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File: 14 KB, 400x400, NRV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11528844 No.11528844 [Reply] [Original]

Last chance to buy Nerva under 1200 sats, and CMC isn't on the tables yet.

Nerva is one of the best projects in crypto.

Read this : https://blog.turtlecoin.lol/archives/cn-adaptive-nerva-and-the-quest-for-fair-mining

If you can't see that this is one of the most unique tests in the space right now, and aren't hoarding this like you do BTC, I think time will show you to be a fool. Speculation alone will drive this to 25x from here, in short order.

I know a lot of you have pretty weak-hands. Many of you are new. Many of you will sell early. Much too early. So many don't realize, that thousands of people bought Monero for 30 cents....that was at a 4M market-cap. If it's money you're after, this emissions ending lines up perfectly around the halvening, and people will be looking for something interesting then, too, as they always do. This shit's not just going to die. If you think it will, then you'd be well to do to remember the last time crypto "died". Monero became king, slowly. This will happen again.

The Nerva market-cap is barely 500,000, and it's not even on CMC yet...and there's plenty of space for creativity in the privacy space. I still can't believe this is that low. It doesn't matter that it's a fork. Forks succeed. This will too.

This will pull a 0xBTC style run (10x) upon CMC. The run-up will begin before then.

Regardless :

SUPPORT originality in crypto. 90% of the space does not use Tradeogre. You are still very early. Buy Nerva. Keep some until 2021. If a dark-net spot opens for buying things, USE IT. However, do keep some for a few years. ;)

Nerva is focused on actually being decentralized. Yes XMR forked to change algos, but to another GOU friendly algos. People have huge GPU farms, it’s not much better than ASICs. Nerva is pool resistant (good) and CPU mineable only (even better). It’s a true, private crypto. If you haven’t bought in yet then you’re 100% retarded.

Don’t be a fool


>> No.11528886

If this breaks the previous resistance of 1200, it's game fucking on for a 2-3x before the inevitable CMC listing, twitter and youtube shills.

>> No.11528921

939 sats

>> No.11529024

I only have 1000 :'( wanted to keep accumulating over the next few months

>> No.11529156

1,000? Jesus Christ, anon...that's like...$50. O_o If I still had 500K I'd triple your stack for you, for the keks.

At least crack 10K FFS. Sorry you are so poor.

>> No.11529187

Hahahaha yep, student life.. do what I can

>> No.11529200

Dude, you are going to hate yourself when that only turns into like $150 at best. That's not even anything to mess around with.

No-shill.....try and buy more than $40 fucking dollar-e-doos worth of this ASAP.

Wew, lad.

>> No.11529213

I mean, short term. Mid-term this will absolutely 10-20x, long term, much more, but hurry the fuck up. Every 50% if your missed chance at thousands later.

$40! Jesus....I've seen some poor motherfuckers, but why even bother with that amount.

>> No.11529496

Slowly creeping up the front page of Ogre.

>> No.11529606

This should eventually hit Nerva's volume once we break 1200 sats.

>> No.11529609

DERO'S* volume.

>> No.11529656


I'm not sure people have the patience to mine this though, I've been mining it for a week now and haven't found a single block.

>> No.11529695

I think you know what that means, anon.

>> No.11529807

Lift-off. 1000 sats incoming.

>> No.11529817

WOW. Why the fuck didn't I buy the dip. Reeeee

>> No.11529841
File: 8 KB, 259x194, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATH incoming?

>> No.11529965

1000 SATS BREACHED. 3 BTC BUYWALL ABOVE 1020. This is it.

>> No.11529978

Holeeeeee fuck.

>> No.11530029

This wall isn't getting fucking pulled. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.11530103

Holy shit, based NERVA whale. Thank You.

>> No.11530153

If we pass ATH today I am buying a boat.

>> No.11530220

Why are you faggots not talking about this?

>> No.11530256

Some day you'll listen.

>> No.11530283

3btc order! So great.

People see enough of a good buy here that they are throwing down almost $20kUSD at a time? That's not play money any more. That's folks that know a good investment when they see one.


Shoulda bought at the 600satoshi dip! Taking off

>> No.11530285

So glad I bought into this yesterday. Still 50x or more easy

>> No.11530316

look at all you fucking discord shills KEK

>> No.11530323

It's kinda lame that it's almost completely mined already though. It's been out for like less than a year and already 60% mined? Can't wait for the early miners to REALLY start dumping lol. They must have literally millions of these.

>> No.11530340

>>he thinks we're discord shills.

Poor dude. You're about to be wojak'd

>> No.11530344

They'll probably dump around a 1M cap, or at the peak of a CMC listing.

I've been saying this will follow 0xBTC's path (20x from mid) for weeks. Looks like I'm right again.

>> No.11530461

Laddering up

>> No.11530491
File: 134 KB, 1024x925, 1536625685644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin would have promise if it didn't have the insane immesion rate....all it's good for now is a pnd...it's only a few months old and over half the supply is already mined....gee goly, nice distribution there, fair and balanced for only the ten people who hold 50%

>> No.11530494

Sorry, anon, but you are wrong. Hundreds of thousands have already traded hands from miner flippers. We 50x'ing in 2019.


>> No.11530522

This wall isn't budging. If you aren't buying before the new ATH, you are literally brain-dead.

>> No.11530822


>> No.11530839
File: 8 KB, 237x213, Wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11530860

This is fucking beautiful. Take us to 2000, desu whale.

>> No.11531139

Move up your wall, desu whale!

>> No.11531254

He's not touching it. Fuck, this is something.

>> No.11531260

Just bought in, I hope i'm not too late

>> No.11531308

I think until we hit an ATH, you're good to DCA here and there. I highly doubt this guy will pull his wall. He clearly knows it will eventually hit CMC and pull a 0xbtc, and probably has 100-??? BTC and can be patient.

>> No.11531325


>> No.11531333

Well, it's a good thing you are wrong.