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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11558791 No.11558791 [Reply] [Original]

“US Empire now pays half a trillion dollars in interest payments per year to service its debt. US debt increases by a trillion per year. It’s a death spiral that cannot be undone. Self-destruction and USD collapse are unavoidable. Get out of USD and US stocks. Buy gold & crypto.”

Is he right? Is the USA truly in a death spiral, economically speaking? Should I stop adding to my 401k?

>> No.11558801

>end entitlements
>deal with civil unrest

>> No.11558821
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what if it should actually read "cannot be undone by crypto"?

>> No.11558873

US is good untill the population grows.
The whole world bows to the $.
It will just inflate 3-4% per year, that's all.
That is how the debt is paid.

>> No.11558889

Literally owe Jews for printing money

>> No.11558895

I don't understand how the US can be in debt when it prints the world reserve currency. Just issue more money instead of taking out loans.

>> No.11558905

Except the whole world will not always bow to the dollar. China has many things in development to get the global financial institutions to rely on more than the dollar. Long term goal for them is to take down US and have their own globally accepted reserve currency.

>> No.11558907
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> end entitlements
> immediate cat 5 chimpout

>> No.11558922

It'd be a boomer riot, mostly. Most of that debt is going towards boomerbux (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid)

>> No.11558937

So many brainless in this thread. This is basic Econ 101 if you can’t even understand this issue properly you shouldn’t be allowed to post here.

>> No.11558947

The problem is the low duration of the debt. They can't just print money to inflate it away, because their interest payments will spike.

>> No.11558955

Well said, cutting entitlements is the only way forward. The only thing lowering boomer entitlements will hurt is doctors and real estate. Doctors already make too much money, and real estate is too expensive, so this shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.11558959

> The Chad way to handle it.
> Politicians are not Chads.
> Inflate the debt away. We Zimbabwe now.

This the new paradigm now. At least the Fed is trying to raise rates now to make our burgerbux more valuable.
EU still hasn't raised rates and we're getting closer and closer to dollar euro parity now.

>> No.11558963

>Crypto becomes new global payment standard.
>Legacy dollars and all debt tied to them all become worthess
People getting most screwed are debtors and people expecting a pension

>> No.11558967

it cant chinese yuan has to always be lower than the dollar, remember chinks are a factory of the west, they are too stupid to innovate, soon with robotization they wont be needed no more

>> No.11558971
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>what is the debt cycle

>> No.11558974


>> No.11558975

I think a fall in real estate would be highly undesirable for many financial institutions.

Yeah, but why do you need to take out the debt in the first place? The US ended up printing tons of money anyway, so I'm not sure what this system of having to borrow your own currency to fund the government is for.

>> No.11558980

also sage this russian propaganda, go back to shooting krokodil op,
oh and
>1 ruble has been added to your account

>> No.11558988


Thats the jew trick, the US government gave up the power to increase currency supply 100 years ago, now they can only borrow new money from the federal reserve with interest attached right off the bat

>> No.11558993

explain it then, if you're so smart

>> No.11558998

I'm pretty sure the US is still legally allowed to issue currency.

>> No.11559005

It's for the investors who own the FED?

>> No.11559006

Only if it puts people of color on the new notes.

>> No.11559024

All that money spent servicing debt could be used to fund the military or finance a tax cut, though. There's no way this makes sense for anyone but a few investors, but it's not like these people have armies. Why does the military tolerate it? I'm surprised the US hasn't had a military coup awhile ago desu

>> No.11559028

If the U.S would stop sending millions of dollars over seas each year for so called "Humanitarian" reasons and stop telling other countries what to do then maybe that debt would not be so high and could actually start shrinking. The U.S is a big hypocrite; 200+ years ago we told the British to suck it and we became independent from them. Now we are the British. Is it any wonder we are hated?

>> No.11559032

The USG is worse than the British empire ever was. At least they built schools sometimes.

>> No.11559077

Our first president George Washington would be appalled at what has happened to this country. He's the only president in our history who has personally commanded the army while in office. Presidents now can still do it, via the Commander in chief powers (war powers) but they don't. Closest they get is when they do inspections of the troops long after the fighting is done.

>> No.11559084

Thats is why I buy gold and silver from Rossland Capital

>> No.11559087

>Kim Dotcom, a German-Finnish Internet entrepreneur and a renowned investor in crypto, stated that the US economy will inevitably crash in the years to come.
>If US markets deteriorate in the long-term, as predicted by recognized economists including Peter Schiff and Nouriel Roubini

The usual suspect i see..

>> No.11559109
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>Except the whole world will not always bow to the dollar

>> No.11559123

we owe the money to a printing press. Why cant we just not pay it back? Its not like a real debt to an actual financial entity.

In normal loans 2 things happen that incentivize you to pay loans back: they wont loan you any more, and they take your stuff. The fed cant take america, and we can just sieze the printing press for ourselves. Give the treasury the power to print money again.

So really we dont have to pay it back and the debt isnt really real. Its a made up concept.

>> No.11559151

Something I don't get; the treasury prints money, ok, just tell them to crank it up. Long as they got paper they'll be ok. The dollar ain't backed by anything really anymore, ex.100 dollars = 1 little nugget of gold. If it was we'd be in the shit long ago cause there just ain't enough gold on hand to cover it all. Just an example. Another thing; if we owe so much money to other countries what's keeping them from just one day saying " ok time to pay up". Banks do it all the time to the common cuck, why can't they just do it to us?

>> No.11559152

This. 500 billion a year? Solely to pay interest? We can do so much with an extra 500 billion a year. That’s like 20 fully funded Trump walls. A YEAR.

>> No.11559160
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>How Can Debt Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real

This board really is dead now. The fucking shit I have read on here this year has just made me hate living.

>> No.11559167
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>> No.11559220

The printing press is the jews. We would need non-corrupt politicians to do what you’re suggesting. And when I say WE, I mean America. If another country tries to do it, America will freedom-ize them. The only single person with the charisma to call for such a thing is Trump, and hey whaddaya know his kids are married into the jewish mafia. Even if he DOES try to issue debt-free currency, the last few people I can think of who did that were Ghaddafi, Hitler, and Lincoln, and look what happened to them.

>> No.11559224

Qui Bono?

>> No.11559252


>> No.11559276

The army made a oath. If some general decide to break his oath, the whole military structure falls apart

>> No.11559284

They're not using the yuan lol

>> No.11559289

US economy would crash in a instant

>> No.11559301

The government keeps tabs on every one. Any general attempting a coup would be quickly assassinated by the secret police.

>> No.11559320

This is what ching chongs seriously believe

This is the financial equivalent to chinks that believe they're going to build farm skyscrapers that run on green energy to save their country

>> No.11559336

>The army made a oath. If some general decide to break his oath, the whole military structure falls apart
>The army has made an oath to uphold the Constitution (liberalism)
That's bad.

There are like several intel agencies that operate out of the Pentagon alone.

>> No.11559345

He could be appalled all he wants but it's just late-stage Republicanism. It's their own fault for wanting to LARP as Romans and have a Republic. Every Revolutionary would've either abandoned their cause or been executed (incorrigible Jacobins like Jefferson) if they could've seen what their country would become.

>> No.11559374

>Is the USA truly in a death spiral, economically speaking? Should I stop adding to my 401k?

US debt load is at historic lows. Low interest rates mean that people and countries have practically been giving money to US govt for free.

But yeah, believe the crypto bullshit.

>> No.11559378

The debt isn't real because the money isn't real. It's an illusion.

JFK too.

>> No.11559407


I remember my dad showing me this when it was at 8 trillion during early Obama years and thinking we’re on the verge of implosion. 8 years later we’re still here. Don’t hold you breath.

>> No.11559462

Ok to the people in this thread THAT ACTUALLY READ THE ARTICLE.

if you had gained a windfall slush fund that could only be rolled over into investing of 10 thousand USD what would you invest in for a balanced portfolio?

Personally I would get a bitcoin, 2k in longterm mutual funds, 2k in etfs for dividends, and then the change in some stocks.

What would you do /biz/ you get 10K and it has to be rolled into accounts and can't be immediately withdrawn I wont say until retirement but lets say for at least a 8 year period.

>> No.11559477

Fuck off with these doomsday threads you make every day dumb commie manchild

>> No.11559479
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Must be nice.

Also nice they don't have to be audited and also don't need to reveal to the public who owns shares in such entity.

>> No.11559523

How can it be at historic lows if the total debt is 21 trillion and growing? And we pay 500 billion in year just to service the debt? 500 billion all for nothing.

>> No.11559550

>the strongest most influential currency history has ever known is having a minor issue
>put all your money in imaginary internet money
Who the fuck is this retard?

>> No.11559593

Minor issue? Please KYS.

>> No.11559602

ww3 starts when us decides not to pay china back, or china decides to stop lending us money, whichever comes first

>> No.11559612

National debt is a killer, yes, but fuck no crypto and gold won't fix it.

>> No.11559616

Let me guess, you've got all your life savings in crypto. Absolute delusion.

>> No.11559662

china isn't directly lending us "money", right?
they are buying us treasury notes which keeps those yields low and maintains faith in the us economy. money is created out of thin air using cotton/paper/linen raw materials then pumped back into the system to pay workers. money is created by the fed/treasury and lent back out. it's all a very circular system. we don't really get what's going on but clearly there's an imbalance.

>> No.11559703


And blacks and Latinos and single moms and their kids and the white poor and the elderly... so basically all of the US population.

>> No.11559713

this thread is chink and russian shills replying to each other...
kek 4chan is really russia, russian posters (paid by the kremlin, like chinas 50 cent army) got butthurt at the other thread where we were making fun of them
also SAGE
even some shit african currency will hold its value against the dollar/euro respect to btc or crypto scams...
again SAGE

>> No.11559765

that anon is right, the US will be at fault for starting WW3.
they simultaneously issue the world currency AND have by far the strongest military in the history of mankind. there is no way in hell they will just shrug and let the dollar die - and with it their mechanism of prosperity (exporting their own inflation in exchange for actual value, on cost of the rest of the planet).
when an empire starts losing in abstract, aetherial ways, it will resort to violence.
i unironically expect some kind of laughable techno-false-flag in a few years. "the chinese hacked the stock exchange", "russians hacked our electrical grid", take your fucking pick.
normies will eat it up, and that's all that matters.

>> No.11559771

The debt is never meant to be repaid though, literally all our paper money comes from ((them))

>> No.11559797


>> No.11559798

muh good russians
muh russians can not do anything bad
muh good chinks
muh ebil usa

1 rubles was delivered into your account

>> No.11559809

i'm neither pro russia nor pro china. it's just painfully obvious that world powers don't die silently.

>> No.11559818

most of the debt is to the federal reserve. The rest is to countries that don't matter.

>> No.11559820

shut up shill

>> No.11559827

>i don't have any arguments, but stop talking
who's pro china now?

>> No.11559937


The us is fucking fine. The country has so much wealth. They could get rid of their debt in a few decades, or even years, just by upping the taxes a tiny amount. If they ever actually had trouble servicing their debt, they would do that overnight and it would all be fine. Everyone knows this.

Also why would you stop putting money in your 401k? You hold stocks and shit there right? Why would they give a fuck if the lending rate for the treasury goes up? idiot.

>> No.11559962

Are you actually retarded

>> No.11559966

op doesnt even have a 401k, its all bullshit

>> No.11559974

op has: one post by 1 id, these russians arent very smart

>> No.11559979

>everyone i don't like is a russian hacker
NPC: the post
you unironically watch the news, don't you?

>> No.11559990

>quick comrade the american dogs know
>call him a npc

1 ruble was delivered into your account

>> No.11560211

Nope, JFK tried to give the treasury the right to do this but they had him killed and blamed it on racism. Lyndon b Johnson revoked the order and it never happened.

>> No.11560377

not an argument. I explained my logic.

>> No.11560632

All on black. Let it ride. Get on my fucking level.

>> No.11560741

It's the cut (((private investors))) take from US taxes.