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11588293 No.11588293[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone eat ONLY meat as their diet?
I've been doing it for 2 weeks now and I feel like some sort of trading god. I never need uppers or any substance like sips because my energy level is always exactly the same. Never dips.
I also rarely poop, so I can get more done.
Anyone else /carnivore/? It has helped my decision making greatly.

>> No.11588301

Enjoy colon cancer.

>> No.11588319

what was your diet like before going with this carnifore shit

>> No.11588329

Fiber is a meme. Humans have been carnivore for a long time.

There is also zero statistical evidence that a pure meat diet increases colon cancer. It's always a study done on people that are carb/vegetable eaters too. Plus you never know if those people are fat, don't work out, do drugs, smoke, drink, etc. Propaganda pushed by the cereal industry.

The meat gets mostly digested in my small intestine, don't see how that would increase colon cancer %. Meat by itself isn't any more carcinogenic than half the shit people eat anyways.

My stable blood sugar levels are worth it. Shits cash.

>> No.11588338

very high non-vegetable carb/grains/dairy. I had ulcerative colitis. I don't feel like I do anymore.

>> No.11588360

happy to hear you found something that works for you

>> No.11588367

tthank you. I also feel like my depression and anxiety are gone or just really less overall. It's really weird, most like a side effect of more level mood and blood sugar.

Look into the carnivore diet. Many videos on youtube. You might enjoy the benefits after 5 days.

>> No.11588376

How much toilet paper do you use in sitting? Be honest.

>> No.11588381

I used to use a LOT on my previous diet. Like 3-5 good hand rolls.

Since this is a zero fiber, zero sugar diet, I poop way less, and also don't have to spend as much time pooping because I poop once every other day or so.

>> No.11588383

I'm on keto, can attest to the results, it's actually a decent meme

>> No.11588394

I did full carnivore for a month, felt great. Transformed to keto because girlfriend wants to share meals. If I was single I would continue pure carnivore.

>> No.11588395

It really is. I feel like a functional human again, finally. I got diagnosed at 27 and thought my life was over, and that i'd be on meds forever. Nope. Gonna figure it out myself.

Keto is good too but I saw anecdotes from ppl that they had improvements going from keto to carnivore.

>> No.11588404

I did it for a similar amount of time, I felt good but not amazing enough to switch completely.
When I'm being lazy I'll do a day of it. I'll probably try it again for longer in the future but I don't get any issues from drinking milk or eating fruit.

Fatties and skellies should try it. On 2-3 lbs of group beef a day they will lose weight and gain some muscle.

>> No.11588407

I tried keto but sometimes you want to eat a fucking apple or a banana that shit is impossible

>> No.11588430

I lived on pork chops, bacon and eggs for months, but that first salad/spinach was spectacular.
Maybe the key is to hold off on your diet for q while.

>> No.11588434

The thing is you have to stay on it and stick through the adaptation period so your body learns to use protein and fat more efficiently.
You def lose weight. Lost 5 pounds in 3 days and im not fat at all.

Yeah dude...the cravings after being on a high sugar/dairy diet and switching like...a week after my colonoscopy, was hell. Cravings are mostly gone now but I miss spicy/zingy foods.

>> No.11588439

unless you eat the entire animal (and most of it raw), and i mean every part, you're going to get malnutrition.

>> No.11588443

Simply not true. Mikhaila peterson ate only ribeyes for years and looks hot as fuck now

>> No.11588452

you're fucking retarded if you believe that. not that i care about your health, go ahead if you believe some youtube idiot

>> No.11588460

Where the fuck you dig that shit information? Just do some research about carnivore diet before spreading your opinions, jesus christ

>> No.11588463

I mean you can literally look at pictures of her before(on anti-depressants) and then see the after pics when she went on the diet and she looks incredibly healthy, same for her dad who also went on the diet after seeing the astounding changes.

I mean, it also changed me too, so go fuck yourself lol. Meat has every vital nutrient. If I feel like shit I'd either eat a small bit of beef liver or supplement.

>> No.11588467

have you guys ever tried ph strips?
do you get more acidic if you eat only meat?

>> No.11588469

I was extremely acidic on a high sugar/carb diet. Like, really bad. It was making my shitsour and acidic.

>> No.11588487

Humans are omnivores. Please go look at the digestive tracks of pure carnivores and compare them to ours. Or look at the closest evolutionary links we have who eat 97% plant based.

>> No.11588491

i am on the carnivore diet, lol
hint: people lie. if you take anything some random youtube chick claims for face value, you deserve false information. keep eating just muscle and "some" liver and see what happens in a few months. gl, normie. your overenthusiasm (=having just discovered it), your complete lack of even basic nutritional knowledge (" i lost 5 lbs in 3 days" - fucking lol) are clear proof for the path you are on.
if you actually have a few functioning braincells you will learn as fast as possible to fucking keep "healing" information (lets assume your warped idea of a healthy diet was actually working longterm) to yourself.
thank god you don't actually get it, you might teach other normies things they don't deserve.

>> No.11588503
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You have found the path to ascension anon. Keep it up

>> No.11588509

If we're omnivores how come we don't have more than 1 stomach to ferment the greens like cows do?

We were hunter gatherers you fucking retard. Masters of killing shit.

People do lie, but results don't. Especially by people that have nothing to gain from it. Also especially when you can cross-reference with random nobodies journey's on youtube with it and see the same results.

Yea, I lost 5 pounds of water weight in 3 days, that makes me a normie? Kys nigger. You don't know what your body needs, you were brainwashed from the start you fucking retard.

>> No.11588512

eat the fat. stomach. good shit

and now? usual advice is to eat veggies / broccoli
(that's not bad advice btw. sweat is not sour anymore at all. pretty cool)

> It was making my shitsour and acidic
never tasted my shit though

>> No.11588519

RDAs are literally based on the lowest tier evidence "expert opinion"

institutional nutritional science is a absolute disgrace manipulated by the conflict of interest created by the need to have population survive on cheap food.
trans fats, hydrogenated vegetable oil, refined carbohydrates and to a lesser extent and fruits and vegetables created through the agricultural revolution are economic productivity tools not food

>> No.11588520

it's delicious you should try it sometime

>> No.11588532

meat/fruit masterrace here

>> No.11588535

You're not seriously this retarded are you? What the fuck do you think omnivore means? Its implied by the term hunter gatherer. What the fuck do you think they were gathering?

Also you do realize there are monogastric herbivores? Ruminants arent onnivores.

>> No.11588550

i didn't bring up RDA's and i didn't bring up expertism. shove your strawman arguments up your ass, thank you.
there is NO point in spreading information to people who do not deserve it. just imagine what would happen if you were successful in your fucking quest to enlighten everyone around you: quality beef and eggs become fucking expensive, random retards that *deserve* to be unhealthy because of their insanely weak will suddenly have healthy bodies.
right now we are at a state where weak-willed people indulge in sugar and sweets and where pseudo-intellectuals indulge in fruits and vegetables - these people deserve to suffer, because they center their lives around their vices/sins (sloth, gluttony, and in vegans: pride).
do you even know how stupid your general stance of just randomly boasting out good information is? your are helping EVERYONE, including people who well deserve to suffer for their lack of will.
your idiotic, premature idea of the diet is working for you (for TWO FUCKING WEEKS ! WOW!)? great! keep it to yourself you insanely ignorant MORON

>> No.11588556

>My stable blood sugar levels are worth it. Shits cash.

this alone makes it worth it, even if there's a slightly higher percent chance of cancer (which I doubt).

Been on an all-meat diet for about 2 years. Went from nearly 300lbs to a stable 175-180lbs, best shape of my entire life at 31 years old. No energy crash during the day, I'm steady as a rock from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. I also wake up full of energy - I used to hate mornings, now 6AM is the same as 2PM for me, I feel the same all day, strong and steady.

Carbs are poison. Sugar is the worst thing you can eat. I no longer view food as something to be enjoyed, it's just fuel, and I live a better life because of that realization.

>> No.11588557

Probably berries. A lot of carnivores eat berries.
Completely different than what you're implying.

Yeah, we CAN eat anything we want to survive, doesn't mean it's the most optimal. The most optimal is killing big game and getting the fatty meat to last through hard times.

>> No.11588559

modern fruit is as unnatural as candy

what argument other than RDAs is there to make you believe carnivory causes malnutrition

>> No.11588567

So is modern factory fed beef.

>> No.11588568

>The most optimal is killing big game and getting the fatty meat to last through hard times.
he's been on the diet for two weeks and he talks about killing big game.
god, what a cringefest.

>> No.11588571

hmm as a skinny fag (5'8" and 60kg) is it worth going on this diet? atm i just neet and barely leave my room which is why im so skinny...

what are health implications?

>> No.11588572

dude exactly the fucking same, i used to crash randomly so hard. Now im rock solid awake all day. Intermittent fasting on top of this shit is insane too.

yeah i know, i figured biz is an okay place to tell people that this diet exists and that it might help em make more money. That's the only reason I posted it. I don't care if people know about it. Most won't try anyways because "wtf you only eat meat". I just laugh.

>> No.11588576

the idea of hard times didn't exist pre agricultural revolution because population wasn't subsidized by excess it was in equilibrium with the environment
no its not

>> No.11588577

How many times have you been hunting? How many animals have you killed and then dragged back to slaughter?

>> No.11588581

Link 404s

>> No.11588584

I'm saying primitive humans you retarded fuck

Uh...Ice age? Hello? Primitive nomad humans MOST DEFINITELY fell on hard times, often. They needed to be fat-burners.

>> No.11588586

If you're eating factory beef you're eating onions and grains. Natural meat is far lower in fat and has a higher Omega 3 and CLA content. If the fat is white its unhealthy.

>> No.11588588

>what argument other than RDAs is there to make you believe carnivory causes malnutrition
very poor reading comprehension. i argued that not eating the entire animal causes malnutrition, which not only is not an argument against carnivory, it actually includes the statement that it prevents malnutrition as long as you don't limit your diet to selected parts of the animal.

>> No.11588589

I've been a few times. My grandpa was a farmer/hunter. I got lost in the sauce for a while tho

>> No.11588606

Not many in the west have the stomach for offal anymore.

>> No.11588609
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change baka to s m h
population was in equilibrium, you could not create more people than the land could sustain pre agricultural revolution. Ice age reduced population but the people alive were fine
evidence is contrary

>> No.11588621
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>> No.11588623

>yeah i know, i figured biz is an okay place to tell people that this diet exists and that it might help em make more money.
you are extremely immature and there is no okay place to just tell people. this goes for any valuable information.
if you need a golden rule, wait for opportunities in life where people actively seek your advice on the topic until you even consider dealing out the information.
if you can't do that, you are more weak-willed than you think, as you cannot help but indulge in the feeling of somehow being (from your point of view) more knowledgeable/smart than others.
the world is full of people who are not like that and will simply keep quiet while immature people like you boast out half-truths. you haven't met them, because they shy from your glaring shortcomings like rats from the light.

>> No.11588628

Fiber is not a meme, it's why you're rarely shitting. Plus you can avoid carbs entirely while still getting fiber

>> No.11588637

literally a meme
>fix a traffic jam by adding more cars

>> No.11588643

lol you sound butthurt and ignorant. It's okay. I have nothing to gain from this post :) Feelsgood

It's most definitely a meme. It can cause inflammation and isn't required for digestion. My poops are fine.

>> No.11588667

keep helping people who do not deserve help, then, if you think it's such a great idea.
i tried. bye.

>> No.11588672

Ok i'll delete this if I can, only those chosen to receive this information before this point are enlightened. Goodbye.

>> No.11588679

cows are pure herbivores you mongoloid jewish negroid retarded faggot.

>> No.11588683

learn how to read faggot

>> No.11588716


>> No.11588722


>> No.11588736

hello joe rogan

>> No.11588759
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Why do meatniggers shill stupid shit like this?

I live with someone who eats about 70 percent meat maybe like 1 fruit and some bread and it is disgusting. He's obese, short and I'm not sure if all fat people do this or it's cause of terrible diet but throws up every few days.

I'm extremely successful, stellar academic record, at a world famous uni, 6'4" capable of cycling 100 miles per day and with 100k self earned at 22. Came from an abusive home and not in contact with parents

Here's what to do if you want to stop being a loser:
>get up at 6 and exercise each morning, I do cycling
>work hard most prestigious university possible, if alrady graduated work hard to get a great job you enjoy
>Don't make excuses, the most pathetic thing on 4chan is blaming minorites/quotas for why you're a loser. Man up and take responsibility
>Get some hobbies do you have something to do on the weekend

Seriously it's not hard or a mystery it just takes time. Also go vegan it's genuinely great.

>> No.11588769
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Imagine being this uneducated

>> No.11588776

>Also go vegan it's genuinely great.
fuck off faggot. you're just as bad as carnivores, if not worse because of your moral posturing.

>> No.11588777

>implying statistics about primitive humans exist
why even bother lmao

>> No.11588787

>t. Emaciated faggot

>> No.11588795

>i have 100k and im 22 do all of this meme shit and listen to me
lmao. i had $320k when i was 17yo last year thanks to crypto and spend all my time playing vidya, dropped out at 16 and wank 3 times a day. literally kys with your elitist attitude

>> No.11588796

Dude just eat more (skinny guys always extremely underestimate how much they would need to eat to get bigger) and balanced which means. veggies, meat and complex carbs (like brown rice, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal etc.)
and lift every other day full body (look up starting strength 5x5)

in a few months you will look athletic given that you are pretty skinny now

Just read the sticky on /fit/ it really is good

Don't start with some trendy food diet that most people wont do long anyway. You don't need that.

>> No.11588799

>goes vegan
>intestines always full of garbage
>constant irritation, stress on your digestive system
>dips in energy levels
>lack of b12
>incredibly complicated eating process (making vegan shit is so fucking time consuming, my meals take 8 minutes max)
Keep eating that way though, save the planet bro

>> No.11588800

In general, the more tropical the climate the more plant base. The more arctic the more animal based.

What I find funny is people pushing the carnivore thing literally believe this:

Plants are bad for you because they are selectively bred.

Animals are good for you because we selectively bred them to reach slaughter weight faster and we force feed them GMO onions and grains.

The sooner EVERYONE wakes up and realizes it's not about veganism or being a carnivore the better. Just eat real food, from your local area, as close to nature intended it as possible.

>> No.11588808

ok thanks fren.

>> No.11588811

Diet can be determined via skeleton analysis.


>> No.11588812
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>> No.11588814

>Plants are bad for you because they are selectively bred.
No, plants are bad for you because they have natural chemical defense mechanisms that eventually hurt your nervous/immune system.

>> No.11588817

Fuck off with your cringe. I don't want to kill things and there's no reason to that is all. It always seems sad how so many people on this site cry about Chad mistreating them yet do the exact same thing to animals (turbo betas)

And yet you wouldn't say anything to me in real life, and are realistically unhealthy like the average person. LOL

I mentioned my money last cause there's nothing impressive about it, it's largely down to luck. I'm much prouder of my uni than being a 1 percenter for my age cause it actually took effort and dedication.

>> No.11588830

>I don't want to kill things and there's no reason to that is all.
The funny thing about you pathetic cucked vegans is that you're almost always atheists/non-religious (veganism is your religion), which makes your moral posturing completely baseless. As an atheist you cannot make a logically sound argument that the life of a cow has value beyond the pleasure it gives humans to eat.

>> No.11588832

This is true - I have put 5 pounds of muscle on the last 6 months working out about 4x a week upper body only - I bike to and from work for my cardio and leg workout that comes to 50 miles a week.

I prepare almost all of my meals and eat a balanced diet of everything

Also before you start free lifting weights use machine and make sure you’re posture and form are all correct otherwise you could be doing damage to yourself - I only just start free letting weights now that I’ve corrected my posture (I had slight scoliosis and hunch back - both have improved dramatically)

>> No.11588833
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your concept of a fruit or vegetable did not exist for thousands of years after the agricultural revolution
The idea that anyone would ever choose to eat anything other than meat is social conditioning born out of meat scarcity created by excess populations

you have no idea the amount of economy dependent on people being able to live off carbs https://cspinet.org/new/200401161.html even though that is what is responsible for metabolic syndrome, obesity, type II diabetes, demetia, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, cancer, auto immune disorder

>> No.11588839

It's not even the cravings but just how little you can eat on keto. Giving up bread and pasta and rice and shit is easy as hell. But having to worry about being kicked out of ketosis every time I eat a salad with some carrots on it or not being able to have some sliced up apple with my eggs is some inane shit. While I don't like labels I think eating Paleo is just a lot more realistic. If I was eating keto all the time I would probably just end up binging and cheating hard on pizza from the boredom and extremely picky nature of eating keto. I even see shit about how avocado will kick you out of ketosis and I just said fuck it

>> No.11588840

hurr durr how come humans which needed tools to hunt no longer have nails and teeth to hunt

>> No.11588842

No shit and now fruits are sugar filled candy bullshit. Maybe they had some, and it probably had ZERO effect on their fat-burning abilities. I refuse to even bother with todays shit. Eating any fruits never made me feel good.

>> No.11588844

tooth decay justifies flouridated water which leads to fluorsis of tissues and bones, hypothyroidism leads to depression etc

>> No.11588866

Here's the thing. You're very likely less healthy than and shorter than me with no other signs of physical fitness. Why should I listen to you or other lazy fucks when I'm better physically than 95 percent of people?

In real life I don't think a single ripped/extremely fit person has ever criticized my diet. It's always fat/unhealthy/short people.

There's no deep thought here lol. If I had to kill things to survive, I would do it without a care. I've been with carniggers when we came across a rabbit which has a terminal illness causing blindness and death through starvation, and after calling the nearest animal hospital they said to kill it. In the end I was the one who had to kill it cause everyone else was too pussy. Embarrassing...

>> No.11588870

..Are you somehow implying that because we invented tools we evolved to not need nails and teeth?

>> No.11588872


>> No.11588895

Because fat/unhealthy people are always clinging to whatever Dr Oz tells them will magically fix them next week.

The reality is right in front of them. Stop eating processed shit foods. Eat real, whole foods, period.

>> No.11588928

>there are no morals outside of fairy tales
K then.

>> No.11588955
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Atheistic morality is completely, 100% subjective. You can have moral convictions, but you have no grounds to impose your morals on others. I spent 10 years ruminating over this question and the only sensible conclusion I could come to is expressed in this spicy meme

>> No.11588965

>Eat real, whole foods, period.

Also take supplements because nutrients have been depleted from soil overuse, GMOs, and pesticides. Not only will the supplements be filling the void from lack of vitamins and minerals but they will also sort of aid in flushing out all of the heavy metals and plastics and poisons in your vegetables. Tl;dr take your fucking niacin

>> No.11588975

Morality is based off of the golden rule which is innately built into us due to groups needing to work together to survive harsh environments. Nothing else matters you stupid faggot

>> No.11588983

Meme perpetuated by western nutritionism and supplement industry.

The only two you really need are Vitamin D and B12 (if you don't eat meat often). We don't get enough sun to generate the D we need, and we are far too sterile to get the B12.

>> No.11588989

>which is innately built into us
Huamnity's very long history of rape, slavery, ethnic cleansings and genocide would strongly suggest otherwise. Even in the modern world this is a demonstrably laughable concept when you take two steps outside of Western/Christian nations.

>> No.11588990

Yes thats right, morality is subjective, and morals and values of the christian faith is also subjective and changes all the time.
Didnt the pope say that there shouldn't be any prejudice against gay people?
Anyways its good that youve figured out the definition of morality.

>> No.11588994

Christian morals are immutable. There is simply correct and incorrect interpretations. The Pope is a heretic.

>> No.11588997

Religion, low iq/mental illness, and greed made all of those things happen. The golden rule is quite literally the only rule that matters. Nothing else.

>> No.11588999

>Meme perpetuated by western nutritionism and supplement industry.

Keep telling yourself that.

Your food is completely fucked up. Modern agriculture and factory farming has ruined the nutritional content of our food. Not only are we getting less nutrients than our ancestors, but on top of that our food is poisoned with chemicals.

>> No.11589007

You missed the part where I said eat real, whole foods. That basically precludes frankenwheat, all GMOs, and anything using Roundup. I buy from small local farms or grow my own.

>> No.11589012

The pope is a heretic?
Wouldnt you say that your subjective interpretation of it is just as baseless as the pope's?
You're saying that your interpretation is the only correct one yet the fucking pope has another view point.
Its subjective you absolute baboon

>> No.11589016
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>Fiber is a meme
Stopped reading here. You're going to infest the streets with your blood in addition to your shit now? Disgusting.

>> No.11589018

Humans are greedy by nature, and to call 90% of the world "low IQ" is a meaningless statement, since they make up the average. Before organized religion humans were essentially animals. Hunter gatherer tribes discovered as recently as the 70s were still practicing cannibalism. The Aztecs practiced child sacrifices. Natives were known for their inhumanity etc.

>> No.11589022

It doesn't matter if it's organic retard. If you're growing on soil in the western world you're eating from depleted soil. Okay, I'll give it to you, you aren't consuming pesticides but it's highly unlikely that your organic grown food is being grown in virgin earth that has yet to be touched by mankind.

>> No.11589023

He's saying his interpretation is the correct one. Which is literally the core of what leads to the long history he mentions.

>> No.11589024

You guys seem to just have gone from one extreme to the other(from lardass sugar and carb eater to carnivore). Latter is of course the least bad, doesn't mean it's right.

>> No.11589035

>The pope is a heretic?
Yes. He has said things that are directly opposed to the teachings of Christ

>You're saying that your interpretation is the only correct one
No I'm not. Learn how to read please.

>> No.11589038

Read some of the work by Elaine Ingham (theory) or Jean Martin-Fortier (practice) on soil rejuvenation. The soil isn't depleted, it just doesn't have the correct balance of bacteria and fungi due to the use of quick fixes for acidity (Lime) and pesticides.

>> No.11589047

Enjoy your heart attack by 40 retard

>> No.11589049

And you think your local organic farmers are sitting around reading relatively esoteric permanence culture books? That's actually hilarious that you think your local organic farmers are stimulating fungal growth in their soil. The reality is that organic farmers are simply using soil that mainstream farmers were using hundreds of years before them.

>> No.11589051

Still subjective, not objective.
Your interpretation of it, makes it a subjective interpretation.
Stop saying objective morality because thats fucking rarded, theres no such thing.

>> No.11589056

sv3rigang rise up

>> No.11589058

Considering I work with the farms on soil rejuvenation and practice it with the food I grow at home? I'd say yea, they do.

>> No.11589066

lol fucking moron why give your opinion if its so uninformed

>> No.11589068

meme diet

>> No.11589071

>I don't know what the terms subjective and objective mean
If Jesus says "Murder is wrong", then to say that murder is wrong according to Christianity is an objective statement. If the Pope says that murder is actually good, then he is a heretic, as his interpretation is objectively wrong. Do you understand now?

>> No.11589078

tips fedora

>> No.11589081

I've been doing all meat too. Feelsgoodman

Does OP also exercise? I'm down 15 pounds so far eating only meat but I'd definitely like to start exercising as well.

>> No.11589089


>> No.11589094

You work with every single farm you get your food from? This has to be satire, right? But this has gone from advising people to eat whole foods to you claiming that all of your food is absolutely vetted for the autism permanence culture seal of quality which is a lot more dramatic than the simple advice you had earlier. Guess what? Most people do not have access to food grown in #certifiedfixedsoil, which was my entire point of adding supplements to your diet. I seriously doubt every product on the shelf at whole foods was grown by a farmer inspired by the works of the quite notorious author 'Jean Martin-Fortier' and hence most of the food sold is probably grown with traditional agriculture methods sans genetic modifications of course. The truth is your average organic farmer probably doesn't read much at all on their free time.

>> No.11589106

My main point is you don't need supplements. You feel you do.

Agree to disagree.

>> No.11589117

What about conflicting verses then?

>Thou shalt not kill. —Exodus 20:13

>Thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side. and slay every man his brother…companion…neighbor. —Exodus 32:27

>> No.11589121

>Old Testament.

Not the teachings of Christ.

>> No.11589128

I don’t even need to. You’re a laughing stock. Would you take the time to explain that the earth isn’t flat?

>> No.11589136

Christians do not follow Mosaic law directly, but only as interpreted by Christ himself.

>> No.11589137

Yeah and to be honest you haven't really changed my opinion on supplements nor have you swayed me into believing that it's a conspiracy by GNC to sell vitamins. To me that just feels like someone claiming that the existence of scurvy was concocted by the citrus industry, the point being that sucking a lime to ward off illness is analogous to taking vitamin C and fish oil because your food is not meeting your nutritional requirements.

>> No.11589188



Add to that the fact that they lobbied government years ago and the FDA basically has zero oversight and you have no way of knowing what you're actually taking.

If you insist on taking them, only buy ones that are tested by Labdoor.

>> No.11589196

So a subjective opinion on a subjective opinion from an ages old book book is objective? Youre really loosing me here.
>my subjective opinion is objective for me
If thats your point then I guess thats kinda correct but its still garbage

>> No.11589200

>you can't eat spicy/zingy foods on keto.
are you stupid?

>> No.11589210

>What the fuck do you think they were gathering?
roots and berries.
All of which have a stupid low GI especially compared to modern fruits and processed foods.

>> No.11589216

cringe tier post

>> No.11589248

>Humans have been carnivore for a long time.
this is very simple minded.
Look at evidence from archaeology, modern tribes and our closest living relatives and you’ll see that meat makes up an important but very small part of our diet

Fibre is not a meme - your shits must be rock solid.

>> No.11589254

And gout

>> No.11589262

>shits cash
Youre a faggot

>> No.11589275
File: 7 KB, 275x183, gbfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11589355

>live with meatnigger
>who eats fruit
>who eats bread
You are a fucking idiot, but i can't blame you. I blame your parents for their mistake.

>> No.11589519

dude you seem like a raging faggot

>> No.11589603

Tell me how to eat meat every meal? How do you have time to grill steaks and burgers every day?

>> No.11589638

Difference is you’re probably not lifting weights 5 times a week and doing cardio on off days. If I just ate meat would my gains suffer? Lack of necessary ATP for muscle growth

>> No.11589651

Yes. Your muscles run on glycogen.

>> No.11589704

shhh I love seeing "carnivores" attempt to work out.

>> No.11589722

Is meat only diet good/safe if you also go to gym? Feel like I need carbs for energy when lifting but I would really like to try meat only as I'm trying to shed about 15-20 lbs.

>> No.11589729

here anons, here it is, ignore op and you will live a life of joy and health

>> No.11589740

I'm a vegan Christian. I love God and everyone. But I don't do it for animals I do it because I like beets and sweet potato and peanut butter. I think humans are better than animals. Chicks find it a turn off if anything, I also don't know any vegans. I think I just like being a contrarian.

>> No.11589814

Cringe virgin loser

>> No.11589830

> vegan Christian
Episcopalians aren't Christian

>> No.11589867

I think it would be better to eat noting but potatoes than nothing but meat.

>> No.11589878


>> No.11589914

tried eating only meat, but its fking expensive where i live and hard to find good quality organs etc

>> No.11589944

best life is farmer life

>> No.11590093

maybe one day, i dont really have what it takes right now.

>> No.11590345

regardless of what any carnivore or vegan says the only way to know is to try it. as with any diet.

>> No.11590535

>Anyone eat ONLY meat as their diet?
nah, that's just as bad as not eating meat.
eat your veggies don't be a child! salad and meat (90% white meat) and eggs and cheese should be the focus in your diet.

>> No.11590629

>he uses toilet paper and not baby wipes and/or a bid`ayyylmao