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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11551573 No.11551573 [Reply] [Original]

>982 sats
ahahahaha this shit broke 1k support AGAIN

>> No.11551600
File: 8 KB, 259x195, zoomerino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dis good time to buy? or wait until they reveal staking isn't 'muh passive income'.

>> No.11551605

I put some ZRX profits into this thinking it would be safely bottomed for a while. But of course not.

>> No.11552335

got JUSTED so hard it will take 8x to break even and I absolutely refuse to put any more money into this scam

>> No.11552342

Bought in expecting them to fucking release that staking details. But of course it is delayed. Fucking just

>> No.11552346

coming in the next 3 days

>> No.11552359

How do you know? are you icon insider?

>> No.11552363

Passive income and dividends is all a meme in crypto.

>> No.11552376
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kind of

>> No.11552382

the staking isnt really about the passive income, its about getting the ball rolling on the adoption of the network, small passive income is just a bonus, but its gonna be low

>> No.11552383

you expecting some sort of bounce?

>> No.11552384

oh you're icon bro that visited their office. you said end of month in that last thread, but knowing them it wont happen

>> No.11552386


>> No.11552399

he isnt you poorfag. iconbrah is legit

>> No.11552405
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Do you regret not selling last year?

>> No.11552409

hah yeah I hope they dont fuck me over, they explicitly said they will release the part 3 this month.

>> No.11552416

The thing that sucks is I sold POLY to buy this and it's only tanking whereas Poly has been pumping. FUCKing gooks and their bullshit. Token swap was supposed to finish in march and barely just did

>> No.11552418

of course, If i could predict future I would have sold and bought way more supply now, but im happy with my decisions kind of, took 60k$ profit from icon already and still have a few 100k in it at this price

>> No.11552422

didnt you take 100k$ out as you said earlier?

>> No.11552427

yeah, but i didnt get in for 0 right, I put 40k of my money in icon so 60k profit

>> No.11552432

i c, do you have any stop losses in?

>> No.11552436

actually now that i think about it, of that 100k i think i cashed out 50k and left 50k in ETH so I lost there too.

>> No.11552445

no, It wont go much lower than this, its already undervalued

>> No.11552451

that's what we thought at $4, $2, $1...

>> No.11552454

so you are betting on btc holding 6k$ support essentially

do you plan to buy more if it does dip?

>> No.11552463

im talking about relative to other crypto assets, i dont care if its at 0.1$ if its below so many shitcoins I wont sell

>> No.11552475

yeah ill prolly buy more if it goes lower or after my next trip to seoul if i get good information

>> No.11552487

keep us updated anon, whole board got gooked. you are the father figure now feeding us hopium

>> No.11553042

It's 10k sats, you fucking brainlets. You've been pissing me off with this shit since the shitcoin was listed on Binance.

>> No.11553067

Still holding onto my ~8$ something bags for dear life.

F up for this shitcoin, i hope it burns in hell while i make millions with link.

>> No.11553090

what exactly did i do you paranoid brainlet. and it broke 1k earlier you fucking bagholding parasite. kys

>> No.11553738

now suck my dick retard

>> No.11554116
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"Ethereum of mongolia"

>> No.11554667


>> No.11554750

did you only buy /biz/ memecoins or do you also have any actual coins that aren't mentioned on here? i legit only have coins that aren't mentioned on /biz/ and went from ~20 to 42 btc since january

>> No.11554920

Any other news in the pipelines aside from the IISS paper iconbro?

I feel like they havent had any big partnerships or anything in a while... Also the Korean ICO ban may or may not be lifted in a week or so. Thats a big deal.

>> No.11555032

kek this. icon bro and icon insider are the only hopium we have left

>> No.11555043

which coin pumps did you ride? damn nice

>> No.11555219

as far as news, i dont know. But we talked about Line partnership and its way better than it looks from the outside, they will use icx for payments in one way or another, its all in very early stages though.

>> No.11555265

Nice bro, is there anything else you know that you can say?

I still have a pretty big bag and it sucks how they are under NDAs it seems for fucking everything

>> No.11555298

wait why would they use ICX for payments? LINE has their own exchange, and iconloop literally built their tracker and everything for them.

They're just going to use their own LINE token, right?

>> No.11555472

the exchange is not related to icon in any way afaik. All the operation of the linkchain network will be paid for with ICX
Aka, link token will be part of icon network.

>> No.11555491


>> No.11555497

u know what i meant

>> No.11555560
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This token shananigans worrys me.
ICO of link token but all the operation of the linkchain network will be paid for with ICX?

Wtf is link token for than?

Can you elaborate?

>> No.11555601

its pretty simple, imagine ICX is ETH and link is an erc20 token. They pay fees in ICX and the token has its own usage/price/trade value/markets

>> No.11555607

not saying its gonna be exactly like that, they still have to figure out a lot of stuff, many of these partnerships will have modified numbers, but the basis of it is yes all of the partnerships will use ICX in one way or another

>> No.11555679

Ok that kind of makes sense. Somebody posted a picture of the LINK tracker and it looks exactly the same as ICX, so people realized that ICON basically built their blockchain and everything for them (this being a private thing).

However, we all assumed that LINK will be it's own coin (since ICONLOOP built their mainnet and everything), and it has no relation to ICX.

If its like ETH to ERC-20, then why isn't that explained by the ICON team somehow in like a medium article? That would be VERY helpful and would help increase the value of the network. But since they don't have anything like that, it lends me to believe that they just built their whole blockchain for money for the ICONLOOP side of things

>> No.11555689

That's 9.96k sats, you absolute fucking moron.

>> No.11555714

Just watched an interview with blockchain brad and henry lee and markus from ICON.

With regards to the LINE partnership, they said they are not AT ALL worried about line using their own blockchain. So basically he is saying that LINE will use the ICON network in some way shape or form.

>> No.11555723

well the real reason is somewhere in the middle, since Line is a huge established company so its a bit different than a random pajeet erc20 ico. The team mentioned that they are negotiating with these big companies on exact terms of the deal, so in the end its possible that part of the fee is paid in fiat and part in icx (just an example)

But in the end they assured me that every single one of those partnerships will use ICX in one way or another.

>> No.11555726


Yes but line token link is rc20 token not icx native token is it not?


If they did ico on icx platform everything would made sense....

>> No.11555730

Oh that's out now? Ok gonna go check it out. Wow you're a hardcore iconer lol

>> No.11555736

You nigger Polymath isn't a blatant gook scam whereas Icon is. Why sell something seemingly legitimate for a Pyongyang Hustle?

>> No.11555738

havent watched that but thats exactly what the team told me as well.

>> No.11555742
File: 37 KB, 1080x429, 20181028_172231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he looks at cmc
neck yourself you fucking single digit iq faggot.

>> No.11555748

Because I was hoping they would release their staking white paper and it would moon but that never happened. that was the gamble I took and it did not pay off. Now I'm watching Poly pump and hating myself for it. Yes I hate myself is that what you want to hear

>> No.11555751

At the time they did their ICO ICX was still doing their upgrade to mainnet 2.0 and enabling the ico smart contracts, so it makes sense they did it on erc20, of course once the partnership matures they will just exchange those erc20s for mainnet (on icx)

>> No.11555775

I'm watching this now and why the fuck is slow speaking ass Min the head of ICON? Henry is way more legit

>> No.11555801

he isnt the head at all, he was just chosen as the representative at the beginning of the project because of his english

>> No.11555817


makes sense but shit like this is why this project is so fuded at end of the day :(

>> No.11555879

Because ICON doesnt know how to fucking communicate for shit and they fucking delay everything

>> No.11555982

listening to blockchain brad, this guy sounds like he is on a suicide watch

>> No.11556243

he's been gooked also. just finished watching. he asked for names of any companies like 10 times because it will pump the price so he can exit dump

>> No.11556651

>imagine being so retarded youre down over $1 million over a worrthless shitcoin but its all good because they have a nice office