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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 271x186, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11536483 No.11536483 [Reply] [Original]

Will this moon before BTC? Soon?

>> No.11536520
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Who the fuck knwos, everyone is fortune teller here and everoyne gets it wrong in the end.

All i know im stacking up sweet 200$ eth again

>> No.11536805

It’s a slow outdated piece of shit, where unlike bitcoin its sole purpose is to power decentralized applications, of which there’s far more competiton now than last year.

There’s novelty in Bitcoin, so it’ll be around even with faster coins. There is no novelty to ETH, you’re left with bags of garbage.

>> No.11536954

If this bear market lasts until sharding is released, then sure...But that's not a terribly good thing.

Maybe the dapps that use state channels will get some traction and maybe plasma will come sooner rather than later, but I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.11536993

No. Eth is a mess.
And now with all those shitty stablecoins (usd and btc!), there's no point in holding it except for paying fees.

>> No.11537324
File: 357 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20181024-155310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH will skyrocket to 5k when USDC is in full swing.

Prepare for the PayPal replacement. I for one will worship the mighty king of crypto, USDC.

>> No.11537352

why is this a big deal? why is USDC better than just USD?

>> No.11537382

I don't see BTC going to 80% market dominance so yes.

>> No.11537414

This makes USD usable in smart contracts. Forget a about paying with ETH or any other crypto. You can pay with USD.

>> No.11537428

Ethereum is a dead project. The only people still holding it are the zealot True Believers who unironically think EOS and every other competitor are scams

>> No.11537446

ETH will moon in bull market yes, 100%

>> No.11537449

You EOS motherfuckers always have to derail every ETH thread

>> No.11537462
File: 123 KB, 1474x586, Screenshot_2018-10-26_05-42-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well when one coin is taking the dominant spot of another it's kind of hard not to

>> No.11537486

Dex dApp dev here - EOS is literally irrelevant. Literally - no-one gives a shit about that platform. It's all about BTC and ETH at this point.
Enjoy holding your bags to 0 - stay deluded faggot

>> No.11537498

I blew you out of the water last night.

Want me to go and copy and paste all of that again? None of those are dapps by the fucking definition.

>> No.11537514
File: 74 KB, 618x581, 1685356353567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of shit has been trading sideways for days. DOOOO SOMMETTHINGGG.

>> No.11537515

t. 30% of my portfolio in EOS

>> No.11537521

I'm a dev as well and you're full of shit. The numbers speak for themselves. Even BancorX sees the writing on the wall.

I wasn't on /biz/ last night faggot

>> No.11537523

>15 transactions per second


>> No.11537545

Then you must know that EOS is a poor man's 1st layer scaling and a cash grab.
At the end it's just another shitcoin - enjoy the ride to 0.

BTW fuck off faggot and start your own EOS bagholder thread

>> No.11537554
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btc is 2x more popular than eth on /biz/


>> No.11537561
File: 52 KB, 769x292, Screenshot_2018-10-26_16-09-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at how emotional and upset these plebbit NPC's get. This is how you know Ethereum is dead.

>> No.11537569

Why would adoption of USDC cause ETH to pop off? What's the reasoning behind it?

>> No.11537593

I have 600 spam transactions in my wallet.

Also show me one EOS "dapp" that fits this actual definition "DApp is an abbreviated form for decentralized application. A DApp has its backend code running on a decentralized peer-to-peer network. Contrast this with an app where the backend code is running on centralized servers."

>there isn't one

>> No.11537595

We're not buying your bags, dude

>> No.11537600

You EOS fags are like vermin - keeps spawning with the same copy-pasted phrases on every ETH thread.

>> No.11537602

It is an ETH token, just like most other serious infrastructure projects out there

>> No.11537616

I really don't see how if you are holding EOS you wouldn't have a bag of ETH too. Betting that one is going to decimate the other when both are trying to serve the same space while neither have any of the promised product is some low IQ shit.

>> No.11537630

See this is what i meant about religious zealotry. You faggots move the goal posts of what you consider a "True Blockchain" so that you never have to acknowledge the fact that EOS is even a competitor. Guess what retard, normies and developers don't care about your arbitrary definitions.


I will only buy back into ETH if/when their scaling solutions appear to be more than just theory and vaporware. As it stands, Ethereum is completely useless. It serves no purpose.

>> No.11537657
File: 131 KB, 1488x893, Screenshot_2018-10-26_16-18-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also shorting this chart would be incredibly stupid.

>> No.11537658

EOS is literally irrelevant.
ETH won the dApp infrastrucutre race, EOS is brings nothing to the table.

Technically its convoluted as fuck, very hard to create any dApp on it. Decentralization is the only thing that matters in this game.

At the end there will just BTC and ETH + ETH sidechains with their superior ecosystem.

EOS is a shit on a stick, even the main EOS guys forgot-his-name is feeding off cheap ETH FUD.

Do yourself a favor and sell your EOS - it's a basic bitch coin.

>> No.11537662

They do care about the definition and that's why no one has taken any fucking notice.

As a developer I look at the space and can see that no one other then bancor launched a real "dapp" and it's fucking horrendous to use. You also say that I say it isn't a competitor and then link my post where I explain that neither have delivered and that they are in direct competition.

You just have low bandwidth faggot. Also I never said anything about "true blockchain" it's that all of those apps are just DNS hosted sites with a single signed "blockchain" feature. Therefore not a fucking dapp by everyones definition other then mongs like you.

>> No.11537678

Well it does bring scaling to the table but no real world players seem to be building on it and it still cost money to start an account which is a huge barrier.

>> No.11537682

>Instant transactions
>Feeless transactions
>Ability for microtransactions
>Ability to use dapps without having a wallet or even understanding what crypto is
Yeah, other than every single ingredient that's required for mass adoption that Ethereum lacks, totally useless.

>> No.11537687

>but no real world players seem to be building on it
What is EOSfinex, BancorX, Everipedia

>> No.11537688

Also it isn't hard to code on at all and has easier future WASM integration due to it being C++ so you are just as bad as the EOS faggot.

C++ also allows for smaller footprint then something like Haskill and you could see easier IoT implementations.

>> No.11537699

dApps are all about second layer, which can be done without direct user interaction with the 1st layer blockchain.

You are clueless about dApps, like most of this board. Just deluded bagholders. I feel sorry for you

>> No.11537725

They paid Everipedia to "build" on it and again it isn't a dapp it's just a website with a token and interest has massively fallen.

There are 6 dexes already and they work fine. No true decentralized market making though

BancorX could be great. I have faith in that project. That still only serves the enthusiast community and there are no major corporations or governments trying to port infrastructure like they are to ETH.

Also, EOS cost money to open a wallet/account AND it is hard to do so why do you think that anyone is going to adopt it in its current state?

>> No.11537736

Dude, EVM uses a compiled bytecode for smart contracts. You can create a programmatic abstraction in any language...

At the end EOS 1st layer scaling is irrelevant - it will not be enough to create a global dApp infrastructure!

EOS sacrifices the most important aspect - decentralization. No major player will trust this platform.

>> No.11537735

That is literally the definition of a standard current app holy fuck

We already defined apps which are entirely built on a distributed protocol.

>> No.11537751

Yeah again I hold massive amounts of EOS and ETH.

You fags are literally retarded. You have no idea what you are talking about and don't seem to understand how to use the ID's to see previous posts.

>> No.11537764

actually makes sense
more convenient and private than sharing banking information.

>> No.11537769

Nope. You are only showing you are clueless about this space.

>> No.11537803

You don't seem to understand at all that l1 is the reason that every major player is putting their infrastructure on ETH. They want decentralization and they want it all on chain and that is why ETH moved all of their core dev resources to sharding and PoS.

You are correct in someways but too fucking clueless to be telling people how it is.

Also your odd copy and paste comment about abstraction is completely wrong because everything is compiled and ran on chain and the accepted set of instructions that it accepts doesn't let you fucking stack Ruby seamlessly on Solidity.

>> No.11537812
File: 82 KB, 842x792, 0mfay069y0x01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no rebuttle
>no definitions

u r clueless hehe

>> No.11537816


by the way, share your thoughts on this

>> No.11537823

Well shit eaters I have a client coming in in 10 minutes. Die poor.

>> No.11537827

No, DAI is the future.

This is just Tether 2.0

Are you drunk? You are not making any points, just a word salad.

Fuck off shill

>> No.11537936

You're projecting again Mr. NPC

>> No.11537952

Literally no one cares about Bancor

>> No.11537985

I hope you suck your client dry this time - I've heard complaints about you!

>> No.11538006

No I just proved you wrong and if you had any actual background in the space then you would have understood.

Bonobo larper btfo

>> No.11538032

>not even a crypto

>> No.11538042

Clean the semen off your mouth before speaking faggot

>> No.11538116


we are all shills one way or the other

this shill is for something that you can use

>> No.11538172
