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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11563366 No.11563366 [Reply] [Original]

going to kill myself

im fucked now.
i turned 5k into 1k and it was the only hope i had to escape this hell. all i had to do was buy link or any other shitcoin a month or 2 ago and hold, i wouldve been comfy..
but now im fucked beyond any chance of recovery.

fuck this life and jew slavery.

ive missed every single fucking moon mission. i know i couldve had 100's of thousands of dollars by now had i made just logical simple trades.

>> No.11563375

Everyone makes a profit in hindsight.

>> No.11563386


fucking stab your boss for the lul's

>> No.11563392

You knew this will happen, next time play smarter.

>> No.11563398

Don't blame yourself. There was no indication link was going to be a success. It's not like we've been talking about it non stop for a year, attacking it from every angle, and coming to the informed collective conclusion that it's far and away the best hold in crypto. How were you to know?

>> No.11563401
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do a flip faggot

>> No.11563408

Dude, you lost $4k. Calm the fuck down. I had $100k in December of last year and now my portfolio is worth $30k.

Just keep going, invest wisely, avoid women and you'll be golden.

>> No.11563414


>> No.11563417
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womp womp

>> No.11563430
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>> No.11563917
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For once listen this time. Invest the entirety of it into XRP and no matter what the fuck these guys larp - you hold. At least for 1-2 years. Obviously change position allocation if you want to add more or sell a few for profit.


>> No.11564765

Don't blame the Jews (that's a really childish and primitive response and doesn't demonstrate anything but ignorance)... and instead seek treatment for your gambling addiction? food for thought

>> No.11564837


Unironically this butt

>> No.11564843


Also dont do it money is not worth your life brother stay strong I lost a lot more than that. Buy LINK with that last $1K and youll make it

>> No.11564877

OP I’m serious. Buy $1k of COSS right fucking now. That’ll net you about 10K on the day of the API release. Then just fucking wait and let compounding do the rest.

>> No.11564887
File: 33 KB, 800x450, wandx-dex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favour and invest in WandX Guaranteed 10x, more likely 100x and youll never know and will do a 1000x.

>> No.11564923


Maybe if you didn’t blame the Jews or black people for your mistakes you would have a happier life.

Inb4 hysteric nazis

>> No.11565085

no you're totally right

>> No.11565177

Link is nowhere near a success YET. Link will reach triple figures

OP is a faggot. Imagine feeling anxiety about your finances lmao. I have all my wealth in LINK and I know I’m set for life. 1k is enough to make a comfy profit. 10k should be enough to retire and live frugally. 20k should be enough to retire and live comfortably. More than that and you’ll be insanely rich. Just keep buying LINK until you get to 10k. It’ll take until 2020 at the earliest for LINK to hit triple figures. That’s plenty of time to accumulate. I’ll be buying LINK all the way up to $1 and maybe even up to $10. Even buying link at $10, every LINK you buy will be worth $100 in a few years.

Seriously, anyone complaining about losing their money now is retarded. We haven’t stopped talking about link for over a year now. You didn’t notice? You didn’t fucking GET IT? Nolinker suicides will be fucking real. Imagine you spent all this time browsing /biz/ and didn’t even get suicide insurance LINK. You actually would off yourself. It would be 10000x worse than the situation you find yourself in now.

>> No.11565226

Get ready for v& op

>> No.11565240
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>kikes take over your country by being rats.
>somehow said kikes who legitimately are to blame for the shit world are not supposed to be identified as a problem
What did he mean by this?

Op merely said he didn't want to lived enslaved by kikes in their debts slavery.
He doesn't seem to be blaming someone else for his actions he seems to be blaming other people for their actions.

Op doesn't blame his shit timing/investing on anyone else.
He is saying this world is fake and gay.
Cause it is.

>> No.11565262

based and checked

>> No.11565266
File: 417 KB, 1300x1500, 1540805048701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triple figures
>20k for comfy retirement.
Stop fudding anon
10k eoy

>> No.11565269

Link will never be accepted by the common people

>> No.11565286
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It does not need to be niggelnog it isn't btc.
It is all there.
It is going to the moon with or without normies.

>> No.11565422

based and jewpilled

>> No.11565499
File: 40 KB, 600x532, chad and virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He still believes that cryptos are going to moon!

>> No.11566043

>Seriously, anyone complaining about losing their money now is retarded. We haven’t stopped talking about link for over a year now. You didn’t notice? You didn’t fucking GET IT? Nolinker suicides will be fucking real. Imagine you spent all this time browsing /biz/ and didn’t even get suicide insurance LINK. You actually would off yourself. It would be 10000x worse than the situation you find yourself in now.
Holy shit this post is why I decided to invest in LINK.

Thanks bro, will brofist you in 2020

>> No.11566180

are we finally at depression stage

>> No.11566231

The dubs seal it.

>> No.11566695

That 4k you just lost could be the best financial education you've ever received. You are 4k short, but hopefully more knowledgeable about trading in general. That information will make you more money than you lost if you are smart about it.

>> No.11566728

maybe learn some TA

>> No.11567116
File: 87 KB, 753x611, 1540656518423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on anon, nothing wrong with pointing out how the people in power left us up the creek without a paddle in order to enrich themselves. This game is rigged, can I re-roll and start again in another timeline?