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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11546276 No.11546276 [Reply] [Original]

>Post stats
>/biz/ rates you and tells you where you can do better

35k in the bank
60k a year salary
No student debt and have my bachelor's and master's
Unfortunately only been saving since May of 2017 when I graduated and got my masters

>> No.11546311

>30k bong in bank
>70k bong in crypto
>student debt (note in the uk it's basically like a higher tax rate on graduates)
>3rd year of degree at good uni, done exceptioanlly well and applying to Cambridge, ucl, imperial and my current one for masters
>saving since 13, "1 percenter" for age self earned since 14

Great salary, money in bank not shit but pretty mediocre (unless you have a house paid off)

>> No.11546312

1.4MM in the bank
100k a year (after tax)
No Debt, No Degree

>> No.11546320

Is that a guy?

>> No.11546356


>> No.11546363

probably making it
what is "the bank." whatever you're doing don't let 35k sit idle at age 29

probably making it even though i hate crypto as it currently exists

obviously making it

>> No.11546469
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1.2m invested.
$300k business income yearly.
BA degree, no debt.
320 lbs.
BBC porn addiction.

>> No.11546521

>$300k business income yearly.
w-what kind of business?

>> No.11546551

>3k in bank
>11k in crypto
>stable job in my field but I have too much free time and are bored. Thinking of switching
>only need to write my bachelor degree thesis to graduate but not motivated so will probably drop out soon
Europoor btw so I think I'm doing decent

>> No.11546594

>US$13k in the bank
>$45k in crypto
>Earn ~$40k/year freelancing in crypto
>Receive Bachelor's in Compsci and Econ in June 2020
>0 debt

but also spend way too much money a year on stupid shit

>> No.11546603

100k in bank, 10% of that in crypto, 13k stinkies
67k a year salary
No student debt
PhD in neuroengineering, doing a postdoc


Stats are low desu bc I'm doing a career I love. I had to save and invest the money I had super diligently to even get where I am. Research isn't the most lucrative but I'm doing what I want with my life and I love it so much.

>> No.11546612

38k linkies, - 4000€ in the bank, i'm fucked, gonna start working the 1st of dec for 800€ a month, fuck this shit country, still shit even with the jewish €

>> No.11546613

Your health is priceless. Take better care of yourself, c'mon

>> No.11546634

nice salary, gj on the no-debt

wp if not larp. You got a goal in life? Don't wanna let your soul rot.

That's way too much in crypto for your net worth, crypto should be ~10%, never more than 50% if you're absolutely insane. Finish your degree you idiot > muh motivation, just do it or all that time/money is wasted.

Also too much of your net worth in crypto, gj with no debt as well though

>> No.11546656

>800k in the bank
>own a house
>no job
>no degree

>> No.11546689

who dat

>> No.11546693

>75k in crypto (which is a lot in my shithole country)
>dropped college to trade full time
>addicted to masturbation
>absolutely no self control
>sit at computer all day trading and procrastinating to do evereything else

>> No.11546695

All in crypto here
1k in bank
45k in crypto
nothing else

>> No.11546714

I don't know how you do it, this shit would terrify me.

>> No.11546725

26 years old with only 10k mostly in crypto. No debt, Making 47k after recent raises. Only stopped spending like an NPC this year.

>> No.11546745
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5'10" 228lbs
405lb deadlift
330lb squat
280lb bench
190lb overhead press

>> No.11546778

But what about your money anon?

>> No.11547583

>made about 120.00$ in october
>no job
>almost 400k debt

wish I was larping

>> No.11547634

How? Maybe we can help.

>> No.11547672

>living at home in parents basement apartment
>"work" from home on mturk making $20-$30 a week, never had a "career"
>$94K student loans no degree, $12k credit card debt, $9k personal loan
>811 LINK, .0012 BTC, $19 in savings

all in all it could be worse. I know I could be doing better but I'm doing a fuck ton better than most of my friends.

>> No.11547683

>all in all it could be worse.

I mean you could have cancer I guess?

>I know I could be doing better but I'm doing a fuck ton better than most of my friends.

How could they possibly be more fucked than you?

>> No.11547698

120k stocks
some crypto on a ledger that locked me out 500-1k
1 btc
shit ton of silver
12k cash
shitty part time job $150 wk
and a real shitty attitude

>> No.11547703


>> No.11547722

$300 in the bank
$6K in crypto
No job no degree
$40k in debt

>> No.11547775

Dude you need some new friends

>> No.11547786

Master's degree

>> No.11548562

What do you research anon

>> No.11548622
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2K bank
0.5K crypto
3-4K personnal fablab
No debt
Aerospace student wanting to setup my own business in the long term.

>> No.11548721

$2k in bank
$30k crypto
$45k combined student loan and cc debt
$50k wages
The plan is to be debt free in a year and keep snowballing crypto.

>> No.11548794

>about 8k in crypto, no other savings
>40k debt in a meme degree

made bad choices in life, just leaning cs+math on my own these days while i wagecuck part time. Sucks falling behind but at least action has been taken

>> No.11548867

acknowledging mistakes means you're doing better than most.

>> No.11548983

1K bank
0.5K stocks
3K Crypto

around 3K in growing student debt.

>> No.11549122

>2k in bank
>1k worth of silver
>1k in crypto
>3k in mutual fund

I got a really bomb credit card with free flight miles. No debts, and recently achieved my pilots license.
Also have this nifty GI Bill to pay for housing and the rest of my pilot certifications in Cali. Comfy for my age.

>> No.11549135

>learning things on your own
Good luck getting a job without the piece of paper

>> No.11549164

Funny, one of them had cancer, that's what I was jokingly referring too. He had his spleen removed and now it literally sounds like his life is permanently fucked. desu, no amount of money would make that feel better and it really makes me feel better about my situation.

the others have no parents to live with and are making minimum wage slowing slipping into a black whole of credit card debt to make ends meet feeding biracial step sons.

this is true, but in my experience successful people don't want to befriend boring, bitter neets who never leave the house. at least my friends serve the purpose of making me feel better about myself and giving my parents something to point to so they aren't totally crushed at how much of a disappointment I am.

>> No.11549314

> go to military for free because like being told what to do and it's free
>come out with $2,000
>Go to college for free because see 1, free being told what to do
>graduate college and get told what to do except for money
livin' the life

>> No.11549366

45k in the bank
104k a year salary, 18k bonus (if granted)
Associates degree and half a bachelors, no debt.
I've been saving since 21, car took a big portion of it last year when I relocated for work and needed to get one.

Should I get in on the house meme.

>> No.11549422

>Should I get in on the house meme.

No. It's literally on the verge of collapsing with rising interest rates (at least here in the US)
Wait for it to go low and then invest

>> No.11550169


You're doing the equilvalent of longing btc at 20k ar 5x leverage

>> No.11550205

1.3k in bank
40k yr, wife names around 15k
7k student debt
Only owe 18k on house
Associates degree
3 kids
Can’t get higher paying police job bc I used Weed lsd and shrooms 5-8years ago