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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11576674 No.11576674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If I hypothetically kidnapped a daughter of a casino owner of Las Vegas and asked for 10mil to return her back, what possible problems should I prepare for?

>> No.11576689

Check up on a game called 'fuck you buddy'

>> No.11576699

Getting horribly tortured and then murdered by mobsters.

>> No.11576724

Additional rape charges on top of kidnapping.

>> No.11576725

Ok I will

How’d they find me?

>> No.11576759

You'd have better chances of impregnating her on a one night stand after a bar fling and banking on Kavanaugh overturning Roe v Wade so you can collect inheritance via the child.

>> No.11576763

Because you leave traces and video cameras are everywhere especially in Vegas. You need to lure her out of Vegas in which case there will be records of you talking to her and unless you do this consistently with 7 proxies, you will make a mistake. In 2019 I honestly see no way to kidnap someone in a densely populated Western area.

>> No.11576768

Living the rest of your life in paranoia as these mobsters hunt you down

>> No.11576775


>> No.11576801

theyd track you down following the money

what you COULD do is have them send you the money in bitcoin

its untraceable

>> No.11577173


the absolute state of "biz"...
dude, you ever watch anything about trying to screw over a vegas type? maybe the closest i can think of pulp fiction, go watch some and rethink how death is sometimes better.

>> No.11577192

Ex-US Navy Seal mercenaries that will kill you and bury your dismembered body in the desert.

>> No.11577200

forgetting to not pick up soap in shower

>> No.11577207
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>its untraceable

>> No.11577208

CCTV everywhere in vegas and casino owner's daughter probably has security anyway. You'd probably be the one that got kidnapped if you tried anything.

Casinos have deep basements.

>> No.11577273

Wasnt it enough to rape their girls when you invaded america? Seriously give them red skins some timeout fucking amerimutts

>> No.11577310

he is not going to have 10 mil in cash, that is the only problem

if he has 10mil, what you do is, you make him donate it to an oversea foundation

that way the weak link is removed

you can setup foundation or arrange a deal with one

donations are not refundable and the motivation behind the donation is irrelevant

>> No.11577326

remember to have fun OP

>> No.11577432

If youre asking about this on 4chan I seriously hope you go through with it so we can all have some lols when they find your body randomly in a ditch

>> No.11577522

could've at least said monero, wtf u doing in here

>> No.11577676

Look I read all your replies and I don’t think the guys can find me.
I will let a paid professional stalk the daughter (doubt she has security as someone said, and if she does then I just look for another target that has no security) and after we get grasp of her schedule, I pay professionals to kidnap her at the least public place she visits.
They take her to a rented basement far away from the casino and then communicate with her dad via untraceable phone.
I will be in a different state and all the dirty work will be done by people that are experienced in this area.
Casino owner will pay me either in crypto or by donation.

What could go wrong?

>> No.11577696


Sounds like a great idea. You never know until you try.

>> No.11577701

Dying before you can spend 100k

>> No.11577709

>pay professionals to kidnap her
100% you're going to contact an undercover agent and get fucked by the law

>> No.11577716

your biggest issue is how you would launder the money so you can actually use it.

>> No.11577736

>What could go wrong?

absolutely nothing anon, keep us updated on how it goes

>> No.11577745

>Implying that's the biggest issue.

He will be caught a few days after kidnapping

>> No.11577748

this board is fucking dead and you newfags really need to get out

>> No.11577788

the people that you hire to do the job are the weakest link, you have to do it yourself or forget it

>> No.11577789
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>> No.11577828

Tell me how it is traceable.

>> No.11577843

10mil for an owner of casino is Vegas is not that much, unless I fuck him over by not releasing his daughter after he pays me, there’s no reason for him not to pay me (except if he doesn’t care about his own child)
Would you try to fuck over a guy that has your child in his hands?
If I give him 1 hour to pay me he won’t have time to do anything else

I wouldn’t need to launder all of it at once though

>> No.11577859
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Yeah he pays you 10m, you release the child and all gucci.

Pro tip: Be fast at spending the 10m because you don't have plenty of time

>> No.11577880

>Expecting him to just leave it

He didn't get to where he is by rolling over and taking things up the ass. If he loves his daughter even more reason for him to go after you personally and fucking kill you.

He has a shit ton more resources than you while you are harming somebody he loves. If he just leaves you be people will target him again he kinda does have to make an example of you be it through killing or dedicating a large portion of his wealth for a manhunt for especially.

If something like that happened I would just give a challenge to MIT to find you and reward them a couple of million. Bare in mind those autistic children studying there found a random balloon in a random country before the internet was as far reaching as it was today in a couple of hours.

>> No.11577903

Who is the cuqitie?

>> No.11577915
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pic related

>> No.11577942

>If I give him 1 hour to pay me he won’t have time to do anything else
Bitcoin moves slowly and he propably doesn't have $10M worth of Monero in his wallet. Give him clear instructions and 24h. Be polite, don't say anything about harming the daugher, that's a way more serious crime and the victims knows what's up without making it obvious.

>> No.11578049

Always follow your dreams anon

>> No.11578076

>kidnap family of a guy with mob ties in a place where cameras are everywhere
>go to san francisco and mug one of the endless 20-something hipster ICO scammers with no security and 7-8 figures worth of cryptocurrency
criminals are so dumb

>> No.11578168

Can’t spend it, they will find me easily.

That is true, I expect him to go after me but the question is if they can trace me. It will all come down to how flawless my execution would be.
If I just pull the strings from a country on another side of the world without leaking my location/identity, then it’s going to be tough to find me even given it’s 2018, don’t you think?

>> No.11578374

Elizabeth Holmes. She scammed her way up to several billions. ;)

>> No.11578409

>What could go wrong?

You do know that your IP addresss is logged when you post here, right?