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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11572954 No.11572954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I unironically regret voting for this clown in 2016. It's 2018 now and all i hear on the news is how well the economy is doing and how low unemployment is. Then i check the job boards and it's literally the same low wage cuck shit it was back in 2016. Where are the fucking jobs? I thought i was going to have a factory job that paid like $20 an hour. Instead i read shit about the factories reshoring to mexico for the cheaper labor. I'm starting to feel like i've been tricked or something.

>> No.11572964

I make $22/hr and I promise you life is still shit dude

>> No.11572977

It takes 8-10 years for economic impact to be felt in most cases.

>> No.11572991

>unironically voting for trump

I know Americans are supposed to be dumb, but jesus anon what the fuck

>> No.11572993

Yea well i don't have 10 more years.

>> No.11573009

So you're saying you have no skills and its trumps fault?

Calm the fuck down you little shitter. Get some skills that someone wants to pay you for and stop crying.

>> No.11573025
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Stupid goyim. They said the STOCK market was doing better, not the JOB market. There are now more jobs than there were, but they are all shitty wagecuck jobs. Gotta read the fine print.

>> No.11573030

>muh college debt cycle

also college weenies are all underemployed also. pretty soon you'll need a fucking phd just to work at mcdonalds.

>> No.11573070

>implying he was referring to college
Brainlet. Die poor.

>> No.11573089

I voted for Trump and then got a software engineering job where I'm making $120k/year so I'm satisfied

>> No.11573108

you probably would've gotten it anyway.

>> No.11573117

Get some fucking skills you useless nigger. God I wish I could fucking lynch you.

>> No.11573121

Hilary would have made his taxes go up BIG-ly

>> No.11573155

I myself am not really a fan of higher taxes but at the same time im not lolberg naive enough to believe in trickle down economics.

>> No.11573157
File: 21 KB, 500x336, 1540408653574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do brainlets not understand how the federal reserve works and how they affect the value of currency.

If you don't understand the 2 things stated above you're a fucking retard and shouldn't be involved in politics regarding economic factors!
>hurdur hurdur obamers and drumpfy are da reason my money is worthless!

>> No.11573165

$23/hr factory cuck here. Sucks dick. Decent benefits though.

>> No.11573167

lol your path had nothing to do with voting for trump you fucking idiot. You know what is fucking you? Trump's trade war. Companies are looking to leave both US and China to progress elsewhere.

Enjoy your coal mining job in 2 years

>> No.11573170

honestly fuck trump but there was no way i'd ever vote for a woman 2bh

>> No.11573220

>You know what is fucking you?
Seeing how I have a comfy job living rent-free with a friend while making a good salary, nothing

>> No.11573239

>t. poorfag midnight shift manager at wendys with arts degree

>> No.11573247

How the fuck can you not find a job with unemployment at literally the lowest levels in 50+ years?

>> No.11573250

Ruling class is doing better, this was his endgame from the beginning

>> No.11573258 [DELETED] 

I'm currently making $50/hr as a brick layer so Trump worked out for me.

>> No.11573271

funny. i don't recall being polled.

>> No.11573280

no jobs but insane not stopping inflation

is this the MAGA the orange was talking about??

>> No.11573286

obvious 1/10 low quality larp

brick layers top out at 25 an hour.

kys poorfag

>> No.11573295

Read up on how surveys and statistics work. Maybe you do deserve to be unemployed with a room temperature IQ like that

>> No.11573297

wierd there are lots of jobs in los angeles which is still ruled by the democrats

>> No.11573303

they are basically inaccurate. so they don't count me if im not signed up for unemployment even though im unemployed.

>> No.11573304

also go on craigslist you retarded npc, you can find a job there