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11549071 No.11549071 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is the only crypto that matters, and it is the greatest invention since general purpose computers themselves

>> No.11549106

dumb. it will be replaced

>> No.11549108
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>> No.11549683

Monero is the final redpill

>> No.11550146

You mean the centralized shitcoin that devs control to the point where they're even capable of making PoW algorithm modifications to remove existing miners? Look anon I agree privacy coins are important and Monero has a purpose, but it's not longterm wealth storage, it's for transactions.

>> No.11550165

Low IQ bitrock fans won't do well

>> No.11550190

ATMOSD is even more red pill than that.

>> No.11550199
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>> No.11550208
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I agree. Slow and steady wins the race.

>> No.11550213

Bitcoin is far more important than most on biz understand, but I'd argue that privacy coins and smart contract platforms are incredibly important too. It's very likely the core devs will add layer one privacy at some point, so it might be less important than smart contract platforms, but they've all got horrible monetary policies or are centralized shitcoins so fingers crossed for rootstock

>> No.11550220
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this manga rules

>> No.11550231


There's literally nothing special about bitcoin expect it's name and first mover advantage.

>> No.11550250

It's the most secure and has the best devs

>> No.11550252

Centralized to 200 contributors? You know you’re free to fork whenever you like

>> No.11550261

It's the most decentralized, even large scale fork attacks funded by Bitmain fail to hurt it

>> No.11550291

>It's the most decentralized, even large scale fork attacks funded by Bitmain fail to hurt it

All crypto passes this test. Try to attack BTC ETH EOS XRP or any other coin. Bullshit argument is bullshit.

>> No.11550304

All crypto passes this test? You have no idea what you're talking about, any crypto using a PoW algorithm where there exists another crypto using a similar PoW algorithm with a larger total hashing power can 51% attack the smaller crypto with ease

If the largest Bitcoin miners wanted they could 51% attack BCash easily but they don't bother because they would lose money

Smaller cryptos are inherently secure, the larger a crypto is (with respects to the total size and decentralization of the total mining pool) the more secure it is

>> No.11550306

>eos and xrp are decentralized

>> No.11550345

exactly. boomers and merchants will never adopt the smaller cryptos because they are vulnerable to 51% attack.

hell even BTC could be 51% attacked, but it would probably take a state actor to do it.

>> No.11550367

Also, no pow alt with a capped supply has any chance of surviving. Just check ltc and bch, there are like $100 in fees per day.

>> No.11550493

Yeah they're so good that they didn't see a bug that had been in the software for years that allowed unlimited Bitcoin generation because they too arrogant to do proper testing. If you've been paying attention, they're not the same team that's working on the Lightning network.

>> No.11550507
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>> No.11550730

>Smaller cryptos are inherently secure
Oops I meant insecure

This comment just exposes how you don't understand software development at all. Yeah it was an oversight but it's open source and you could have gone and written a test case for that scenario if you wanted to, but you didn't you dumb cuck, so shut the fuck up. Oh, wait, you don't even know C++ so you couldn't. Retard

Arrogance has nothing to do with anything

>> No.11550870

If you're so big brained why didn't you go print yourself a billion bitcoins?