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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1156852 No.1156852 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the rice fields motherfucker.
Machines will be automating everyone's jobs at a faster rate than before. Eventually everyone will be out of work.
>transportation industry could easily get BTFO by automated drivers
>automated cleaning machines can assist janitorial labour and cut down the force
>law firms have been shrinking due to most of the research aspect of law being automated
>Goldman Sachs has been investing in software that will put it's employees out of a job
So what are you doing to prepare your country for the higher amounts of automation that will occour in this decade? Will you be voting for basic income?
You wouldn't want to be homeless, right?

>> No.1156857

Muh automation maymay: clickbait edition

>> No.1156914

Muh libertarian cope: damage control edition.

>> No.1156984

Doomsayers have been touting this since the industrial revolution

>> No.1157012

I'm beginning to think automation is largely just a redditors fantasy.

> "No moom, I'm not finding a job! just wait a little longer until the robots take all the jobs and I get my basic income then I'll move out"

>> No.1157063

Doomsayers have mostly been right about it. More of our jobs have been automated in the past. With the invention of modern computing, that rate accelerated. However to counteract that, at every time before us, we've needed more people with skillsets to keep the machines working.
This allowed people to seek work doing that instead of the jobs the machines took over.

Now automation is happening faster than before. Now we don't need bus drivers so much as bus attendants. People who can help the handicapped get on and off, and keep good service on the bus.
Transport trucks will likely be driven by the machines 24/7. They don't tire, unlike drivers. A truck with a person inside to assume responsibility and make sure the machine is working would be at least twice as productive instead of driving it.
And for things like statistic prediction, law firms, and other stuff which requires vast amounts of research or data collection, computers are already doing that. Humans really just enter information into databases. Even those jobs are becoming more scarce.

So automation is happening. Most humans are not geniuses, artists, or capable of transferring skillsets to jobs that will exist in the coming years. Heck, most of us don't even know what jobs will not be replaced. With robotics advancing (albeit slower than we'd like), even the jobs specifically requiring humans will be replaced.
It's not really a fantasy. It's happening. We're even seeing
Even fast food jobs are being automated.
Granted, the automated kiosks at McDonalds actually requires more people to work there. But very little staff is behind the counter, cooking burgers. Most of them are keeping the place clean and being waiters.
An example of automation taking some pretty crap jobs (cooking, taking orders) and replacing them with other jobs.

>> No.1157075

Yeah all the jobs that are blatantly automatable will be gone, like moving things from A to B or pressing buttons on a till, but what about something as basic as a plumber for example?

>> No.1157084

Universal basic income sounds pretty rad.

>> No.1157098


This shit has been repeated ad nauseum for 30 years now

Other than paperwork, nothing has been automated to the point of not requiring people beside the machine.

Shit is not happening anytime soon.

Bernietards are just mad they can't get basic income

>> No.1157101
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>tfw automation will be the new bubble in a decade

mmmm can't wait to open boutique store that features service by real humans. Just like processed food being replace with organic. Gonna make a killing friends.

>> No.1157105

Get yourself a robot that can do all the plumber's work. At that point, a plumber just needs to diagnose and give the job to the robot. So a plumber would just be going around town, filling out work orders. That would be sent to the company. Which then dispatches vehicles with robots in them along with materials. If multiple robots could be kept in a single vehicle, then the team just drives around town, dropping them off. Picking them back up again when the robot's job is complete.
>le memeing about US presidential candidates and insinuating the idea that someone is automatically liberal
There are lots of good conservative reasons to just give everyone money.
>downsizes government, especially welfare
>in particular, no need for social or case workers, save for skeleton crews to work for disability accomodations
>no need to drug test people, or track their purchases to make sure they're spending the money right
>basic income never really lowers the amount of time people work, and really only lowers the time for new parents and teenagers
>people you want working less or not at all anyway
>fewer hospital visits, less domestic violence, less drug abuse, smaller rates of depression and other mental health issues
>fewer workplace safety accidents
>homelessness eliminated, thus no need to pay for the services needed to take care of them
You can use that as a basic outline for what Mincome did to Dauphin and dig from there. It might actually save money to give the population money, in the long term.

>> No.1157109

What will it mean to be rich or poor when all pretence of meritocracy is gone, and social mobility vanishes?

>> No.1157116


This same shit was posted on /new/ 8 years and none of it has come true

>huurr stop assuming im liberal
>basic income for pablo and sharkeesja
>feel the bern
>not a liberal

Get a job cuck

>> No.1157122

>currently have a job doing roof repairs
>making enough money, saving for education for better trades such as welding/cnc/manufacturing in general
Projecting. There are many good reasons for basic income, and with automation killing the jobs of some of these high income jobs, I'm wondering if that typically conservative class will begin to look at basic income as a way to alleviate crime, poverty, and to make the country better in general.

>> No.1157131

it will mean you're born into the ruling class by divine right or more likely that you are born into eternal serfdom

>> No.1157210

I'm working on a startup to automate aspects of mechanical, electrical, and aerospace engineering. Going to expand into automating code generation pretty soon too. Ask me anything.

>> No.1157215

>>automating code generation.
In what? Python? How far can this actually go?

>> No.1157219

No, QBasic and HTML

>> No.1157220

Right now it's pretty basic, just using genetic algorithms and solution validity contstraints. A year or two down the road we want to have recurrent neural network intelligent agents working, though.

>> No.1157243

Kek this.

>> No.1157267


Right now it's just fucking words and memes.

This has been said for like the last century.

>> No.1157278



How many more decades are we going to put up with this meme before people realize that automation is just not happening.

I'm a plumber and there's no way that my job could be automated at all. Same for every other trade.

The entire hospital staff can't be automated.

Those pictures of the fast food kiosks are like 6 years old and only like 8 restaurants in the country have them and all it did was get rid of the cashier. The rest of the staff isn't automated.

Self driving cars are not even going to be consumer available until 2020 at the earliest, and then you're looking at another two to three decades before they even start being adopted by businesses, if at all.

Automation is just an over exaggerated excuse to create a massive expanse on the welfare state, aka basic income

>> No.1157282


>> No.1157299

I mean... It could certainly happen, automation is very possible and will come soon

But the question is when, and so far the answer is "Not any fucking time soon". You could very well plan your future career around automation and people's predictions and it takes a wild 180° turn or you just end up waiting 20-30 years for nothing.

>> No.1157342

Except you guys are talking out of your ass?

>> No.1157348

No that is what you are doing.

Make a thread when it actually happens and >10% of jobs become automated.

Until then it's no different from the memes said for the last several decades.

>> No.1157354

Except I actually have a business doing this and I'm letting you know right now?

>> No.1157355


Is your job safe /biz/?

Pro-tip: these are probabilities. Nobody is truly safe.

>> No.1157358

Thanks for the info bro, but it's not useful.

>> No.1157368


Coderbro who understands AI here. I doubt NN can put me out of work in the next two decades, but in the case it happens, it'll be smart enough for me to use it to beat the markets anyways.

>> No.1157375

Jesus Christ you people are retarded.

You're so hung up over being butthurt about reddit that you just try to be contrarian on every possible issue. You'll cover eyes and ears and yell lalalalalala as long as it allows you to feel good about believing the opposite of what you think reddit does. None of you in this thread actually know what you're talking about or have experience with machine learning algorithms.

>> No.1157379

So what are we suppose to do with this info? Just give up our career paths, buy a whole slew of steam games and wait for Basic Income to kick in?

This "information"(even if 100% accurate) is entirely useless.

>> No.1157382


I'm not on either side, and I wouldn't go to the extent of becoming a fatalistic NEET in the expectation that robots are going to do everything, but I have taken the article regarding computerisation I linked above (>>1157355) when looking at the job market and choosing my university courses. My actual hobbies and interests remain the same but it is good to think about what survival in the job market ~30 years from now would mean.

>> No.1157385

>So what are we suppose to do with this info?
Well since I want there to still be an economy for me to make money off of, I would suggest advocating for a basic income or some other similar measure.

You'd be surprised.

>> No.1157389

We get our basic needs taken care of, and beyond that, we all become entrepreneurs. It can be real positive if you want.

>> No.1157394

30 years is such a broad fucking horizon though, that's my point.

20 years ago no one knew what the fuck "email" was.

Technology isn't linear, it jumps by heaps and bounds sporadically. What we know today can change drastically in a few months.

Especially in 30 years. You might think you're so clever but all of a sudden it does a full 180° on you and now you made an entirely incorrect career decision.

>> No.1157396


I do follow AI news. The "they'll displace us" sentiment has been there since the 60s, yet it's been small incremental improvements, not a single bigger leap.

Watson, AlphaGo, Siri are just lots of brute force applied to the same old tech. It can do many things, especially with a supercomputer, but I do not see any significant jump happening.

But hey, I'm hedging my bets anyway.

>> No.1157397

A plumber robot might as well be a car that runs on farts. If (new, not old because too expensive and retarded) pipes get hooked up to computers plumbers will just work even less and charge higher per hour or work on bigger systems doing routine maintenance. This is a fucking stupid example that has no meaning to begin with, and the consensus is that automation isn't keeping up with demand at all, let alone replacing us. aliens on Mars are a more believable story. Why even worry about robots that at this point can barely move boxes on a 15 minute battery when Indians and chinamen are increasingly more educated and more competitive for our skilled labor?

>> No.1157403

Well I'm glad you like to read pop science, but I'm actively doing it, so...

>> No.1157418


You haven't provided any evidence other than click bait and your retarded feel the bern opinion.

The amount of jobs that are going to be automated in the next ten years is easily less than 1%

>> No.1157421


My thesis involved AI and genetic programming, so...

>> No.1157423
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Well I told ya alrady that it is just as easy to automate "high paying" jobs as the mimimum wage jobs.

10-15 years and the unemployment will be 50% in western world according to scientist.

But the real mistake is to think this is somehow a bad thing. When eventually robots do all the jobs humans have unlimited free time, meaning they are in paradise their whole lives

>> No.1157425

>traditionally high paying manufacturing jobs being replaced with poverty-tier fast food and service jobs
>wages are falling at a ridiculous rate
>pretty soon even low paying jobs will start to disappear

At what point will we have to either implement welfare for the common man, or resort to ludditry and ban automation?

>> No.1157430

lol I'm a software engineer. Kinda hard to automate the process of creating automation

>> No.1157433

Your job is definitely secure lol. It will be a long time before we can make an effective AI capable of programming itself.

>> No.1157437

>QBasic and HTML
What the fuck year is it?
Dreamweaver came out in 97 and Visual came out in 91.
I think you mean genetic programming. Good luck with that, GP has not had any success in the last 50 years and has mostly been abandon for good reason. Also not sure what the fuck neural nets have anything to do with this.

>> No.1157439

Btw even if automation does affect any group of people or jobs in our lifetimes a basic income wouldn't mean anything to you. In that sort of fantasy land utopia you'd just get to do certain things for free, maybe with a limit on how often. More likely though you will just get a new job like everyone had to every time something changed in history. People can come up with all sorts of ways to keep themselves busy, and it's even easier when people do the work for you.

>> No.1157440

>When eventually robots do all the jobs humans have unlimited free time, meaning they are in paradise their whole lives

Only if you own the robots

It's easier to just let the lower upper class and down fight it out than it is to pay them basic income and just let the problem fix itself over time.

>> No.1157452

A robot wouldn't cost much to own or maintain. It would have to be less than having a person work for you in the first pace. In terms of robots that provide services the cost of the services will just go down if wages do. Or the upper class lets you die off with no children while ambitious foreigners take what was yours.

>> No.1157456

there has to be some sort of human factor to balance the ever increasing automation
human resources sectors will see an increase in job supply on the market, and that's only looking into the not-so-distant future, ie. 100 years
up until then I can only see manual labor jobs being replaced with robots

>> No.1158125


NEETs don't need to be concerned about this :^)

>> No.1158139

>tfw artist
>tfw software engineer
feels good

>> No.1158165

The idealism surrounding automation is quite funny.

It will most likely be more like Judge Dredd than Star Treck,.

>> No.1158216

I work on devops, automating software processes, test automation etc. I guess I'll be fine.

>> No.1158217

No one has jobs
No one can pay taxes
No neetbux

>> No.1158341


humanoid robotics is a meme and even google has acknowledged it by trying to unload boston dynamics

>> No.1158343


>muh neural network magic spell

>> No.1158356
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>mfw I'm a software developer and mine will be the last job to go

>> No.1158362
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