact that you won't be remembered? Everything you've ever done will amount to shitnothing?

>> No.11595545

that's Euler you retard

>> No.11596226

The founder of McDonald's was 52 when he started McDonald's.

>> No.11596366

1 month into nofap I feel like the reincarnation of alexander the fucking great

>> No.11596395

by age 29, OP had done nothing but SUCK DICKS BECVAUSE HES A FAGGOT

>> No.11596607

so, what's your point? what is with this existential insecurity? who said you need to be written into history in order to be significant? the sun will, one day, incinerate all evidence that our entire planet existed...that includes any records of 'significant historical figures'. get busy living or get busy dying, desu.