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11540189 No.11540189 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for questions you have about Skycoin.

- Synth is going to debate McAfee in Malta.
- Skywire is close to release.
- Antennas are being developed, both directional wifi and LoRa.
- Binance partnership has been confirmed.
- A college textbook for Skycoin's blockchain programming language CX is being printed. The digital version has been released.

I'll even be nice and answer in earnest to shitposters that hate Skycoin for some reason, if there's any of those even left.

>> No.11540938

What do you think synth and mcafee will be chatting about? I didn't think it was a debate, it's called "the dark side of blockchains". I reckon they're gonna out eos and eth as pedo coins.

>> No.11541016

Guess it could be either. Or maybe more of a dick swinging contest than a direct confrontational thing.

>> No.11541065

From what I've heard the Skywire MVP will launch without metered bandwidth. Will that mean the whitelisting process will remain in tact? How will they distribute rewards during this period?

>> No.11541072

I think a lot of interesting shit is gonna come out of this malta conference. Knights of malta run a fair bit of shit globally and basically the same time the Petro launches.

>> No.11541128

Haven't heard that. As far as I know the core goal of Skywire's launch is metering in coinhours and a coinhour/SKY exchange.

>> No.11541138

That and Synth is already connected to The Club of Rome. So many pieces to all this coming together.

>> No.11541871

>- Synth is going to debate McAfee in Malta.
kek he's gonna get destroyed

>> No.11541940

Yes, I'm sure McAfee won't be his typical burnout cokehead self.

>> No.11541972
File: 104 KB, 800x800, mchainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has been highjacked!

Now is Chainlink Thread.

>> No.11541983
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if we arent mooning before thanksgiving my family is going to be making fun of me for falling for a ponzi all day

>> No.11542003

Your daytrader fantasies don't matter. Whatever you manage to hold on to will yeild well.

>> No.11542552

$800 EOY

>> No.11542581

Can someone redpill me on Skycoin? Right now I realised I'm just like the nolinkers. I've seen sky threads every day for the better part of a year, yet I scroll past and dismiss them as pajeet shill threads.

I live high up in a high rise building on top of a hill. Can I profit from this sinse I'll get good covrage? It's a very small town though

>> No.11542718
File: 2.07 MB, 1344x1249, Screenshot 2018-10-27 at 2.36.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only redpill yourself. Actually read up on it.


Sounds like you're poised to make some decent money. Phones and laptops only reach so far so you'd have to have a more local level meshnet, but you'd be in a good position to be a backhaul provider to those lower areas.

Ideally you could have fellow Skyminer operators buying traffic from you and then fiat gateway points that normies pay $10/mo for.

Pic related is a town of 10,000 so even if you can only get 3% of the fiat normies on board, that's $3k/mo.

>> No.11542844



>> No.11542954

Very, very interesting. This gave me motivation to look closer into this project.


>> No.11543089

How many sky to be a millionaire in 3 years?