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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11588486 No.11588486 [Reply] [Original]

Don't listen to the guys telling you to buy chainlink now, remember this coin have been there for a year, and they have been saying things like :
> 3$ in may
never happened, actually in may the price plummited
> 1000$ EOY
this is def out of question
>realistic 5$ EOY
never gonna happen, mass adoption won't happen until atleast mainnet is released, and even antshares dumped after mainnet, it's all a matter of time.
>buying under 1$ is a good price
there is nothing that supports the price of chainlink, no product, no real players that have an actual usecase right now.
for now we only have promises, so the price is high right now because of the hype. but believe it or not, it will drop. just like it always did.

the team is anti hype, and newcomers should watch out. I have been holding link for almost a year now. the best solution is to DCA link nothing else; And trust me at every single conference people were hyping chainlink to reach the sky, but always the contrary happenned. this isn't going to change this time, not even because we are EOY.

soon enough serge will go back to silence radio, BTC will pump (since its at its lowest)
and we'll see reasonable chainlink prices. so for those who are FUDDING right now, don't worry, you'll get the chance to buy back soon enough.

>> No.11588565

So what do you think about Sergeys statement that their contracts are on audit?

If the next Conferences wont reveal anything though, it will dump hard.

>> No.11588599

I think you don't remember the last time chainlink was on audit by a famous auditor?
the price dumped.
he posted a not so good review on the CL code, and was a total fiasco.

CL is in audit, is a good think but if you look at their pivotal, they have ALOOOOT of work to do.

plus sergey said, they will first need hundreds of nodes running before mainnet.

knowing how the team works, and how they don't communicate, after the full on hype of these days and beginning of November, the silence radio will set it, and people will start selling again.

also I don't know if you have noticed, but the full on volume of the hype of these days is weak compared to the huge pump of early october. In my opinion, we will have other chances to buy chainlink at either 6k sats or lower.

so no need to FUD it on biz, people just have to wait.

>> No.11588620

This is actually a nice based post. I know deep inside your right and after all these conferences we'll still be waiting another year and EOY 2019 will become the new meme.

I'm predicting going back to 30 cents. But still can't bring myself to sell my 7000 for the chance of doubling them, since while your right about nothing happening last time. This time we've had a whole year of progress and the chainlink team is known for silent releases that happen faster then we think.

Definitely think nothing will happen still and I'll be saving fiat for the coming months, but I'm still gonna hold a position for suicide insurance. Let's not be greedy.

>> No.11588632

what if we have zero link atm? still wait?

>> No.11588653

if you want to buy high, that's your chance.

>> No.11588657


This time it’s different .

Do you guys even think about your posts?

Write this and imagine it being said on any previous huge pump and change the context to whatever meme event or news was happening.

Why do you never learn

>> No.11588662

Buy 100 link suicide stack in case op is wrong and the 1k eoy meme becomes reality.

Wait for link to go down to 30-35cents and buy.


>> No.11588674

>I think you don't remember the last time chainlink was on audit by a famous auditor?
damn you are stupid, that wasn't an audit nor is the purpose of an audit the same as that code review. The last publicly viewable audit was Nick Johnson's audit of the LinkToken contract. the market won't notice the results of the audit (since its clear that people like you don't understand what a code audit is) other than to perhaps go up as a result of that important step being passed.

>> No.11588682

No don't wait... if your planning on buying 10k Link buy like 3,300 and then DCA in the rest. Op very well may be right but this could also go up super fast and then you'll be fucked

>> No.11588696

In fact I'd go higher than 33% I'd prob go 50%. Then DCA the rest in

>> No.11588700

it being in audit doesn't mean it's ready for release. the audit could for example show weaknesses in code, and actually give the team more work.

the code isn't in testing, if sergey said its under test then mainnet would have been close.

i know sergey will never release a half assed solution. he said it many times, and i have been following him for a year, he wants to release a flawless mainnet, that could be used in production seamlessly.

>> No.11588702

Fud, everything changed with the confirmation of Web3 partnership. Stop telling people to not take advantage of a blessing that is right in front of them.

>> No.11588727

This post is so fucking Indian
I’m starting to hate Indians more than Jews at this point, fuck you

>> No.11588732

That was a cursory code review by someone who didnt understand the project. He said the coding was to a high standard. The criticisms he raised showed his lack of understanding of what the project was doing more than any actual flaws

>> No.11588733

4/10 FUD

>> No.11588773

>everything changed
why? whats web3

>> No.11588784

Google and read.

>> No.11588831
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>> No.11588890

>it being in audit doesn't mean it's ready for release.
Nobody said that. I only said it was important and necessary step that has to be completed.

>> No.11588891

yeah boy, easy with that hating. Are you aware of what you say there?!

>> No.11589423

I agree, but in my opinion we still have time

>> No.11589471

> the mind behind solidity shills chainlink as an upcoming important piece of the crypto space
> ari juels co-wrote the whitepaper
> functioning chainlinks on testnet
> working with web3
> a code review by some random faggot
Yeah I'll go with the 'code review by some random faggot' option that sounds good to a mindless piece of shit like me who tries to post weak concern troll fud on a korean stamp collection subreddit.

>> No.11589524

>web3, functioning chainlinks on testnet, ari-juels co-wrote the paper

i'm not saying chainlink is shit ok? I think you don't understand the meaning of this post. I am just reassuring the people who want to buy into CL to not fall for the FOMO.
we still have time before mainnet and adoption will take time.

sergey said it himself, they will not go live until the product is flawless and works seemlessly, rory said it also, there is only 1 chance at mainnet, and they cannot miss it.

right now people are FOMOing and buying high, but this has no meaning whatsoever, CL mainnet wont be released in months

>> No.11589786

But speculation of it, combined with confirmed partnership with Web3 and Gavin Wood will keep price trending up. Slight drops, yes, but overall upward trend. It is at the bottom now, if you are waiting on a big drop prepare to feel the burn of Link justification.

>> No.11589817

This, most assuredly. Preheat the oven brother, mordecai is beyond salvation.

>> No.11589926

You may be right but you're playing with fire this close to mainnet. Good luck gentle swinglinker. I hope you don't make the biggest mistake of your life.

>> No.11589991

>good luck gentile.
You've got some balls on you, kike.

>> No.11590013

Cringe. Anons shilling LINK on /pol/ was the biggest fuck up in the history of crypto

>> No.11590015

All this TA fud people are trying to pull with LINK is only going to backfire as swinglinkers get BTFO from trying it and end up missing the boat or with less LINK than before. This will cause iron hands to become even stronger and result in less liquidity on the exchange. Swinglinkers are fucking themselves posting all this TA fud.

>> No.11590100

yeah, just like because it wont dump after the conference hype right?
The hidden divergence is there on the 1H and 1D chart, anyone who is buying now will end up as the new conferences bagholders.

>> No.11590153

Thats how I got introduced to Chainlink and Biz fren. pls no hate

>> No.11590161

Always a bearish divergence then hidden bull divergence that BTFO the sellers. Go ahead, sell. See what happens.

>> No.11590290

I remember when 1k was suicide insurance. Better buy in now faggots.

>> No.11590312
File: 1.37 MB, 750x1334, 830000CA-B210-4799-A5D1-0E4F777A086D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon you’ll be hearing about 10 link insurance stacks

>> No.11590318

Suicide insurance has ALWAYS been 100k. Should've loaded up at 15 cents when you guys had the chance

>> No.11590354


>> No.11590368

If I could push a button that would gas all of /pol/ my finger would be shattered into dust from smashing that button so hard and fast

>> No.11590398

> 1000$ EOY
this is def out of question

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11590416

>putting this much effort into fud.

what are your limit buy's set at m8?

>> No.11590443

You understand what this means Marines? Swift ain't a rumor it is a fact!

>> No.11590465

>Wait for link to go down to 30-35cents and buy.
lol, apparently 35c was the absolute top a couple months ago.
LINK is gonna explode in price very very soon. this is not the time to be gauging entry prices. just. fucking. buy.

>> No.11590483

Reminder that you should always do the opposite of what biz says.

>> No.11590572

Bump, are you seeing this? Check that Lin.
