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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 234 KB, 500x317, 24363-Blue-Lamborghini-Reventon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1156891 No.1156891 [Reply] [Original]

How much net worth before you would own a lamborghini? I plan to get one when I reach a mill. Is that too poor?

>> No.1156906

I would never own one.

There is literally no reason to ever own one.

>> No.1156907

Why not? It is the hottest car on earth

>> No.1156908

You'll reach a million dollars when you are too old so who cares about being some bald old dude with a lambo.

And yes 1 mill is too low.

Only people that inherit rich money can buy those cars and enjoy them (you aren't old and you don't have financial pressure)

This or you luck it out with some shit that goes viral and become a millonaire rather quick.

Everything else is a scam.

>> No.1156909

>I plan on having 25% of my net worth in a car

turbo pleb

>> No.1156911
File: 292 KB, 1604x985, btc2lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>workingbee cope

Having that car would be fucking amazing, you just are too poor and have to cope

OP, you are fucked, you need luck. You can still buy BTC while it's still under 5 figures, maybe in 10 years you can enjoy your lambo.
Every other asset is irrelevant and prone to collapse in a post cash society.

>inb4 butthurt workingbee oldcel deprecated grandpas that DON'T even own 1 BTC by 2016 cope

>> No.1156915

>Literally no reason

How about free pussy wherever you go?

OP, you need a villa to go with your lambo, so that is at least a million dollars.

You need about million in investments and monthly income of at least 50k-100k.

TL:DR: You will never buy one.

>> No.1156919

Huge investment, huge liability.

>How about free pussy wherever you go?
There are much better options for that.

>> No.1156920
File: 1.50 MB, 250x233, really.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if someone disagrees with me, that means he's jealous

>> No.1156923

you can get a used lambo for 100k

>> No.1156937
File: 92 KB, 400x601, 1457041070750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>owning btc in 2016
>he isn't going to hold ETH and sell once it hits 1,000

>> No.1156941

And then sink 100k in fixing it?

>> No.1156973


>I plan to get one when I reach a mill
>when I reach a mill

A 70 year old with a lambo isn't that impressive.

But seriously, I wish you all the best.

>> No.1156977

>Having that car would be fucking amazing
no it wouldn't. it would be fun for about a month. then the reality of being worth $1 million but spending $250k on a car would set in. you'd grow tired of driving it, and then afraid of driving it because of maintenance costs. then you would grow tired of paying for it.

tl;dr you're an idiot and clearly under the age of 25

>> No.1156985

If you're the kind of person who wants to become rich so they can buy that car, then you're not the kind of person who will become rich.

>> No.1156986

that car will get your dick sucked like nothing else.

It has a presence that no other car has except Rolls.

>> No.1156989

oh look it's the kid who calls everyone a "nocoiner" and tells them to "cope"

why am I not surprised that you'd blow all of your money on a lambo?

>> No.1156993

youre like the autists on /fit/ who think that having a nice body will get them laid. i guess the difference is that they can get a nice body with a few years of hard work and discipline while you'll never be able to afford a lambo.

keep on fantasizing.

>> No.1156996

having a nice body does get you laid.

>> No.1156999

I already have the body and am doing whatever the fuck to get as much money as possible.

/fit/fag with a Lambo is literal God mode.

Just because you are too much of a low T pussy to achieve it does not mean other people are.

>> No.1157002

Alternatively, you could just take that money and pay to get your dick sucked.

>> No.1157003

Also, everyone can get laid.

But there is a HGUE difference between getting with average girls, cute girls and HOT ASS SLUTS

Lambo, height and fit body gets you the latter, served on a platter.

Thats why so few plebs can afford such life.

>> No.1157009

>Alternatively, you could just take that money and pay to get your dick sucked.
Paying for sex is pathetic.

>> No.1157015

Also, everyone can get laid.

But there is a HGUE difference between getting with average girls, cute girls and HOT ASS SLUTS

Lambo, height and fit body gets you the latter, served on a platter.

Thats why so few plebs can afford such life.

>> No.1157025

I expect to have a mill by age 40

>> No.1157037

I expect to have a mill by age 39

>> No.1157046

I would rather have a nice custom car.

>> No.1157051

Is this what a person who compensates looks like?

You can get women if you are actually interesting, but you have to actually BUY them, who is really more patgetic

>> No.1157056

i guarantee your custom throw together will not be as beautiful as a Mercialago.

>> No.1157059


>i want to attract this type of woman who loves money (gold diggers) but not that type of woman who loves money (hookers)

seriously, tell me your age. fantasizing about lambos, i'm guessing you're 18-21 years old. grow the fuck up.

>> No.1157062


especially in So Cal where your villa is.

>> No.1157070

>Is this what a person who compensates looks like?

What is wrong with compensation? Your whole life is basically compensating for not being born Saudi Prince.

Or you prefer to be a bum who is so "secure" with himself he does not need to compensate?

Stay mad, plebs

>You can get women if you are actually interesting, but you have to actually BUY them, who is really more patgetic

Everyone can get women. I can get women, no problem. But I'm talking about top of the crop here.

>> No.1157072

28, have my own business, fit as hell and a social butterfly

Lambo will be the icing on the pudding, the maxxing out completely


>> No.1157089

I think you're a teenager who doesn't understand anything about wealth or even money for that matter. Especially not something like liquidity.

>> No.1157092

jelly grandpas that cant get laid talk like this.

sour grapes to the mAXXX

>> No.1157129

I'd spend less than 15% of annual net yearly income on a car. 30% would be high, 50% extreme.
Remember cars are the biggest depreciating asset you'll buy. Simply doesn't make sense to buy an expensive one.
Rich dad, poor dad says to only spend investment income on luxuries, and then only so much as to not damage the growth of the investment.

>> No.1157139

You live only once, so how the fuck doesn't it make sense?

Nobody can see your "investments", but everyone can see a Lambo.

>> No.1157154

>actually wanting to buy a lambo
>using the word "plebs" unironically
>using the expression "umad" unironically

Kill yourself, my man.

>> No.1157157

>You live only once


>> No.1157162

Why do you wan't people to see how much money you have?

I try my damn hardest to make sure nobody knows about my net worth apart from my closest family members.

>> No.1157186

Having a Lambo is cool. But what is not cool is pulling up to a shitty house with a single garage in a Lambol.
Cars loose like 50% of their value after 3 years or 30k miles. You'd really want to loose 10% of your net worth in three years?

>> No.1157194
File: 276 KB, 647x1427, Lambos-cost-a-lot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEPENDS. I will never spend more than 15% of my after tax income maintaining a car/s, Nor I'll spend more than my yearly (a.t.) income on a car/s (doing this I won’t buy a car in 3 years) ...but i have to like it a lot.
I say "depends" because cars costs to buy and maintain depending where you live: USA, Denmark, UAE, Singapore...
For example:
>A used Murcielago (in Italy) in PERFECT conditions costs €195'000
>I'd make at least 200 km/ week (and this car drove properly makes 32,3 l/100km). Actual fuel price: €1,50/l. €96.90/week. €5’053/year
>Insurance: €3'604.70
>”Environment Tax": €1'866.80
>”Luxury Car Tax": €3'441.00
> Repairs/Oil/Washing: €0.50/km (estimated) €5’214.29 /year
> Side Budget for things you did not expect: (30% of Repairs…) €1’564,29
>_I’m not including FINES_
It costs me €17303.08
> €17.3k [It’s ok if I make at least €115k (after tax Income)
-In the same situation you in USA may need less, Arabs may need just daddy's money, In Denmark you wouldn't buy it because your envirom...something and most Singaporeans would just take it in the ass. In Singapore a Prius costs S$215k ($154k/€139k) and there they pay pollution taxes on Tesla S too ($11'000!!!!)

>> No.1157227

>Your whole life is basically compensating for not being born a Saudi Prince.

Yeah, I compensate alright. I compensate by striving to make more and more money every year. I take the money I could throw into a lamborghini and invest it back into my company.

You're 28 years old? You sound like a loser to me, go ahead and buy one old chum. Compensate away. Just remember where you'll be at fifty. You'll probably be flexing in the mirror telling yourself that you're still young, just sold your Lamborghini for $45,000, thinking about where you could've gone if you'd invested that $150k into it.

Everyone in town will know you as the wash-up failed businessman that's giving Lamborghini a bad name. Hell, Lamborghini will personally send you a letter telling you that they'll buy your car just to stop you from ever driving a Lamborghini again.

>> No.1157231

"top of the crop" women go for people with Lamborghini's? Nah I think that's gold diggers.

>> No.1157242 [DELETED] 

$4.5 million

>> No.1157245

$7.5 million

>> No.1157258

White women aren't impressed by money because they're raging SJWs
but if you want to get into god mode, with asian, persian, jew qt's, you better get that lambo

>> No.1157271

Those are the biggest gold diggers of all tho

What makes them so "God tier"?

>> No.1157275

Gold diggers are a coping term only poorfags use.

>> No.1157280

ad hominems don't work.

>> No.1157281

If you just want asian women you could take that $100,000 and live in Thailand for a decade. No lambo required.

>> No.1157285

Work on what? We're not having a debate.

I'm just call you a retard.

>> No.1157287

>I plan to get one when I reach a mill. Is that too poor?

yup, if you're a cuban or from one of the other mexican countries and you live in miami then perhaps not, in that instance you'd probably buy one on credit if you could

but for a normal person not trying to compensate for anything then yeah, dumping such a big % of your net worth on an asset that will depreciate rapidly isn't a good move

>> No.1157289

So are you a rich fag? Do you own a lambo?

>> No.1157292

Is your life really that boring that the first thing you would buy when you're rich is a 0815 sports car?

Jésus Chrístus hombre

>> No.1157301

I'm in my early 30s. I've already lost two cars because people pulled out in front of me at the last second. I've also had cars damaged several times by people who backed into me, merged into my lane without looking, or sideswiped me when I was parked. I'll probably never own a Lambo or any other expensive car, unless it is part of a business (high-end car rentals, dealership, or somesuch). Right now, I drive a cute little inexpensive sports car that I paid cash for. I love my car, but I am under no illusion that I will always have it. Already, it has some minor body damage from suffering the slings and arrows of daily use. Someday, it will be destroyed by some careless asshole, and that is something I just have to accept. It's something that's a whole lot easier to accept with a cheap car.

>> No.1157303

This also.

The roads and general conditions are so shit that you'll be taking your expensive "kewl" car to the shop every week and it will spend nearly half the time in your possession as the shop.

>> No.1157347

Would you spend thousands of dollars on fancy gold-plated designer labeled saws, hammers, screw drivers, vice grips, and wrenches? Fuck no! Those things will get torn up as soon as you start using them. Same goes for a car.

>> No.1157378

If I'm in a club that is passionated about it or live in a community that finds cool those things I WOULD. Maybe I'd become a designer myself

>> No.1157388

So my rule is only spend ten percent of your gross salary on a car. A lambo is what, 200k? So when you're making 2m a year, you can get one.

>> No.1157536

I would never get one, no matter what. $200K is 10 years of living expenses. Would you rather have a wagecuck free life for 10 years or fuck a bunch of bitches who are only after you for your money?

>> No.1157537
File: 135 KB, 502x461, implicationing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cannot enjoy beautiful things when you are old

>> No.1157565

lol the way /biz/ talks about old people is like another species. Ask any old people and they have as many hopes and dreams as you do.

>> No.1157596

maybe a hundred mil

>> No.1157597

I think his point was if you ask any old person what they would do different, "waste less time" would be the number one or two on every single list.

Which means when you're old as fuck and you very likely have health problems and simply can't quite cut it anymore(need Viagra for sex, skinny looks wrinkled and droopy, mental/physical health problems, have to take pills to not feel like you're dying) -- no Lamborghini or Ferrari fixes it.

>> No.1157650



Unless you have like $50 million, and money is just a joke at that point, there is literally no reason to spend $300,000 - $500,000 on such a shit investment like a Lambo.

Besides you can't do shit with it on public roads, its meant for a track.

>> No.1157736

Car should be 1% of net worth

>> No.1157797

Expensive to maintain/repair, depreciates or doesn't substantially appreciate, huge cost to insure it, you can't take it everywhere, handling and power are going to cause you to have accidents, and you won't want to drive it all the time.

>> No.1157912

This pretty much covers it. Unless you have the mental capacity of a 16 year old boy, buying a car like thatis a shitty way to spend your hard earned money.

>> No.1157972

Glad to know my shitheap truck is right on the money

>> No.1158440

What if youre young? I pretty much only own my car, but im only 19

>> No.1158443

If a lambo is going to be your daily driver (literally) you must realize the upkeep costs are a lot of money. It simply isn't worth it.

I would rather have a more reliable BMW or Mercedes

>> No.1159064

They're fun. That's a pretty good reason if you're someone who's really into cars.

>> No.1159289


try driving it in a parking lot

>> No.1159452

LIke what?

>> No.1159454

Hahaha it's over a million where I live, and being rather frugal myself I don't see myself buying one until I have a net worth of AT LEAST >$30MM

>> No.1159474
File: 38 KB, 500x474, 1386696460470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of 1 - 10, how old are you?

Why do you seem to think people want Lamborghinis? I live in central London, a Lamborghini here is fucking nothing, I've seen more super and hyper cars than I can remember.

I'd only buy luxury comfort cars and of course, a Mercedes G63 AMG.

Spending over 10% of your whole net worth on a fucking sports car, which you won't even use to a fifth of its potential is fucking dumb.

>> No.1159593
File: 1.43 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah op a mil is too low. My net worth is 10mil and I only drive an m4. Lambos will always be a meme car to splurge on when you hit midlife crisis mode. I still can't justify buying one over all the other shit that kinda dosh would buy, and I own a boat.

The new tesla looks nice.

>> No.1159618

No, buying one when you only have a million is dumb.

>> No.1159635

>My net worth is 10mil
Prove it.

>> No.1159644

Depends on how much cash I have. I would buy a respectable sedan and suv first though. Even after that I wouldn't buy one till my business hits a cash flow that I could pay myself 250k + a year and had a couple million saved up and a decent house to store it. Besides that buy one used. Nobody is even going to be able to tell the difference between a used 100k one vs a brand new one and you can sell it after you get bored in 6 months without losing too much money.

>> No.1159648
File: 157 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha sure, got a copy of last years t4. Here's my "income".

2 mil home + 1 mil cottage + 6 mil bussiness + 1mil misc = rough net worth

AMA peasants.

>> No.1159649

Lmao what a loser. Ain't even gunna quote you since I think everyone already knows who I'm talking about. Stay poor tryhard 'alpha'

>> No.1159655
File: 33 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill bud, you'll ride sia to the moon and get that lambo.

>> No.1159657

What this guy said OP.

You can buy a 10/10 top tier hooker there for around the price of a gallon of gas in the states.

>> No.1159678


>> No.1159691
File: 39 KB, 1000x1191, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yessir, 416.

>> No.1159958

Follow the 5% net worth rule.

Why act nigga rich/new money.

You need to ll

>> No.1159976

i would need to own my home in full, normal cars in full, be max effort on investments/retirement, and have about 100k in my bank after the purchase.

there is a giant difference between buying a super car and owning one.

with that said, the least pussy i got in my life was with a 65k with 30k into it. (i bought it for 23k 5 years after original owner bought it and blew money, ended up selling the car for profit)
the most pussy i ever got was driving a 250 dollar car and alternating between that and a super beat 18 passenger church work van.

when you park your car at the club or bar, step out and lock it, you're suddenly on the level playing field as the rest of us. so i would think you're only angle of really wanting one for pussy is to post pictures of it on facebook and shoving in everyones face that you own one. which is tryhard as fuck and won't get you quality vag. you might as well get a cycle of steroids and post flex pics on fb instead.

>> No.1159979
File: 639 KB, 1024x683, v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>65k ctsv with 30k into it

>> No.1159983

The real question of this thread is what vehicle has the most pussy pulling power.

>> No.1159985
File: 10 KB, 500x281, 3129-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1160101


oh god
are there literally people who think women WONT want to fuck a /fit/izen?
Go out once in a while.

>> No.1160106
File: 79 KB, 980x490, landscape-1438693647-elise37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a car that is both sexy and economical

plebs, the lot of you

>> No.1160125

I've driven buick regals and porsche turbos
Still a virgin

So long has you have a car that at least looks clean and safe and isn't uncomfortable I don't think they give a shit. Being well dressed and as big of a normalfag as possible is likely much higher on their list.

>> No.1160341

Drove a bmw z4 and was a pussy magnet, if you are driving a porsche and can't get pussy, I'm sorry.

Literally a group of hot girls in a festival in spain fighting to get in the car, breasts in my windows, even in normal days it is still a pussy magnet.

>> No.1160346

nice daddys money.

>> No.1160349

that is pedophile car.

>> No.1160365

Like I said, at the end of the day its only about who the biggest normalfag is. I'm not even short or that ugly, I could drive a P1 around and not get laid.

People would probably take pictures though.

>> No.1160420
File: 299 KB, 1024x768, 1979-1991_Mercedes-Benz_W126_500_SEC_and_560_SEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If a Lambo is what you must have, OP, and you are already in a position to buy a $100K luxury automobile, consider a used exotic (Ferrari, Lambo, Maserati etc) from the 80s for $50-80K. And budget $2000-3000/year for maintenance.

A 20-year-old exotic that was cast off by some decamillionaire in favor of something more fashionable can be a fun toy. If you live in a somewhat wealthy area, find out there the mechanics who work on them have their shops. Ask questions, do your research. Treat it as a h/o/bby, not a status symbol, and you'll probably get more out of it than you thought.

Reminder: The 560SEL was a $190,000 car when it came out.

>> No.1160542

rolex, expensive clothes+ accessories

>> No.1160547

I expect to have a mil by age 38

>> No.1160552

Edu and tips for climbing ladder/gettign money/carrier gains?
any personal tips for me, im 18 year applying for computer science next year, im Norwegian and all the males in my family have had good carriers and are respected, but they cap out at around 100k-300k in dollars.
should i ask people i look up to for advice etc, ill take any tips critique and tricks.

>> No.1160628
File: 78 KB, 550x591, atfirst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people are willing to spend a double digit % of their net worth on toys

Thank you for distributing the wealth bras.

>> No.1160637

>How about free pussy wherever you go?

Instead you could put down the fucking fork and enroll into a gym. It would cost you 100 times less & also benefit your health.

And don't even try to imply that a rich ripped guy won't be swimming in pussy if he doesn't own an expensive car because that's fucking retarded.

>> No.1160642

>amassing all that wealth
>never using it on anything

Whats the point? Bragging rights?

>> No.1160646

>Instead you could put down the fucking fork and enroll into a gym. It would cost you 100 times less & also benefit your health.

Implying I have not been going to gym for 11 years and am not ripped as fuck.

Ever heard about maxing out?

Didn't think so.

Let me put it to you simply:
Fit guy with a Lambo > Fit guy without a Lambo

>> No.1160650


Just go to your local Lambo dealer, look the salesman straight in the eye and give a firm handshake, and confidently ask for the blue Aventador.

>> No.1160660

Because when I have enough money to justify buying a quarter million dollar vehicle that is expensive to maintain and I'll only use occasionally, I'm buying a fucking helicopter.

So I can shit on your windshield and fly away.

No but really, I'm going to buy a helicopter. With money I made flying a helicopter.

>> No.1160664

If you're only 1 mil it'd be a large chunk of your worth. Any high end sports car would be. I'd say 2 mil, even then it'd be a big part of your worth.

>> No.1160750
File: 24 KB, 320x241, plebspls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest way to become a millionaire is to start your own company. Learn a skill, work under somebody good at that skill and learn the trade, and finally branch off. Compsci is good, app development is the future when everything else becomes automated.
Your first challenge is living in Norway. It's borderline impossible to become a millionaire in Norway unless you pull some crazy shit. But whatever you do, you would've been better off doing it overseas anyways and making even more money.

If you just want to be a stable wagecuck making 100-300k than staying in Norway is fine, all the extra social security must be nice. To advance as a wagecuck, just bust your balls for a few years and do everything your boss asks including any overtime he may need. I got friends in wallstreet who did 15 hour workdays when they started out to get their bosses to notice them, now they manage hedge funds. That's another thing, make sure your boss notices your effort. That's really it. Good help is hard to find and if you impress your boss enough and make their life easier, they'll push you up the ladder themselves.

>> No.1161954

Thanks man!

>> No.1161959


How is buying a lambo not paying for sex?

>> No.1161975


>> No.1162018
File: 6 KB, 213x219, 1326747248183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of fucking third world country do you live in?

Lambos and Ferraris are shit cars for people with more money than brains. Get some real quality:


>> No.1162211

You really do not need a super high net worth to own a car like this. Just make sure you have enough cash flow to cover insurance and financing then you are good. Ideally you would finance or lease something like this so not too much cash is tied up. Also,a lease would be good to cover any mechanical issues you have when driving it like you stole it.

>> No.1162841

>implying you can afford any of them

Also sour grapes.

>> No.1162845

Its shit unless you drive it on a track, its pretty much unusable in real world.

>> No.1162877 [DELETED] 

Z4 is ugly

>> No.1162884

Flying a helicopter is serious business, its not just careless cruising around in the hood on automatic, listening to favorite shit and talking to homies at the same time

>> No.1162887


They're basically only bought to impress other people, who only fleetingly give a shit. What dollar value do you accredit to someone going "damn, nice car" sometimes? Do you want it to pick up women? You could buy a fucking truck full of prostitutes for that money and it's practically the same thing, if the sort of woman you're after is only fucking you because you've got a nice car and you're presumably affluent.

It's an overpriced status symbol, and the money spent on it could be spent on a hundred better, more useful things. It's going "hey guys I'm rich" in a society where people who waste money on conspicuous consumption are usually tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

To me it just boggles my mind - if you hit a million dollars you'd be nearly in a position where you could make a modest lifestyle and never work another day in your life if you didn't want to. But instead you want to blow it all on a dick-compensation-machine.

>> No.1162890
File: 65 KB, 900x596, rolls-royce-wraith-rt-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lambos and Ferraris are shit cars
I love the S-Class Coupè, but it's stupid to say that expecialy Ferrari makes shit cars.

>> No.1162901

>How about free pussy wherever you go?

I'd love to see once you get this car if you did the math on how many times it got you fucked compared to the price you spent buying and maintaining your 'free pussy machine'.

Let's say you spent 200,000 on it. Let's subtract 33 grand for the cost of a functional car that can do practical car things (better than a lambo as a matter of fact). So that's $167,000 worth of pussy you need to get before it's paying off. I don't know what your average whore goes for to spend a night with her, but let's say $500 for a good one. And let's not pretend you're above fucking whores, you're talking about getting 'free pussy' from owning a nice car. I don't think your standards for the pussy in question care much about her morals. So you need to fuck what, like 330 or so women until it starts netting you 'free pussy'? That's before we start accounting for all the other fees around maintaining your car - insurance, for example. And interest on payments unless you buy it straight up.

>> No.1162931


>equating consenting romantic sexual partners to prostitutes

welcome to autism

>> No.1162948

Then you shouldn't even own a car. Buy a bicycle.

>> No.1162962

>Women fucking you only because of your possessions
>Consenting romantic sexual partners

Pick one. Welcome to retardation asshat.

>> No.1162969


>> No.1163051

wouldnt spend anything beyond 2% of net worth on a car so if you are only making $1mil a year and you plunder $250k on a car you are just being nigger rich.

>> No.1163136


You just keep drawing those imaginary lines between a woman fucking you for your car (here's a hint: she's not interested in your car, she's interested in the wallet that bought it) and a woman fucking you for cash up front.

I'm pretty sure when you're talking about your lambo literally 'getting you free pussy' the romance element isn't particularly strong. You're interested in fucking whores, jump through all the mental hoops you like.

>> No.1163154

You're never going to get there OP because you have a childish sense of what it means to truly be wealthy.

>> No.1163212


I can get free pussy driving a Mercedes Benz, which is a fraction of the cost, insurance and maintenance of a Lamborghini. Bitches love German cars. Yeah, bitches love Lamborghini s too, but I don't have to make stupid choices, now do I?

>> No.1163789

No successful business owner has to address his insecurities by coming on 4chan and ripping on people.

So easy to pick out the fabricators.

>> No.1163843

I expect to have a trillion by the age of 1. That doesn't mean anything though.

Also pro tip: You'll look like someone with a mid-life crisis by driving a fast sports car in your 40's

>> No.1163844

You could also put like $600 aside every month or so and fuck a hot ass slut on a monthly basis whilst paying a third of what a lambo mortgage and insurance would cost if getting women is all you're into.

>> No.1163856

Having done a quick google search, the average savings account for a british household is 145,566 GBP (205,728 USD). The stats are from a website called thisismoney, so I'm not sure how credible it is, since the amount seems way to high. But if they are somewhat accurate, 1% of that would be 1,455.66 GBP. In other words you think most people shouldn't be buying cars worth more than 1.5k. For that price, you could buy a beautiful VW golf from 1998, or if you're lucky - even a rusty, green Audi A3 from 1997!
Just thought I'd put you're retarded statement into perspective.

>> No.1163862

>Women fucking you only because of your possessions
>Consenting because of personal possessions romantic sexual partners

Pick one. Welcome to America asshat.

>> No.1163865

Bro that's what pretty much every guy is already spending on a women every month and most are not very attractive.

>> No.1163874

>tfw smart and handsome with a good personality

Feels good not having to waste my life on status symbols and spending every day on muh gains