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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11580413 No.11580413 [Reply] [Original]

>21 yr old neet, graduted HS 3 years ago, no friends
>live in FL
>cannot attend college at the moment since it is too expensive
>self taught programmer since sophomore year I know my fair share of web development and mobile development
>after HS i spent 1 year working on a failed project
>I have been very depressed ever since because I really burnt myself out to get my project out there
>I launched an app about 2 months ago and i am making about 200 usd/month obviously just peanuts.
>other than programming I did a bit of car sales with my brother but I do not like that world at all its too slimy for me.
>all the entry level jobs in my area are retail/menial sub $12/hr shit jobs.. they are a waste of time
>cannot get into any other higher level jobs because no degree/valid resume
>worst part is family looks down on me and takes every opportunity to remind me of how much of a worthless piece of shit I am.. (i mean they are not wrong i am basically a manchild)

hell I am not sure whether most of you have any idea what to do with you lives either but I am just looking for some support/advice on wtf to do, i am lost and becoming even more depressed just being inside all day

>> No.11580425

Become an electrician or something

>> No.11580459

Before anything, you've bought LINK right?

If you need experience you can try doing volunteer work, I did that and it gave my cv a lot of character

>> No.11580486

where do you go to check out what volunteer work is out there?

>> No.11580514

Just look for work from home jobs on Craig's List, doesn't have to be your local area since they are work from home.

>> No.11580527

i've thought about tech school but the only one here is this for profit one that gives me a lot of "everest" college/donald trump college vibe.. I dont want to get scammed.. the community college gives out linux and sys admin courses but i go back to check the job ads on indeed and all those positions require at least 3 years of experience.. I am afraid ill just waste my money.

have you done it before? i am checking craigslist rn but a lot of it are either scams or pyramid schemes..

>> No.11580551

That is a very cute monkey
Believe me I have it worse than you, but I didnt give up.
What I would do is apply for the police academy or border patrol.
The applications take like 8 months to go through, but in 4 years you could be making over 100k.
I did it, and it takes a while for eveything to go through but its not a bad move

>> No.11580569

why cant you just go to uni for engineering? you are only 19 it isnt too late. Youll just graduate when you are 23... no big deal

>> No.11580576

Where in FL bud? I am also in this shithole.

>> No.11580583

also where are you from? because i am looking for friends as well. If you are in the long island NYC area we could probably chill

>> No.11580607

well i am 21 and i cant receive any financial aid because reasons and my parents wont help me..i havent spoken with a counselor but i am pretty sure ill have to pay a ridiculous amount out of pocket.

i live in FL thanks mate

central FL where are you at?

also as i dont have anything to lose and all my ideas fail anyways, i've thought about organizing fortnite tournaments for real cash either by making a website or in person.. what do yall think?

>> No.11580621

would you ever want to skype?

>> No.11580651

do you have a steam/ pokemon showdown account? we can talk?

>> No.11580658

sorry i dont really find any purpose in having friends you wont really get to meet... i wish you good luck in your friend search

>> No.11580801

damn i was so close too

>> No.11581170

Enough with the trade school meme you might as well become a engineer and make 6 digits after 5-8 years of work

>> No.11581380

you can learn on the job as an elecetrician,
also military will take you esp if you have computer skills. Youll go through basic then work at an office for 4 years and retire with benes and potential top secret clearance if you do it right.

>> No.11581955

lel anyone who actually wants to meet up off 4chan is gonna be a fucking weirdo

>> No.11582105
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You have a good opportunity here OP. Make another app that makes you $200 passive a month. Then another one. Then another one. And on and on Anon. 90+% of biz could not code an app. I can't.

>and buy a bit of link too.