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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11531772 No.11531772 [Reply] [Original]

I'm on this fucking site over 5 hours a day constantly refreshing and looking for things to throw my money at.

How the fuck do I stop, i'm researching everything people say and most of it is never true, but I always have to check because in the rare time someones right its good info.

I want my life back, but i'm too worried about being poor I cant stay away from /biz/

What the fuck do I do?

>> No.11531791

You have to find the golden ball

>> No.11531794

biz is one of the most dead boards on this site these days... fuck man you should have been here during the height of the bullrun it was like a hundred new posts every few minutes

dunno what you're doing on here for 5 hours a day, this place sucks now

>> No.11531799

switch to a more action oriented place
biggerpockets, ecommerce.com, thefastlanecommunity...
been in the same boat myself and i still struggle to ween off the /biz/ addiction, but this helped me reduce my hours here and do more productive stuff
good luck anon

>> No.11531801
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Can you tell me what it was like?

>> No.11531815
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Im also yet to find it

>> No.11531835
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That's funny I posted that meme earlier today talking about how depressed I was.

>> No.11532078
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Anyone down to bail to 8ch/crypto? It's ded bow but if we started making a couple of quality posts, we could get some discussion going on some coins before shit gets bumped off the catalog by all the bullshit here. This place is gonna be horrendous in the next bull run as more and more normie retards hear about this place. I've made some mad coin from hanging out in this place and my meme folder is chockaz but i want somewhere we can have a decent chat about the space without the noise.

>> No.11533244

I don't mind, less curry now, biz has never smelled better.

>> No.11533321

Well keep it in mind if it turns to shit. Toward the end of the last run up i was looking everywhere for an alternative.

>> No.11533330

Just buy PHR and hodl.

>> No.11533334

Accumulate bitcoins and leave

>> No.11533340

I'm only here for /smg/. I try to filter out all crypto bullshit. Currently 55 threads filtered.

>> No.11533343

This is the true answer

>> No.11533423

100% I'm with you there. I was pretty upset I'd lost my favorite board. Started experimenting with some telegrams and 8/pol/. Nothing felt right. Not sure if /biz/ would survive another bull but at the same time not sure if 8/crypto will ever come to life and even then it could be too focused on crypto, that was part of the problem here.

>> No.11533454



It’s obviously LINK. It’s passed through every level of the autism filter on here and we are still excited by it more than a year later. If you’re on this board 5 hours a day and still looking for the next big investment to blow up this is as good an opportunity as you’re going to get.

What would it take to make you feel comfortable in your investment? You sound like the kind of overly emotional crybaby who hesitates to invest in anything until it’s too late. The signs are all there, it couldn’t realistically be more obvious

>> No.11533472

It’s like you have google maps, signposts, fucking smoke signals and you’re still going WHICH WAY DO I GO?

>> No.11533485
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>tfw I know exactly what it is
>tfw biz is always too retarded to see it
>tfw biz will be late to the party, AGAIN
>tfw sitting comfy, no stinky linkies necessary

>> No.11534497 [DELETED] 
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I was like this from pretty much February til August or so of 2018. It stems pretty much from desperation and regret of getting back to your ATH from January.

Refreshing biz nonstop and on it all day. It has definitely died down. If you want to stop, you kind of have to just "let it go". You're not going to find that golden nugget. Those days of somebody shilling Antshares or something before everyone else and you making sick gains are over.

Everyone knows about crypto now and it's pretty apparent that it is a ponzi

> muh tech
> muh new internet

all nonsense. Maybe a few projects will change the world in 15 years but we deep down dont give a shit and just want to make gains.

I made a thread ranting about how I regretted not selling in January many months ago (still think about it) and an anon told me to calm down, and read the books Market Wizards and reminiscences of a stock operator. I highly suggest you check those out and remove your biases on what you think about markets.

Right now you're going to have to get gud. You have to get out of that gambling mindset. And you also have to take control. Right now you feel hopeless because you are browsing biz waiting for that golden nugget but you have no control over what you're putting your money into or trading it. You're just essentially gambling, like we all did last year. But those days are over.

I'm sure you are ignore what I am saying because you are a degenerate gambler and have your own biases, in which case keep on being frustrated. But this is the part where you educate yourself on how markets work, and specifically, trading (yes trading...BUT MUH TA DOESN'T WORK ITS JUST DRAWING LINES HURR DURR) (protip: there's more to it than drawing lines.)

Also if you really want to open your eyes, listen to this audiobook:


I know you'll probably ignore this but some anon helped me out through my frustration and I'm trying to do the same for you good luck

>> No.11535009

heard of covesting? that shit is gna make me a fucking millionaire

>> No.11535230

>you should have been here during the height of the bullrun
this board started dying in june 2017 when the pajeet flood started. after increasing for half a year it reached its pajeet aids peak at the height of the bullrun. i didn't even bother posting anymore, just came here to laugh about the delusion and the fact that most of the retards would lose their money because they had no idea what they were doing

>> No.11535260

I need you to listen to me, OP. This will sound stupid because it's at a high right now, but you will need to load up on COSS now for 2019. Yes, I know they were a disaster for most of the year. No, I didn't buy high. I waited, and watched, and saw the price drop down further and further. But behind the shit, underneath the feces-covered UI and the pajeet-level code, lies an exchange that's about to get one of the best APIs on the market. And APIs mean volume. Load up now or regret it. You have until Monday.

>> No.11535281

how does it take five hours to read a board this slow? learn to read nigga

>> No.11535309

pls tell

>> No.11535376

Isn’t link a meme to make newfags lose their money? I’ve been here for over a year and I’m still not convinced link is a real project.

>> No.11535526

I’m still not convinced this is a real post

>> No.11535979

me neither

>> No.11535998
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>Look at me I'm so cool - it's everything around me that sucks.

>> No.11536014
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>> No.11536047
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>> No.11536136

Last few months, I’ve been focusing my time and efforts on one project. There’s always a worry about missing out on the the next big thing, but spending time learning the deeper aspects of the a single project can me more beneficial than spreading yourself thin over multiple projects. Of course, it helps if that single project is a good one. I’m lucky/talented to have found A decent project and some of the things I have learned during my time lurking on the telegram channel that newcomers may miss because they weren’t there at the time things were said and done. That info is very valuable in determine whether a project is the real deal or not

>> No.11536172

Oh and btw, by the time you hear it on Biz it’s usually already too late.

>> No.11536179

this desu, biz is not bad but there are better places to spend your time in the internet

>> No.11536479

thats actually a pretty sick and disgusting picture

>> No.11537598

Alright lads. 8ch when we get flooded by third worlders and shills next bullrun.

>> No.11537894

such as?