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11543423 No.11543423 [Reply] [Original]

>bust my ass off from 8am-6pm
>employer pays me a salary
>90% of salary goes to landlord in rent

Seriously, where the fuck did capitalism go so wrong /biz/ where a fucking landlord NEET gets most of my salary?

>> No.11543430

you live in the wrong country my dude

>> No.11543437

Leases, mortgages, and insurance should all be illegal. Renting is fine as long as it's actually renting. So shit like AirBnb is fine.

>> No.11543451


The problem isn't capitalism, the problem is you.

Stop living in that expensive house and find somewhere cheaper. If none of you dumb cucks continued paying exorbitant prices to stay at a house, the landlord would lower the prices. He only charges so much because he knows you cucks will pay it.

>> No.11543453


Two things 1.You retards killed off all the unions and you don’t earn enough to afford a house. 2. Scumlords also decreased the housing supply in cities by buying up dwellings intended to be single family homes and turning them into multi unit rentals, forcing more people to rent making it easier to charge more for rent.

>> No.11543458

I live in London and rent is like £14,000 including fucking council tax. If i lived further away (like 25 mile radius) the railway jew would take even more for travel.

Prices don’t decrease if you live further away once travel costs are considered.

>> No.11543459

Either you live in an incredibly expensive area (by choice) or you have no skills to make your labor valuable.

Move or learn some skills to earn more money, or better yet both. Some cashier at walgreens shouldn't be able to easily afford living in the same house as someone of value.

>> No.11543463

>I live in a city
>Feel bad for me

You do this to yourself

>> No.11543469

cycle to work my dude

>> No.11543477


Haha kek. Glad I didn't fall for the "work in London meme".

In fact glad I wasn't born in the UKuck meme nation.

>tfw saved on average about 90% of my wage a fortnight.

>> No.11543480

There are no fucking jobs outside of the city mate. Working from home is a meme and only worth it if you’re prepared to compete with Rajanpatel from Bangalore for £5 a day

>> No.11543485
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>not renting a penthouse in Athens with Airbnb for $20/day
>not working remote while earning $40k and thus making like 4x the average salary in greece

I pitty you wagecucks

>> No.11543494


Am I to assume that London is like Rapture from Bioshock and only highly qualified experts live and work there? Does the clerk at the petrol station hold a PhD in petroleum engineering? Is the cashier at the supermarket actually the CEO of the company?

How does your city survive being so expensive. I assume there are schools in London. Does the school Janitor travel miles each day to mop floors? How does he pay for that travel?

You must be overlooking some cheap shit areas of London where all the working class fags live mate. Go find it and move there.

>> No.11543503

whats your background. what job u have?

>> No.11543516

That's where it went wrong and where you went wrong.

>> No.11543541

>you have to live in London, look how much higher the average wage is to the rest of the country, don't ask about the cost of shit though goyim

>> No.11543548
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Used to be professional wagie, now frugal landlord NEET. We appreciate your contribution.

>> No.11543559

You are the problem if you think capitalism is immutable.

>> No.11543592

>He thinks living conditions are better under communism or socialism

Anon, I...

>> No.11543656

>everything is black and whiter

You’re a fucking tool and part of the problem. You can have capitalism with checks in place. The antitrust laws is an excellent example even though they are rarely enforced. Trying to have a fair playing field doesn’t require a system wide conversion to an entirely different and economic system. Grow a few brain cells before posting again

>> No.11543701

>Am I to assume that London is like Rapture from Bioshock and only highly qualified experts live and work there?

You are indeed correct with your assumptions. London is an international magnet for highly paid professionals which tends to drive the rent up to Jew tier levels. All the new apartment blocks they are building have rents exceeding £2000 a month.

People who work menial low wage jobs generally live with their parents, flat share or are homeless.

My parents still support me on food and medical bills so I still get to save a few quid for comfiness on my shit salary

>> No.11543718

>He thinks more regulations on housing would drive down prices

Anon, I...

>> No.11543731
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I allways love a good commie rage thread

>> No.11543747

>Regulation 1 no chinks/foreigners may purchase houses

>> No.11543748

People like you destroy society. Fucking move somewhere else. You are living somewhere out of your league and complaining that you can't make it there.
>There are no jobs outside of Beverly Hills! How am I supposed to survive? My garbage no-skill minimum wage job is a unavailable anywhere else!

>> No.11543758
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I lived in London in 1997-2001. I rented two "council flats" for some outrageous prices in North London and Central London. I rented these from older people and they kept them for lifetimes and made a killing off them. Only thing was not to give others or the authorities the suspicion that it was being rented out.

In the US you really can't rent out affordable subsidized housing plus nobody would live in the ghetto. In the UK, I remember britfags were always complaining about never being able to get a council flat because they were given to all the immigrants but it seems the old fags also never gave them up after they became financially well off.

>> No.11543766

Oi, got a loicense for loitering on the steps, guvna?

>> No.11543774

The absolute STATE of londonistan

>> No.11543817 [DELETED] 

Britannia rules the waves!
Britons will never be slaves!

>> No.11543887

Lmao you brought this upon yourself.
t. comfy faggot who works 25 hours a week and keeps almost 60% after all expenses including food

>> No.11543973

If you have a low salary and want to save money then you shouldn’t be working/living in London..

>> No.11543980

Visited London twice and I will never return, what an absolute shithole.
Even Berlin was a better place.

>> No.11544036

I feel this OP, I'm focusing on building up capital and becoming rich so the capital cucks know I can play the game then im going to shit all over their system. Fuck all these faggots telling you its normal and you deserve it, you should not be spending 85% of your waking state working just to provide necessitys for yourself, these people are just bootlicking beyond belief. We are a post scarcity society yet still work most of our lives, our ancestors had enough free time to build elaborate religions and they had to work themselves for literally everything they had, they usually only spent 5-6 hours gathering food and supplies for the next few days though. Dont worry though OP I can play this game real well, the bootlickers will be bottom of the barrel trash like they deserve before I'm out this bitch.

>> No.11544068

I'd like to visit England, but I wouldn't go to shithole London. I'm interested in Yorkshire.

>> No.11544126

the fuck you mean, berlin is awesome and for a capital city its relatively cheap. you're probably salty because you didnt get into bh

>> No.11544148

Its rat race that people themselves threw at for no good reason, reason is :"monkey see monkey do" well thats going to be price if you want to imitate your peers and try to appear as "normal" human who wakes up goes to work for 9 hours and repeats cycle years to come where he basically trades in 2 years of mind numbing work for car then another 2-3 years for gadgets and clothes he doesn't need than another 2-3 years for traveling to places he doesn't want to but he must because "monkey see monkey do".

So yea basically people are putting pressure on themselves they don't have to pursuit this bullshit :more more more mentality, not everything is in money. Years of my life are more important than getting more money.

>> No.11544175

>landlords decreased the housing supply by increasing the supply of housing units
dude what

>> No.11544196

i bet youre overleveraged and going to get liquidated if rates go up any further. pretty funny how you can get over 30x leverage in america for such an expensive item. it really gets a lot of people to do things they have no business doing

>> No.11544476

Add in the fact that speculative real estate and rent seeking do absolutely nothing of value for the US economy yet give insane returns and you can see that people like that are going to have a very tough time in the future