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11546749 No.11546749 [Reply] [Original]

Link looking like one of those repeating rolling background from the simpsons when theyre in the car. Can we go up this time please?

>> No.11546757

just sold 100k

>> No.11546794

next couple hours gonna be critical for sergay and the team. could be make or break for the entire project desu

>> No.11546797


>triple top

Imagine fucking buying right now. Christ. I swear to go some Linkies are dumb as fuck. Wait until it goes down you fucks. Why is the volume so goddamn small whenever the price is low, but as soon as we pump to a triple top all the retards send their fucking pocket money to binance to participate in the pump and get less linkies than they could have got just a few hours ago.

>> No.11546843

>muh TA

good luck relying on that in a market where some random chump with $10000 can pump the price by 5%

>> No.11546874

dude I wanna buy linkies, but i'm afraid it might not go lower than 40 cents ever.
FFS BITCOIn is really cheap at its lowest ever, its the best time to buy bitcoin.

but note this : now that web3 foundation has announced partnership with CL, and sergey said we are under audit, MAINNET is fuking very close, i'd say 5 - 6 months we might see something.

also 1st november sergey will make a new apparition, if he announces anything, I think its our last chance to get linkies for 40 cents ever

>> No.11546880

i'm stuck in a fucking dilemma, what shoudl I do? risk waiting and missing a 40 cents link or wait and be cucked?

>> No.11546893


Your autistic ramblings tell me you aren't going to make it.

What has a better chance to 100x? Bitcoin or Link?

Let other people use their brains for you buddy.

>> No.11546904


Its amazing how biz is genius enough to find link but so fucking retarded that they cant figure out how to buy and sell. I guess autismo prevents them
Understanding the psychology emotions involved with markets

>> No.11546909


I'm the same. Literally everything is saying we should be having a pullback to 5500 sats. But Devcon and Sergey's appearence there is preventing a sell off. I have a feeling that bulls might burn themselves out by keeping the price up for so long and that when the conference is over there will be a big retrace down to 5500 sats.

God I'm so stressed. I'm not even a swinglinker. I've got a big stack. But I could buy more right now, and these fucking perma bulls are really pissing me off. I am so apprehensive about buying now when I am certain if I do I will be bagholding by the end of the week.

>> No.11546929

dude i'm 100% in chainlink been 100% since last jan.
I bought linkkies from 60 cents to 30 cents.

averaged it all out to about 45 cents.

now I have some fiat to buy more and 43 cents is still lower than my average.

i'm just afraid to miss the boat.

i could for example buy bitcoin this week and wait for link to lower in sats.

maybe if bitcoin goes up I could get cheap linkies.

but ffs chainlinks price doesnt wanna go down.

>> No.11546964


There is some disgusting bearish divergence on all time frames.

Freebie: divergence is the most consistent predictor for chainlink

>> No.11546969

a pull back to 5500 would be fkin nice, but I think that we cant be mistaken by buying bitcoin right now with fiat. the good move would be to buy bitcoin and wait after 1st maybe nothing w<ill be announced, if bitcoin raises in price, CL value will decrease in sats, add in the no news at devcon, wll prolly see a 5000 sat chainlink.

oh god I hope singularity doesnt hit.

I think that's my strategy

>> No.11546979

divergeance between SMA? EMA?

>> No.11547019


Plain old stoch and rsi

>> No.11547026


That's been my strategy for the last fucking month and it worked out horribly. I dunno if I want to rely on hoping nothing big will be announced again.

The Linkie community is in peak fucking delusion right now and we are in a full blown bull market for Link. Fuck the rest of the market, Link is in a market of it's own and we are so fucking bullish right now, it's unbelievable and pissing me off. I wish Chainlink was bearish like the rest of the market. We are missing out on an accumulation phase that every other coin out there is getting. God I fucking hate perma bulls so fucking much.


I hope your fucking right anon. But these dumb fucking bulls continuing to make green candles are giving me the shits. Who the fuck is STILL FUCKING BUYING a triple top right now at this moment and refusing to let the price sink.

>> No.11547036

divergeance between stoch rsi and RSI? what candle size? and what time frame for stoch rsi?

>> No.11547074

really? worked out horribly because BTC dumps and chainlink raises in sats :/ fuck, but do you think bitcoin will ge lower than 6k$? I don't think so, there is a huge fkin resistance.

people will never sell under 6k$ unless bitcoin is def done for.

i'll wait for about the 10th of november to buy linkies back, this week i'll get cheap bitcoin. and wait.

>> No.11547116


Entire point of stoch and rsi is to show strenth or weakness of tue particular candle.

This divergence between the green candles and the rsi shows that bulls are hitting against a wall with all they have. Its like driving a car into a wall repeatedly till it fucks up and gets slower every time.
They will exhaust themselves if they cant make a higher high with insane buying pressures out of nowhere. Blck sawn events. Not likely.

>> No.11547137

Lmao the stories you people tell yourselves

>> No.11547138
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Daily hasnt closed yet but already there is awful divergence. The longer it goes on the worse the dump.
Every other smaller timeframe has it too

>> No.11547147


Its called an analogy. You have autism so TA is beyond your grasp. TA is human emotions and pahychology in various forms. I believe autism prevents ppl who suffer from it from being able to understand this side of life

>> No.11547162

AHA I see, it's like the price is increasing while volume is low and we are overbought like crazy.

if the volume isnt there, the price couldnt sustain itself.

but my dude when singularity happens, it happens, and it could only happen after a phase like this.

some rich cuck suckers could come in and go all in anytime, especially after sergey talks.

but mainnet is not out yet, so maybe im stressing for nothing I should just buy bitcoin and wait.

>> No.11547180


That would be a black swan event. Eventually.

>> No.11547206


A good analagy would be trying to squat with 100kg on your back. Easy 10 reps. Then you rest and try again but this time you have 120kg. You do 11 reps but you really tired. Rest again and do with 150kg, now you squeeze out 11 one more time with everything you got and collapse. The weight and pressure against you was increasing too much and you could not break through.

You try again with same weight and can muster not even 1 and collapse

This is buy vs sell pressure in battle.

>> No.11547250

nice thx dude. I never thought the price couldnt be sustained, always assumed there were always some faggots ready to buy, maybe at somepoint they realize how retarded they are.
i'm not trader but i'm aducated in indicators and trading in general. i'm a dev, and I coded a n algorithm for trading on gekko bot.
didn't work that will, I even used an AI to try and find the best fitted indicator parameters and candle sizes. but it always failed, never trusted it with real money. just made alot of simulations.

so now I guess all that's left are my knowledge on TA.

but thx i was planning on buying link this week
but i'm gonna buy much later i'll wait for link to dump more

>> No.11547279

Anyone else notice bulls painting patterns.

The candles stay red for the entire hour, then in the last 5 minutes some fuckwit buys up just enough to make it green to close on a high. He's done it the last 3 hours.

>> No.11547308

use your brains, that was part of binance trading competition pump n dump, it'll definitely retrace, don't buy

>> No.11547323


Is there a binance trading competition going on right now?

I think that's the only thing that makes sense regarding the current pump. It's so fucking retard. 8 fucking green candles in a row for fucks sake and almost no volume on the last few candles.

>> No.11547405

look what happened to rvn, same story, same three tops, same volume. now I'm not saying this couldn't be legit, but I would stay clear, it's a colossus on clay legs

>> No.11547452


>ignoring the wicks to prove your TA

>> No.11547465

I have made green candles that people here commented on just by market buying link months ago, trying to pick up like 5-30k at a time, depending on how much my recent bonus or paycheck was.

I don't think market psychology is in play, as if there are many participants buying and selling.

I think it could easily be just one guy with tens of thousands of dollars trying to buy like 100-200k link.

It would only take one software engineer who makes like $250k/yr and saw devcon to decide he wants 200k link because he regrets not buying 20k eth and is willing to sell some of his boomer stocks to get it.

I mean shit guys I make $250k/yr as a a lazy slacking junior engineer at a FANG company and I'm always wondering if I'm gonna get fucking fired or something. And even I can max my 401k and then save an extra $60k/yr in a checking account until I decide what to do with it.

Now imagine a bit company like Google alone has tens of thousands of these engineers. And fang companies alone have lots of people excited about tech in general- exactly the kind to get excited about devcon

Just one person like me could have $100k sitting around and decide to spend a week trying to buy link without pushing the price up too much. Just one person.

And then consider there are way more dudes at random startups, perhaps with less money but likely with way more passion for new tech like smart contracts than someone who doesn't give a shit and just coasts doing just a little less than the bare minimum to not get fired at a top tech company.

I wonder how high the price goes if devcon got even five dudes to each dump $100k into link soon after.

>> No.11547482

Lmao you absolute brainlet. You cant use wicks on rsi divergences. You just exposed yourself

>> No.11547492

You are fucking retarded. Look at you idiots in this thread, stroking each others dicks trying to reassure yourself "it'll dump, it'll dump, oh god it HAS to dump. mm-m-m-muh TA"
TA works every time 50% of the time

>> No.11547556

TA might have be a little useful during bullish fomo moments.

A while back, I had $20k sitting around. Link was dipping. I told myself I was going to save it till link hit 15cents.

It randomly started pumping at 17cents. I decided to be disciplined and not fomo, surely it will come back.

It kept pumping and I fomo'd in around like 27cents, pushing it up a little in the process, then wanted to screen when it dipped a tiny bit back down to like 25cents or something. Could have gotten over 100k extra link. Got less than 70k, I think.

So maybe "it'll come back down" makes sense when something is pumping, as that gets people from the sidelines to fomo, temporarily pushing the price up just a tiny bit more than it was going to pump from the original accumulator... Who maybe backs off during the fomo pump until the people on the sidelines stop, which maybe causes the price to fall a little more...

And maybe ta helps in the basic sense of "IT'S GOINY UP!" (people fomoing) and then "IT HIT RESISTANCE!" (fomo people ran out of money) and then "IT HIT SUPPORT" (someone else thinks it's time to buy again).

>> No.11547687
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>> No.11547719

tf are you on about?

>> No.11547741
File: 621 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181027-155521_TabTrader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for buying my bags, I'll be rebuying around 5700 and increasing my stack :^)

>> No.11547750

its a meme. "next few x are critical for y" is a memephrase

>> No.11547763


This does not make any sense at all. I want to find all these FOMOing fucking idiots and choke them out.

Christ this is stressing me out. This is just getting retarded.


This was exactly me. We are in the middle of a bear market and I want to accumulate as much as possible. So I try to do the rational, disciplined and patient thing and this fucking shitcoin just defies all logic. Fuck I hate my fellow linkies so much. They remind me of Bitcoin bulls who used to go on about returnign to 20k and beyond no matter what. I want to see the smiles wiped off their fucking faces with a fuckhueg pink candle. I don't even care if I lose money on it. I hate perma bulls so much.


Based, literally most based anon on this board right now.

>> No.11547765

what indicator you use?

>> No.11547769
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>> No.11547781

This last 2 days is literally a bunch of anons fomoing with small amounts. no volume pump. lel

>> No.11547807


>> No.11547831

>We are in the middle of a bear market
mind you, not for chainlink, this shit's been trending up since like july

>> No.11547887

None. All indicators lag. You will never sell the top or buy the bottom like me using an indicator. I draw support and resistance lines, occasionally fibonacci retracement. That's it

>> No.11547900
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>> No.11547940
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>a new apparition

>> No.11547949

thx dude appreciate it.

I never understood how to place fibonacci :/
maybe I should read a little bit about it. i used to call it voodoo magic, because that's like saying yeah every move in price should follow human nature and human nature is predictable and follows fibonaccis law . I dunno man any advice?

>> No.11547965

this is day traders trying to make money. Watch when btc starts moving up again.

>> No.11547976

I understand the metaphor, it's just completely retarded and doesn't have anything to do with who's buying what when or for which reasons. You also neglect to consider the multitude if other plausible (according to TA) analogies you can make that are bullish or neutral. KYS you shortsighted projecting autistic freak.

>> No.11548020

Fib levels are great. You change on what time frame you draw them based on what time frame you're trading, but the way you draw them is always the same way on a clearly up trending chart. After a coin puts in a clearly defined top, you draw from the bottom of "the move" to the top of the move. Not the very very bottom of the chart, but the bottom of where the move starts, basically where the fomo starts. Then observe bounces. It's extremely common for price to pull back to the 382 and the 50 level. Sometimes the 236 but I don't like that, that's a shallow pullback, same with 618 i usually feel like that's too deep and the momentum is gone.
Fib is great because, as you said, it's the natural order of things. But they only tend to work during times of extreme fomo or panic when it's pure human emotion. Not generic boring price action.

>> No.11548073


Where do you see it pulling back too after this retarded FOMO pump is over?

>> No.11548076

>mobile phone ta

>> No.11548081
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>> No.11548095


t. little faggot who has had an entire year to accumulate

Oct 17 linky here, suck my dick linklet.

>> No.11548109


I want to kill every brainlet on this board who uses the "you've had a year" excuse.

If you aren't a filthy worthless neet, you have an income and can buy more every fortnight. You can go all in over and over again. Fuck you.

>> No.11548114

Lol someone said this to me yesterday, when I posted a seperate picture of me selling the top on a different coin. It works for me, I'm on fire, you do you senpai

Somewhere along the trendline, but where exactly is pure guesswork which is why I have multiple buys to make sure I get st least a piece if I call too low and it doesn't dump enough. You can see where my orders are, the green lines. If u sell more linkers (red lines) then I'll add a buy order even lower where the purple line is.

>> No.11548122

>$250k/yr as a a lazy slacking junior engineer
Bull fucking shit

>> No.11548126
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Forgot pic

>> No.11548166


>5700 sats

That's where I think it's going back too as well. I think right now the Devcon conference is being priced in. We are in between two big conferences and are at peak delusion and bull retardation and there wont be any sell of's now, just pumping. But after devcon's over and if that stupid market waves thing isn't too much hyped, there will be huge selling on the 2nd and 3rd of November. No one sold the news on the web3 conference because the rumor was still in effect. So there could possible be a double strength dump after Devcon 3.

I think I will wait for then, because even if you draw trend lines we have hit the upper limit and are due for a pullback to around 5500 or 5700 sats.

>> No.11548169

ban all phoneposters

>> No.11548176

hi pajeeta.

>> No.11548194


Rsi divergence s literally the most reliable indicator going. And what I described is exactly the proccess of what rsi calculates.

>> No.11548229

I can tell you’re new to trading markets. Good luck with your strategy. I hope you don’t burn yourself too badly.

>> No.11548310

What makes you say that?


>> No.11548346

here comes the faggots

>> No.11548621

>it's like the price is increasing while volume is low
Do you even on balance volume bro?

>> No.11548634

The chart would be even more bullish if it werent for the 4 million linky whale selling off consistently on binance.

>> No.11548677

The people buying are the people who understand the absolute magnitude of this project. This is no normal shitcoin. This is the God protocol.

I see tons of people on Twitter starting to ask about it now and get interested. Going to drop a huge article on monday laying everything out, so more bulls are going to keep coming.

>> No.11548700


>> No.11548713


How about you shut the fuck up about it and let people continue accumulating you disgusting little shit.

What do you even get out of this? Why would you shoot yourself in the foot like this by letting others know before mainnet. Let them find out on their own. I really, truly believe that you actually don't understand Link at all anon. If you really think Link is the god protocol, you would make people pay just to hear the name of the coin and nothing else. Link isn't going to go up because of hype like every other shit crypto. It's gonna go up because of use and how it's designed. Why the fuck would you try to hype it before mainnet.

But go ahead, public your article, I will make a note of your name and when Link moons I will use my immense funds to hire a dark web assassin and have you killed for ruining accumulation for plenty of other Linkies you fucking asshole.

>> No.11548727
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>taliban detected

>> No.11548726

I've accumulated. In fact, many of us have. It's time to let the world know.

>> No.11548770


>> No.11548771

Don't let your greed ruin you, Goldberg

>> No.11548805

Pretty long title..

>> No.11548818

It's really not time at all dumbass.

I have 250k and if goes down I will buy a shitload.

If you really want others to fomo in, you should recognize they only have so much money, and stay quiet so that they have to spend their $500-$1500 of fomo money when link is at $40, not when link is at $4.

>> No.11548835


What a selfish prick you are.

The time to let the world know is mainnet release you fucking prick. Do you want to get a lot of Link from staking or not? Do you realize the higher the price of Link, the less you get from staking don't you. I bet you didn't and your dumbass jumped into Link late and you just swallowed up all the memes.

If you actually knew about Link, you'd want to keep the price as low as fucking possible for as long as possible.


He's the greedy prick.

>Oh I've finished accumulating so I'm gonna write acticles and shill it, fuck the rest of you who still have possible months of time left to get more, I want my gains now

Fuck him. Mainnet is not out, shut the fuck up, let people still accumulate while they can. Once mainnet is out that's it, Link will be way too expensive to be worth buying. But before mainnet, if you aren't buying every paycheck, you are retarded. If you think you have reached your goal. You are retarded.

If you have 249,999,999 Link. You don't have enough. Only 350MM is enough. If you don't have 350MM Link, you need to continue accumulating you fucking shits if you truly believe Link is the god protocol you wont settle with a pittance.

>> No.11548847

I just want people to start to understand what it is. People will still buy at higher prices because the network will provide tons of utility. Whether i do anything or not, LINK is gaining exposure

>> No.11548852

What is best app to buy?

>> No.11548879

It's a meme dude. This is the long copy & paste explanation: Bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/, during the presale ico phase of chainlink there was a minimum requirement of 300eth to enter the presale. Bunch of anons pooled up together and shared presale links to fill them with their eth. Coin continued to get shilled and pumped up and hyped for the sibios event that link was attended, whole event turned out to be a flop chainlink had a presentation in a room of like 18 people next to the public toilets, literally no news or partnership came from the event and the coin dumped back to below ico prices and created 1000's of bagholder anons. Now during this alt bull run lots of anons and took advantage of this and shilling this coin to all the new money and newfags that joined in december and don't know this story. The coin is HEAVILY manipulated and the supply is dried up from huge whales who accumulated below ICO price to create a artificially lower supply (a lot like REQ) and these people have so much room to dump on all of you faggots to still be in profit when the time comes. In regards to actual project that chainlink aiming to achieve it's nothing more than a basic json parser for smart contracts, would take like a day to add to ethereum by itself.. literally making links whole concept pointless and definitely no need for a token. Would take a lot longer to get it working with bitcoin but the bitcoin core devs would be able to work out the solution a lot quicker than chainlink will, think that's something worth noting that literally nothing is completed and you're literally just buying a whitepaper, they have only 2 developers and they don't communicate at all with no proven background on either, in fact sergey was involved in a project before chainlink called NxT that he since been abandoned until it was took over by a new developer team

>> No.11548880


It will gain less without you. What don't you understand that it will gain expose all by itself when mainnet is out. And that expose pre mainnet is bad for all involved.

I ask agian.

DO YOU WANT TO BE GETTING MORE OR LESS LINK FROM STAKING? It's literally free Link, just from staking. Do you want to be getting a few hundred Link each day just from staking a node, or do you want to be getting 0.0382 Link each day from staking. It's going to 1k either way. But how can you give up all those free staking Linkies so easily. Links success does not rely on exposure anyways. It's not Bitcoin. It does not need people to fomo into it to reach high prices.

>> No.11548900

This. >>11548713 can fuck off and die for all I care. Fucking selfish bitch

>> No.11548902

You're the greedy one trying to hold the train back so you can accumulate. There are so many people on this board that have been in since ico and we are all supposed to wait for you?? We can't talk about tell others about the project because you need to accumulate?? Fuck off with that bullshit.

Buy or don't buy. Nothing I do matters anyways. LINK is growing naturally just like ETH and BTC did. Come to terms with it or don't

>> No.11548907

I am now going to go out of my way to shill ChainLink everywhere just to fuck with you, pussy. Thanks for the motivation.

>> No.11548922

>missing out on accumulation
Mate link will be worth hundreds of dollars in the future. Under $1 link is fine. Imagine looking back on this anxiety when link is in double and triple figures.

>> No.11548939

I know a lot of smart people that are deeply involved in trading and researching crypto who unironically don't care about the God Protocol because /biz/ has done such a good job of fudding and turning it into a cult lmao

>> No.11548965


I'm not the selfish one here. You are, you are taking away precious accumulation time from the entire board.

You are the one demanding your gains right now. You are the one being an impatient greedy little fuckstain trying to shill so he can ride a pump to feel good.

I also got into Link early. I've been accumulating for over a year now. I have a huge stack. I'm not done. I will be done when mainnet launches. 300k Link in my ledger? Not enough to be honest. Gotta keep buying. Fuck you for being an impatient worthless little faggot who wants to throw a once in a lifetime opportunity under the bus because you want your gains NOW NOW NOW. Fuck you, you fucking child.


Buying at $1 is retarded. Even if it goes to $1k it's a 1000x sure. Buying at 50c is a 2000x. The cents are what truly matter with Link. You have to get into the lowest cent range to have the biggest multiplyer. Someone getting 100k Link at 20 cents is gonna have so much more out of their investment than someone getting 100k at $1. The difference will be fucking staggering.

>> No.11548971

I like my portfolio looking green so im gonna shill the fuck out of chainlink to normies.
>muh accumulating
reminder that the price will dump right before the mainnet just like all the other projects. you can accumulate then poorfag.

>> No.11549007

chainlink is not like other projects mate. price can't dump "right before" because we don't know when it is. They will just announce all of a sudden that it is live like they did previously

>> No.11549708

hes a NEET this is his one way out

>> No.11549724

They're obviously not very intelligent then

>> No.11550467

Ah it’s you the crypto oracle. As I said recently, you are doing god’s work anon.

>> No.11550516

no hes not. He trying to get e famous taking shit from /biz/ and shilling at the same time. looks like a faggot to me

>> No.11550544

says the dumb bitch who still uses crest whitening strips to bleach her asshole at home in her garage.

>> No.11550583
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ahh did i hit a nerve?