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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11590828 No.11590828 [Reply] [Original]

I’m thinking of setting up a nolinker suicide hotline when the time comes. Would it be a good idea to charge people to talk to specially trained nolinker suicide hotline operators? They’ll need special training obviously to understand blubbing incels “I thought $1000 eoy was a meme”. No regular suicide hotline operator would be able to respond to this.

>> No.11590971

Yes but make no mention of how much it costs to call and charge people $100 per minute

>> No.11591072

What the hotline operators get paid to laugh at the losers?

>> No.11592274

But the plot twist is that the hotline operators would be smug linkies advising on the most painless method of suicide.

>> No.11592841
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We should be telling them to take their percent loss now and just buy and hold. Better they are missing a large chunk of what could have been a larger fortune than be suicidal wagecucks.

>> No.11592858

just have it say the following
>you had an entire year to buy a minimal 10k
>maybe you SHOULD do it

>> No.11592875


>> No.11592887

yes and charge per minute in link

>> No.11592985

Based and redpilled

>> No.11593016
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>I’m thinking of setting up a nolinker suicide hotline when the time comes

Why would anybody seriously care? Link gains are nothing special. It's barely doubled in value so I just can't see why you'd delude yourself that it's some kind of a big opportunity or huge profit. People didn't suicide when they missed out on ETH. They didn't suicide when they missed XRP so why would they suicide when ChainChink doubles?

All I see is just pathetic attempt of stinky linkie cope.