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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11530728 No.11530728 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11530749

all of the above

>> No.11530755

who is this 4chain?

>> No.11530756
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 188430F3-DA1A-4F6D-970A-0B516F90F563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re projecting. I might be a pervert, but I’m rich and not at all desperate.

>> No.11530757

i guarantee you biz has more savings than 95% of us families, and by biz i mean the people that shitpost for fun not the pajeets that are hired to shill idex coins.

>> No.11530759

Reddit is down

>> No.11530760

kkkkkkkkk i understand you, my friend

>> No.11530776

This life is very complicated. I made this post because I felt alone! We are together, friends

>> No.11530785

typing error

>> No.11530804

There is an essence of my soul that is missing. Sometimes I just feel like running up a mountain in my underwear with a mask at night while on a very powerful amount of psilocybin while listening to some smooth music. I think I'm just insane. 4chan stops me from doing these things.

>> No.11530819

I'm too sad. Invest all my income in vechain ... now I'm unemployed and out of money. I'm fucked by greed and stupidity

>> No.11530833


very good, man! be strong...

>> No.11530836

I like the cut of your jib malakoy

>> No.11530838

sometimes it feels like a therapy being here

>> No.11530857

I mean, if you’re isolated and not harming anyone, doing that could be therapeutic...

>> No.11530898

Why would you stop yourself from doing that?

>> No.11530921

Bitcointalk is too difficult to read on my phone and the crypto subreddits are dead so I have to browse this piece of shit nazi website

>> No.11530925

Fuck off commie

>> No.11530927

that seems fine honestly

i get weird impulses like that occasionally... i took my trash out last night at like midnight and heard distant music down the street so i just started walking over there (like a block or two) was just some kids having a party or something, so i kept walking, ended up going through a park and into a neighborhood i'd never been to before, looked at my watch and it was like 1:20AM so i'd be out for over an hour, then realized i had nothing but my boxers on (had only intended to go outside for like 30 seconds to throw away garbage), really shook me like it was as if i was in a trance or something for that hour. Hadn't had any booze or drugs so i dunno, really odd.

Anyway point is just do w/e you want as long as you aren't hurting anyone, no one cares. No one even really saw me on my escapade, or if they didnt they didnt approach me or say anything

>> No.11530931

It's like you start your life thinking you're special and then begin to realize that your just the same as everyone else, but then you realize your limits are only set by yourself in our era and you can literally do whatever you want and you truly are special, it's liberating to set your mind on an insane task and complete it, by virtue of thinking it and just doing it you have created a bizarre experience, skill or trait that few people in the world will ever have. 4chan is a different version of this to me, it's a bunch of people who are trying to achieve something very vague by sharing ideas and concepts, we critique everything in every way we can think of and one idea leads to another which leads to another which sets off a chain reaction, potentially they lead to positivity or toxicity and once you can maneuvre through the web of ideas and find your path you're never leaving.

>> No.11530950


I will do it. But I'll remain anonymous while doing it.

>> No.11530954

> 4chan is a different version of this to me, it's a bunch of people who are trying to achieve something very vague by sharing ideas and concepts, we critique everything in every way we can think of and one idea leads to another which leads to another which sets off a chain reaction, potentially they lead to positivity or toxicity and once you can maneuvre through the web of ideas and find your path you're never leaving.
based. redpilled. and upper-cutted.

>> No.11530973
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i've been on 4chan since 2005

i now work in tech and run a company and come here for the lulz

i'm also alone : (

san francisco, new york city, they all suck

i don't have autism but i'm a schizoid

things are tough, so 4chan is a good outlet for a genius level iq like myself *tips fedora*

>> No.11530981

>oh no drumpf

>> No.11530985

I see. That's enough 4chan for me.
I'll be ready for tomorrow, whatever it brings.

>> No.11530992

that's not true
there are whales with thousands of bitcoins posting here

>> No.11531018

Sometimes during my wage slave week I think to myself.
Wouldnt it be nice to hustle in the public like all the beggers?
I ride the same bus every morning at the same time, with the same people going to their same work.
How about I start a little comedy show in the bus every time I enter at that one station people will have a small laugh every day in the morning.
I could tell a different joke each morning.
Maybe people will like it and enjoy their bus ride to work and have something to look up to in the morning.
Maybe I will make friends this way. It is no use to only thing in a negative way about your life. You have to give a little without getting something back sometimes.

>> No.11531034

Here I feel free! We speak whatever we want, on any subject, without judgments, without frills. I love all of this. We can be real here.

>> No.11531062

I came to biz for financial advice and to look for crypto informations. Found them.
Just by an accident seen nimiq shill 5 months ago. Accumulated over 700k nimiqs for free. Earning almost 700$ fo each 0.001$. Fell pretty comfy desu.
Autism can be powerful
And for frens, u guys only matter in the end

>> No.11531083

There are limits. Sometimes we don't put out our ideas in fear of being corrected, there are truths that stay in the back of our minds we will never post because exposing them to another human and having a reaction to it might actually change us as a person subconsciously and we know it. A lot of us have plans that we're not following but still hold sacred. I'm a crazy person who masquerades as a normal guy. I assume some of you are the same.

>> No.11531102

I'm pretty sure it comes down to:
A. Total freedom of speech, aside from spam aka speech used as a weapon having nothing to do with the content of it
B. The kind of personality that's drawn to here
It may well be personality astrology, but I feel like I see a lot more INTJs/PS on here than in the broader population

>> No.11531122


>> No.11531140

Do not >reveal your worst secrets here

Its pseudonomous

>> No.11531212

We are not real here. We can only be real face to face. There is no pressure to be real here. So none of us will be real. The way I type is the way I think, but it's not the way I talk. Or act. Or posture myself. There will always be barriers between people. Ive fapped to a lot of weird shit, watched a lot of crazy gore, and I thought I was a fucked up 4channer incel. I've now realized that a lot of the /b/ insane faggotry is due to a lack of stimuli from the outside world. For me personally it was my fear of being rejected by people in general that made me avoid them. But once you grab life by the horns and take control of what you want, everything is great. This is all my opinion. I'm a very outgoing guy nowadays, I used to be a bitter shut-in chronic masturbator. I've browsed this site since I was 13. Why am I telling you this? Because you asked. This website keeps very peculiar people. A good majority of them I would never want to be friends with. Lots of people here are dysfunctional socially because of their huge inflated egos.

>> No.11531229

Where else would we fit in?

>> No.11531250

good answer my friend

>> No.11531267

I resent the accusation that my sexual peccadilloes are in some way a perversion. Blacked dot com may be a meme, but wives in glory holes dot com is far superior

>> No.11531285


>> No.11531304

and then i go to sleep and forget all this shit tomorrow until after my day and nights done and im on my bed with my phone...about to sleep...with a nagging urge to open biz in an incognito tab

>> No.11531310


>> No.11531318

fuck off namefag

>> No.11531344

I feel you buddy. I have zero outlet for honest intellectual conversation IRL because my family are all self-medicating liberal dipshits whose comprehension of the world ended with Hillary's loss in 2016, and all my social acquaintances are all superficial nitwits. Not autistic either but definitely on the schizoid spectrum. Probably anybody who uses /biz/ for at least 1-2 hours every day falls into some category of head case. People IRL can be so fucking dulled and numbed to what's happening, it's surreal and the only outlet a lot of us find to share this perspective is on here. It sucks but in a lot of ways, /biz/, twitter subcultures, groypers, w/e your thing is, is all you have to cope with the banality of it all.

>> No.11531359

INTP here

>> No.11531373

You should actually do this though. What do you have to lose? You will come down from the trip regain your ego and learn something new from it. Stop fearing the mental void, literally run towards it.

>> No.11531378

enjoy people and don't expect anything from them... """""Normal""""" people will surprise you at how deep they can be sometimes, just because their views or values don't correlate with yours doesn't mean they are to be dismissed entirely...

>> No.11531394
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That's a nice way of putting it. Reminded me of pic related said by anon in Link thread earlier tonight.

>> No.11531405

very interesting idea, thanks

>> No.11531406

Drumpf is a kike

>> No.11531448

I've met some people through odd jobs who probably have never heard of 4chan but do exist on some kind of altered mental plane that is deeper spiritually, culturally, etc., in some way, and those people are unexpectedly a boon to your life. As for the kids I went to high school with, many of them may have some intuitions about the future, but they don't engage in thinking about it to any serious degree that might force them to adapt or change themselves. 4chan and internet subcultures can thus be a more effective vehicle for raising your consciousness, if your primary social milieu is preoccupied with nostalgia and backwards-looking.

>> No.11531527

Most of it is them wanting to appear as something. Projecting a self image they think is approvable to the general public. They craft it not just to please but to attract certain types of people. Their real self is hidden under layers of false and true beliefs that you can poke and press and figure out whats real..

>> No.11531566

its not as easy as it sounds though, you have to genuinely want to know what they think anything else is condescending and rude

>> No.11531605

Contrarian thinking attracts me here
We are pretty much living in the matrix at this point. Finding others who see this and are aware of it is nice
Conversations that reside closer to how reality actually is can occur

Video is related to how all of us are somewhat NPCs though many of us are trying to break the conditioning/programming or at a minimum rewrite the programming

>> No.11531625

But can you explain the memes and shitposting?

>> No.11531717

Not sure if I buy into what that guy says but an interesting thing I read in a book was that people mostly North American people are similar in personality based on the media they consume. Basically everything you watch, have done before, have heard or seen happened, that is specific to your region is what will influence your actions and decisions, I guess what my point is if you can somehow distance yourself from that aspect, you can "rewrite" your "programming"

>> No.11531725

Original memes could be considered conscious creative expression. A lot of them and a lot of the posts are just plain trolling == provocation for it's own sake.
Humor is also a huge part as well.
Then of course there are actual discussions (sometimes) of the genuine sharing of information or ideas

>> No.11531736

Part of the culture of trying to one up each other by being edgy

>> No.11531753

>Most of it is them wanting to appear as something.
That's just it. We can't not appear as something than what we truly we are because social situations demand. You put on a smile to coax someone into liking you to build up your social cache to eventually motivate to do something you want them to do. People are more and less effective at doing this. Peeling back layers of appearances, you just arrive at the base human desires and can expect the craftsmanship of its machinery, i.e. how well the person has adjusted it to suit their purposes (presupposing that they have set out purposes for themselves). The crying wojak meme holding a smiling mask up to its face distills this. Everything else is just random cultural mutations.
I guess my issue here is that most people lack the self-awareness to even understand that they put on appearances on social contexts, mistaking what they believe they're supposed to do and say with how they truly are, resulting in a jumbled abortion of humanity.

>> No.11531770

*inspect the craftsmanship
full of typos b/c 1am posting and tired after long day of work.

>> No.11531793

Can I be your friend?

You seem really smart and im sad and alone because everyone makes fun of me.

I was born with -9 vision and my glasses are so thick they are funny to others.

I am serverly blind but people don't care and they walk all over me like i'm dirt.

>> No.11531800

memes are some kind of interface with the future. would you have believed it three months ago if someone told you the NPC meme, still lesser known even on /biz/ would've provoked a mass ban on twitter and coverage in the NYTimes? 4chan is a breeding ground for internet kultur. It is shaping the future in trivial and not-so-trivial ways and much to the dismay of everyone else.

>> No.11531826
File: 12 KB, 159x326, Gtfeelsguyyyoumean_cec1ac9df7efc934f5f80616a51b6e6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a beter wojak

>> No.11531847

Yes anon ;)
Don't feel sorry for yourself. Remember that in the Feudal ages your parents probably would've dropped you as an infant from some rickety bridge into an untamed river. Realize that we live in a time when virtuality is overtaking people's minds and you can don any personae, say and think anything you want, from behind a computer screen. You'll get over the bullying. Elon Musk was apparently beaten up so badly as a kid for being the reddit weirdo he is that he sustained multiple head injuries.

>> No.11531917

I think is that the masks are actually defense mechanisms that humans have built in to protect themselves from sociopaths. In my experience once people begin to enjoy your company their real beliefs start coming out and you get glimpses into deeper layers. So anyone you may think is not self aware may actually be brutally self aware and are too timid to come out of their mask for fear of being attacked or manipulated.

>> No.11531936
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>its not as easy as it sounds though, you have to genuinely want to know what they think anything else is condescending and rude

I started losing that ability 6 months after my first psilocybin trip. I remember actually caring what someone's thought process was, but as soon as you start caring about that, that's when you realize how self-obsessed and insensitive most people are. Just because you're normal doesn't mean you're not a piece of shit in the grand scheme of things.

At this point I'm extremely distant, unhappy, insecure and alone. I'm 23, bought my first apartment, have decent job prospects and I don't want to have anything to do with people for now unless I have to.

>> No.11531987

Yea some people are actual dickheads but I am certain good people exist. But a lot of things are situational though.. You'd have to deduce that they'd repeat that behavior with other people. For example if a child stole candy from a store but would never steal out of their parents purse versus one that would steal from their parents are two very different people. But its situational as well..

>> No.11532028

2008. What are your symptoms for schizoid? Sever?

>> No.11532059

yes humanity is full of subhuman NPCs who cares about them.

>> No.11532062


>> No.11532086
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I agree, all I'm saying is that there's only so much empathy/understanding to go around within one person unless that man literally has no ego. If you want to help others by being "a battery", you'll need to recharge at some point if you want to keep helping them. So you can't be there for everyone all the time without receiving at least some understanding in return. At least I couldn't.

Sorry if I come across as cynical. For the record, I'm not saying I gave up on humanity, just that up until now no one has been able to help me back in the same way, so I need to learn how to "recharge" myself by improving myself first.

Otherwise I will never be able to help others and turn this hellhole into something less evil.

>> No.11532095

Because anonymity produces the truth

>> No.11532121

I just came here looking for new rage comics in 2010 desu