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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11592440 No.11592440 [Reply] [Original]

I think the time has come to quit this wageslave shit job I have ATM (accountant).

Firm is ran by two boomers who pay shit salary and expect constant unpaid overtime. Actually work is not appreciated only "soft skill" brown nosing.

I had my quarterly review today, second one since I've been here and got passed up on for a pay rise. Another colleague legit handed in his notice today for same reason but he has another job lined up.

I have around £20,000 in crypto, £1000 in physical PMs and around £3000 in cash.

Should I just pull the plug without anything lined up? Can't face going in much more.

Feel like pic related

>> No.11592499

You're an accountant and you expect a raise after just 6 months? Kek

>> No.11592504

how is pic related? you mean youll have to settle for an ugly bitch like this bc you didnt make it? keep your 20k in crypto and call me in 2019 Dec

>> No.11592524

Just remember to wipe your hard drive, uninstall Windows, and brick your work computer before you leave.

>> No.11592542

She looks like she's held link

>> No.11592729


>> No.11593076

Sometimes, you just gotta say "Fuck It."

>> No.11593089

Did she invest in bitcorns?

>> No.11593532

This OP. I have quit my job so many times, in fact, I usually just pull the trigger when I really feel I can’t take it anymore and it feels really refreshing afterwards. If you have some savings already banked, you’re probably all good to go, do it with no shame and enjoy the fruits of your bravery for a while.

>> No.11593591

i did this in march with 100k in crypto and 10k in the bank and now im down to 30k in crypto and 5k in the bank

personally, i want to die, but maybe it will be better for you

>> No.11593681


What is years of excessive UV exposure and alcohol.