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11521495 No.11521495 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything worse than video games for productivity?
Everyone I know over the age of 21 who plays them often or daily is boring as fuck and have no hobbies or much interest other than wage cucking and video games.

This goes doubly so for consoles IME

>> No.11521523

Exactly how I feel about most stoners and smart drug deludies

>> No.11521541


I agree. Never met one person who breaks that mold. Just arguments as to why it isn't for unproductive people, and correlation is not causation.

when did smoking weed, wagecucking and playing video games to fill every bit of time you have become normie?

>> No.11521554

Vidya games actually arent that bad as long you know when is the time to do it and when isnt.

Have a friend who plays vidya while he is trading, just trades and plays vidya all day basically and had made over 100k on bitmex this year from just doing that srs

>> No.11521578


Not saying there is anything wrong with them. I am more or less saying that people who play them tend to be unproductive. They are UNINTERESTING people. Boring.

Your friend is fine, making money. what could he be doing instead of wasting time gaming? Learning a language or skill? gym?
This post is motivated by seeing many of my friends over the years who still play since teens turn into boring people who rather paly games than do anything else.

>> No.11521598

Yeah but he is already making money by trading, and he stays gaming because he can be sitting at his computer all day and able to make trades on a dime because of it. He plays vidya because it de-stresses him and takes his mind off of his trades while he is in them and not looking at price action 24/7.

Of course like you are saying though, there are some who have no balance and literally play vidya games and nothing else besides wage slave and they are boring and not people you want to be around, which I fully agree with.

>> No.11521650


I half agree anon, if I hear someone in the workplace talking about games it's always some dumbass pleb with shit taste.

Most people who talk about games in public or advertise that they are gamers have the shittest possible taste and only play the newest garbage or worse are into MMO's or some other crap genre like MOBA's.

I play games all the time but I tell no one, when people ask me if I play games I deny it, I don't want to talk about it in public or in conversation. I think people who hide their gaming hobby are more into the hobby that those who don't, and are more interesting people. Just like with films, with games I don't stay on one game or series too long, I constantly go try out new genre's, new series, I play old retro stuff, I play shit tons of 90's games, I play mods, I play mods for old games and new games. I've actually created a few small mods myself, I fuck around in level editors and make my own things. I try doings things like learning the history of a genre and playing it's founding fathers in release order and watching the genre evolve with each game. I try to play 1 game from each year in a decade to try to relive the decades tech advancement. I really love gaming. But no normie will ever understand this. I haven't played a new game since 2012 unless you could an expansion pack to an online milsim.

>> No.11521677

Wow u guys are so cool and interesting !!! U dont play video games wow u must be such an adult.

>> No.11521696


Salty gamer detected.
Grow up, nobody cares about maturity and games anymore. That aint the point. video games are normie tier now, not nerdy hobby anymore.

The time people spend playing them after wagecucking, filling most their free time with games, ppl who dont game are doing interesting shit.
When i meet someone who doesnt game much, mos the time i find out they are gonna have plenty to talk about and do different cool things.

>> No.11521711

>Is there anything worse than video games for productivity?
TV, movies, games, and shitposting here all are abysmal for productivity. But not everyone wants to "make it", some people are content wageslaving until they croak.
My friends are all in the wageslave/vidya cycle and they're still hilarious and fun to drink with.
If you're someone who wants to succeed though, the situation is different. I try to limit video games to 3 hours a day and even that is probably too much.

>> No.11521740


agree. all is filling some time with useless waste. I post on here for example, tht is how i waste my time.

At least I try to make money at the very least. i used to game when iw as teenager. these days i feel like shit if i play more than 15 minutes. i feel like im wasting my time and there is no valid excuse for it. probably something i gotta work though.

>> No.11521748

Why do you care so much what others do to occupy themselves with that you waste time to make and track this shitty thread to stroke your gay little ego.

Go learn 20 languages mr interesting

>> No.11521754

I play games yet I'm more interesting than you, OP. How many languages do you speak? How many instruments do you play? What books are you reading? What countries have you visited? How many operas have you been to? Yeah, thought so. You would be too dumb for the strategy games I play anyway.

>> No.11521779


Why do you feel the need to try tear me down if you are doing something that you don't see as any problem?

Show me one successful person who games in a lot of their free time

>> No.11521834


>> No.11522139
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>> No.11522178
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What do people even mean when they talk about "productivity", or "being productive"? Anyone who talks about it just seems like some gink writing Python code 10 hours a day for a mediocre web app. Trying to get more efficient at make-work bullshit.

>> No.11522271

ps4 god of starwars battlefront 2 here, im tired of carrying garbage lobbies alone and its ruined my productivity...It's not bad but I think its for the exercise of competition

Trading works like this and its a good exercise but don't let it control your life, it hasnt for me but still need to not get so mad at the other players cause sometimes its not your fault you lose a game these days...

But it is only your fault if you are trading,

>> No.11522302

Then play real games ibstead that new tripple A shit which is copy pasted over and over again.

>> No.11522320

Someone who codes 10 hours a day is going to be successful. Even if his first 7 apps bomb, he's either going to make a hit or become so good at coding that companies will beg to pay him fortunes.
If you're playing a game like the Sims, what's the first thing everyone does (besides lock someone in a room with no toilet).
If you're playing seriously you have your character study/work out/practice something nonstop. Then you're rewarded in-game with a nice high salary and whatever else you want. Why not do the same thing in reality?
You don't HAVE to be productive, but at least be aware of the so-called "hedonistic treadmill" that people get stuck on.

>> No.11522348


You’re gonna hit quite a few nerves on this board, but I agree. Unless you play a few games of Fifa or something with friends or family.

>> No.11522370

how about heroine junkies, seems quite bad for productivity.

Also, if the people you choose to hang out with are boring to you maybe it's time to hang out with other people?

>> No.11522377

Play arcade games, not mind-rotting stuff like open world-shit or moba.
Metal Slug is the thinking man's game.

>> No.11522379

>but at least be aware of the so-called "hedonistic treadmill" that people get stuck on.

Doesn't "hedonistic treadmill" refer to your base-level satisfaction being the same even as your station in life goes up or down?

>> No.11522403

i used to game and mindlessly watch tv at all hours outside of wagecucking. I've since cut gaming out entirely, and tv down to when there is something i will actually focus on + watch with others.

That switch definitely makes you a less boring individual - you actually have time for hobbies, go out with friends, go to the gym.. you know, like actually living life instead of sitting in front of screens all the time wasting time. Also not having great time wasters forces you to plan more events and have more life experiences. Worst case if you're bored and have nothing to do, you can actually read? What a concept.

I now regret how much time i've wasted in the past, but it's better late than never to make the switch.

>> No.11522417

There you go, not being motivated might be a huge reason of why these people sink their time into a meaningless passtime.
The blackpill sure is a bitch
However that doesnt mean that playing will make you a failure, obviously you have take responsibility there are lawyers and scientists that are big into gaming
Yes, but I did understand his interpretation
Mobas take a lot of time hence a lot of productivity but if youre going to play something might as well play something where you have to think and be competitive.

>> No.11522436

Mind telling me at what age did you make that switch?

>> No.11522453

Oh you're right. Weird that I learned that phrase but in the wrong context I guess.

>> No.11522459

Wow maybe that sounds depressing as fuck you cant even have 15min playing something without to get depressions. There is something other not right. U loosed ur inner child. Remember always and im already a fucking millionair, Remember the money wont help u when u lost yourself on the way i see it everyday. Didnt u say to yourself as a kid im never going to change urself? What happened? What do u need money when u even cant 15min wasting time.

>> No.11522472

Switched at 27 - was finding that i was getting no enjoyment from gaming anymore and the days/weeks/months would pass in a blur. I had some years where i can't remember any real significant life events, and thought "do i really want to be an old man looking back, thinking about all the days i've slept walked through". Kind of precipitated from a quarter life existential crisis.

Now this switch may not be for everyone if they can find a better balance, but i'm very happy dropping it.

>> No.11522475
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The only time I do it is when I'm talking shit to my buddies and the game is a background activity, which is honestly less than once a week and provides me some tangible social benefit. Otherwise "gaming" as an adult is shit tier.
I had a roommate who is a 28 year old poo who spends his free time playing Fortnite in his underwear and eating burgers. I had to move out because it made me sick. Most of my coworkers are like this too and claim to be perfectly content living geriatric lives in their 20s. Gaming (and more broadly, the culture behind modernization) is a disease bros.

>> No.11522479

I agree with you OP, atleast to a degree. I grew up when PC gaming started, cs 1.3, quake, and all that and was lucky to get a computer with "ok" conneciton around 1999. This made me play a lot during my childhood and I've just met and got to know so many new people during these ~20years so its hard to just ignore it totally.

Obviously I don't play much nowadays, due to career, trading, gf and all that. But I cannot see any problem with playing some vidya here and there, amazing relaxation after a lame day...

>> No.11522493

I get your meaning though - getting inured to a current level of stimulation and seeking more.

I don't even play games like I used to, to be honest. 4chan filled in the time - which can expose you to new information pertaining to the real world, if nothing else.

>> No.11522557

It's incredible how much time 4chan can rob you of.
For me I just realized that my goals require a lot of sacrifice, and it actually feels good to work towards them in place of these things. I try to only browse here if I have little bits of free time between tasks.

>> No.11522593

>I don't care about video games
>Posts a gay ass novel about playing videogames

>> No.11522619

My goal is to make it in crypto just to spite society - to openly flaunt my status as a disgusting antisocial NEET who got rich on the word of other NEETs.

So maybe I'm just a piece of shit.

>> No.11522646

seriously it impacts work performance private life sleep even. it's the fucking worst.

>> No.11522673

The people who make the most money in the world are the ones trying to improve society, not spite it.

>> No.11522679

Alright, I'll bite. You're probably trolling, but this is a discussion worth having. I agree that games can be a time sink. But like anything else, you just have to use moderation. A couple of years ago I was literally hooked on an MMO. Spent all my free time on it and even spent money gear, etc. Once I finally quit, I made a new rule for myself that I'd never play an MMORPG again, and I stuck to it. I think those games are genuinely the worst because it's not really a game, it's a second life. You never run out of stuff to do and there's constant pressure to improve your character.

However, I've always been a fan of fighting games. I'm always playing with friends, so it's a social experience. And unlike MMOs, you can hop in any time, play a few rounds, and turn it off. In my town, we actually have a few bars with console setups so you can hang out, drink and play fighting games. Plenty of normies and girls show up because at the end of the day it's still a bar. I've met plenty of friends, plenty of girls, and got lots of numbers just hanging out at these bars. So to me, games enhance my social life now. It's no different than someone who plays kickball or something on the weekend with friends. Just don't get sucked into lonely, single player games with no tangible real life benefits.

>> No.11522688

Looking down upon how others spend their time in a pointless world with no end goal is just a vehicle for insecure people to elevate their self importance.

my values = good
opposing values = bad

t. has never smoked weed or touched a vidya in 8 years

>> No.11522708

Elon Musk
Btfo faggot

>> No.11522746

Here here, fellow NEET. Fuck society, I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm here to make money and sit on my fat lazy ass.

>> No.11522773

I realized how much time I spent on gaming but don't regret it. Mostly played with other people and even made very close friends that I often meet up with. Now I am at a point where gaming isn't just what it used to be and I am mindful of all the things that waste time. It is not just games but entertainment in general. Of course it's fun to watch some great show and shit post but it doesn't really add much to your life.
Sadly I haven't yet found what to do if there weren't all these distractions. I have started gym and picked up reading but it seems like something is still missing. Also reading feels like glorified time-wasting for some reasons even though I don't read fiction.
I don't know where to go from here and it is frustrating

>> No.11522778

wagie cope basically

>> No.11522885

A coder friend of mine once showed me a video of an exoskeleton device for making the spring motion of the ankle more efficient or something - as if anyone would use that for anything but more efficiently walking to the computer to write code. That's the kind of weird devotion to productivity" I'm talking about - and to illustrate it further, the guy also drank Onions.

>> No.11522896


This fucking filter.

>> No.11522913

listen i like rape and shitting on the street as much as the next pajeet, but this goes too far.

>> No.11522937
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Maybe he just likes making things anon. Why don't you find something you like to do?

>> No.11523482


Nope. People aren't unproductive because they waste their time with games, tv, weed etc., they waste their time with these things because they have unproductive/lazy personalities. Take away x and they will just waste their time with y but won't ever become productive.

>> No.11523532

why is everyone on /biz/ act like a fucking boomer, fuck off with your constant muh productivity meme.

>> No.11523580

I know plenty of interesting people that play video games. I recently got back into video games after not playing for like 5 years so I don't think I fit into that category. I mean, heroin is much fucking worse than video games.

>> No.11523864


Great idea.
We should ban all video games for causing unproductivity. Just imagine how much more money people would earn if they won't be allowed to waste their time on gayyming!
Literally billions of working hours are wasted every year, it's crazy.
We should also ban fiction books, tv and listening to music, because it also unproductive waste of time. Only science and non-fiction books should be allowed. And no shitposting on the internet. Life of every person must be centered on maximizing productivity.
Working, getting fit, sleeping. That's the meaning of life, who needs anything else? Sleep also should be rationed, no more than a couple hours a day, to maximize PRODUCTIVITY.
Just imagine how awesome and PRODUCTIVE your life will be!

>> No.11523913
File: 316 KB, 1770x1053, paradise of productivity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrelated is an example of beautiful PRODUCTIVE PARADISE, full of happiness and meaning.
This is truly a wholesome society, free of degeneracy and UNPRODUCTIVITY

>> No.11523953


wow, way to put words in OP's mouth - it was literally a discussion of if games are a waste of time. nothing was said about legislation you dumb fuck

>> No.11523980

I play osrs watch anime and trade forex and trade/live off my crypto I spend about 12ish hours doing that while 5 hours outside rest time sleeping I like to travel tho I still follow this pattern (hanging in hotels) how do I break it fuck

>> No.11523981

All consumable media is a waste of time, why single out games exclusively?

>> No.11524006

OP is a faggot anyways, hurr durr be more productive when you work a 9-5 job and learn some gay ass language you would never really need a use for so you can impress some shallow normie

>> No.11524010

Not OP, so don't know. everything i've posted is in reference to gaming + tv. and I only shitpost 4chan while i'm working

>> No.11524029


>if games are a waste of time


>> No.11524041

/pol/tard found, way to go full retard

>> No.11524061
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>> No.11524064

i do what i want during my free time. gaming, reading, projects, lifting, combat sports, hiking, drugs. idgaf what other people do in their free time

>> No.11524096



>> No.11524141

This is middle school tier logic. The people who make the most money in the world murder political opponents by hacking the computer in their car and slamming them into a tree at 130 mph. They turn a country into a war zone and slaughter millions to stop the one guy on top. They put chemicals in drinking water to feminize men and masculinize women.
>improve society
Give me a fucking break. NEETs are saints in comparison. At least they don’t feed into the system.

>> No.11524169

Going out with friends is the most vapid and time wasting activity you could ever engage in. Please tell me what amazing unique and interesting experiences you've had this week you pretentious clown

t. seething gamer that knows a coping normie wannabe when he sees one

>> No.11524197

productive? In what way you are productive shitposting and spouting memes of your ass all day OP

>> No.11524260
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most games are garbage ass shit waist of time.

you have good games tho. but they are rare.
here is a short list. play one of them and tell me its no a good game. that is worth your time

no particlar order
-Nier automata
-Dark souls 3 (DLC is super important)
-Last guardian

thats all the game i have played the last 5 years.

good game to play as a Hobby
-guilty gear
-fighting games in general

>> No.11524275

Self-education > gaming. We live in the age of the internet. There's so much free info around us and yet you imbeciles decide to mindlessly mash buttons and spend your hard-earned money on colorful pixels.

>> No.11524281

last guardian was terrible, senpai. just play the original shadow of the colossus again

>> No.11524316

Wasting your time getting super smart to do what though? If you have a great job stable income house friends family I don't see why gaming would not be okay

>> No.11524318

fighting games are for niggers

>> No.11524350
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Last guardian was amazing simple from the fact of interactiong with "trico" the giant bird cat dog pet

besides games
reading is good
- construction enginering
- engines(motors etc))
- A.I is intresting
- psycologey is pretty intresting
- game theory

besides that as hobbies
- drawing
- weightlifting(oly lifting alot of squats)

the work ofcourse.

there is a saying if you only do one thing your gona get boored of it. say you play vivdia 10hours a day. after a year heck even 1 month and your gona get board as hell. EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.

even work is fun as long as you dont go overboard.

OP depends on what your goal in life is.
-sit back and do nothing mindless self indulgency
- work like a mother fucker( are only a tinny tinny miniority that work like that))
- a mixture of working(smart) hobbies to take mind of from work and relaxing.
money isnt everything(depending on what country you live in)

>> No.11524352

I've wasted more than my share of life playing vidya compulsively. But after I got a job I realized how similar mindless gaming and mindless wagecucking are. I only play games if I make a conscious choice to now, and only my favorite games that have some broader value to me. Generally I play only with friends, maybe once a week. And as a rule if I find myself bored with the game I quit immediately.

Chans on the other hand...

>> No.11524389 [DELETED] 
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also would like to add, that you Do learn alot from games. regardless of what you think or not.

you learn new mechanics. you need to use your brain(on the harder types of games) helps with plasticety in your brain, something you lose when you get older. soo sure games are shit. but not all
just like movies and books are shit. but not all

just like music is shit but not all of it.

godspeed op

>> No.11524395

The most based game in existence

>> No.11524421
File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, Pure Chess®_20170111201742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also would like to add, that you Do learn alot from games. regardless of what you think or not.

you learn new mechanics. you need to use your brain(on the harder types of games) helps with plasticety in your brain, something you lose when you get older. soo sure games are shit. but not all
just like movies and books are shit. but not all

just like music is shit but not all of it.

godspeed op

>> No.11524433

kek, you think that guy sits their all day playing vidya, you're fucking delirious

>> No.11524443
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true its pretty fun game. i must admit

>> No.11524514

Do you have any of those though? Hes not wrong though cant really go wrong with learning another language, you guys come off as brain poisoned morons, and this is coming from someone that basically lost a year of his life playing LoL

>> No.11524561

depends on what you think you waisted.
League of legends teaches you many things
atleast if you where in the competetive landscape

you learn to turtle, to collect resources. time managment. desionmaking.
early game power, vs lategame power.

think it was time worth waisting. think about it and you should have learned alot from playing lol. that you can use in everyday life.
or maybe am just autistic and see connections others do not

>> No.11524575
File: 140 KB, 663x715, 1C0A9D0C-439B-49A8-8E28-A7509125C374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stoner
>tfw could game all day as a NEET if i chose to
>tfw realized a long time ago that playing video games is a complete wastes of time for unproductive faggots

the best video game is life itself, but these brain dead wageaves will never realize, theyll just escape to their fantasy land to cope.

>> No.11524598

also learning a language your not going to use regurarly is semi waist of time. english + 1 or 2 more languages are all you need.

and if you want to learn languages the fastest and most efficent way amoungs many.
is watching movies, tv series, where they speak the language you want to learn + subtitles in the language you want to learn. roughyl 17-25% is absorbd. if you watch with subtitles of your native language you learn ZERO 0%

>> No.11524606

>-Nier automata
>-Dark souls 3 (DLC is super important)
>-Last guardian
>all new shit
are you underage

>> No.11524628
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>> No.11524679

It did I was fairly young when it happened, the most important habit I learned out of it was to blame myself for my shortcomings.
That sounds pitiful but I was very proud before I started playing, still I was failing in life and could have done a lot more in that time.

>> No.11524707

I wasn't even talking about becoming super smart or anything. Even on a board like this, you can learn basic stuff about finance and shitcoins. Already makes for more interesting discussions than 99% of what you talk about with normies in your everyday life. Don't be a braindead normie. Educate yourself a bit on a few topics and it will elevate your social interactions to a whole new level. I'm really interested in Biology and health related topics for example. Every time I'm around a doctor, it feels like there's infinite topics to talk about. Because of this, I've actually befriended quite a few of them, who would otherwise have nothing in common with me. Now, imagine playing games all day. Sure, if you like games don't quit gaming entirely, but you're limiting yourself way too much if you just wagecuck and game all day.

>> No.11524722

that is the best thing you could fucking learn period. most people dont learn this throught a lifetime of experience. good for you dude

>> No.11524734
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relax fren.

managing a team in lol is very similar to managing people you work with your boss(bitch ass adc)

the agreeable whiny cant stand up forhimself(supprt)
the chad that wants attention(top laner/mid laner)

the one who works silently in the shadows(jungler)

I can go on. you learn to interact with bunch of diffrent people, mostly instictivly driven. you learn to cooperate with complete batshit insane people.

you learn alot like it or not =)

my dad got me games as a kid, games that was fun but was all secrelty math games language games etc. even got me spanish pokemon yellow. mother fucker was a smart man

>> No.11524789

MMOs are objectively the best videogames ever made because they are the most reactive. And its real reactivity not some fake ass scripted set pieces like in most games.

>> No.11524852

>why are young males so interested in gaming?
I think young men instinctively seek out unowned spaces. Those spaces IRL are basically non-existent today and even when I was growing up out in the countryside it was hard to play in spaces totally free. These online spaces and communities represent a new frontier of basically unlimited potential and virtual reality.

>> No.11524890

There's so much knowledge to read up on, though. My current book is a review of ancient history. On deck I have books on technical analysis (kek), home brewing, and Icelandic Sagas. Lately, I don't feel like playing a game because the reading is to interesting.

>> No.11525143

This can confirm 100%

When I quit playing games I transitioned to fiction reading and film/shows binge watching.

I never had a clue what to do with my life, I still don't since nothing really attracts me and it feels like such a daunting task to even try to figure it out that I kept postponing it and occupied my time with vidya and other time wasters and now I feel stuck.

>> No.11525280

You are killing your memory so desu I'd rather play games then smoke.

>> No.11525356

so, what do you do with your time?

>> No.11526113

sounds like something a boomer old fart would say, just pin anything bad that you dont like on shit people younger than you enjoy

>> No.11526216

most people are 'unproductive' because they have nothing to actually produce anyway. they are not smart enough or self aware enough. the laws of nature dictate only a minority of 'alphas' can produce while the rest of the betas consume.

>> No.11526245

maybe because a lot of us are business minded people and so we have to stay productive to make money.

I dislike video games but that's my personality: the whole time I'm playing them I feel like it's a sinkhole of productivity. I don't go around acting like people are wasting "their" time because life's all about what makes you happy.

>> No.11526385
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Hey, how about them taxes?

Tell Mr Shecklestien I said hi.

>> No.11526452

i completely agree. when i was a wagie i worked with a guy that was a huge nintendo fan. so muchso to the point he had an entire room with nintendo games velcrowed to the walls, not an inch of the walls wasnt covered with a nintendo game. he had collected over 2000 games for various nintendo consoles. his prize posession was an sd card with every nintendo/snes/n64 game ever made in ROM format. he wage cucked with me and was kicked out of the army for writing the word "nigger" on an outpost. so he got stuck working at a bar on the beach. real nice guy but all he ever did was work and play vidya. he was boring as hell, completely bluepilled. feel sorry for him and hes a big reason why i stopped playing so much vidya. only play ARK now cause its more of a richfag game anyways. even then i might spend 6hrs/wk playing games. definitely spend more time on the chans than anything. and thats a good thing!

>> No.11526469


Yeah... I used to be addicted to games in my teens and nearly failed a grade in HS because of it, and barely squeaked by getting in to college (low 2's HS GPA and somehow got in to a college averaging 3.7 unweighted). Thankfully I grew out of vidya by age 18 but one of my friends sadly never stopped being addicted to vidya and has wasted over half his 20's already because he flunked college on his first attempt and is now 24 with at least 2 more years to go until he gets his BA.

>> No.11526547
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>> No.11526838


Halo 3, only acceptable game to play all day

>> No.11527303

it depends, im good as fuck at call of duty and can turn it into a career if i chose...if u suck then yes its a waste of time unless ur playing minecraft maybe because minecraft is honestly stress relieving

>> No.11527423

H0ly fucking shit is this stupid. What? he doesn't play your game? He doesn't do the stuff you do? Ofc he is going to be fucking boring to you.

For me, people who plays games are more interesting than the normie scum like u.

>> No.11527450

>>11521495 in a podcast I've been listening to the guy is talking about the problem of pleasure. There's a bunch of extra information but the main point is that if something doesn't distract or diminish your ultimate goal than it is a legitimate pleasure. If your gaming has gone to where you're not gaining any more relaxation or joy from it then you should slow down. A bunch of people end up being depressed because they drown themselves in too much pleasure thinking it'll help them the most. When they are just destroying their main goal, unless that is their main goal then i guess gj

>> No.11527459

Get out of here with your idiotic conspiracy theories

>> No.11527464

yeah watching movies or tv like you and other npc do.

>> No.11527597

Not all day, but he does play vidya.

>> No.11527722

>zoomer games

>> No.11527748

My friend is literally class rank 1 in the MCDB program at my university, triple major, works in a lab and got his name on a biology research paper as a fucking Sophomore. He smokes fucktons of weed.

>> No.11527770

Sometimes you find something you really really like. MMOs fill a void when you don't have a job. You feel like you're actually progressing and working towards goals, even if it's just your virtual character who's moving up in a virtual world.

>> No.11527898
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Kim Dotcom

>> No.11528267

Hi Jacob

>> No.11528340

Oh you're one of those fags who thinks his shitty generic jrpg from 2002 is better than gta5

>> No.11528636

I'm around your age as well
I found I wasn't really having fun playing games anymore
download TF2, play for 2-3 hours, uninstall it in disgust because I should be programming instead

>I think those games are genuinely the worst because it's not really a game, it's a second life.
yeah, that's why I quit FFXIV, I found I wasn't enjoying raiding and it was like a second job/life that sucked away my time
>You never run out of stuff to do and there's constant pressure to improve your character.
I found that was a real issue for RuneScape as well, due to all the shit you can do and all the stuff you can get to make training more efficient

>> No.11529356

Gaming definitely fucked up my life in terms of stifling social development but these days I consume and appreciate it like any other media and you'd be pretty silly to think it's unproductive to encounter and think about concepts found in that media.

my new vice is porn

>> No.11529700

Am 30 in 2 weeks. I managed to quit DotA, sold my inventory for a couple ETH last year. I still play games but have other hobbies that fill my time a lot more. Im super into aggressive inline skating, motorcycle tinkering, and my life passion is aerial circus arts. You can be interesting but you have have time management and maybe don't have kids. Most everyone I've met with children is boring as fuck.

>> No.11529741

holy fuck what a terrible post

hint: playing old titles and having a "niche" taste and not announcing it doesn't make you any different. A "shit taste" is subjective.

>> No.11529759

the games arent the problem... it's the ability for the player to understand what it means in their life. smart people game. stupid people game. how it becomes a part of your daily life is what will define you. stop blaming other shit for your personal failures.

>> No.11529778

Best thing I did was drop vg after university. Focused on fitness and other shit instead.

>> No.11529796

imagine what he'd be doing if he didn't

>> No.11530591

>Is there anything worse than video games for productivity?

>> No.11530626

This. Thats why minecraft was so huge back then

>> No.11530652

I play video games only to help my job, which is sound design for video games. It's actually kinda boring but occasionally fun when you have to make interesting alien screams or something.

>> No.11530706

Productivity is beeing a slave to women. Vidya takes that away from women.

>> No.11530741

what is exactly interesting to you? what should i do besides play games

>> No.11530771

>They are UNINTERESTING people. Boring.

Ok anon, blow me away with how fucking interesting your worthless ass is. I bet you never created anything or even did one interesting thing in your entire life.

>> No.11530786

>go out with friends, go to the gym.. you know

Sounds pretty fucking boring too me. Did you actually DO something with your time or get drunk at bars and talk about sports? Fucking NPC detected.

YO guys, going to the gym makes you interesting all of a sudden! kek

>> No.11530821

> why do you waste all that time playing video games
> why don’t you just bing watch Netflix every night like normal people

>> No.11530867
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> Video games are super uninteresting. Why not go to the gym or get involved with sports!

>> No.11530887
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> Video games a total shit. Lets spend hours on 4chan garnering the courage to eventually point it out on a cryptocurrency forum.

>> No.11530916


>> No.11530937

just lucky gambler

>> No.11530958


Not really, from any philosophical point of view. Its easier to poke fun at this kind of moronics and lack of self awareness than it is to explain that aspirations, interests and inspiration can come from a lot of different places.

If the OP discussed the fine point of an individual who has spent 300 days on an MMO but gained nothing from the experience then I might agree. But in most cases people gain life long friendships, interest in creating video games of their own, inspiration to be content creators and various other things. A lot of the time people who get addicted to a game like that tend to be depressed and they use the game as a crutch to not fucking kill themselves. But OP is right, depressed people should fucking kill themselves out of fear of not being interesting to HIM.

But you know, going to the gym is always better because reasons.

> If only everyone was exactly like me then we can all be interesting, the thread

>> No.11530971

>Learning a language or skill? gym?
Wow. So interest. Much exciting. I wouldn't be able to wait to hear of that amazing time when he benched 40 kg or that one time when during his Spanish lesson nothing really happened. Riveting tales.
There are literally no interesting people, it's just an illusion that goes away once you actually know someone (or the thing they do).

>> No.11531131

I don't know about you but learning C++ made me a hit at every party.

>> No.11531242
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What about working on my own game as opposed to playing others'?

>> No.11531320
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>A lot of the time people who get addicted to a game like that tend to be depressed and they use the game as a crutch to not fucking kill themselves.

>> No.11531416

You okay, anon?

>> No.11531432
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thanks for asking.

>> No.11531623
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Yes, gaymers are the ultimate NPCs, literally retards gluing their minds into virtual skinner boxes because they don't have what it takes to compete and create in real life.

Knowing multiple languages opens you several opportunities in terms of business and career (my brother is the trilingual guy in his company and he is doing trips everywhere, not only he's financially comfy but it led him to some pretty cool adventures).
Being fit open your opportunities literally everywhere, it makes your more confident, more attractive, more threatening and basically tells to people that you are someone with a fair amount of discipline and mental strength, all of that through the subconscious of people around you.

>> No.11531678

Yeah but are you him?

>> No.11531698

but anon I made huge dollars boosting on league

>> No.11531750

Feeling exactly the same anon

>> No.11532084


answer me this

>> No.11532127

Its extremely healthy mentally to figure out how to build a game. As long as you are using your brain you are doing something good. People like the OP may be talking more about people who just stare at a TV and shut their minds off more than anything.

This hit me a bit. I hope you find your happiness anon.

>Knowing multiple languages opens you several opportunities in terms of business and career

Knowing how video games work and what its like to play them opens up just as many possibilities as learning a language. The bottom line is you get what you take out of it. If you spend copious hours doing anything mindlessly then you are fucking yourself no matter what it is. But if you apply your mind even in the world of gaming you can gain useful knowledge and insight.

>> No.11532331
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>posts on 4chan
>accuses others of wasting time