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11569468 No.11569468 [Reply] [Original]

These are the four whos shares are deemed more valueless than toilet paper by the market.
That is after 10!!! years of bull market.
You can imagine what the next downturn will do to them.

Spoiler they might go broke and your savings will be gone.

>> No.11569532

If 2 of them go down it will trigger domino effect for whole world banking system leading to the WW3, NOICE.

>> No.11569674
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I like it

>> No.11569757

Commerzbank is the smallest though with 550 billion in assets.
Lloyds 1100
DB and citi 1700-1800 billion
Total 5 Trillion dollars.

Wew lads.

>> No.11569782

Citigroup handles corporate treasury operations for 97% of the Fortune 500. Lowkey if they go under the US is in serious trouble.

>> No.11569882

>not buying the dip
if all money went elsewhere and now comes back from elsewhere, where will it go then?

>> No.11569949

I like commerzbank, they could possibly merge with DB but DB is a gigantic turd, i like commerzbank and hope they somehow make it, will buy shares when it's about time

>> No.11569971

hmm it's still a 150 billion dollar valued bank. So the share price decline might have been due to dillution.
Lloyds also has a 50 billion cap.
Deutsche Bank 20 Billion, Commerzbank 12.

So it seems its germany that is really screwed being valued at 90% chance of bankruptcy or somewhere near that.

>> No.11569982

I know someone who works there. He said they were fucked. That was 6 months ago.

>> No.11569996

But yeah could be a 10 bagger if they magically turn ship around.

>> No.11570053

I understand that, but why exactly, too much debt? commerzbank looks all nice and shiny to me, i don't know why...i don't need 10x, all I want to know if they may ever be profitable again

>> No.11570098

I guess that the problem is their terrible profitability.
A 3.8% ROE after years of implicit subsidies is pretty fucking terrible.

>> No.11570158

Banks have forgotten how to operate in a high interest rate environment. They've gotten used to artificially free money for the past 10 years. Once rates increase they're going to crash and burn.

>> No.11570196

Do I have to withdraw my money from my Lloyds account you think?

>> No.11570216

>3.8% ROE
true, but is it deadly for commerzbank? i mean it's still zero interest rates over here, all banks are struggling. the good alternatives aren't publicly traded

>> No.11570224

who you are speaking of? we still have zero interest rates, it's what makes banks keep struggling to generate money if they are not into stock investment

>> No.11570242

The fed will keep increasing rates, +99% of economists agree with that. And when they do, the ballooning corporate debt bubble will explode.

>> No.11570295

They are doing worse than the local cooperative banks/credit unions.
I think the result speaks for itself, they have never truly recovered after the toxic sercurity contagion in 2008.

>> No.11570312

they will raise it and keep it at a stabel few percents and that's a good thing because you get interest for your shitty pension savings.
the fed is not interested in perpetually raising rates but they need ammo for the next recession. look at europe, we can't lower interest rates or we would go into negative territory.
actually wall street and greedy fucks want cheap FED liquidity and low interest rates because it keeps stocks bubbling and too many morons like you eat it just like that.
Imagine zero interest rates..why would the bank give you interest for your few bucks if they can get it for zero interest from the central bank?
it's the other way round, attacking the fed for this is peak retardation to me.