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11549004 No.11549004 [Reply] [Original]

This is the biggest PnD scam ive ever come across. What's most amazing is that there are probably STILL retards on here right now who just FOMOed in the last few hours

>> No.11549015

Riiiiight okay dude a pump and dump that has been casually rising for 4 months...okaaay dude

>> No.11549021

yeah, what could you expect from people who think btc will go to 100k and over...

>> No.11549023

Don't you ever get tired of making these threads over and over again? Don't you have anything better to live for?

>> No.11549039

>no pivitol progress in the past 24 hours
they've given up!
market sell!

>> No.11549060

This. Bunch of 4channers tried to swing trade /ourcoin/, since failing at it they have been reduced to spamming a Mongolian basket weaving forum with fake news and propaganda in attempts to reverse the price gain of an ERC token.

>> No.11549069

They literally don't. Check em.

>> No.11549075

People can make money in a Ponzi scheme friendo

>> No.11549099

this project for literally a year during which many anons picked up link at 11c in the ICO and it achieved cult following in november with the advent of assblaster at which point it was around 15-21c. i'm not sure why you would think so many would be fomoing in right now.

>> No.11549107

*/biz/ has been following this project...

>> No.11549124 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 700x491, beautiful jewish couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.11549147

Assblaster convinced anons to buy bags of this shitcoin when it was $1

>> No.11549209

Nice. The weed number.

>> No.11549263

not really, he first showed up when link was nearly at its lowest ever and was becoming a sad joke post-Sibos. He said the crash was coming and link wouldn't be immune, implicitly saying it was time to sell.

>> No.11549277

>this is the biggest PnD scam ive ever come across.
how new to shitcoins are you?

>> No.11549294

This is 4chan. You meant to make this post on reddit.

>> No.11549327

which actually made AB different from a lot of other larpers. Most of the larpers since show up at the top of a pump and convince people to fomo in. He came in when link was dying and said it's pumping in a few weeks literally calling it to the day. If you followed his advice and sold then you'd have made some good money.

>> No.11549352

Anything under $5 is cheap. The resistance walls are:


>> No.11549364

This is over 20 years btw.

>> No.11549386

lmao. whats with the jewish interracial stuff that's been posted here so much recently? i fee like i'm being subverted lel

>> No.11549438

The Jewish side of /biz/ discovered it's love of cuckold pornography and revels in the fact that the secret collective sexual desires can now be satisfied.

>> No.11549744

Anons think there is literally a jewish conspiracy to cuck them with bbc porn so that's their revenge.
Literally. That's what it is.

>> No.11549783 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 545x683, 985634678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt you hear? Jews love black cock.

>> No.11549822
File: 102 KB, 1080x1772, Screenshot_20181027-164630~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tis not a no brainier or is OP too busy sucking dicks to notice?

>> No.11549865
File: 219 KB, 1024x576, 1532852357593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey Schlomo.

>> No.11549881

lmao. Yeah anon keep photoshopping jew/black cuck porn to post on biz. Great way to contribute to society.

>> No.11549926

No need for that, Jewesses throw themselves at every opportunity to be photographed near the superior the black MAN.