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File: 122 KB, 400x500, linky_stinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11594112 No.11594112 [Reply] [Original]

Remember swinglinking is the ultimate form of faggotry, you will lose money and miss the singularity.
Only true believers will be rewarded in the post singularity era.

>> No.11594121

We need the blood of these swing traitors to moon.

>> No.11594124

b-bb-but what about the Swingularity?

>> No.11594155
File: 8 KB, 224x250, gsBfZAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally thousands of coins to swing trade.. and people swing the coin with the most use case? lmao the absolute state of biz

>> No.11594162


Scared of the post conference dump tomorrow OP?

>> No.11594164

Being a LINK swing trader is worse than being black, gay, trans and jewish all put together.


>> No.11594168
File: 13 KB, 232x162, B21E1B4F-B175-4393-B8FC-6960A27173A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bend. The. Knee.

>> No.11594200
File: 10 KB, 650x650, 1539521444689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swingtraded 10k at 8200 buy in at 7900

how fucked am i?

>> No.11594208
File: 19 KB, 400x400, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in the slightest, because I know my Linkies will perform better than your shitty market selling clicks like a massive faggot.
Swinglinkers are scum delaying the singularity.

>> No.11594246

I have swung LINK in the past with some success and plenty of failure, but I'm done with that shit. I just watched it dump a bit after the huge pump and I felt nothing. We are rapidly approaching the Singularity, and SwingLinkers are going to get assraped.

>> No.11594273

you can safely lower to 7600 anon

>> No.11594293

just a bit nervous is all. its my first time swingtrading and its half my stack

>> No.11594347

All out with my 14k at 8300
Already back in with 14.5k.

>> No.11594358

trade 10% of your stack or less anon

>> No.11594401
File: 666 KB, 985x337, ''LOC_Ebook_panoramic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosner appeared as close to a smile as Sergey had ever seen him. “Kneel and swear to the Lord Fatmam” he said softly, “or you will be knelt.”

As stories do, the tale spread, across 4chan and north and south, by forum post and chatroom and simple shitposters gossiping at their local discord. As stories do, the tale changed with every telling. The Link-Marines had turned on the Fatman Reborn and made him issue new tokens, at Prague or elsewhere. No, the Link-Marines had saved Sergey. It was Link-Marines who had killed him—no, gotten pictures taken with him—no, carries him to McDonalds where he languished in a Toilet beneath the Golden Arches. Or else where the Brigader General Damu himself knelt to him. Unusually for stories, it was something very close to truth that was most often believed.

>> No.11594432


>Believe in ChainChink
>1 January 2018 0.69$
>31 November 2018 0.51$

Believe in gains of -26%!! Singularity is coming!!!

>> No.11594438

You will lose it all tomorrow, bitch.

>> No.11594558

Good luck cuck

>> No.11594642

Jesus Christ

How many Link you own?

>> No.11594678

during an absolutely catastropic bear market. you dumb cunt. -26% is literally mind blowingly amazing when pretty much everything else went down 90%. this just shows us what Chainlink is capable of for the future.

>> No.11595040

oh thank fucking god. nice sweet gains of 380 link

>> No.11595324

Are you me? Don't worry it will def dip to 7900 within 24 hours. I literally have the EXACT same trade set up as you with the same amount of Link.

>> No.11596064

yea man feelsgood it triggered a couple hours ago. might not swing trade again though just had a panic attack

>> No.11596208
File: 298 KB, 415x476, alway_rember_happy_day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw you are not a dirty nolinker

>> No.11596317

seems like no one has learned anything over the past 11 months. sell the news boys. these threads are psyops trying to create bag holders