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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 431 KB, 360x320, nimiq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11530744 No.11530744 [Reply] [Original]

Lots of low effort threads lately due to the exciting in the price run, here's a breakdown for those who are interested.

Latest news

>Nimiq underwent a soft rebrand, including a new logo (pic related). Team have released a style guide that will be applied to all elements of Nimiq - https://medium.com/nimiq-network/new-visual-identity-e22b4a9b95a4
>Team attended the Web3 conference, had a boat with a banner to a faucet on it. The faucet is still open - https://getsome.nimiq.com/
>Reto Trinkler (cofounder of Melonport) gave a talk on his upcoming Agora.Trade at Web3. Nimiq and Ethereum are the two networks that it's initially being built upon. Trinkler spoke highly of Nimiq at the end.
>Hashrate has tripled in the last two weeks

>whole new browser based blockchain developed in Javascript and Rust
>mining/setting up a node/creating a wallet is completely installation-free
>use NiPoPow sidechains and mini-blockchain scheme to sync in less than 10sc
>whole new address system based on IBAN format so that you can’t send funds to the wrong address because of a typo
>ultra user-friendly design
>algo PoW: Argon2d (memory-hard, GPU and ASIC resistant) with 1 minute block time
>compatibility with Ethereum smart-contracts through HTLC
>Schnorr signatures
>marketcap: <5 millions USD
>ledger support
>able to send NIM to people without an account via Cashlinks
>DEX agora.trade is being made with Nimiq and Ethereum to start. agora.trade is found by co-founder of Melonport Reto Trinkler.

Create your wallet in 20sc (it’s saved locally in your browser):


Vision, Mission & Marketing

One-click windows miner:

Mine for free with Google GCP:

Where to buy

>> No.11531556

Checked. Doing God's work.

>> No.11531771
File: 1018 KB, 1281x1456, 1527112242766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo shop pajeet. No-one is bothered about a coins new logo.
This is a chainlink image board.

>> No.11531860


Another reason this is a fairly solid buy - there is little to no sell pressure. All NIM has either been recently mined or converted from the original NET tokens. Those who have actually taken the time to go through the conversion process will not be looking to sell at the very first minute. The miners might, sure, but that is more common.

TL;DR this coin has no bagholders so won't dump as easily

>> No.11531875


forgot to add that conversion involved some fairly strict KYC too

>> No.11531876

NIMIQ will be $1 by EO 2019. Screencap this normies, Thank me and OP later dont be a wagecuck all your life.

>> No.11531894


I've been saying 2021 (next likely BTC bull run) but I'll take 2019.

>> No.11532197
File: 813 KB, 1397x5682, Nimiq-Roadmap-DEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11532238

That's one ugly ass roadmap image, pajeet tier even.
Tell me this isn't official.

>> No.11532251

Is this gonna dump, or just stay at 40 sats?

>> No.11532262

see the bottom right

>> No.11532288


Might still have another push in it yet. If not, probably go down to somewhere in the 30s since the hashrate has over doubled.

>> No.11532311

None of that shit makes any fucking sense. You just grentexted some buzzwords and technical terms. A browser made from Rust and JavaScript? What the actual fuck? I'm so sick of this pajeet fuck of a board I might just go to rebbit. This place is pure fucking spam and scams, it needs flags at the very least we can filter IPs from India, Brazil and China.

>> No.11532334

>browser-based blockchain

you get it now ? it's not a browser, it's a blockchain in your browser

>> No.11532364

It's a vapourware gimmick sounding thing that 12 year old xoomers will shill to their parents. It makes no fucking technical sense and has no use. No one will ever use this and this thing will be forgotten in under 1 month, just like the 1252 other shitcoin pump scams that are made to look only just believable to gullible retards who don't understand technology so they can put their NEETbux into it.

>> No.11532387

What a moron

Do you understand that THIS is the ultimate normie coin? You don't need to download SHIT. You sync with the whole blockchain in less than 10 seconds. You can mine in your browser. And the team are actually legit, What the fuck do you want? If ADA has a 10 billion market cap with no use case, this should have a trillion market cap

>> No.11532404

yeah, well... that's like... your opinion man.

>> No.11532659

Nobody uses this. Nobody will use this. How fucking autistic are you? PEOPLE USE CHROME AND SAFARI, some poor bastards use Firefox and that is IT. The next closet browser is fucking Internet Explorer for all the WindowsXPjeets out there.

Do you really think someone is going to change browsers to be rewarded some $0.001 meme token they don't even understand? How the fuck are you even thinking? Why are you such an autist?

>> No.11532699

Imagine being so fucking dumb, that you ironically don't understand how a normie even works or what they like/are used to.

>> No.11532741

Change browsers? Are you retarded? It works in any browser.

>> No.11532746

>Do you really think someone is going to change browsers

look everyone: a retard !

>> No.11532766

it shouldnt dump, because its pumped because someone bougth 14 million nims and that person imediately withdrew from the exchange

>> No.11533051

did you mix up bat and nimiq? nimiq works in a browser rajeet.

>> No.11533056

any browser*

>> No.11533082


People on /biz/ fudding something when they have no idea what they're even talking about is the ultimate bull signal

>> No.11533122
File: 88 KB, 288x836, boomerfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to know I've made it.

>> No.11533240
File: 181 KB, 1462x1462, Kek2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of that shit makes any fucking sense.
Not our fault you can't understand some baby tier terms you fucking nigger, the project is trying to cater to the extreme left side of the Bell curve but I guess that with retards like you some bridges in this direction just cannot be crossed.

>PEOPLE USE CHROME AND SAFARI, some poor bastards use Firefox and that is IT. The next closet browser is fucking Internet Explorer for all the WindowsXPjeets out there.
>Do you really think someone is going to change browsers to be rewarded some $0.001 meme token they don't even understand?
What are you talking about you fucking ape? You don't need a new browser, it's already integrated in the existing one, that's the whole fucking point, it's completely installation free.

>> No.11533487


You had me until Dero

>> No.11533527

Is it work place safe? Will it get me flagged for anything?

>> No.11533684


Can't see why not, there's no ads or anything. Boss might not appreciate you browser mining though.

>> No.11533748

I don't know is botnet mining a work safe thing?

>> No.11533855

you were right. it was going down and guess what, it pumped again.

>> No.11533861
File: 96 KB, 865x762, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.11534180

Volume is dying off again. We'll probably see low 30s by Sunday. Miners dumping and pajeet traders that bought at 70 sats cutting their losses