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11577973 No.11577973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will the value of women on the online dating market crash?

They currently seem highly overvalued and the price is kept buoyant by endless buyers willing to spend endlessly.

>> No.11577990


>> No.11578008

Her skin looks like it’s already degrading. Is that what caking makeup on your face daily does to you?

>> No.11578033

she's 20 and she looks like 40.
the absolute state of murican roastie

>> No.11578039


Yep, dries it out. If she's a smoker/drinker then she's just fucking her skin up completely. Will look like a worn leather shoe by 35.

>> No.11578048

the only problem with this kind of girls is us
if she met real men she wouldnt even dare to write this

>> No.11578057


>> No.11578080

Bubble will burst when women figure out that traps are hotter than them

>> No.11578095
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>dating market
I always throw up a little in my mouth when I hear and imagine it, like romance would be a market. Is romance dead?

>> No.11578109

Learned the hard way mate. There is no such thing is love. Its giving and taking.

>> No.11578122

its basically economy of pain

the one who can cause more emotional pain has the advantage and the attention

>> No.11578139

What is this "romance" I keep hearing about? Is that where you fawn over a woman and entertain her and buy things for her in hopes that she will grace you with pussy?

>> No.11578145
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Why this sounds so fucking familiar?

>> No.11578214

nope not while beta males are a thing especially beta engineers and doctors

>> No.11578217

It's very real. To have a chance at romance you must actually meet someone. The market is in between that. For some reason there are much more horny men than women so most women can actually easily choose who to meet up and have sex with.
Also each woman perceives the market differently during ovulation. During ovulation women really crave for a literal alpha male. When it starts getting over, they prefer someone who is able to provide for their children and is a 'safe' option not to run away with another woman.
The challenge for men is to stand out from the swarm of sausages and be an omega male who is able to please a woman during both of the phases.

>> No.11578224

lol this. romance is why western marriage have a 60% chance of divorce

>> No.11578244


No that’s what generations of beta males producing writing for movies and tv shows think it is. Romance is intimacy driven by desire and passion, the current market is intimacy driven by financial gain, egotism, and a desire for control.

In other word people have gone from having sex because of attraction to another person, to having sex to feel good about themselves.

>> No.11578267

if you decide to engage in this shitshow, you have to not give a fuck and not become attached, which is the opposite of the point. everyone is shallow and disgusting. the one in control is the one who cares the least.

>> No.11578294

checked, you're a wise man

>> No.11578321

damn that woman looks rough, face has seen some miles and shitty tattoos, plus with that brief writeup seems she's stupid and annoying.

Funny, before the superficial beta culture we live in today a woman like that would be lucky to be a tavern wench for her entire life.

>> No.11578322

This is so on point subject. I have totally lost faith in this "Meet someone" fallacy. Was having a tough time with someone and was reading around. Shit i went actually nuts on what normies think about. How to be an alpha, how to be better, make things exciting, go out on dates, be resentful, dont talk to her, make her come to you.

You know i was reading this and looking at the monitor and at some point said "Stop". Wtf is this bullcrap. I need to fucking guess all the time what im doing? Fuck that shit. At that point i understood its better to focus on yourself and if someone wants to be there. Then be. The usual herd is Instagram this and Facebook that. Posting pictures online. Women seeing other women travel. The thing which should have brought more prosperity (open world) has also brought the need and excitement problems. People are not content with what they are, but focus more on what others are doing. They dont look at it like "Damn i want to be that regular couple of just hanging out, having a good time". They look at it "LOOK WHAT SHE DID, OMFG WE NEED TO DO IT AS WELL, WE NEED TO BE LIKE THEM, I WANT TO BE LIKE THAT". Its miserable.

And thats why i have given up hope on such thing as love. Its the guessing work that makes me fucking puke. Always have to guess what the other side wants. I just want to have a fucking normal life chilling, making bank and enjoying life. If i meet someone (which i doubt) who is like that, then i will start believing in love again. Until now its just a drag and its better to focus on myself than others.

>> No.11578342

Nice analysis anon, on point pretty much

>> No.11578376

keep looking dude, i feel the same and managed to find a good, shy, submissive girl who prefers to stay home and watch movies or play boardgames rather than obsess over social media bullshit.

It's usually the "glamorous" sort of girls that want to cake their face in makeup and glitter and spend 16 hours a day looking at their phone who fit the description you described.

Lots of girls don't though, ones who spend more time on the computer playing games (nerdy/introverted types) and who don't like to leave their house much. They're the ones to go after, I mean they aren't perfect but they're 100x less materialistic and more easily pleased.

>> No.11578392

She would an aristocrats daughter lording over you with impunity.

>> No.11578401
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>if she met incels she wouldn't even dare write this unironically

>> No.11578404

wow! thanks for that
it is so true man

>> No.11578405

Honestly all that dom/sub fetish shit is for fucking old people. If you've had so much sex by 20 years old that you have to do some shit like that to get off, you're an irredeemable whore male or female.

>> No.11578423

Man thanks for your hope. Yeah im actually this alpha male who likes to just look out for his woman. I just want a normal chill life while being arrogant and alpha.

I had a thot right? A very beautiful thot. She did all the things you just mentioned but was also a thot. What fucked us up was the constant desire for pleasure and excitement. At some point i almost wanted to go fucking nuts. Like bitch please everything is about doing something exciting. It cant be like lets just chill and love each other. It really wears you off as a person who thinks about how to buy a house, a home, how to travel and build an album full of pictures VS. i always want to look good, i always want to get excitement. Really fucking hard.

I hope that one day a woman crosses my path in such a way. I dont even care about the looks that much anymore. Sure be thin and not a fat cow, but i just want a person who thinks like a normal humanbeing not like those social media fucking mental freaks.

You gave me hope anon, thanks for that.

>> No.11578424
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lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.11578431

It’s been dead since the 60s when the nuclear family was totally dismantled by the communists who infiltrated hippie culture.

>> No.11578435

Well, girls are vapid creatures. Conratulations you have reached adulthood. Next step is realising you need some vapid creature to produce children. The final step is when you realise you would also be a vapid asshole if you could shit out kids like some sort of fucked up god.

>> No.11578460

Most of worlds societies produce women that aren't vapid whores. Anglos seem the exception, with them overvaluing their women immensely.

>> No.11578474

Go to literally any country except the USA and if you're fucking a white male you'll do well on dating apps. Just don't go to bars and tell all the ladies YOU'RE LOOKIN GOOD TONIGHT

>> No.11578479

99% of women will fuck you for a Louis Vuitton bag.

>> No.11578517

Also here's a neat little life hacc, most countries have a larger female than male population. In some of them polygamous marriage is legal (for men only). Try going there

>> No.11578532


romance is a joke. its dressing up primal urges like lust in poetic language

>> No.11578547

this. north european countries are gynocracies

>> No.11578596

>Anglos seem the exception, with them overvaluing their women immensely.
This. In the US at least, women seem to be socially conditioned to not just expect and feel entitled to much more from society and life than men do, but are even taught that in the 21st century they are STILL getting the short end of the stick and should expect and demand more

>> No.11578635
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SJWs and women always have that perpetual victim mentality
They're consumers, not producers

>> No.11578663
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Damn, I'd be her slave

>> No.11578666

God. I would feel her with my seed

>> No.11578682

What is dead cannot die.
Romance have always been a idealisation

>> No.11578717

>Romance have always been a idealisation
Blame the upper-middle class bubble dwellers of all things of that nature. They just take things at their most surface level, and than scold everyone when someone else immerses in the whole experience.

>> No.11578728
File: 223 KB, 496x384, god dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty spot on. Women are thirsty during that ovulation period, that's why it's more (sexually) rewarding for men to act like alpha males.

I think an interesting issue is that birth control has clearly fucked with women's ovulation cycles, so their urges to fuck have been diminished or just flat out changed.

>> No.11578738

autismo the thread
god, I am happy I am not like you

>> No.11578789

i find romantics like you have 3 divorces under their belt

>> No.11578879

Shit like this has been around for almost a thousand years, since the concept of Courtly Love in the middle ages. Men worshiping women from afar and making sacrifices to prove his love while being constantly rejected. Having survived this long, it probably won't go away any time soon.

>> No.11578891

this is why societies have had institutions and mechanisms in place to keep beta males at check. like shame. shame a woman for not being a virgin at marriage and shame a man for settling with roast beef. also encouraging people to marry young and making it economically feasible for them to have kids

>> No.11578941

same time buyers run out of money (when the market and economy collapse with the fiat ponzi)

>> No.11578993

Many anons said some very true stuff about the love-situation nowadays but I would still have my ass fisted by a lady who's up to the task no prob. It's interesting switching your natural given role like that. I can recognize a person like that, even though I fuck dominant when I'm with "normal" women.

>> No.11579079

But the alpha is also the best to provide for her children.
Betas are usualy poor, ugly and stupid

>> No.11579107
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When will the bubble pop

>> No.11579114

>. also encouraging people to marry young and making it economically feasible for them to have kids
Encouraging women to marry young. Historically, most men never married before 30

>> No.11579119

completely false

>> No.11579133

People in Ireland traditionally married at 12. A 30 year old person was considered old by non-modern standards.

>> No.11579198

Lol @ trying to find a woman
All you have to do is follow your dreams and make it. Document this process in a public space like Instagram. Your value will go through the roof, high enough that you will attract quality women. Plus you’ll live >rent free
Anyone trying to get a woman before they make it is doing things backwards. She will want low risk, so you’ll be waging forever.

>> No.11579230

How do i get a domme gf?

>> No.11579339

Good looking guys were getting pussy left and right by middle school. It's only ugly guys who are told they have to "make it" before getting women.

>> No.11579355

The dumber they are, the more arrogant they are. It's gonna crash eventually.

>> No.11579385

They're calling it an "Everything" bubble for a reason lol.

>> No.11579399

Sometimes when I match with a god looking girl on tinder, she will unmatch me after like an hour or two

its like she's personally offended that I didnt jump to her feet immediately. Like she gives me 1 hour to kiss her ass and entertain her, and then deletes because asshurt from me ignoring her

its like having sex without even exchanging a word. Exchange of energies

Obviously I swipe almost everything right because Im a guy, and then thers a good looking roastie who gives me an "ok this dude is hot" sign, and then when I ignore her, she's asspained because her majesty looked at me and I didnt give her attention

>> No.11579424

Where did you find grill

>> No.11579464

it won't lol just look at all the romantics in this thread

>> No.11579481

So your solution to the beta male epedemic enabeling thots is to go after beta grils? Wouldnt that produce an even more beta generation?

>> No.11579483
File: 51 KB, 502x799, 1529683733798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, go for ugly women then. they are a dime a dozen but you don't give them the time of day. if you want a valuable woman you got to increase your own value. hence this all is referred to as a 'market'
pic fucking related, get on /fit/ you slob

>> No.11579486

> Unica
> American

>> No.11579502

Traps, sexbots and artifical wombs all provide the same service at a much lower price. Market will realize this before long. Short 15x.

>> No.11579525

Ugly girls are just as picky. Look up juggernaut law on lookism

Too many female politicians. Theyre banning these things before biowomen lose and marketshare.

>> No.11579553
File: 794 KB, 721x439, HksFFCv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead since the 60s
fucking casual. the whole 20th and 19th centuries were decadent. get on my level

>> No.11579565

female refugees welcome, otherwise single for life

>or settle with a roastie :D

>> No.11579568

Tinder is a strange beast.

>> No.11579585

Ahaha same thing here. Only 19 but sort of a pretty boy so I get matches with hot ones. But if I don't message her for an hour after there are a couple messages back and forth she unmatches. Eternal virginhood here I come

>> No.11579598

Just to debate you I will say I had lots of options in middle and high school. It is more of a philosophical thing. Do you want to be the guy in the ranch house wage slaving or the rich guy doing whatever he likes? One pursued women in his early years, the other pursued his legacy.

>> No.11579602

better than generating higher demand for thots. 'Beta' girls are objectively better than some stuck-up empress with 5 layers of make-up and exactly zero shame

>> No.11579610

i pity you, incel
your whole life revolves around this narrative and rather than doing something about it you just dwell in self-pity and hatred

>> No.11579671

"lookism" tard, not everybody wins genetic lottery

>you ugly goyim, dont try, whats the point, chad is getting them all, dont have kids, if she aint 9/10 dont bother, narcissism is good for you, demoralization too

>> No.11579807

It depends where you are and the type of women and balance of women. In Vegas and LA even ugly women think they can be thots for hot guys. But in better places the attitude is different. I've heard if you still want a thot but you want them to compete for you New York is good (no experience though). The south is full of normal non thot good women (if you're white). I've heard good things about certain parts of the midwest.

Obviously there are examples on both sides everywhere but you have to realize it's a numbers game and you need to put the numbers in your favor, unfortunately.

Anybody acting like ugly girls cant be picky though hasnt been to the bad zones. Dont make me start posting nightmares from Tinder.

>> No.11579824
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never, they will only become more valued as more men let themselves become more pathetic

>> No.11579838

Better advice than normies. "Yeah youre ugly but get married and have children anyway. Not my problem if you divorce and have to pay child support".

From los angeles. Female smv is inflated here like every other asset.