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11544140 No.11544140 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do after you find true happiness and meaning in life?

>> No.11544167

destroy it

>> No.11544180


only correct answer

>> No.11544215


Correct. This thread is now closed.

>> No.11544264

there is no true happiness, faggot
Learn some basic biology. We are wired to get used to good things and always strive for more. That's a fact of life.
Ironically that guy in the pic is more consistent with what "true happiness" means than dipshits that spout the "muh money doesn't buy happiness" meme.
Take this from a guy that has what most of you incels on this board want: 9/10 gf (9.5/10 with makeup), virgin when I got her (no cock carousel), no mental issues and shit tests, doing above average financially, decent family and decent inheritance, reliable and loyal circle of friends, etc. All of these things brought me a certain stability and a feeling of comfiness, but it's not true happiness. That only comes when I actually get some shit done, but it only lasts for a short time. Not saying that you should be a slave to your work, cause I'm pretty sure that's not how things work, especially when you haven't figured out the basics of life yet: survival and reproduction. Once you are doing well financially and found a good woman, the next step is finding things that give you those short bursts of dopamine until you die. That's all there is to it. Hell, you could even have a kid as an experiment and teach him everything you know to see what he can achieve. Maybe you could extract some happiness/dopamine from that too.

>> No.11544270

nice essay faggot

>> No.11544271

I can see more natural but not more happy. When you live in a safe world you start to question things and your mind wanders. The whole chasing the carrot only works if you have to struggle for your survival on a daily basis. In today's world it gets depressing fast.

>> No.11544286

>he cant find happiness

>thats proof it doesnt exist

good one

>> No.11544315

But I already have, anon. It's spending time with my siblings and their kids.

>> No.11544328
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>> No.11544333

it really depends who provides the carrot. If you're slaving away for mr. Noseberg I can see how it can get depressing fast, but if you're doing your own shit it should last a long time. We humans have this "bug" in our system that makes us compare ourselves with people of equal or superior status and skill. Technically a middle-upper class guy in the US should stop striving for more cause he's doing better than 99.9% of the world population. Yet, he doesn't because he's a small fish compared to the big boys. Hell even that cunt from Oracle was salty as fuck about Bill Gates being richer than him.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but I think your example applies to a small minority of people and it probably involves some mental issues that make them deviate from our natural programming.

>> No.11544343


>> No.11544354

Build a harem of QTs and breed white children

>> No.11544457
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probably keep doing it then faggot

>> No.11544501


>> No.11545014

Religion-agonistic Spirituality is the ultimate luxury. Focus inward paving way for transcendental meditation. It’s not voodoo magic. It works.

>> No.11545302

Been meditating for a month now. Never felt so at peace. What can I expect in 5 years?

>> No.11545312

happiness or meaning. cant have both.

>> No.11545318

He looks happy while he's chasing the money DESU

>> No.11545324
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The same.

>> No.11545568


>> No.11545581


Love yourselves. You have a choice. It shows that your only real obstacle is your hatred if yourself. If only you would even try to love yourself you would then be able to manage your life better and come to better outcomes.

Why not choose the concepts you want to experience, and then simply focus on them? That is a 6000 year old philosophical/spiritual truth.

>> No.11545587

For instance. If you say "I am so depressed I hate being depressed, depressed depressed depressed" you are focusing and concentrating on the thing you want to avoid. You need to start working towards the thing you want to experience instead (note: not saying "pretend you have it", I'm saying work towards it gradually).

For instance, I am high-stress so I like to do physical activities that burn stress and give positive adrenaline/eustress as it is called.

>> No.11545588
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>> No.11545648

>the more money you have, the less hair you have
wtf this isn't what I signed for

>> No.11546522

But he is right, happiness is a mirage, you just have temporary state of pleasure and satisfaction because really nothing is permanent.
The true goal of life is finding meaning in your existence and leaving a legacy that will survive you even if you are forgotten.

>> No.11546660

>lived a good life
>enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, enjoyed each big score
>accumulated power and status as a result of hard efforts
>only upset because frail body suddenly quit on him, otherwise would have been happy chasing dollars forever

Meat flesh gets tired and eventually fails, therefore oops nothing you achieved ever mattered

>idiot blackpill cope to excuse self for lack of will

>> No.11546668

when im gone im gonna install this shit onto every1's pc's

>> No.11546680

this. why you think buffet does what he does? not like he needs the money

>> No.11546720


https://get.cryptobrowser.site/3803048 ?

>> No.11546831
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He is right about the biological impossibility of happiness, though. Evolution doesn't care a shit, happiness is simply our reward system firing when we do something that furthers our chances of short term survival, or reproduction. That's it. That's why eating too much feels good, and that's why fucking and fapping feel good. To be successful is to subvert that basic drive, sublimate it towards more long-term goals.

Nothing will give you long term, consistent happiness. Its not possible.

>> No.11547043

Sounds about right

>> No.11547058

>What will you do after you find true happiness and meaning in life?


>> No.11547281

this is a pretty good post

>> No.11547318

Fake. My dad has been working hard for almost 40 years and still has no money. So even at the end youre poor.

>> No.11547659

You can do a nice experiment with yourself. With cryptocurrency all of us who have invested and have 1 or more BTC in value, should be millionaires in 2030. (lets assume this will come true - and the chances are not too bad)
So now tell yourself: You know you are in 11 years a millionaire, you just need to wait. Take this mindset as a fact. But do it SERIOUS. And think about it. Say to yourself "Ok, 11 years I am a millionaire ... so what should I do now, because I will get rich for sure".
For me this mindset has changed a lot. I got another perspective and found what makes me really happy and started doing it. Some of it I still need more money, but for the most of it not really. So instead waiting to get rich and then start doing what I like, I am doing it now. And next to follow happiness its also important to avoid suffer (to get rid of bad habits) - instead just follow the next happiness.

>> No.11547716

ok but what if all you've ever liked is competitive games (can't make a living off that) and making money (trading)? I don't know what I would do if I had a lot of money other than not work

>> No.11547740

>fade to black, roll wonder years credits

>> No.11547743

Jesus Christ learn to greentext, essay fag

>> No.11547801

He can give that money to his kids so they can skip steps 1 and 2. And it they're smart about it, they can pass it on for generations. His sacrifice is appreciated, and look how happy he was during the chase.

>> No.11548115
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Good job but beware run on sentences and make sure to indent your paragraphs. Also remember the IEEEC formula (introduction, evidence, evidence, evidence, conclusion). This should lead to 5 paragraphs each one supporting the last and future points. Overall good for the beginning of the semester but make sure to work on it before midterms.
You get a 65/100

>> No.11548149

This. I dont even care about the money. It's like a game for me. It's fun

>> No.11548231

>striving for happiness
not going to make it
happiness is conditional. joy is what you're after (semantics, i know)
i've already cultivated it it, life is peaceful and enjoyable now, even in so called "bad" times

>> No.11548268

dude there's always shit to worry about wtf is your fucking PROBLEM

>> No.11548275
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>9/10 gf (9.5/10 with makeup)

And that's where the larp started. Classic /biz/ poster. 0.5 upgrade with makeup

>> No.11548787

boomer generation 2 electric boogaloo will be born from that kind of mentality.