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11521235 No.11521235 [Reply] [Original]

Heh say anon when are you gonna settle down, get married and buy a house?

>> No.11521252

My wife makes me happy and I enjoy spending time with her.

>> No.11521287

How well behaved is her son? Serious question

>> No.11521293
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Mine too anon. My life at home is absolutely perfect. Making a million dollars in crypto is all I need now to literally solve all my problems.

>> No.11521318

She doesn't have previous partners because I am not a retard I got my wife to fall in love with me when we were still in HS.

Could be better but I am not rich.

>> No.11521328



>> No.11521343

I'm jealous, I'm 25 years old and all the women around me are overweight used-up stacies with dead end jobs or starbucks tier degrees

>> No.11521344
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You know a house is an investment anon! Real estate always goes up! Forget that we are at the top of a bubble, importing unskilled 3rd worlders at an alarming rate, and the fact you have to pay property taxes, insurance and repairs! Your a loser if you don’t own a suburban McMansion and put yourself into 100’sk in debt!

>> No.11521372

>women make life miserable
>see point 1, so if wife makes anon happy wife must be a trans, anon is married to a man

>> No.11521377

I heard people in the UK and America have it rough with your woman. Sorry Anon, "big" city woman suck all around the world though.

>> No.11521498

>tfw haven't had sex or gf in almost 5 years
>15k at 21 years old
>zero debt
Not worth it desu

>> No.11521870
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lol 3D
Just Monika.

>> No.11522069
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Buy a dog. I'll be that happy go lucky free spirit passing your minivan from the right lane with a dog hanging his head out the window, barking at you as your wife is screaming at you to ask for directions

>> No.11522169
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24 year old doomer here that got engaged to my girlfriend of 4 years. It was a big decision, but I realized that if I kept waiting for "just the right time" it would never come. We make each other happy, enjoy the same things, and look forward to a family.

All of my divorced 30 year old boomer co-workers and actual boomers tried to tell me I was making a mistake and talk me out of it. Did I fuck up /biz/, or have I just been demoralized by the past generations of divorcees on their 3rd wife?

>> No.11522194

If you have to ask, you fucked up. Enjoy the ride

>> No.11522220
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>> No.11522239

I don't see a divorce in our future at all, I'm simply wondering why all these boomers got so butthurt when I told them I was planning to get married.

>> No.11522241

After I build a decently competing cartel empire selling counterfeit jeans.

>> No.11522253
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We're all happy for you, but get a prenup anyway.

>> No.11522280

When a woman will get acquainted with the new situation she's in, she'll start to have thoughts she didn't before. Thoughts she didn't even knew she could've had.
Her behavior will change as she will not have to keep a facade in front of you any more. She won't care about your surprise about this, because she has you by the balls. This will launch into a 'positive' feedback loop ending in complete misery.

>> No.11522337

Go for it. Worst that could happen is a divorce, and then, you can honestly say never to marriage without a second thought. Or, live happily ever after with her, it's 70/30 odds for the Snapchat generation 60/40 for the myspace generation, 50/50 for the msdos generation and 40/60 for der boomer

>> No.11522356

This. For real. Blame it on your parents or something but you have to get one. Also write in some escape clause with which you can fuck her over from almost everything just in case

>> No.11522408

Full disclosure: My dad was a divorce attorney before he worked at Nintendo

>> No.11522409

Yes. Even though I know there is a huge gamble in doing so, and that I'll likely get divorced I'm doing it anyway.

Theres nothing I want more than a nice home with a wife I love and a few kids to come home to every day. It's too risky not to at least try, and miss out on the greatest thing in life; family.

>> No.11522665

Thanks fren, you're one of the few that has even wished me well. Surprised it came from /biz/.

Of course relationships change after being with someone for time. I've watched that happen for the last 4 years already, and we always adapt and grow stronger because of it. Things we're different in my past relationships.

This was my assessment. Are these the odds for divorce or odds of staying together?

No prenup required as we're both lowly wagecucks and not materialistic in the slightest. She comes from a family in medicine and probably has more potential money in her future than I do anyways.

This doesn't seem like the best outlook. Planning for a divorce sounds like a bad sign that it will be a self fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.11522675


>> No.11522712

Being divorced in your 30s is better than being forever alone in your 30s.

>> No.11522734

I'm not planning for a divorce at all. I just understand the statistics aren't very promising. People don't get married thinking they will get divorced, but it happens to half of them anyway

>> No.11522748

You're prob fucked. 30 year old boomer here and almost all my friends that married young are divorced now. Almost across the board the woman changed as soon as they tied the knot. You'll also probably start to resent her 10 years from now when you wake up and realize you never got to fully enjoy your 20s and instead wasted them on a now fat and equally resentful old hag. Sorry for the size of this red pill, it's going to hurt to swallow it.

>> No.11522911
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unless you were the first to deflower her, dump that bitch and find a virgin.

>> No.11522919

If you’ve already had one or two LTR’s how is being a divorced cuck who lost half his shit better than being alone in your 30’s? I get it if you’ve never had a relationship before I guess but if you have and have realized women are a meme to make you be a good goy why take the gamble?

>> No.11522925

>when are you gonna settle down, get married and buy a house?
When I'll become normal.

>> No.11523017

A true wife is a life partner. It's the one person other than your parents that always has your back. Fuck your friends in the end they look out for themselves... your bitch is the one who will be at the hospital when you have a fucking heart attack. She is the one who will be there when your dick no longer works. Keep your woman happy - fuck her often and support her... dont listen to these NEETvirgin losers.

>> No.11523183

bought a house before getting a gf

>> No.11523330

It's my own personal
Divorce/married till death

>> No.11523344

said nobody ever

>> No.11523364

where the fuck do you find a virgin these days
I have a hard time meeting girls in general let alone virgins

>> No.11523377
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>> No.11523390

east asia and go for the college ones. most spent too much time in highschool studying to get into a good school to have much of a social life.

>> No.11523395
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>> No.11523706

>Respect womyn!
>stop treating us like sex objects!
Behave like sex objects more and more everyday......

>> No.11523752


>> No.11523762

>Get a dog goys, fuck women
People like you ate the same as the 30 year old cat ladies. What is it with people and their mutt fixations. Dogs are simply tools anon, not a human replacement.

>> No.11523779

I’m 30, and I know I’m a totally different person I was when I was 24. I would not be that guys friend. People change over time, that’s why marriages get turbulent before people’s brains are fully developed. If it works though good for you, go make some white babies.

>> No.11523841

Divorce is an easy-quit for women whenever there is a problem in marriage, they get half of you wealth, kids and can easily find another partner, it is just a bad business for us

>> No.11523848

>loyal, listens, happy to see you when you get home, there for you during your darkest moments and will cuddle up with you when you’re sad, low budget/maintenance, can be used to pick up girls to fuck
>none of the above
>has a wet hole
>ages in dog years after 21

>> No.11523866

>can easily find another partner
Is this true? Who the hell wants a single mother? Her choices become get narrowed to disgusting beta cucks she still detests.

>> No.11523915

You're just projecting most of those emotions though
Even if the dog were existentially sad somehow you wouldn't even care
You can only have a onesided conversation with a dog, which you can also have just by yourself

>> No.11523920

How do I meet college girls. I'm out of college now :C

>> No.11523946

>You can only have a onesided conversation with a dog
autist detected

>> No.11524001

Even fat disabled women get laid better than the average guy, this is how this society works, look out for tinder experiments

>> No.11524003

Sign up again

>> No.11524057

This guy gets it. Getting married in your early/mid 20s is like taking out a huge student loan at 18 to get a liberal arts degree. You're locking yourself into a huge lifelong commitment while your mind is still under development. It works out for some but for most it's a disaster.

>> No.11524105

My dog literally vocalizes emotions with grunts and whines similar to Chewbacca. I can't honestly say he isn't sentient like myself. Way more fun than the ex wife, can confirm he gets me laid when i want it too.

>> No.11524154

Anon, the problem is that people always fall into their infatuation and blindly hitch with some bitch. It isn't a race, you should date a minimum of 7 years before you decide if moving in together or hitching is even worth it. I see too many men and women making shitty ass decisions because:
>muh dick/vagina
>this is the best I can do
>she/he is out of my league, score!
>money/financial security
>muh dick/vagina

>> No.11524261
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>> No.11524274

>get laid better
who cares about getting laid in this situation. Certainly not the single mother.

>> No.11524292

>7 years
>women are ticking timebombs that crave commitment before they devalue
>7 years
probably the average length of marriages these days, it was for me.
Shit nigga, they'll just leave before ever having to get married, it's a win win. Why didn't i think of that at age 23?? Oh yeah, my brain was still soft.

>> No.11524324

Sorry anon. I've been happily married 11 years. Bitch knows she has it good, but if she decides to go full stacy on my ass, I made it clear I would just love on. Although I know that won't happen. I'm not a second chance type of guy though. We dis meet since we were high school sweethearts and she's pretty based.

>> No.11524349

i got a dog and hes a pain in the ass 24/7

>> No.11524383

thats the best time to get married so you grow and develop with your partner cementing the relationship instead of growing up alone

>> No.11524989


>> No.11525043

Dogs are the emotional equivalent of a sexdoll

>> No.11525178
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Me and my bf have been together 8 years, started dating when I was 19 and he was 22. We broke up 3 times and have went through a ton of shit and it's made us stronger and once I finish college we will get married. We also been living together for about 5 years now, I say move in before you get married because then you can see how shitty someone is or isn't

>> No.11525236

>not loving your dog unconditionally
>not receiving unconditional love in return
Not making it

>> No.11525265

thats kinda gay

>> No.11525287

These posts are how people cope with sucking at women/socializing/life

I'm sorry you're so sad. Expand those Horizons.

>> No.11525443

I'll settle down and buy a house when HOT reaches $1.

>> No.11525522

but im a vagina

>> No.11526458
