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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 681x337, FUN_Sisyphean_Task.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11587472 No.11587472 [Reply] [Original]

Why the FUCK is link always up 10% while FUNFair, which, need I remind you, has a WORKING PRODUCT! is completely DEAD???

>> No.11587481

It's a dumb product

>> No.11587496

Me know :(

>> No.11587507
File: 9 KB, 250x196, 1512470591518s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your working product needs to solve a real problem anon....

Whats problem your not having FUN?

>> No.11587519

Because it's reluctant kneepad tranny's token

>> No.11587521

whoever was retarded enough to invest in shit like FUN deserves this, honestly

>> No.11587530

Never gets old.
They are unironically having FUN

>> No.11587535

Kyc on blockchain gambling, what did you expect

>> No.11587543

this lmfao.

etherroll makes your junk fun token obsolete

>> No.11587546


Link has tons of it, Fun very little.

>> No.11587577

Gambling addicts are too low-IQ to set up an ETH wallet. You failed in not realizing this from the start.

>> No.11588408

OP, why even bother asking /biz/. You’re gonna have one of these retards >>11587543 who thinks their illegal gambling platform will still exist in the next year or two. Then you have these micro dicks >>11587507 >>11587481 >>11587519 >>11587521 who parrot what the faggot next to them says, and then you have >>11587546 the link fag who thinks a speculative asset is worth a penny.

FUN will have its day simply because it’s legak, functioning, and good. It just needs proper on ramp support, until then, chill out and laugh at every fucking retarded loser above me.

>> No.11588470

are you having FUN yet?

>> No.11588497

you're a braindead retard if you bought fun

>> No.11588513
File: 53 KB, 403x448, D414DE75-1C0C-494E-874D-43195E37152C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here’s your (you)

>> No.11588610

Because linkies are speculating like crazy on one event anticipating news that not only justifies the 5000 sat increase, but also can be worth enough to push the price even higher than here and maintain it.

Something huge. Something unimaginable.

While fun has nothing to speculate on atm.

>> No.11588765

Fun supports gambling, not too difficult to figure out.

>> No.11588898


Fun is a fucking shitcoin, their project is a failure.

There is literally NOT ONE PERSON playing it, their KYC shit is ridiculous, it just sucks, setting it up is a pain in the ass, etc.

>> No.11588903

Its banned in most countries without a proper licence.
Legal minefield.

Useless pile of shitcoin

>> No.11588927
File: 229 KB, 1355x795, Screenshot_2018-10-31_07-56-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many users does FUN have? Why would anyone use a slow blockchain with fees when they could use a fast one with no fees? That's a rhetorical question btw. If you think you have an actual answer to that question you have a low IQ.

>> No.11588945

is Funfair seriously not even on that list? Ouch.

>> No.11588969

Those are all EOS dapps. But I don't think FunFair has any more than like 20 daily users last I checked.

>> No.11588984

isn't casinofair essentially an in-house test run? why are people losing their shit over this?

>> No.11589011

> 1 event
which one?

>> No.11589087

Entire money market is speculation.
Until crypto becomes more of a commodity like say silver or oil its essentially just speculation in my opinion.
I'm sure many will disagree but whatever I don't give advice on where to put your paper notes of credit.

>> No.11589178
File: 10 KB, 300x168, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a piece of shit but we're stuck with it, so, hope you're right.

pic related is me having the FUN of a lifetime

>> No.11589191

that no one uses

>> No.11589193

it will change, this is being addressed as I type.

>> No.11589206

Look at that steaming pile of shit of a list. You’re out of your mind if you think Funfair won’t eventually suck a lot of those users in. Legality alone will do that.

The only person with enough fucking sense.

>> No.11589272

my man

>> No.11589279

Fellow bag holder here I think we got PAJEET’d anon

>> No.11589306

It's all the spoopy skeleton's fault
and kyc

>> No.11589328

>Legality alone will do that.

LOL, as if people who gamble with crypto give a single flying fuck about muh legality.

>> No.11589351
File: 323 KB, 1080x986, 1530549901274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devcon4 I think is what he means
November 2nd
Drunkanon said testnet would be announced and released there, and I believe that means the general public being able to see who is using it.

>> No.11589359

If you don’t think gambling won’t be regulated and that funfair won’t have an onramp service, you’re out of your fucking mind. These people don’t just wake up, eat corn flakes, and jerk it to anime tits unlike you.