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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11557393 No.11557393 [Reply] [Original]

Is living with with parents longer to save cash worth it or the social loses of such move ruin your life?

>> No.11557436

how much you saving? I saved 25k per year and have 300k invested. I make 10k per year off of it. I ride a bike to work and don't pay car insurance.

>> No.11557658

disregard holes, acquire wealth

>> No.11557694

I don't know, but don't think that moving out will automatically transform you into a functional normie. Better to be at peace with your autism than to drain your early retirement funds trying to fit in with NPCs.

>> No.11557767
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I honestly can't tell.

I've done it between the ages of 22 and 26 after graduating college. I'm not sure precisely how many tens of thousands I've saved, it's probably well over $35k, which has been invested in a good bull market run these past years. I will be moving out soon only because I'm finally getting tired of their controlling ways, the chores they make me do, and the shitty diet. I think my income is too high to warrant this quality of life and I find myself asking why I put myself through the trouble of university and work to end up exactly where I was at 18 and prior.

I honestly don't know how this impacted me in terms of social development, because my development was already stunted to begin with. I don't think my social life is non-existent. I have lots of friends and go out once in a while but I certainly didn't date before or after moving back. I don't really think I would date even if I lived on my own.

>> No.11557795

How big is their backyard? You could have an addition built or if there's already shed get it converted into a small place to call your own. That way you have privacy and can continue to save. Of course you'll have to use a bit of that cash to build the addition. Every house here where I live has one in their backyard.

>> No.11557833

>moved out at 22, now 25
>Brought like maybe 4 girl’s back to my place and smash in 2 years.
>Literally no friends
>Pay 800/month in rent, with bills and everything I’ve spent probably 50k ish

Moving out is a meme. Seriously, my dumbass could be living in a McMansion If i would have stayed home with my parents

>> No.11557868

If that's the case then what is the point of going to work? What am I earning this paycheck for? At what point AM I supposed to live separate from them? I could see myself staying here indefinitely, and it's like I no longer have ambitions of any kind.

>> No.11558197

I guess the idea is to acquire property and have it (hopefully) acquire value over your lifetime, and keep the economy oiled.

>> No.11558495

living with your parents is great. If you need to smash just get an airbnb room. The problem is just if your parents hate you or not

>> No.11558517

I wonder if there is a correlation between the time parents have their first child and their eagerness for that child to leave at 18.

I feel like the parents who push their children out systematically are the younger ones whose life was ruined by having a kid at 24.

>> No.11558521

It depends of your relations with parent and of how many space you have for your own. If you cant live on a way you want you have to move out. I am standing on front of similar dilema now.

>> No.11558535

Yeah if you really needa smash book an air bnb when you go out. Literally 1/10 the price of monthly rent and its not something you have to do and can continue to save.

>> No.11558537

You realize you can move out and still save money right? Even on 50k living in fucking NYC ALONE I still put away 1.3k every month into savings clean.

Conversely , you know you can live with your parents and still have a social life right? Its not hard to explain to your hoe you're saving up for your own house and this is financially feasible. Its only weird if you're being a fucking insecure weirdo about it.

Not everything is as black and white as you autists think.

>> No.11558548

I think it depends on the mentality of the country

In Italy parents wants kids to stay with them forever

In UK parents kick out them as soon as they can

>> No.11558596


I live with my parents and I'm turning 27 this year. I spend $300 on utilities for the house as rent. Other than that, more money to throw into my Stinky Linky hoard which I'm funding with my old man. He gets his retirement fund, I get a lickle' spending money to travel the world and basically retire too. I'm sure I can wait on getting a girl. They'll be available just as much then as they are now.

>> No.11558649

Mine definitely had me late, father was mid 40's mother late 30's, but I get the feeling I will be used increasingly as a labor mule/retirement policy and if I don't escape now I never will.

>> No.11558709

I suppose that you'll lose more with parents and otherwise if you or them purchase property to move out then you'll earn more with time

>> No.11558816
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If you are 20+ and still living with your parents you are a fucking loser.

>> No.11558892

nah where I live any woman worth the effort will absolutely not fuck with you unless you have your own place or a decent place with roomates. LA btw. The ones that will are very fat and mentally stunted.

>> No.11559019

You are on the chans. Fat and mentally stunted is not a dealbreaker.

>> No.11559036

fat and mentally stunted is ideal