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11586204 No.11586204 [Reply] [Original]

I currently live in the US. From Maryland, went to school in West Virginia (dude parties bro) and am slowly falling for the 56%, amerimutt etc. memes.

Assuming I don't care much where I go, and am infatuated with crypto to the point of neurosis, what is the most redpilled country to check out and settle down for a while? Shill me yours if you're unironically proud of where you live.

>> No.11586311


Another Maryland boy goes to West Virginia. What a shame. You probably had potential too (at least a little)

>> No.11586368
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Other relevant details for my case:

>have 2 bachelor's degrees in engineering (Electrical and Biometrics)
>knowledgeable technologycuck; regular of /g/ but with less autism

Also have qt gf, here's her:
>from middle of bumfuck nowhere, WV
>childhood literally every stereotype of Trailer Park Boys-esque memery
>only ever traveled within US
>down for whatever; doesn't care where we go (she's a keeper)
>decent experience in cosmetology (lol)
>almost finished school for it but dropped out because reasons
>basically only retail experience

Anyway.. I'm just curious if I/we saved a decent bit of cash and had nothing tying us down here, where would be the ideal spot on Earth to not only broaden my horizons a bit but also have a high likelihood of putting down some comfy roots as a cyberpunk crypto-nigger?

Not worried about visas or any of the logistical stuff yet but I do not know how earning a living would look. I get the feeling that the rest of the world is much less rah-rah enthusiastic about, for example, the engineering meme than we typically are in 'Murca.

>> No.11586390

I know :) but honestly I had multiple jobs working in DC and I fucking hate that area now. I'm done with the shenanigans of YEE HAW WEST VIRGINIA degeneracy too, but god be damned if I was going to turn out to be another lax bro who gets a position at a government contractor through a family friend and wagekek there till I die of a heart attack at 45

>> No.11586442


Lax brah, long pole middie!!

Yeah I hate the lax bros. maybe you made the right choice. Good paying jobs in D.C. Maybe you should stick around to save up cash for your new spot.

I do hear South Korea is pretty cool and doing advanced blockchain stuff. Two friends of mine live there now and love it. Very different culture but in a good way. Maybe join the ICX team and get GOOKED while you're there.

>> No.11586512

fuck off we're full

>> No.11586523

10% corporate tax
0%-10% capital gains for normal people
Crypto capital

>> No.11586603

Fuck off we're full

>> No.11587063

Interesting. Is it cold there?

Has to be cold