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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11574047 No.11574047 [Reply] [Original]

Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart or no?

>> No.11574058

Better off investing in something tangible. Dumbass.

>> No.11574066

So what, you think you just die and BOOM black nothingness? Dumbass.

>> No.11574089

Whoa, did you just call him a dumbass. That's a terrible, terrible sin, you know. You are going to rot in Hell for this you fucking faggot cunt. I HOPE JESUS COMES DOWN AND SLAYS YOU RIGHT NOW YOU PIECE OF SHIT!

>> No.11574112

The Eternal is the most bullish thing to invest in, anon, get in while you can. The Material is so bearish its not funny.

>> No.11574113

I have accepted Satan as the one true saviour. He guides me and all my actions. Through him everything is possible. You'd think through God all is possible, but does God encourage you to rape steal and murder? Absolutely not. My bro Lucifer has my back always, no matter what. Hes my ride or die.

>> No.11574115
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>mfw if I was Jesus and had to deal with you sarcastic atheist fuckwads

thing is anon, I, as Jesus before me, love you. Forgive them father, for they know not what they do.

I always have the last laugh when atheists come at me mocking my passion for Our Father (whether your petulant, lost boy ass likes it or not, he's your Daddy).

Yall realize none of this matters whether you're a sad boy or a chad and post-death a.k.a your greatest fear you subconsciously ignore 24/7 is literally all you will experience when your bodybag expires.

Ponder and post back when you're level-headed enough to get serious about God.

>> No.11574118

God... I wish I had an asian gf.

>> No.11574134
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>> No.11574139

she is fundamentally unattractive.
>no ass
>no tits
>disgustingly thin
>plastic-looking face due to too much makeup
>hair looks like fake doll hair, very bland style too
>boring outfit

>> No.11574141

You think it's a laughing matter to post softcore pornography in a thread where you talk about Jesus Christ? You might as well be cumming right in the sweet sexy mouth of Jesus himself, you fucking heathen. You are a disgusting person. Jesus weeps for you, but he knows you will never be saved. You are too lost and too far beyond redemption. Sad.

>> No.11574176
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Here's a good example pic of this situation here, scoundrel. That's you trying to put out the inevitable flames of your forsaken soul with internet jokes. Best pray. I know games when I see 'em, you best stop fooling around with me and get serious with God Almighty now.

>> No.11574179

man realdolls are starting to look pretty real

>> No.11574257
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Man, why even bother? Trolling is only fun when you have someone who can respond with equal or great trolling skills. Screwing around with these hicks who come in here ranting about their lord and savior is no fun. I want old 4chan back where you could go back and forth with someone for dozens of posts and still not be sure if they were a skilled troll or being serious. Who let all these fucking hill billy boomers in? How did 4chan become and Alabama Facebook church group?

Saged eternally. May moot rise from his Googley grave and bless my soul with shoe on head.

>> No.11574281
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>> No.11574324

Wanna know how we know that you're an autistic virgin?

>> No.11574327

Whoa, whoa, whoa, more swearing? This is the most sinful thread I've seen on 4chan in years. It's even worse than that thread on /b/ last week where the guy posted pictures of him raping his seven year old sister. I mean, 4chan is a really, really fucked up place; definitely a den of sinful, anti-Christian posts. It makes sense that you would come on here swearing and posting pornography while talking about Great Holy Savior Supreme Christ-san. You can really see the sinful effects 4chan has had on your soul.

But you know, now its too late. You came across 4chan, and instead of taking the noble, holy path and begging Jesus for forgiveness for what you viewed on this site, you played into the Devil's game, took his foul apple, and kept coming on here. Truly you are a harbinger of evil and an awful Christian. Shame on you for bringing such offense on the name of our Great and Holy Christu Christ, Jesus Supreme.

>> No.11574343

I've had more pussy than you've got inches of dick, faggot

>> No.11574385
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James 3:10 stands clear, but you're essentially a demon. That much is obvious now. You have long stripped your title as Gods child, my cursing at you is justified. Lemme guess, you took a selfie vid of you denying the holy spirit and uploaded it online, permanently ruining your chances at heaven? Am I correct? I know a classic neckbeard when I see one.

>> No.11574427

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14

What if you were to stand before Lord Holy Jesus Christy Christu Supreme right now? Would you say, "Hey Christy, check out this pornographic image of this naked Asian chick?" Would you then also say, "Shut the fuck up," before him? For if not, as The Great and Holy Bible Supreme states in Psalms, you are a filthy, filthy heathen and a vile sinner. You may push the blame on me for your sinful ways all you like, but it is clear that 4chan has blackened your soul to an evil beyond redemption. The Glorious and Hateful Virgin Mary Ultimate Mode mother of Christy Christu, our one and only true lord and savior gouges her eyes out upon reading your sinful posts. Shame on you. Sad.

>> No.11574479

I like my women to have nice long asses

>> No.11574482


Demons sure got the gift of gab, I'll give dreaded scum-basking plaque-hearted Lucifer that. He trained you well, but you're up against David Koresh here bub. You're a demon, fuck off. I got souls to save.

>> No.11574487

So you’ve had 2 pussies?

>> No.11574552
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Yes, and we control the earth and nothing you and your washed up religion can do can stop us. We control the government. We control the technology. We control the media. We control the markets. We even control this site. All you can do is live in a fantasy world on /pol/ and say things like, "the gift of gab," while the real world outside crumbles beneath you and give praise to Zuckerberg and Youtube, forgetting the name Christ even existed.

What you don't realize is you can't save what doesn't want to be saved. That is the bulk of America right now, sans the south, which is collapsing due to it's dated beliefs and skills in a world run by computers and algorithms. Keep trying though. We have a lot of fun mocking you.

>> No.11574607
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This is your future, rat. You think Brazil, Duterte, and Trump shitlording is bad. This is just the beginning. All races will wake up to you soon, demon. Thx for doing me the favor of completely exposing yourself, you mocky son of bitch.

>> No.11574629

Me too buddy

>> No.11574642
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I honestly would if Christians didn't worship Jews and act like the stories in the bible were true stories. The teachings and virtues of Jesus are pretty based and red pilled though.
So you are a Jew?

>> No.11574654
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>> No.11574738
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Give praise to glorious Lucifer, master of business; he brings us wealth.

>> No.11574759
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>> No.11574822

I don’t invest in scams.

They have a two-thousand-year-old whitepaper with a constantly shifting roadmap, the second coming still hasn’t happened after repeated delays and frankly I don’t think it’s ever going to.

Furthermore, the funds raised during ICO and afterwards by foolish investors went straight to a centralized Church and weren’t used for development at all but instead went straight to the core developers’ pockets and investors get nothing in return, it’s a straight up ponzi.

The whitepaper was also so unclear that it led to numerous hard forks, and the public can’t agree on which one to go with even hundreds of years later. One fork happened just because a king wanted a divorce. It’s bullshit.

People who buy into this shit will never make it.

>> No.11574830


>> No.11575307

yes black nothingness is what awaits us after death

>> No.11575637

Hah gotem

>> No.11575717

>Admitting you have a 2inch pecker
Fucking KEK

>> No.11575734

>t. zoomer
live longer, experience enough pain chronic and otherwise, and your outlook on death will change
i'm barely in my 30s but i've had a good life and it wouldn't bum me out if i disappeared into nothingness
of course our biological survival instinct pushes us to keep living, and reproduce. but at some point there's a stage where you're content and ready to die. you'll get there too anon

>> No.11575770

I think this is a realistic scene from about 100 years in the future, when we have sex robots.

I would have one that looks similar to this.

>> No.11575821

Not black nothingness faggot. Literally NOTHING. No color involved whatsoever. Our brains literally cannot imagine the concept of nothing but that is unironically what awaits all of us. Pursue hedonistic pleasures and do whatever the fuck you want because this is your only time on this stupid fucking rock so make the most of it. Don't fall for the NEET meme go out and do some shit faggot and don't expect some shiny afterlife to justify suffering through a shitty mediocre life.

>> No.11575963
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I invested 5k in Heckler und Koch, better than jesus.

>> No.11575980

Satan is my broker.

>> No.11575994


she's got ridiculously weak muscle tone, obviously has a passive lifestyle, she doesn't have to be a bodybuilder or a landwhale but how about not looking like a grandma

>> No.11576051
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